예제 #1
 private JobDataMap BuildDailyJobDataMap()
     JobDataMap JobDataMap = new JobDataMap();
     JobDataMap.Add("DailySample", (bool)chkWIPSample.EditValue);
     JobDataMap.Add("DailyQC", (bool)chkWIPQC.EditValue);
     JobDataMap.Add("DailySubcon", (bool)chkWIPSubcon.EditValue);
     return JobDataMap;
예제 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            log4net.GlobalContext.Properties["LogName"] = "TriggerFishDemo";

            Container.Install(new TriggerFishDemoServiceContainerInstaller());

            var jobData = new JobDataMap();
            jobData.Add("JobName", "Aquarium.TriggerFish");
            jobData.Add("JobDescription", "TriggerFish Demo - run a job on a customized schedule");
            TriggerFishSetupFactory.SetupService<FeedingTimeJob>(jobData, new FeedingTimeTriggers());
예제 #3
        public void AddRepeatingJob(Type aType, string aName, string aGroup, int aSecondsToSleep, params JobItem[] aItems)
            JobKey key = new JobKey(aName, aGroup);
            if (Scheduler.GetJobDetail(key) != null)
                Log.Error("AddRepeatingJob(" + aType.Name + ", " + aName + ", " + aGroup + ") already exists");
            Log.Info("AddRepeatingJob(" + aType.Name + ", " + aName + ", " + aGroup + ", " + aSecondsToSleep + ")");


            var data = new JobDataMap();
            foreach (JobItem item in aItems)
                data.Add(item.Key, item.Value);

            IJobDetail job = JobBuilder.Create(aType)

            ITrigger trigger = TriggerBuilder.Create()
                .WithIdentity(aName, aGroup)
                .WithSimpleSchedule(x => x.WithIntervalInSeconds(aSecondsToSleep).RepeatForever())

            Scheduler.ScheduleJob(job, trigger);
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a Quartz Job for a specified <see cref="Rock.Model.ServiceJob">Job</see>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="job">The <see cref="Rock.Model.ServiceJob"/> to create a Quarts Job for.</param>
        /// <returns>A object that implements the <see cref="Quartz.IJobDetail"/> interface</returns>
        public IJobDetail BuildQuartzJob( ServiceJob job )
            // build the type object, will depend if the class is in an assembly or the App_Code folder
            Type type = null;
            if ( job.Assembly == string.Empty || job.Assembly == null )
                type = BuildManager.GetType( job.Class, false );
                string thetype = string.Format( "{0}, {1}", job.Class, job.Assembly );
                type = Type.GetType( thetype );

            // load up job attributes (parameters) 

            JobDataMap map = new JobDataMap();

            foreach ( KeyValuePair<string, List<Rock.Model.AttributeValue>> attrib in job.AttributeValues )
                map.Add( attrib.Key, attrib.Value[0].Value );

            // create the quartz job object
            IJobDetail jobDetail = JobBuilder.Create( type )
            .WithDescription( job.Id.ToString() )
            .WithIdentity( new Guid().ToString(), job.Name )
            .UsingJobData( map )

            return jobDetail;
예제 #5
 public static void Start(HttpMonitor monitor)
     IScheduler scheduler = StdSchedulerFactory.GetDefaultScheduler();
     var jobDataMap = new JobDataMap();
     jobDataMap.Add("monitor", monitor);
     IJobDetail job = JobBuilder.Create<ReportJob>().SetJobData(jobDataMap).Build();
     ITrigger trigger = TriggerBuilder.Create()
         .WithIdentity(monitor.Name, monitor.Group)
         .WithSimpleSchedule(t =>
     scheduler.ScheduleJob(job, trigger);
     LogHelper.PureLog(string.Format("{0}:已开启【{1}】\r\n", DateTime.Now, monitor.Name), string.Format("StartMonitorLog_{0}.txt", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd")));
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a Quartz Job for a specified <see cref="Rock.Model.ServiceJob">Job</see>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="job">The <see cref="Rock.Model.ServiceJob"/> to create a Quarts Job for.</param>
        /// <returns>A object that implements the <see cref="Quartz.IJobDetail"/> interface</returns>
        public IJobDetail BuildQuartzJob( ServiceJob job )
            // build the type object, will depend if the class is in an assembly or the App_Code folder
            Type type = null;

