예제 #1
        public void RunStarted(object automation, Dictionary <string, string> replacements,
                               WizardRunKind runKind, object[] customParams)
            var serviceProvider = new ServiceProvider(automation as IServiceProvider);
            var iVsUIShell      = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsUIShell)) as IVsUIShell;


            try {
                System.IntPtr hwnd;
                iVsUIShell.GetDialogOwnerHwnd(out hwnd);

                try {
                    var className = replacements["$safeprojectname$"];
                    className = Regex.Replace(className, @"[^a-zA-Z0-9_]", string.Empty);
                    className = Regex.Replace(className, @"^[\d-]*\s*", string.Empty);
                    var result = new ClassNameValidationRule().Validate(className, null);
                    if (result != ValidationResult.ValidResult)
                        className = @"QtGuiApplication";

                    data.ClassName       = className;
                    data.BaseClass       = @"QMainWindow";
                    data.ClassHeaderFile = className + @".h";
                    data.ClassSourceFile = className + @".cpp";
                    data.UiFile          = data.ClassName + @".ui";
                    data.QrcFile         = data.ClassName + @".qrc";

                    var wizard = new WizardWindow(new List <WizardPage> {
                        new IntroPage {
                            Data    = data,
                            Header  = @"Welcome to the Qt GUI Application Wizard",
                            Message = @"This wizard generates a Qt GUI application project. The "
                                      + @"application derives from QApplication and includes an empty "
                                      + @"widget." + System.Environment.NewLine
                                      + System.Environment.NewLine + "To continue, click Next.",
                            PreviousButtonEnabled = false,
                            NextButtonEnabled     = true,
                            FinishButtonEnabled   = false,
                            CancelButtonEnabled   = true
                        new ModulePage {
                            Data    = data,
                            Header  = @"Welcome to the Qt GUI Application Wizard",
                            Message = @"Select the modules you want to include in your project. The "
                                      + @"recommended modules for this project are selected by default.",
                            PreviousButtonEnabled = true,
                            NextButtonEnabled     = true,
                            FinishButtonEnabled   = false,
                            CancelButtonEnabled   = true
                        new GuiPage {
                            Data    = data,
                            Header  = @"Welcome to the Qt GUI Application Wizard",
                            Message = @"This wizard generates a Qt GUI application project. The "
                                      + @"application derives from QApplication and includes an empty "
                                      + @"widget.",
                            PreviousButtonEnabled = true,
                            NextButtonEnabled     = false,
                            FinishButtonEnabled   = data.DefaultModules.All(QtModuleInfo.IsInstalled),
                            CancelButtonEnabled   = true
                        Title = @"Qt GUI Application Wizard"
                    WindowHelper.ShowModal(wizard, hwnd);
                    if (!wizard.DialogResult.HasValue || !wizard.DialogResult.Value)
                        throw new System.Exception("Unexpected wizard return value.");
                } catch (QtVSException exception) {
                    throw; // re-throw, but keep the original exception stack intact

                var version = (automation as DTE).Version;
                replacements["$ToolsVersion$"] = version;

                var vm = QtVersionManager.The();
                var vi = VersionInformation.Get(vm.GetInstallPath(vm.GetDefaultVersion()));
                replacements["$Platform$"] = vi.GetVSPlatformName();

                replacements["$Keyword$"]         = Resources.qtProjectKeyword;
                replacements["$ProjectGuid$"]     = @"{B12702AD-ABFB-343A-A199-8E24837244A3}";
                replacements["$PlatformToolset$"] = BuildConfig.PlatformToolset(version);

                replacements["$classname$"]      = data.ClassName;
                replacements["$baseclass$"]      = data.BaseClass;
                replacements["$sourcefilename$"] = data.ClassSourceFile;
                replacements["$headerfilename$"] = data.ClassHeaderFile;
                replacements["$uifilename$"]     = data.UiFile;

                replacements["$precompiledheader$"]      = string.Empty;
                replacements["$precompiledsource$"]      = string.Empty;
                replacements["$DefaultApplicationIcon$"] = string.Empty;
                replacements["$centralwidget$"]          = string.Empty;

