예제 #1
        public async UniTask ImportDESETA(GameSettings settings, bool edu)
            // TODO: Not hard-code these?
            const int desAllfixCount      = 9;
            const int etaAllfixCount      = 5;
            int       otherDesAllfixCount = edu ? 8 : 7;
            int       otherEtaAllfixCount = edu ? 5 : 4;

            // Load in the JSON files to get our mappings
            await LevelEditorData.InitAsync(settings, true);

            using (var context = new Context(settings))
                GameSettings otherSettings;

                if (!edu)
                    // Find the first Rayman 1 version that the user has actually set up.
                    var mode = EnumHelpers.GetValues <GameModeSelection>().Where(x => x.GetAttribute <GameModeAttribute>().EngineVersion == EngineVersion.R1_PC).First(x => Settings.GameDirectories.ContainsKey(x) && Directory.Exists(Settings.GameDirectories[x]));

                    otherSettings = new GameSettings(mode, Settings.GameDirectories[mode], settings.World, settings.Level);
                    otherSettings = new GameSettings(GameModeSelection.RaymanEducationalPC, Settings.GameDirectories[GameModeSelection.RaymanEducationalPC], settings.World, settings.Level);

                using (var otherContext = new Context(otherSettings)) {
                    // Create manager for the other game, and load its files.
                    R1_PCBaseManager otherGame = (R1_PCBaseManager)otherSettings.GetGameManager;

                    if (edu)
                        otherContext.Settings.EduVolume = otherGame.GetLevels(otherContext.Settings).First().Name;

                    // Loop through the worlds.
                    for (int w = 1; w < 7; w++)
                        context.Settings.World = otherContext.Settings.World = w;
                        var wldPath = GetWorldFilePath(context.Settings);

                        await LoadFilesAsync(context);

                        await otherGame.LoadFilesAsync(otherContext);

                        // Load our WLD file and the other game's.
                        var wld      = FileFactory.Read <R1_PC_WorldFile>(wldPath, context);
                        var otherWld = FileFactory.Read <R1_PC_WorldFile>(otherGame.GetWorldFilePath(otherContext.Settings), otherContext);

                        // Get the list of existing ETA and DES files so we know what's missing.
                        var desNames = wld.DESFileNames.ToArray();
                        var etaNames = wld.ETAFileNames.ToArray();

                        // Use the tables to get mappings from the other game onto this one.
                        var desMappings = new Dictionary <int, string>();
                        var etaMappings = new Dictionary <int, string>();
                        var r1wld       = otherContext.Settings.R1_World;

                        var desNameTable = otherGame.GetDESNameTable(otherContext);
                        var etaNameTable = otherGame.GetETANameTable(otherContext);

                        // Go through the other game's DES and ETA name tables, and see if any one
                        // is missing from Designer.
                        for (int iDes = 0; iDes < desNameTable.Length; iDes++)
                            var desName = desNameTable[iDes];
                            if ((desName == null) || (desName == "N/A"))
                            if (!desNames.Contains($"{desName}.DES"))
                                // The DES is specified in the JSON file, but doesn't exist in the WLD file.
                                // Add it to the copy list.
                                desMappings[iDes] = $"{desName}.DES";

                                Debug.Log($"Mapping DES {iDes} to {desName}");
                        for (int iEta = 0; iEta < etaNameTable.Length; iEta++)
                            var etaName = etaNameTable[iEta];
                            if ((etaName == null) || (etaName == "N/A"))
                            if (!etaNames.Contains($"{etaName}.ETA"))
                                // The ETA is specified in the JSON file, but doesn't exist in the WLD file.
                                // Add it to the copy list.
                                etaMappings[iEta] = $"{etaName}.ETA";

                                Debug.Log($"Mapping ETA {iEta} to {etaName}");

                        // Now that we've set up the mappings, carry out the copies!
                        var newDesItems = wld.DesItems.ToList();
                        foreach (var mapping in desMappings)
                            Debug.Log($"Attempting to port DES {mapping.Key} -> {mapping.Value}");
                            newDesItems.Add(otherWld.DesItems[mapping.Key - otherDesAllfixCount - 1]);
                            wld.DesItemCount = (ushort)newDesItems.Count;
                            wld.DESFileNames[wld.DesItemCount + desAllfixCount - 1] = mapping.Value;
                        wld.DesItems = newDesItems.ToArray();