            if ( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(job.Assembly) )
                // first try to load the job type from the App_Code folder
                type = BuildManager.GetType( job.Class, false );

                if (type == null)
                    // if it couldn't be loaded from the app_code folder, look in Rock.dll
                    string thetype = string.Format( "{0}, {1}", job.Class, this.GetType().Assembly.FullName );
                    type = Type.GetType( thetype );
                // if an assembly is specified, load the type from that
                string thetype = string.Format( "{0}, {1}", job.Class, job.Assembly );
                type = Type.GetType( thetype );

            // load up job attributes (parameters)

            JobDataMap map = new JobDataMap();

            foreach ( var attrib in job.AttributeValues )
                map.Add( attrib.Key, attrib.Value.Value );

            // create the quartz job object
            IJobDetail jobDetail = JobBuilder.Create( type )
            .WithDescription( job.Id.ToString() )
            .WithIdentity( job.Guid.ToString(), job.Name )
            .UsingJobData( map )

            return jobDetail;
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the quartz job.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="job">The job.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IJobDetail BuildQuartzJob(Job job)
            // build the type object, will depend if the class is in an assembly or the App_Code folder
            Type type = null;
            if ( job.Assemby == string.Empty || job.Assemby == null )
                type = BuildManager.GetType( job.Class, false );
                string thetype = string.Format( "{0}, {1}", job.Class, job.Assemby );
                type = Type.GetType( thetype );

            // create attributes if needed
            // TODO: next line should be moved to Job creation UI, when it's created
            Rock.Attribute.Helper.UpdateAttributes( type, "Rock.Util.Job", "Class", job.Class, null );

            // load up job attributes (parameters)
            Rock.Attribute.Helper.LoadAttributes( job );

            JobDataMap map = new JobDataMap();

            foreach ( KeyValuePair<string, KeyValuePair<string, string>> attrib in job.AttributeValues )
                map.Add( attrib.Key, attrib.Value.Value );

            // create the quartz job object
            IJobDetail jobDetail = JobBuilder.Create( type )
            .WithDescription( job.Id.ToString() )
            .WithIdentity( new Guid().ToString(), job.Name )

            return jobDetail;
예제 #8
        private JobDataMap getJobDataMap()
            JobDataMap map = new JobDataMap();
            foreach (ListViewItem item in jobDataListView.Items)
                map.Add(item.SubItems[0].Text, item.SubItems[1].Text);

            return map;
예제 #9
        private IJobDetail CreateJobDetail()
            var jobData = new JobDataMap();
            jobData.Add("JobItem", this);
            var builder = JobBuilder.Create<JobRunner>();

            return builder.Build();
 private static JobDataMap GetJobDataMap(ISchJob job)
     var res = new JobDataMap();
     foreach (var p in job.Job_JobParam_List)
         res.Add(p.Name, p.Value);
     return res;
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Schedule specified trigger
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myTrigger"></param>
        public Guid ScheduleTrigger(BaseTrigger myTrigger)
            Guid triggerId = Guid.Empty;

            // Set default values
            DateTimeOffset startAt = (DateTime.MinValue != myTrigger.StartDateTime) ? myTrigger.StartDateTime : DateTime.Now;

            // Set default trigger group
            myTrigger.Group = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(myTrigger.Group)) ? myTrigger.Group : TriggerKey.DefaultGroup;

            // Check if jobDetail already exists
            var jobKey = new JobKey(myTrigger.JobName, myTrigger.JobGroup);

            // If jobDetail does not exist, throw
            if (!_scheduler.CheckExists(jobKey))
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Job does not exist. Name = {0}, Group = {1}", myTrigger.CalendarName, myTrigger.JobGroup));

