public override void PostSpawnSetup() { fuelContainer = new ThingContainer(this, false); // internal temperature initialize internalTemp = parent.Position.GetTemperature(); // required comps initialize compFueled = parent.TryGetComp<CompFueled>(); compFlickable = parent.TryGetComp<CompFlickable>(); compHeatPusher = parent.TryGetComp<CompHeatPusher>(); heatPerSecond_fromXML = compHeatPusher.Props.heatPerSecond; compGlower = parent.TryGetComp<CompGlower>(); glowRadius_fromXML = compGlower.Props.glowRadius; // initialize glower and heater AdjustGlowerAndHeater(); // filters initialize filterFuelPossible.SetDisallowAll(); filterFuelPossible.allowedQualitiesConfigurable = false; filterFuelPossible.allowedHitPointsConfigurable = false; foreach (var thingDef in DefDatabase<ThingDef>.AllDefs.Where(def => !def.statBases.NullOrEmpty() && def.statBases.Exists(stat => stat.stat.defName == "MaxBurningTempCelsius" && stat.value > 0))) { filterFuelPossible.SetAllow(thingDef, true); } filterFuelCurrent.CopyAllowancesFrom(filterFuelPossible); }
public override void SpawnSetup() { base.SpawnSetup(); // required comps initialize compFueled = this.TryGetComp<CompFueled>(); }
protected override void FillTab() { burner = SelThing.TryGetComp<CompFueled>(); const float MarginSize = 5f; const float TextHeight = 25f; // height is the total count of used text field heights and margins size = new Vector2(432f, TextHeight * 6 + MarginSize * 3); // make smaller rect with margin size borders var innerRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, size.x, size.y).ContractedBy(MarginSize); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; GUI.BeginGroup(innerRect); { // allowed fuel types filter button var filterRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, innerRect.width / 2, TextHeight); { if (Widgets.ButtonText(filterRect, "Fuel filter")) { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Window_ThingFilter(burner, 105f)); } } // fuel container info var fuelRect = new Rect(0f, filterRect.height + MarginSize, filterRect.width, innerRect.height - (filterRect.height + MarginSize)); // fuel container background Widgets.DrawMenuSection(fuelRect); // contract actual size after drawing BG fuelRect = fuelRect.ContractedBy(MarginSize); // if fuel tank not empty if (burner.fuelContainer.Count > 0) { if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(fuelRect)) { var options = new List<FloatMenuOption> { new FloatMenuOption("Fuel Info", () => { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_InfoCard(burner.fuelContainer[0])); }), new FloatMenuOption("Fuel Drop".Translate(), () => { burner.fuelContainer.TryDropAll(burner.parent.Position, ThingPlaceMode.Near); }) }; Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(options, string.Empty)); } GUI.BeginGroup(fuelRect); { var fuel = burner.fuelContainer[0]; // current fuel type icon var fuelIconRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, TextHeight * 2, TextHeight * 2); Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(fuelIconRect, IconBGTex, 1); Widgets.ThingIcon(fuelIconRect.ContractedBy(2f), fuel); // burning fillable bar var burningLabelRect = new Rect(fuelIconRect.width + MarginSize, 0f, fuelRect.width - (fuelIconRect.width + MarginSize), fuelIconRect.height / 2); Widgets.Label(burningLabelRect, "Burning progress:"); var burningBarRect = new Rect(burningLabelRect.x, burningLabelRect.height, burningLabelRect.width, burningLabelRect.height); var percentBurnDuration = burner.currentFuelBurnDuration / (fuel.GetStatValue(StatDef.Named("BurnDurationHours")) * GenDate.TicksPerHour); Widgets.FillableBar(burningBarRect, percentBurnDuration, FullTexFuel, EmptyTex, false); // fuel count fillable bar var fuelCountBarRect = new Rect(0f, burningBarRect.yMax + MarginSize, fuelRect.width, 20f); var fillPercentFuelCount = fuel.stackCount / (float)fuel.def.stackLimit; Widgets.FillableBar(fuelCountBarRect, fillPercentFuelCount, FullTexFuelCount, EmptyTex, false); Widgets.Label(fuelCountBarRect, string.Format("Fuel amount: {0}/{1}", fuel.stackCount, fuel.def.stackLimit)); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; // current fuel type info var fuelEstimatedTimeRect = new Rect(0f, fuelCountBarRect.yMax + MarginSize / 2, fuelRect.width, 20f); Widgets.Label(fuelEstimatedTimeRect, string.Format("Depletes after:\t{0}", TimeInfo(fuel.stackCount * (int)fuel.GetStatValue(StatDef.Named("BurnDurationHours")) * GenDate.TicksPerHour))); // current fuel type info var fuelMaxTempRect = new Rect(0f, fuelEstimatedTimeRect.yMax, fuelRect.width, fuelEstimatedTimeRect.height); Widgets.Label(fuelMaxTempRect, string.Format("Max tempertarure:\t{0} °C", fuel.GetStatValue(StatDef.Named("MaxBurningTempCelsius")))); } GUI.EndGroup(); } // no fuel else { Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; Widgets.Label(fuelRect, "No fuel"); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; } // burner info var burnerRect = new Rect(filterRect.width + MarginSize, 0f, innerRect.width - (fuelRect.width + MarginSize * 3), innerRect.height); GUI.BeginGroup(burnerRect); { Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; // refuel percent slider var sliderLabelRect = new Rect(0f, 0f, burnerRect.width, TextHeight); Widgets.Label(sliderLabelRect, "Refuel at " + burner.fuelStackRefuelPercent.ToStringPercent()); var sliderRect = new Rect(0f, sliderLabelRect.height - 2.5f, burnerRect.width, TextHeight / 2); burner.fuelStackRefuelPercent = GUI.HorizontalSlider(sliderRect, burner.fuelStackRefuelPercent, 0f, 1f); // burner fillable bar var burnerLabelRect = new Rect(0f, sliderRect.yMax, burnerRect.width, TextHeight); Widgets.Label(burnerLabelRect, "Internal temperature:"); var burnerBarRect = new Rect(0f, burnerLabelRect.yMax, burnerRect.width, TextHeight); var percentRequiredHeat = Mathf.Min(burner.internalTemp / burner.compFueled.Properties.operatingTemp, 1f); Widgets.FillableBar(burnerBarRect, percentRequiredHeat, percentRequiredHeat == 1 ? FullTexBurnerHight : FullTexBurnerLow, EmptyTex, false); // line, indiciting operating temp, when internal is above that if (percentRequiredHeat == 1) Widgets.DrawLineVertical(burnerBarRect.x + burnerBarRect.width * (1 -burner.compFueled.Properties.operatingTemp / burner.internalTemp), burnerBarRect.y, burnerBarRect.height); Widgets.Label(burnerBarRect, burner.internalTemp.ToString("F1") + " °C"); // burner operating temp label var burnerOpLabelRect = new Rect(0f, burnerBarRect.yMax, burnerRect.width, TextHeight); Widgets.Label(burnerOpLabelRect, "Operating temperature: " + burner.compFueled.Properties.operatingTemp +" °C"); // burner current condition label var burnerConditionLabelRect = new Rect(0f, burnerOpLabelRect.yMax, burnerRect.width * 0.55f, burnerRect.height - burnerOpLabelRect.yMax); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleRight; Widgets.Label(burnerConditionLabelRect, "Current status:"); // burner current condition status var burnerConditionStatusRect = new Rect(burnerConditionLabelRect.xMax, burnerConditionLabelRect.y, burnerRect.width - burnerConditionLabelRect.width, burnerConditionLabelRect.height); string status; if (burner.internalTemp >= burner.compFueled.Properties.operatingTemp) { status = " working"; GUI.color =; } else { status = " low temp"; GUI.color =; } Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; Widgets.Label(burnerConditionStatusRect, status); GUI.color = Color.white; } GUI.EndGroup(); } GUI.EndGroup(); // resets text anchor to upper left (game default) GenUI.ResetLabelAlign(); }
public Window_ThingFilter(CompFueled burner, float offsetY) { closeOnEscapeKey = true; closeOnClickedOutside = true; windowRect.width = 280f; windowRect.height = 200f; windowRect.x = 0f; windowRect.y = offsetY + windowRect.height; this.burner = burner; }