예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the Region
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="statLog"></param>
        /// <param name="cacheManager"></param>
        public Region(ref StatLog statLog, ref CacheManager cacheManager)
            // Store the statLog
            _statLog = statLog;

            // Store the cache manager
            _cacheManager = cacheManager;

            //default options
            _options = new RegionOptions();
            _options.width = 1024;
            _options.height = 768;
            _options.left = 0;
            _options.top = 0;
            _options.uri = null;

            Location = new System.Drawing.Point(_options.left, _options.top);
            Size = new System.Drawing.Size(_options.width, _options.height);
            BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;

            if (ApplicationSettings.Default.DoubleBuffering)
                SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true);
                SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);

            // Create a new BlackList for us to use
            _blackList = new BlackList();
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the CacheManager
        /// </summary>
        private void SetCacheManager()
                using (FileStream fileStream = File.Open(ApplicationSettings.Default.LibraryPath + @"\" + ApplicationSettings.Default.CacheManagerFile, FileMode.Open))
                    XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(CacheManager));

                    _cacheManager = (CacheManager)xmlSerializer.Deserialize(fileStream);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Trace.WriteLine(new LogMessage("MainForm - SetCacheManager", "Unable to reuse the Cache Manager because: " + ex.Message));

                // Create a new cache manager
                _cacheManager = new CacheManager();

            catch (Exception ex)
                Trace.WriteLine(new LogMessage("MainForm - SetCacheManager", "Regenerate failed because: " + ex.Message));
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a schedule
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scheduleLocation"></param>
        public Schedule(string scheduleLocation, ref CacheManager cacheManager, ref ClientInfo clientInfoForm)
            Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("XMDS Location: {0}", ApplicationSettings.Default.R23SignageClient_xmds_xmds));

            // Get the key for this display
            _hardwareKey = new HardwareKey();

            // Save the schedule location
            _scheduleLocation = scheduleLocation;

            // Create a new collection for the layouts in the schedule
            _layoutSchedule = new Collection<LayoutSchedule>();
            // Set cachemanager
            _cacheManager = cacheManager;

            // Set client info form
            _clientInfoForm = clientInfoForm;

            // Create a Register Agent
            _registerAgent = new RegisterAgent();
            _registerAgent.OnXmrReconfigure += _registerAgent_OnXmrReconfigure;
            _registerAgentThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(_registerAgent.Run));
            _registerAgentThread.Name = "RegisterAgentThread";

            // Create a schedule manager
            _scheduleManager = new ScheduleManager(_cacheManager, scheduleLocation);
            _scheduleManager.OnNewScheduleAvailable += new ScheduleManager.OnNewScheduleAvailableDelegate(_scheduleManager_OnNewScheduleAvailable);
            _scheduleManager.OnRefreshSchedule += new ScheduleManager.OnRefreshScheduleDelegate(_scheduleManager_OnRefreshSchedule);
            _scheduleManager.OnScheduleManagerCheckComplete += _scheduleManager_OnScheduleManagerCheckComplete;
            _scheduleManager.ClientInfoForm = _clientInfoForm;

            // Create a schedule manager thread
            _scheduleManagerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(_scheduleManager.Run));
            _scheduleManagerThread.Name = "ScheduleManagerThread";

            // Create a Schedule Agent
            _scheduleAgent = new ScheduleAgent();
            _scheduleAgent.CurrentScheduleManager = _scheduleManager;
            _scheduleAgent.ScheduleLocation = scheduleLocation;
            _scheduleAgent.HardwareKey = _hardwareKey.Key;
            _scheduleAgent.ClientInfoForm = _clientInfoForm;

            // Create a thread for the Schedule Agent to run in - but dont start it up yet.
            _scheduleAgentThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(_scheduleAgent.Run));
            _scheduleAgentThread.Name = "ScheduleAgentThread";

            // Create a RequiredFilesAgent
            _requiredFilesAgent = new RequiredFilesAgent();
            _requiredFilesAgent.CurrentCacheManager = cacheManager;
            _requiredFilesAgent.HardwareKey = _hardwareKey.Key;
            _requiredFilesAgent.ClientInfoForm = _clientInfoForm;
            _requiredFilesAgent.OnComplete += new RequiredFilesAgent.OnCompleteDelegate(LayoutFileModified);

            // Create a thread for the RequiredFiles Agent to run in - but dont start it up yet.
            _requiredFilesAgentThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(_requiredFilesAgent.Run));
            _requiredFilesAgentThread.Name = "RequiredFilesAgentThread";

            // Library Agent
            _libraryAgent = new LibraryAgent();
            _libraryAgent.CurrentCacheManager = _cacheManager;
            // Create a thread for the Library Agent to run in - but dont start it up yet.
            _libraryAgentThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(_libraryAgent.Run));
            _libraryAgentThread.Name = "LibraryAgent";

            // Log Agent
            _logAgent = new LogAgent();
            _logAgentThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(_logAgent.Run));
            _logAgentThread.Name = "LogAgent";

            // XMR Subscriber
            _xmrSubscriber = new XmrSubscriber();
            _xmrSubscriber.HardwareKey = _hardwareKey;
            _xmrSubscriber.ClientInfoForm = _clientInfoForm;
            _xmrSubscriber.OnCollectNowAction += _xmrSubscriber_OnCollectNowAction;

            // Thread start
            _xmrSubscriberThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(_xmrSubscriber.Run));
            _xmrSubscriberThread.Name = "XmrSubscriber";
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new schedule Manager
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scheduleLocation"></param>
        public ScheduleManager(CacheManager cacheManager, string scheduleLocation)
            _cacheManager = cacheManager;
            _location = scheduleLocation;

            // Create an empty layout schedule
            _layoutSchedule = new Collection<LayoutSchedule>();
            _currentSchedule = new Collection<LayoutSchedule>();
            _commands = new Collection<ScheduleCommand>();

            _lastScreenShotDate = DateTime.MinValue;