                        var newEtaItems = wld.Eta.ToList();
                        foreach (var mapping in etaMappings)
                            Debug.Log($"Attempting to port ETA {mapping.Key} -> {mapping.Value}");
                            newEtaItems.Add(otherWld.Eta[mapping.Key - otherEtaAllfixCount]);
                            wld.ETAFileNames[newEtaItems.Count + etaAllfixCount - 1] = mapping.Value;
                        wld.Eta = newEtaItems.ToArray();

                        // Save the WLD
                        FileFactory.Write <R1_PC_WorldFile>(wldPath, context);

            // Beef up the memory allocation if necessary.
            await IncreaseMemAlloc(settings);
예제 #2
        public static async UniTask BatchRandomizeAsync()
            try {
                // Get the settings
                var settings = Settings.GetGameSettings;

                // Init
                await LevelEditorData.InitAsync(settings);

                var manager = Settings.GetGameManager;

                // Get the flags
                var flag = Settings.RandomizerFlags;

                // Enumerate every world
                int totalLevels = manager.GetLevels(settings).First().Worlds.Sum(w => w.Maps.Length);
                int progress    = 0;

                var worlds = manager.GetLevels(settings).First().Worlds;

                foreach (var world in worlds)
                    // Set the world
                    settings.World = world.Index;

                    // Enumerate every level
                    foreach (var lvl in world.Maps)
                        var progressObj = new
                            world    = world.Index,
                            level    = lvl,
                            progress = (float)progress / totalLevels
                        Debug.Log("progress:" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(progressObj));

                        // Save the level
                        bool saveISO = world == worlds.Last() && lvl == world.Maps.Last();

                        if (flag > 0 || saveISO)
                            // Set the level
                            settings.Level = lvl;

                            // Create the context
                            using (var context = new Context(settings)) {
                                // Load the files
                                await manager.LoadFilesAsync(context);

                                // Load the level
                                var level = await manager.LoadAsync(context, true);

                                // Randomize (only first map for now)
                                string seed         = $"{world.Index},{lvl},{Settings.RandomizerSeed}";
                                int    seedHashCode = seed.GetHashCode();
                                Debug.Log($"seed = {seed} (seedHashCode = {seedHashCode})");

                                Randomizer.Randomize(level, world.Index, lvl, flag, seedHashCode, 0);


                                if (manager is R1_PS1_Manager ps1Manager)
                                    await ps1Manager.SaveLevelAsync(context, level, false);

                                    if (saveISO)
                                        Debug.Log("Saving ISO");
                                    await manager.SaveLevelAsync(context, level);


                Debug.Log("Randomizer Success");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
예제 #3
        public async UniTask LoadLevelAsync(IGameManager manager, Context context)
            // Create the context
            serializeContext = context;

            // Make sure all the necessary files are downloaded
            Controller.LoadState = Controller.State.LoadingFiles;
            await manager.LoadFilesAsync(serializeContext);

            await Controller.WaitIfNecessary();

            using (serializeContext) {
                // Init editor data
                await LevelEditorData.InitAsync(context.Settings);

                await Controller.WaitIfNecessary();

                // Load the level
                Controller.LoadState  = Controller.State.Loading;
                LevelEditorData.Level = await manager.LoadAsync(serializeContext, true);

                LevelEditorData.ShowEventsForMaps = LevelEditorData.Level.Maps.Select(x => true).ToArray();

                await Controller.WaitIfNecessary();

                if (Controller.LoadState == Controller.State.Error)

                Controller.LoadState = Controller.State.Initializing;
                await Controller.WaitIfNecessary();

                LevelEditorData.CurrentMap          = LevelEditorData.Level.DefaultMap;
                LevelEditorData.CurrentCollisionMap = LevelEditorData.Level.DefaultCollisionMap;

                Controller.DetailedState = $"Initializing tile maps";
                await Controller.WaitIfNecessary();

                // Init tilemaps

                Controller.DetailedState = $"Initializing events";
                await Controller.WaitIfNecessary();

                // Add events
                Objects = LevelEditorData.Level.EventData.Select(x => controllerEvents.AddEvent(x)).ToList();

                if (LevelEditorData.Level.Rayman != null)
                    RaymanObject = controllerEvents.AddEvent(LevelEditorData.Level.Rayman);

                // Init event things

                await Controller.WaitIfNecessary();

                // Set up history
                History = new EditorHistory <Ray1MapEditorHistoryItem>(x =>
                    // Set tiles
                    foreach (var tileItem in x.ModifiedTiles)
                        controllerTilemap.SetTileAtPos(tileItem.XPos, tileItem.YPos, tileItem.Item);

                if (Settings.ScreenshotEnumeration)