protected void ButtonAddRentType_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string rentTypeName = TextBoxRentTypeName.Text.Trim(); if (!QuickPM.Property.ValidRentType(rentTypeName)) { Session["PropertyErrorMessage"] = "<font color=\"red\">Only use letters, numbers, and % in the rent name</font>"; return; } int chartOfAccount = 0; if (TextBoxRentTypeChartOfAccount.Text.Trim() != "") { if (!Int32.TryParse(TextBoxRentTypeChartOfAccount.Text, out chartOfAccount)) { Session["PropertyErrorMessage"] = "<font color=\"red\">Please enter a number for the chart of account</font>"; return; } } QuickPM.Property property = new QuickPM.Property(Int32.Parse(Request["PropertyId"])); if (property.RentTypes.IndexOf(rentTypeName) != -1) { Session["PropertyErrorMessage"] = "<font color=\"red\">That rent name already exists!</font>"; return; } property.AddRentType(rentTypeName); if (TextBoxRentTypeChartOfAccount.Text.Trim() != "") { property.ChartOfAccounts.Add(property.RentTypes.Count - 1, chartOfAccount); } property.Save(); }
protected void PopulateTenantDropDown() { if (serviceRequest.PropertyId != -1) { QuickPM.Property prop = new QuickPM.Property(serviceRequest.PropertyId); List<string> tenantIds = prop.GetTenantIds(); foreach (string tenantId in tenantIds) { QuickPM.Tenant tenant = new QuickPM.Tenant(tenantId); ListItem item = new ListItem(tenant.GetShortName() + " (#" + tenantId + ")", tenantId); item.Selected = serviceRequest.TenantId == item.Value; DropDownListTenant.Items.Add(item); } if (serviceRequest.TenantId.Trim() == "") { TextBoxContactName.Text = ""; TextBoxContactName.Enabled = false; TextBoxContactPhone.Text = ""; TextBoxContactPhone.Enabled = false; TextBoxOtherAddress.Enabled = true; TextBoxOtherCity.Enabled = true; TextBoxOtherKeyContact.Enabled = true; TextBoxOtherNumber.Enabled = true; TextBoxOtherState.Enabled = true; } else { TextBoxContactName.Enabled = true; TextBoxContactPhone.Enabled = true; TextBoxOtherAddress.Enabled = false; TextBoxOtherCity.Enabled = false; TextBoxOtherKeyContact.Enabled = false; TextBoxOtherNumber.Enabled = false; TextBoxOtherState.Enabled = false; TextBoxOtherAddress.Text = ""; TextBoxOtherCity.Text = ""; TextBoxOtherKeyContact.Text = ""; TextBoxOtherNumber.Text = ""; TextBoxOtherState.Text = ""; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { QuickPMWebsite.DatabaseSettings.UpdateDatabaseConnectionString(Context.Profile, Request); serviceRequest = new ServiceRequest(); serviceRequest.PropertyId = -1; workOrder = new WorkOrderRequest(); long id = 0; if (Request["ServiceRequestId"] != null && long.TryParse(Request["ServiceRequestId"], out id)) { serviceRequest = new QuickPM.ServiceRequest(id); List<WorkOrderRequest> workOrders = QuickPM.WorkOrderRequest.Find<QuickPM.WorkOrderRequest>("ServiceRequestId", id); if (workOrders.Count > 0) { workOrder = workOrders[0]; } else { serviceRequest.Save(); workOrder.ServiceRequestId = serviceRequest.Id; workOrder.Save(); } } if (!IsPostBack) { PopulateControls(); ListItem tenantItem = new ListItem("None", ""); tenantItem.Selected = serviceRequest.TenantId == ""; DropDownListTenant.Items.Add(tenantItem); ListItem it = new ListItem("Other", "-1"); it.Selected = serviceRequest.PropertyId == long.Parse(it.Value); //DropDownListProperty.Items.Add(it); foreach (int PropertyId in QuickPM.Util.GetPropertyIds()) { QuickPM.Property p = new QuickPM.Property(PropertyId); ListItem item = new ListItem(p.Name + " (#" + PropertyId + ")", p.Id.ToString()); if (p.Id == serviceRequest.PropertyId) { item.Selected = true; } //DropDownListProperty.Items.Add(item); } PopulateTenantDropDown(); } //DropDownListProperty.Enabled = Request["PropertyId"] == null; //DropDownListProperty.Visible = Request["PropertId"] == null; TextBoxContactName.Visible = DropDownListTenant.SelectedValue != ""; TextBoxContactPhone.Visible = DropDownListTenant.SelectedValue != ""; }