public int baseWork = 5; // the base amount of work needed. public override bool DoPlaceBlock(IWorldAccessor world, IPlayer byPlayer, BlockSelection blockSel, ItemStack byItemStack) { string orientation; string oDirections; if (blockSel.Face.Index == 5) { orientation = "up"; oDirections = SuggestedHVOrientation(byPlayer, blockSel)[0].ToString(); } else if (blockSel.Face.Index == 4) { orientation = "down"; oDirections = SuggestedHVOrientation(byPlayer, blockSel)[0].ToString(); } else { orientation = "horizontal"; oDirections = blockSel.Face.Opposite.ToString(); } AssetLocation blockSwapLocation = new AssetLocation(Code.Domain, CodeWithoutParts(2) + "-" + orientation + "-" + oDirections); Block blockSwap = world.GetBlock(blockSwapLocation); world.BlockAccessor.SetBlock(blockSwap.Id, blockSel.Position); PlugnFeatherBE BE = world.BlockAccessor.GetBlockEntity(blockSel.Position) as PlugnFeatherBE; BE.orientation = orientation; BE.facing = oDirections; return(true); }
public override void OnBlockBroken(IWorldAccessor world, BlockPos pos, IPlayer byPlayer, float dropQuantityMultiplier = 1) { PlugnFeatherBE be = world.BlockAccessor.GetBlockEntity(pos) as PlugnFeatherBE; if (be == null || be.master == null) { Debug.WriteLine("master is null"); base.OnBlockBroken(world, pos, byPlayer, dropQuantityMultiplier); } else { //Debug.WriteLine(world.Side); PlugnFeatherBE masterEntity = world.BlockAccessor.GetBlockEntity(be.master.AsBlockPos) as PlugnFeatherBE; ItemStack[] drops = GetDrops(world, pos, byPlayer); if (masterEntity != null) { if (drops != null) { ItemStack drop = drops[0]; drop.StackSize = masterEntity.slaveCount + 1; world.SpawnItemEntity(drop, byPlayer.Entity.Pos.XYZ); } foreach (Vec3i slave in masterEntity.slaves) { world.BlockAccessor.SetBlock(0, slave.AsBlockPos); world.BlockAccessor.MarkBlockDirty(slave.AsBlockPos); } world.BlockAccessor.SetBlock(0, be.master.AsBlockPos); world.BlockAccessor.MarkBlockDirty(be.master.AsBlockPos); } } }
public List <Vec3i> FindSlaves(IWorldAccessor world, IPlayer byPlayer, BlockSelection blockSel) { //builds a series of points based on the surrounding blocks. //PlugnFeatherBlockEntity BE = world.BlockAccessor.GetBlockEntity(blockSel.Position) as PlugnFeatherBlockEntity; Vec3i counterpart = GetCounterpart(world, byPlayer, blockSel.Position); List <Vec3i> neighbours = GetNeighbours(world, byPlayer, blockSel); List <Vec3i> slaves = new List <Vec3i>(); if (counterpart == null) { Debug.WriteLine("No Counterpart at this pos."); return(null); } slaves.Add(counterpart); if (neighbours.Count == 0) { Debug.WriteLine("No Neighbours around this pos."); //return null; } for (int i = 0; i < neighbours.Count; i++) { PlugnFeatherBlock nblock = world.BlockAccessor.GetBlock(neighbours[i].AsBlockPos) as PlugnFeatherBlock; PlugnFeatherBE nblockentity = world.BlockAccessor.GetBlockEntity(neighbours[i].AsBlockPos) as PlugnFeatherBE; Vec3i ncounterblockpos = nblock.GetCounterpart(world, byPlayer, neighbours[i].AsBlockPos); PlugnFeatherBE ncounterbe = null; if (ncounterblockpos != null) { ncounterbe = world.BlockAccessor.GetBlockEntity(ncounterblockpos.AsBlockPos) as PlugnFeatherBE; } if (ncounterblockpos != null && ncounterbe.master == null) { slaves.Add(ncounterblockpos); slaves.Add(neighbours[i]); } } for (int i = 0; i < slaves.Count; i++) { Debug.WriteLine(slaves[i]); } return(slaves); }