                var strHeaderInclude = data.ClassHeaderFile;
                if (data.UsePrecompiledHeader)
                    strHeaderInclude = "stdafx.h\"\r\n#include \"" + data.ClassHeaderFile;
                    replacements["$precompiledheader$"] = "<None Include=\"stdafx.h\" />";
                    replacements["$precompiledsource$"] = "<None Include=\"stdafx.cpp\" />";

                replacements["$include$"] = strHeaderInclude;
                replacements["$ui_hdr$"]  = "ui_" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(data.UiFile)
                                            + ".h";
                replacements["$qrcfilename$"] = data.QrcFile;

                if (data.BaseClass == "QMainWindow")
                    replacements["$centralwidget$"] =
                        "\r\n  <widget class=\"QMenuBar\" name=\"menuBar\" />"
                        + "\r\n  <widget class=\"QToolBar\" name=\"mainToolBar\" />"
                        + "\r\n  <widget class=\"QWidget\" name=\"centralWidget\" />"
                        + "\r\n  <widget class=\"QStatusBar\" name=\"statusBar\" />";

                if (data.AddDefaultAppIcon)
                    replacements["$DefaultApplicationIcon$"] = "<None Include=\"gui.ico\" />";

                if (vi.isWinRT())
                    replacements["$QtWinRT$"] = "true";

                    var projDir = replacements["$destinationdirectory$"];

                    var qmakeTmpDir = Path.Combine(projDir, "qmake_tmp");

                    var dummyPro = Path.Combine(qmakeTmpDir,
                                                string.Format("{0}.pro", replacements["$projectname$"]));
                    File.WriteAllText(dummyPro, "SOURCES = main.cpp\r\n");

                    var qmake = new QMake(null, dummyPro, false, vi);

                    var assetsDir = Path.Combine(qmakeTmpDir, "assets");
                    if (Directory.Exists(assetsDir))
                        Directory.Move(assetsDir, Path.Combine(projDir, "assets"));

                    var manifestFile = Path.Combine(qmakeTmpDir, "Package.appxmanifest");
                    if (File.Exists(manifestFile))
                        File.Move(manifestFile, Path.Combine(projDir, "Package.appxmanifest"));

                    var projFile = Path.Combine(qmakeTmpDir,
                                                string.Format("{0}.vcxproj", replacements["$projectname$"]));

                    var proj = MsBuildProject.Load(projFile);
                    replacements["$MinimumVisualStudioVersion$"] =
                    replacements["$ApplicationTypeRevision$"] =
                    replacements["$WindowsTargetPlatformVersion$"] =
                    replacements["$isSet_WindowsTargetPlatformVersion$"] = "true";
                    replacements["$WindowsTargetPlatformMinVersion$"]    =
                    replacements["$Link_TargetMachine$"] =
                        proj.GetProperty("Link", "TargetMachine");

                    Directory.Delete(qmakeTmpDir, true);
#if (VS2017 || VS2015)
                    string versionWin10SDK = HelperFunctions.GetWindows10SDKVersion();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(versionWin10SDK))
                        replacements["$WindowsTargetPlatformVersion$"]       = versionWin10SDK;
                        replacements["$isSet_WindowsTargetPlatformVersion$"] = "true";
            } catch {
                try {
                } catch { }

                throw new WizardBackoutException();

예제 #2
        public void RunStarted(object automation, Dictionary <string, string> replacements,
                               WizardRunKind runKind, object[] customParams)
            var serviceProvider = new ServiceProvider(automation as IServiceProvider);
            var iVsUIShell      = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsUIShell)) as IVsUIShell;


            try {
                System.IntPtr hwnd;
                iVsUIShell.GetDialogOwnerHwnd(out hwnd);

