public void HideMods(bool value) { if (!QSettings.Instance.isHidden && value) { PopulateAppLauncherButtons(); } for (int _i = ModsToolbar.Count - 1; _i >= 0; --_i) { QMods _qMods = ModsToolbar[_i]; if (!_qMods.CanBeHide) { continue; } if (value) { if (_qMods.CanSetFalse) { _qMods.SetFalse(); } } _qMods.isHidden = value; } if (QSettings.Instance.isHidden != value) { QSettings.Instance.isHidden = value; QSettings.Instance.Save(); QStockToolbar.Instance.Refresh(); BlizzyToolbar.Refresh(); } Log((QSettings.Instance.isHidden ? "Hide mods buttons" : "Show mods buttons")); }
internal void DrawAppLauncherButtons() { List <string> _modsName = new List <string>(); for (int _i = ModsToolbar.Count - 1; _i >= 0; --_i) { QMods _qMods = ModsToolbar[_i]; if (_qMods == null) { continue; } if (_qMods.ModName == "None" || _modsName.Contains(_qMods.ModName)) { continue; } _modsName.Add(_qMods.ModName); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label(string.Format("<b>{0}</b>", _qMods.ToolTip), GUILayout.Width(200)); bool _CanBePin = _qMods.CanBePin; //GUILayout.FlexibleSpace (); _CanBePin = GUILayout.Toggle(_CanBePin, Localizer.Format("quickhide_pin"), GUILayout.Width(400)); if (_CanBePin != _qMods.CanBePin) { _qMods.CanBePin = _CanBePin; } bool _CanBeHide = _qMods.CanBeHide; GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); _CanBeHide = GUILayout.Toggle(_CanBeHide, Localizer.Format("quickhide_canBeHidden"), GUILayout.Width(200)); if (_CanBeHide != _qMods.CanBeHide) { _qMods.CanBeHide = _CanBeHide; } GUI.enabled = _CanBeHide; bool _CanSetFalse = _qMods.CanSetFalse; GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); _CanSetFalse = GUILayout.Toggle(_CanSetFalse, Localizer.Format("quickhide_setFalse"), GUILayout.Width(300)); GUI.enabled = true; if (_CanSetFalse != _qMods.CanSetFalse) { _qMods.CanSetFalse = _CanSetFalse; } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); #if DEBUG GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(210); GUILayout.Label("VisibleInScenes: " + _qMods.VisibleInScenes); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(210); GUILayout.Label("AppScenesSaved: " + _qMods.AppScenesSaved); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); #endif } }
internal void DrawAppLauncherButtons() { List <string> _modsName = new List <string> (); for (int _i = ModsToolbar.Count - 1; _i >= 0; --_i) { QMods _qMods = ModsToolbar[_i]; if (_qMods == null) { continue; } if (_qMods.ModName == "None" || _modsName.Contains(_qMods.ModName)) { continue; } _modsName.Add(_qMods.ModName); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label(string.Format("<b>{0}</b>", _qMods.ModName), GUILayout.Width(200)); bool _CanBePin = _qMods.CanBePin; _CanBePin = GUILayout.Toggle(_CanBePin, "Can be pin for the AutoHide", GUILayout.Width(225)); if (_CanBePin != _qMods.CanBePin) { _qMods.CanBePin = _CanBePin; } bool _CanBeHide = _qMods.CanBeHide; _CanBeHide = GUILayout.Toggle(_CanBeHide, "Can be hidden", GUILayout.Width(140)); if (_CanBeHide != _qMods.CanBeHide) { _qMods.CanBeHide = _CanBeHide; } if (_CanBeHide) { bool _CanSetFalse = _qMods.CanSetFalse; _CanSetFalse = GUILayout.Toggle(_CanSetFalse, "Set to False the button on hide", GUILayout.Width(250)); if (_CanSetFalse != _qMods.CanSetFalse) { _qMods.CanSetFalse = _CanSetFalse; } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); #if DEBUG GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(210); GUILayout.Label("VisibleInScenes: " + _qMods.VisibleInScenes); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(210); GUILayout.Label("AppScenesSaved: " + _qMods.AppScenesSaved); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); #endif } }
void PopulateAppLauncherButtons(bool force = false) { if (!QStockToolbar.isAvailable || (!First && !force)) { return; } Log("Begin PopulateAppLauncherButtons", "QHide"); bool _cansave = false; ApplicationLauncherButton[] _appLauncherButtons = (ApplicationLauncherButton[])Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(ApplicationLauncherButton)); for (int _i = _appLauncherButtons.Length - 1; _i >= 0; --_i) { ApplicationLauncherButton _appLauncherButton = _appLauncherButtons[_i]; if (!QStockToolbar.isModApp(_appLauncherButton) || QStockToolbar.Instance.isThisApp(_appLauncherButton)) { continue; } string toolTip; Log("Mods: " + QMods.GetModName(_appLauncherButton, out toolTip) + " " + _appLauncherButton.GetInstanceID(), "QHide"); QMods _QData = ModsToolbar.Find(q => q.AppRef == QMods.GetAppRef(_appLauncherButton)); if (_QData != null) { if (_QData.ModName != "None" && _QData.isActive) { if (!_QData.isThisApp(_appLauncherButton)) { _QData.Refresh(_appLauncherButton); } if (_QData.isHidden != QSettings.Instance.isHidden) { _QData.isHidden = QSettings.Instance.isHidden; } continue; } ModsToolbar.Remove(_QData); //Log ("Deleted an lost AppLauncherButton", "QHide"); } _QData = new QMods(_appLauncherButton); ModsToolbar.Add(_QData); _cansave = true; Log("Added the AppLauncherButton of: " + _QData.ToolTip, "QHide"); } if (_cansave) { QSettings.Instance.Save(); } Log("End PopulateAppLauncherButtons", "QHide"); Log("AppLauncherButtons count: " + _appLauncherButtons.Length, "QHide"); Log("ModsToolbar count: " + ModsToolbar.Count, "QHide"); Log("ModHasFirstConfig count: " + QSettings.Instance.ModHasFirstConfig.Count, "QHide"); }