public bool CheckDone(PlugnFeatherBE be, IWorldAccessor world) { // return false if not done, true if done. if (be == null || be.master == null) { Debug.WriteLine("master or be is null"); return(false); } PlugnFeatherBE master = world.BlockAccessor.GetBlockEntity(be.master.AsBlockPos) as PlugnFeatherBE; if (master == null || master.state != master.maxstate) { Debug.WriteLine("master is null or not maxed"); //Debug.WriteLine(master.state); //Debug.WriteLine(master.maxstate); return(false); } List <Vec3i> slaves = master.slaves; foreach (Vec3i slave in slaves) { PlugnFeatherBE tempBE = world.BlockAccessor.GetBlockEntity(slave.AsBlockPos) as PlugnFeatherBE; if (tempBE == null) { Debug.WriteLine(slave); Debug.WriteLine(master.slaveCount); Debug.WriteLine("tempBE == null"); return(false); } if (tempBE.state != tempBE.maxstate) { Debug.WriteLine("tempBE is not maxed"); return(false); } } return(true); }
public void MakeNetwork(IWorldAccessor world, IPlayer byPlayer, BlockSelection blockSel) { //makes the network if a network is available to make. PlugnFeatherBE be = world.BlockAccessor.GetBlockEntity(blockSel.Position) as PlugnFeatherBE; if (be.master == null) { List <Vec3i> slaves = FindSlaves(world, byPlayer, blockSel); if (slaves != null) { be.master = blockSel.Position.ToVec3i(); Vec3i[] cube = FindCube(slaves); int work = WorkNeeded(slaves.Count + 1); foreach (Vec3i slave in slaves) { be.AddSlave(slave); PlugnFeatherBE tempbe = world.BlockAccessor.GetBlockEntity(slave.AsBlockPos) as PlugnFeatherBE; tempbe.master = blockSel.Position.ToVec3i(); tempbe.maxwork = work; } } } }
public override bool OnBlockInteractStart(IWorldAccessor world, IPlayer byPlayer, BlockSelection blockSel) { PlugnFeatherBE be = world.BlockAccessor.GetBlockEntity(blockSel.Position) as PlugnFeatherBE; ItemStack playerStack = byPlayer.InventoryManager.ActiveHotbarSlot.Itemstack; maxSearchRange = world.BlockAccessor.GetBlock(blockSel.Position).Attributes["searchrange"].AsInt(); if (byPlayer.InventoryManager.ActiveHotbarSlot.Empty) { } if (playerStack == null) { return(false); } Item playerItem = playerStack.Item; if (playerItem == null) { return(false); } if (playerStack.ItemAttributes != null && playerStack.ItemAttributes.KeyExists("quarrystarter") && playerStack.ItemAttributes["quarrystarter"].AsBool() == true && be != null && be.master == null) { if (world.Side == EnumAppSide.Client) { (byPlayer as IClientPlayer).TriggerFpAnimation(EnumHandInteract.HeldItemAttack); } //Debug.WriteLine("making network"); MakeNetwork(world, byPlayer, blockSel); int maxwork = WorkNeeded(be.slaveCount + 1); be.SetMaxWork(maxwork); if (be.master == null) { return(false); } breakParticle2.MinPos = be.master.AsBlockPos.ToVec3d(); breakParticle2.AddPos = new Vec3d(1, 1, 1); breakParticle2.ColorByBlock = world.BlockAccessor.GetBlock(be.master.AsBlockPos); breakParticle2.MinVelocity = new Vec3f(.1f, .3f, .1f); breakParticle2.AddVelocity = new Vec3f(0f, .3f, 0f); world.SpawnParticles(breakParticle2, byPlayer); foreach (Vec3i slave in be.slaves) { breakParticle2.MinPos = slave.AsBlockPos.ToVec3d(); world.SpawnParticles(breakParticle2, byPlayer); PlugnFeatherBE slavebe = world.BlockAccessor.GetBlockEntity(slave.AsBlockPos) as PlugnFeatherBE; if (slavebe != null) { slavebe.SetMaxWork(maxwork); } } } if (playerStack.ItemAttributes.KeyExists("quarryimpact") && be != null && be.master != null) { /*breakParticle2.MinPos = blockSel.Position.ToVec3d(); * breakParticle2.AddPos = new Vec3d(1, 1, 1); * breakParticle2.ColorByBlock = world.BlockAccessor.GetBlock(blockSel.Position); * breakParticle2.MinVelocity = new Vec3f(.1f, .3f, .1f); * breakParticle2.AddVelocity = new Vec3f(0f, .3f, 0f); * * world.SpawnParticles(breakParticle2, byPlayer);*/ if (be.IncreaseWork(10) == true) { if (be.state != be.maxstate) { world.PlaySoundAt(cracksound, blockSel.Position.X, blockSel.Position.Y, blockSel.Position.Z, byPlayer, volume: .5f); Debug.WriteLine("work Maxed"); be.IncreaseState(1); SwitchState(be.state, world, byPlayer, blockSel); } if (CheckDone(be, world) == true) { Debug.WriteLine("all blocks at max"); BreakAll(be, world, byPlayer); } } world.PlaySoundAt(hammersound, blockSel.Position.X, blockSel.Position.Y, blockSel.Position.Z, byPlayer, volume: 0.5f); if (world.Side == EnumAppSide.Client) { (byPlayer as IClientPlayer).TriggerFpAnimation(EnumHandInteract.HeldItemAttack); } Debug.WriteLine(; } return(true); }
public List <Vec3i> GetNeighbours(IWorldAccessor world, IPlayer byPlayer, BlockSelection blockSel) { //Finds blocks in a line around this block. Stops if theres a break in the line. PlugnFeatherBE BE = world.BlockAccessor.GetBlockEntity(blockSel.Position) as PlugnFeatherBE; Vec3i checkDir = new Vec3i(); Vec3i startPos = blockSel.Position.ToVec3i(); List <Vec3i> returnBlocks = new List <Vec3i>(); if (BE.facing == null) { return(null); } if (BE.facing == "north" || BE.facing == "south") { checkDir = new Vec3i(1, 0, 0); } else if (BE.facing == "east" || BE.facing == "west") { checkDir = new Vec3i(0, 0, 1); } bool p1 = true; bool p2 = true; for (int i = 1; i <= maxSearchRange; i++) { Vec3i checkPos1 = new Vec3i(startPos.X + (checkDir.X * i), startPos.Y + (checkDir.Y * i), startPos.Z + (checkDir.Z * i)); Vec3i checkPos2 = new Vec3i(startPos.X - (checkDir.X * i), startPos.Y - (checkDir.Y * i), startPos.Z - (checkDir.Z * i)); Block block1 = world.BlockAccessor.GetBlock(checkPos1.ToBlockPos()); Block block2 = world.BlockAccessor.GetBlock(checkPos2.ToBlockPos()); PlugnFeatherBE blocke1 = world.BlockAccessor.GetBlockEntity(checkPos1.ToBlockPos()) as PlugnFeatherBE; PlugnFeatherBE blocke2 = world.BlockAccessor.GetBlockEntity(checkPos2.ToBlockPos()) as PlugnFeatherBE; //Debug.WriteLine(FirstCodePart(1)); if (p1 == true) { if (block1.Code.Path.Contains(FirstCodePart()) && block1.FirstCodePart(1) == this.FirstCodePart(1) && block1.Code.Path.Contains(FirstCodePart(3)) && block1.Code.Path.Contains(FirstCodePart(4)) && blocke1.master == null) { //Debug.WriteLine("block1"); //Debug.WriteLine(checkPos1); returnBlocks.Add(checkPos1); } else { p1 = false; } } if (p2 == true) { if (block2.Code.Path.Contains(FirstCodePart()) && block2.FirstCodePart(1) == this.FirstCodePart(1) && block2.Code.Path.Contains(FirstCodePart(3)) && block2.Code.Path.Contains(FirstCodePart(4)) && blocke2.master == null) { //Debug.WriteLine("block2"); //Debug.WriteLine(checkPos2); returnBlocks.Add(checkPos2); } else { p2 = false; } } if (returnBlocks.Count == maxSearchRange - 1) { break; } } return(returnBlocks); }