                var safeprojectname = replacements["$safeprojectname$"];
                safeprojectname = Regex.Replace(safeprojectname, @"[^a-zA-Z0-9_]", string.Empty);
                safeprojectname = Regex.Replace(safeprojectname, @"^[\d-]*\s*", string.Empty);
                var result = new ClassNameValidationRule().Validate(safeprojectname, null);
                if (result != ValidationResult.ValidResult)
                    safeprojectname = @"QtClassLibrary";

                try {
                    data.ClassName       = safeprojectname;
                    data.ClassHeaderFile = safeprojectname + @".h";
                    data.ClassSourceFile = safeprojectname + @".cpp";

                    var wizard = new WizardWindow(new List <WizardPage> {
                        new IntroPage {
                            Data    = data,
                            Header  = @"Welcome to the Qt Class Library Wizard",
                            Message = @"This wizard generates a Qt Class Library project. The "
                                      + @"resulting library is linked dynamically with Qt."
                                      + System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine
                                      + @"To continue, click Next.",
                            PreviousButtonEnabled = false,
                            NextButtonEnabled     = true,
                            FinishButtonEnabled   = false,
                            CancelButtonEnabled   = true
                        new ModulePage {
                            Data    = data,
                            Header  = @"Welcome to the Qt Class Library Wizard",
                            Message = @"Select the modules you want to include in your project. The "
                                      + @"recommended modules for this project are selected by default.",
                            PreviousButtonEnabled = true,
                            NextButtonEnabled     = true,
                            FinishButtonEnabled   = false,
                            CancelButtonEnabled   = true
                        new LibraryClassPage {
                            Data    = data,
                            Header  = @"Welcome to the Qt Class Library Wizard",
                            Message = @"This wizard generates a Qt Class Library project. The "
                                      + @"resulting library is linked dynamically with Qt.",
                            PreviousButtonEnabled = true,
                            NextButtonEnabled     = false,
                            FinishButtonEnabled   = QtModuleInfo.IsInstalled(@"QtCore"),
                            CancelButtonEnabled   = true
                        Title = @"Qt Class Library Wizard"
                    WindowHelper.ShowModal(wizard, hwnd);
                    if (!wizard.DialogResult.HasValue || !wizard.DialogResult.Value)
                        throw new System.Exception(@"Unexpected wizard return value.");
                } catch (QtVSException exception) {
                    throw; // re-throw, but keep the original exception stack intact

                var version = (automation as DTE).Version;
                replacements["$ToolsVersion$"] = version;

                var vm = QtVersionManager.The();
                var vi = VersionInformation.Get(vm.GetInstallPath(vm.GetDefaultVersion()));
                replacements["$Platform$"] = vi.GetVSPlatformName();

                replacements["$Keyword$"]         = Resources.qtProjectKeyword;
                replacements["$ProjectGuid$"]     = @"{B12702AD-ABFB-343A-A199-8E24837244A3}";
                replacements["$PlatformToolset$"] = BuildConfig.PlatformToolset(version);

                replacements["$classname$"]      = data.ClassName;
                replacements["$sourcefilename$"] = data.ClassSourceFile;
                replacements["$headerfilename$"] = data.ClassHeaderFile;

                replacements["$precompiledheader$"] = string.Empty;
                replacements["$precompiledsource$"] = string.Empty;

                var strHeaderInclude = data.ClassHeaderFile;
                if (data.UsePrecompiledHeader)
                    strHeaderInclude = "stdafx.h\"\r\n#include \"" + data.ClassHeaderFile;
                    replacements["$precompiledheader$"] = "<None Include=\"stdafx.h\" />";
                    replacements["$precompiledsource$"] = "<None Include=\"stdafx.cpp\" />";

                replacements["$include$"]    = strHeaderInclude;
                replacements["$saveglobal$"] = safeprojectname.ToLower();

                projectDefine = safeprojectname.ToUpper() + @"_LIB";
                replacements["$pro_lib_define$"] = projectDefine;
                replacements["$pro_lib_export$"] = safeprojectname.ToUpper() + @"_EXPORT";

                if (vi.isWinRT())
                    replacements["$QtWinRT$"] = "true";