            IJobDetail jobDetail = _scheduler.GetJobDetail(jobKey);

            var jobDataMap = new JobDataMap();
            if (myTrigger.JobDataMap != null && myTrigger.JobDataMap.Count > 0)
                foreach (var jobData in myTrigger.JobDataMap)
                    jobDataMap.Add(jobData.Key, jobData.Value);

            var cronTrigger = myTrigger as CronTrigger;
            if (cronTrigger != null)
                Action<CronScheduleBuilder> misFireAction = x => {};

                switch (cronTrigger.MisfireInstruction)
                    case MisfireInstructionCron.DoNothing:
                        misFireAction = builder => builder.WithMisfireHandlingInstructionDoNothing();
                    case MisfireInstructionCron.FireOnceNow:
                        misFireAction = builder => builder.WithMisfireHandlingInstructionFireAndProceed();
                    case MisfireInstructionCron.Ignore:
                        misFireAction = builder => builder.WithMisfireHandlingInstructionIgnoreMisfires();

                var trigger = (ICronTrigger)TriggerBuilder.Create()
                    .WithIdentity(myTrigger.Name, myTrigger.Group)
                    .ModifiedByCalendar(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cronTrigger.CalendarName) ? cronTrigger.CalendarName : null)
                    .WithCronSchedule(cronTrigger.CronExpression, misFireAction)

                trigger.TimeZone = TimeZoneInfo.Local;

                using (var tran = new TransactionScope())
                    triggerId = _persistanceStore.UpsertTriggerKeyIdMap(myTrigger.Name, myTrigger.Group);

            var simpleTrigger = myTrigger as SimpleTrigger;
            if (simpleTrigger != null)
                Action<SimpleScheduleBuilder> misFireAction = x => x.WithInterval(simpleTrigger.RepeatInterval)

                switch (simpleTrigger.MisfireInstruction)
                    case MisfireInstructionSimple.FireNow:
                        misFireAction = builder => builder.WithInterval(simpleTrigger.RepeatInterval)
                    case MisfireInstructionSimple.Ignore:
                        misFireAction = builder => builder.WithInterval(simpleTrigger.RepeatInterval)
                    case MisfireInstructionSimple.RescheduleNextWithExistingCount:
                        misFireAction = builder => builder.WithInterval(simpleTrigger.RepeatInterval)
                    case MisfireInstructionSimple.RescheduleNextWithRemainingCount:
                        misFireAction = builder => builder.WithInterval(simpleTrigger.RepeatInterval)
                    case MisfireInstructionSimple.RescheduleNowWithExistingRepeatCount:
                        misFireAction = builder => builder.WithInterval(simpleTrigger.RepeatInterval)
                    case MisfireInstructionSimple.RescheduleNowWithRemainingRepeatCount:
                        misFireAction = builder => builder.WithInterval(simpleTrigger.RepeatInterval)

                var trigger = (ISimpleTrigger)TriggerBuilder.Create()
                    .WithIdentity(myTrigger.Name, myTrigger.Group)
                    .ModifiedByCalendar(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(simpleTrigger.CalendarName) ? simpleTrigger.CalendarName : null)

                using (var tran = new TransactionScope())
                    triggerId = _persistanceStore.UpsertTriggerKeyIdMap(myTrigger.Name, myTrigger.Group);

            return triggerId;
예제 #12
        public void ScheduleJobs()

                //start a scheduler
                var schedulerMetaData = scheduler.GetMetaData();
                Log.Info("Scheduler Metadata Summary =>", this);
                Log.Info(schedulerMetaData.GetSummary(), this);
                Log.Info("SchedulerInstanceId : " + schedulerMetaData.SchedulerInstanceId, this);
                Log.Info("SchedulerName : " + schedulerMetaData.SchedulerName, this);
                Log.Info("ThreadPoolSize : " + schedulerMetaData.ThreadPoolSize, this);
                Log.Info("ThreadPoolType: " + schedulerMetaData.ThreadPoolType.ToString(), this);
                Log.Info("JobStoreType: " + schedulerMetaData.JobStoreType.ToString(), this);