public Vec3i GetCounterpart(IWorldAccessor world, IPlayer byPlayer, BlockPos blockSel) { //looks at the blocks above and below this one it the direction it's facing and matches the first that has the orientation of up/down and the same facing direction. // if you're looking at this to figure out what I did.... good luck? If you can optimize this let me know. I'm moving on to something else now. PlugnFeatherBE BE = world.BlockAccessor.GetBlockEntity(blockSel) as PlugnFeatherBE; if (BE.facing == null || BE.orientation == null) { return(null); } Vec3i orientation = new Vec3i(); // orientation is +\-. Vec3i dir = new Vec3i(); // dir is a set vector positive or negative. string[] checkDir = { "", "" }; // the direction string to check against. Vec3i checkPos = new Vec3i(); Vec3i startPos = blockSel.ToVec3i(); if (BE.orientation == "up") { dir = new Vec3i(0, 1, 0); if (BE.facing == "north" || BE.facing == "south") { orientation = new Vec3i(0, 0, 1); checkDir = new string[] { "north", "south" }; } else if (BE.facing == "east" || BE.facing == "west") { orientation = new Vec3i(1, 0, 0); checkDir = new string[] { "east", "west" }; } } else if (BE.orientation == "down") { dir = new Vec3i(0, -1, 0); if (BE.facing == "north" || BE.facing == "south") { orientation = new Vec3i(0, 0, 1); checkDir = new string[] { "north", "south" }; } else if (BE.facing == "east" || BE.facing == "west") { orientation = new Vec3i(1, 0, 0); checkDir = new string[] { "east", "west" }; } } else if (BE.orientation == "horizontal") { orientation = new Vec3i(0, 1, 0); if (BE.facing == "north") { dir = new Vec3i(0, 0, -1); checkDir = new string[] { "north", "south" }; } else if (BE.facing == "east") { dir = new Vec3i(1, 0, 0); checkDir = new string[] { "east", "west" }; } else if (BE.facing == "south") { dir = new Vec3i(0, 0, 1); checkDir = new string[] { "north", "south" }; } else if (BE.facing == "west") { dir = new Vec3i(-1, 0, 0); checkDir = new string[] { "east", "west" }; } } for (int x = 1; x <= maxSearchRange; x++) { for (int y = 1; y <= maxSearchRange; y++) { checkPos = new Vec3i(startPos.X + (dir.X * x), startPos.Y + (dir.Y * x), startPos.Z + (dir.Z * x)); Vec3i rpos1 = new Vec3i(checkPos.X + (orientation.X * y), checkPos.Y + (orientation.Y * y), checkPos.Z + (orientation.Z * y)); Vec3i rpos2 = new Vec3i(checkPos.X - (orientation.X * y), checkPos.Y - (orientation.Y * y), checkPos.Z - (orientation.Z * y)); Block block1 = world.BlockAccessor.GetBlock(rpos1.AsBlockPos); Block block2 = world.BlockAccessor.GetBlock(rpos2.AsBlockPos); if (BE.orientation == "horizontal") { if (block1.Code.Path.Contains("plugnfeather") && block1.FirstCodePart(1) == this.FirstCodePart(1) && block1.Code.Path.Contains("-down-") && (block1.Code.Path.Contains(checkDir[0]) || block1.Code.Path.Contains(checkDir[1]))) { //Debug.WriteLine(block1); return(rpos1); } if (block2.Code.Path.Contains("plugnfeather") && block2.FirstCodePart(1) == this.FirstCodePart(1) && block2.Code.Path.Contains("-up-") && (block2.Code.Path.Contains(checkDir[0]) || block2.Code.Path.Contains(checkDir[1]))) { //Debug.WriteLine(block2); return(rpos2); } } else if (BE.orientation == "up" || BE.orientation == "down") { if (block1.Code.Path.Contains("plugnfeather-") && block1.Code.Path.Contains("-horizontal-") && block1.FirstCodePart(1) == this.FirstCodePart(1) && (block1.Code.Path.Contains(checkDir[0]) || block1.Code.Path.Contains(checkDir[1]))) { //Debug.WriteLine(block1); return(rpos1); } if (block2.Code.Path.Contains("plugnfeather-") && block2.Code.Path.Contains("-horizontal-") && block2.FirstCodePart(1) == this.FirstCodePart(1) && (block2.Code.Path.Contains(checkDir[0]) || block2.Code.Path.Contains(checkDir[1]))) { //Debug.WriteLine(block2); return(rpos2); } } } } return(null); }
public void BreakAll(PlugnFeatherBE be, IWorldAccessor world, IPlayer byPlayer) { PlugnFeatherBE master = world.BlockAccessor.GetBlockEntity(be.master.AsBlockPos) as PlugnFeatherBE; List <Vec3i> points = new List <Vec3i> { be.master }; foreach (Vec3i slave in master.slaves) { points.Add(slave); } Vec3i[] cube = FindCube(points); List <BlockPos> blocks = FindBlocksPos(cube[0], cube[1]); //world.HighlightBlocks(byPlayer, 0, blocks); IDictionary <string, int> stones = FindStoneTypes(world, blocks); string rockpath = ""; int rockamount = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> k in stones) { if (k.Value > rockamount) { rockpath = k.Key; rockamount = k.Value; } } //Debug.WriteLine(rockpath); foreach (BlockPos point in blocks) { if (world.BlockAccessor.GetBlock(point).Code.Path == "rock-" + rockpath) { breakParticle2.ColorByBlock = world.BlockAccessor.GetBlock(point); breakParticle2.MinQuantity = 5; breakParticle2.AddQuantity = 2; breakParticle2.MinPos = point.ToVec3d(); breakParticle2.AddPos = new Vec3d(1, 1, 1); breakParticle2.MinVelocity = new Vec3f(0, 3, 0); breakParticle2.AddVelocity = new Vec3f(.1f, .5f, .1f); breakParticle2.MinSize = 1f; breakParticle2.MaxSize = 3f; world.BlockAccessor.SetBlock(0, point); world.SpawnParticles(breakParticle2, byPlayer); } } // This is where our system decide what to drop. string dropItemFillerString = GetDropType(rockamount); string sizeModFillerString = GetSizeFillerString(dropItemFillerString); string dropItemString = "stonestorage" + dropItemFillerString + "-" + rockpath + sizeModFillerString + "north"; Block dropItem = world.GetBlock(new AssetLocation(Code.Domain, dropItemString.ToLower())); if (dropItem != null) { ItemStack dropItemStack = new ItemStack(dropItem, 1); dropItemStack.Attributes.SetInt("stonestored", rockamount); world.SpawnItemEntity(dropItemStack, new Vec3d(((cube[1].X - cube[0].X) / 2) + cube[0].X, ((cube[1].Y - cube[0].Y) / 2) + cube[0].Y, ((cube[1].Z - cube[0].Z) / 2) + cube[0].Z)); } world.BlockAccessor.BreakBlock(be.master.AsBlockPos, byPlayer); }