public static void EnsurePopulated(IApplicationBuilder app) { RoomsDbContext context = app.ApplicationServices.CreateScope() .ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <RoomsDbContext>(); if (context.Database.GetPendingMigrations().Any()) { context.Database.Migrate(); } if (!context.Rooms.Any()) { context.Rooms.AddRange( new QuestRoom { Title = "DaVinci’s Workshop", Description = @"*Competing rooms available! See below for details* Leonardo Da Vinci was truly a man of many talents. Far ahead of his time, Da Vinci pondered geom …", Duration = 30, MinPlayersCount = 2, MaxPlayersCount = 4, MinAgeOfPlayers = 10, Adress = "Adress1", PhoneNumbers = "123,123", Email = "*****@*****.**", Company = "Company1", Rating = 32, FearRating = 1, Difficulty = 1, Logo = @"/img/escape-room-st-charles-davinci.jpg", Galerry = "no path" }, new QuestRoom { Title = "Creepy Lair", Description = "Your group has been taken hostage by a psycho serial killer. To make sure no one hears your screams, he has taken you back to his old, dingy house, …", Duration = 40, MinPlayersCount = 4, MaxPlayersCount = 8, MinAgeOfPlayers = 20, Adress = "Adress2", PhoneNumbers = "222, 222", Email = "*****@*****.**", Company = "Company2", Rating = 25, FearRating = 2, Difficulty = 3, Logo = @"/img/stl-escape-creepy-lair.jpg", Galerry = "no path" }, new QuestRoom { Title = "Electric Chair", Description = "Your friend has been framed for a crime he didn’t commit. Your crew must rescue him before he is executed by the electric chair! You must fir …", Duration = 120, MinPlayersCount = 2, MaxPlayersCount = 6, MinAgeOfPlayers = 80, Adress = "Adress3", PhoneNumbers = "333, 333", Email = "*****@*****.**", Company = "Company3", Rating = 65, FearRating = 3, Difficulty = 3, Logo = @"/img/electrical.jpg", Galerry = "no path" }, new QuestRoom { Title = "Diamond Heist", Description = "Think you’ve got what it takes to be the world’s greatest cat burglar? Was “Confessions of a Master Jewel Thief” really abo …", Duration = 40, MinPlayersCount = 1, MaxPlayersCount = 4, MinAgeOfPlayers = 80, Adress = "Adress3", PhoneNumbers = "333, 444", Email = "*****@*****.**", Company = "Company3", Rating = 55, FearRating = 3, Difficulty = 3, Logo = @"/img/st-louis-escape-room-diamond-heist.jpg", Galerry = "no path" }, new QuestRoom { Title = "Secret Society", Description = "**Competing rooms available. See below for info** While researching an ancient secret society, you discover that little did you know, they were res …", Duration = 60, MinPlayersCount = 4, MaxPlayersCount = 6, MinAgeOfPlayers = 80, Adress = "Adress3", PhoneNumbers = "333, 4545", Email = "*****@*****.**", Company = "Company3", Rating = 70, FearRating = 3, Difficulty = 3, Logo = @"/img/secret-society-st-louis-escape-room.jpg", Galerry = "no path" }, new QuestRoom { Title = "The Castle", Description = "Trouble is afoot in the kingdom! The Evil King has stolen the Good King’s crown. It is your mission to gain access to the castle, make a sleeping …", Duration = 30, MinPlayersCount = 1, MaxPlayersCount = 4, MinAgeOfPlayers = 80, Adress = "Adress3", PhoneNumbers = "333, 4545", Email = "*****@*****.**", Company = "Company3", Rating = 88, FearRating = 3, Difficulty = 3, Logo = @"/img/escape-stl-castle-room.jpg", Galerry = "no path" } ); context.SaveChanges(); } }
public static void EnsurePopulated(IApplicationBuilder app) { RoomsDbContext context = app.ApplicationServices.CreateScope().ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <RoomsDbContext>(); if (context.Database.GetPendingMigrations().Any()) { context.Database.Migrate(); } if (!context.QuestRooms.Any()) { context.QuestRooms.AddRange( new QuestRoom { Name = "Шерлок", Description = "Иногда чтобы распутать дело, даже великолепному Шерлоку необходимо заглянуть внутрь себя самого. Особенно, когда в самый неподходящий момент расследование перевернулось с ног на голову. У вас будет ровно час, чтобы разложить всё по полочкам в чертогах разума гениального сыщика Шерлока Холмса и раскрыть-таки злополучное дело!", Time = "60 минут", MinimumPeople = 3, MaximumPeople = 6, MinimumAgePeople = 14, Address = "б-р Леси Украинки, 24", Phone = "+38 098 641 94 34", Email = "*****@*****.**", Company = "kadroom", Rating = 4, LevelFear = 2, LevelСomplexity = 4, Logo = "sherlock-logo.jpg", GalleryPhotos = "sherlok1.jpg sherlok2.jpg sherlok3.jpg" }, new QuestRoom { Name = "Diamond heist", Description = "Think you’ve got what it takes to be the world’s greatest thief?", Time = "60 минут", MinimumPeople = 3, MaximumPeople = 6, MinimumAgePeople = 14, Address = "б-р Леси Украинки, 24", Phone = "+38 098 641 94 34", Email = "*****@*****.**", Company = "kadroom", Rating = 4, LevelFear = 2, LevelСomplexity = 4, Logo = "diamond.jpg", GalleryPhotos = "sherlok1.jpg sherlok2.jpg sherlok3.jpg" }, new QuestRoom { Name = "DAVINCI’S WORKSHOP", Description = "Can you save the Mona Lisa from burglars?", Time = "60 минут", MinimumPeople = 3, MaximumPeople = 6, MinimumAgePeople = 14, Address = "б-р Леси Украинки, 24", Phone = "+38 098 641 94 34", Email = "*****@*****.**", Company = "kadroom", Rating = 4, LevelFear = 2, LevelСomplexity = 4, Logo = "da vinchi.jpg", GalleryPhotos = "sherlok1.jpg sherlok2.jpg sherlok3.jpg" }, new QuestRoom { Name = "HOME ALONE", Description = "Ready to defend your home from the Wet Bandits?", Time = "60 минут", MinimumPeople = 2, MaximumPeople = 10, MinimumAgePeople = 14, Address = "б-р Леси Украинки, 24", Phone = "+38 098 641 94 34", Email = "*****@*****.**", Company = "kadroom", Rating = 4, LevelFear = 2, LevelСomplexity = 4, Logo = "home_alone.jpg", GalleryPhotos = "sherlok1.jpg sherlok2.jpg sherlok3.jpg" }, new QuestRoom { Name = "STADIUM SCARE", Description = "Can you disarm the bomb before it goes off during the game?", Time = "60 минут", MinimumPeople = 2, MaximumPeople = 12, MinimumAgePeople = 14, Address = "б-р Леси Украинки, 24", Phone = "+38 098 641 94 34", Email = "*****@*****.**", Company = "kadroom", Rating = 5, LevelFear = 1, LevelСomplexity = 3, Logo = "stadium.jpg", GalleryPhotos = "sherlok1.jpg sherlok2.jpg sherlok3.jpg" } ); context.SaveChanges(); } }
public EFRoomsRepository(RoomsDbContext ctx) { context = ctx; }