                //Create Job Definitions and add it to the collection to simulate this is what we will get from Sitecore
                Log.Info("Getting Job Definitions", this);
                var jobDefinitions = GetConfiguredJobs();

                //Cleanup any existing jobs scheduled already
                //to ensure that every time ScheduleJobs is called,
                //it schedules the whole list of jobs from fresh
                Log.Info("Clearing existing scheduled Jobs before we set it up agin !", this);

                if (jobDefinitions != null && jobDefinitions.Count > 0)
                    foreach (JobDetail jd in jobDefinitions)
                        //if (jd.JobKey.Equals("Cleanup Publish Queue"))

                        JobDataMap jobDataMap = new JobDataMap();

                        //Get Job Data Map
                        NameValueCollection jobDataCollection = Sitecore.Web.WebUtil.ParseUrlParameters(jd.JobData);
                        foreach (string key in jobDataCollection.Keys)
                            jobDataMap.Add(key, jobDataCollection[key]);

                        // define the job and tie it to our HelloJob class
                        var job = JobBuilder.Create(Type.GetType(jd.Type, true, true))
                            .WithIdentity(jd.JobKey, jd.Group)

                        Log.Info(String.Format("Job {0} created", jd.JobKey), this);
                        Log.Info(String.Format("Getting triggers for job {0}", jd.JobKey), this);

                        var triggersForJob = GetTriggersForJob(jd);

                        Quartz.Collection.HashSet<ITrigger> triggers = new Quartz.Collection.HashSet<ITrigger>();

                        ITriggerListener trigListener = new SchedulerTriggerListener();

                        #region "Looping through trigger Details"

                        foreach (TriggerDetail td in triggersForJob)
                            TriggerBuilder trigger = GetTriggerBuilder(jd, td);
                            //Add Job and Trigger listeners
                            Log.Info("Registering Trigger Listener", this);
                            scheduler.ListenerManager.AddTriggerListener(trigListener, EverythingMatcher<JobKey>.AllTriggers());
                            Log.Info(String.Format("Job {0} is being scheduled with trigger {1}.", jd.JobKey, td.TriggerKey), this);

                            scheduler.ScheduleJob(job, triggers, true);
                        catch (JobExecutionException jobExeEX)
                            Log.Error(String.Format("Sitecore.QuartzScheuler: Error Occured in {0}", jobExeEX.Source) + jobExeEX.Message + Environment.NewLine + jobExeEX.StackTrace, this);
                        catch (SchedulerException schedulerEx)
                            Log.Error(String.Format("Sitecore.QuartzScheuler: Error Occured in {0}", schedulerEx.Source) + schedulerEx.Message + Environment.NewLine + schedulerEx.StackTrace, this);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Log.Error(String.Format("Sitecore.QuartzScheuler: Error occured while schedule job {0}", jd.JobKey), this);
                            Log.Error("Sitecore.QuartzScheuler: " + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace, this);
                    Log.Info("No Jobs found. No jobs will be scheduled.", this);

            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error("Sitecore.QuartzScheuler: " + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace, this);
예제 #13
        public IJobDetail CreateAndAddJob(Type aType, string aName, string aGroup, params JobItem[] aItems)
            var key = new JobKey(aName, aGroup);
            if (Scheduler.GetJobDetail(key) != null)
                Log.Error("CreateAndAddJob(" + aType.Name + ", " + aName + ", " + aGroup + ") already exists");
                return null;
            Log.Info("CreateAndAddJob(" + aType.Name + ", " + aName + ", " + aGroup + ")");


            var data = new JobDataMap();
            foreach (JobItem item in aItems)
                data.Add(item.Key, item.Value);

            IJobDetail job = JobBuilder.Create(aType)

            return job;