#if (VS2017 || VS2015)
                string versionWin10SDK = HelperFunctions.GetWindows10SDKVersion();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(versionWin10SDK))
                    replacements["$WindowsTargetPlatformVersion$"]       = versionWin10SDK;
                    replacements["$isSet_WindowsTargetPlatformVersion$"] = "true";
            } catch {
                try {
                } catch { }

                throw new WizardBackoutException();

예제 #3
        public void RunStarted(object automation, Dictionary <string, string> replacements,
                               WizardRunKind runKind, object[] customParams)
            var serviceProvider = new ServiceProvider(automation as IServiceProvider);
            var iVsUIShell      = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsUIShell)) as IVsUIShell;


            try {
                System.IntPtr hwnd;
                iVsUIShell.GetDialogOwnerHwnd(out hwnd);

                try {
                    var className = replacements["$safeprojectname$"];
                    className = Regex.Replace(className, @"[^a-zA-Z0-9_]", string.Empty);
                    className = Regex.Replace(className, @"^[\d-]*\s*", string.Empty);
                    className = Regex.Replace(className, @"[pP][lL][uU][gG][iI][nN]$", string.Empty);
                    var result = new ClassNameValidationRule().Validate(className, null);
                    if (result != ValidationResult.ValidResult)
                        className = @"MyDesignerWidget";

                    data.ClassName        = className;
                    data.BaseClass        = @"QWidget";
                    data.ClassHeaderFile  = className + @".h";
                    data.ClassSourceFile  = className + @".cpp";
                    data.PluginClass      = className + @"Plugin";
                    data.PluginHeaderFile = data.PluginClass + @".h";
                    data.PluginSourceFile = data.PluginClass + @".cpp";

                    var wizard = new WizardWindow(new List <WizardPage> {
                        new IntroPage {
                            Data    = data,
                            Header  = @"Welcome to the Qt Custom Designer Widget",
                            Message = @"This wizard generates a custom designer widget which can be "
                                      + @"used in Qt Designer or Visual Studio."
                                      + System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine
                                      + "To continue, click Next.",
                            PreviousButtonEnabled = false,
                            NextButtonEnabled     = true,
                            FinishButtonEnabled   = false,
                            CancelButtonEnabled   = true
                        new ModulePage {
                            Data    = data,
                            Header  = @"Welcome to the Qt Custom Designer Widget",
                            Message = @"Select the modules you want to include in your project. The "
                                      + @"recommended modules for this project are selected by default.",
                            PreviousButtonEnabled = true,
                            NextButtonEnabled     = true,
                            FinishButtonEnabled   = false,
                            CancelButtonEnabled   = true
                        new DesignerPage {
                            Data    = data,
                            Header  = @"Welcome to the Qt Custom Designer Widget",
                            Message = @"This wizard generates a custom designer widget which can be "
                                      + @"used in Qt Designer or Visual Studio.",
                            PreviousButtonEnabled = true,
                            NextButtonEnabled     = false,
                            FinishButtonEnabled   = data.DefaultModules.All(QtModuleInfo.IsInstalled),
                            CancelButtonEnabled   = true
                        Title = @"Qt Custom Designer Widget"
                    WindowHelper.ShowModal(wizard, hwnd);
                    if (!wizard.DialogResult.HasValue || !wizard.DialogResult.Value)
                        throw new System.Exception("Unexpected wizard return value.");
                } catch (QtVSException exception) {
                    throw; // re-throw, but keep the original exception stack intact

                var version = (automation as DTE).Version;
                replacements["$ToolsVersion$"] = version;

                var vm = QtVersionManager.The();
                var vi = VersionInformation.Get(vm.GetInstallPath(vm.GetDefaultVersion()));
                replacements["$Platform$"] = vi.GetVSPlatformName();

                replacements["$Keyword$"]         = Resources.qtProjectKeyword;
                replacements["$ProjectGuid$"]     = @"{B12702AD-ABFB-343A-A199-8E24837244A3}";
                replacements["$PlatformToolset$"] = version.Replace(".", string.Empty);

                replacements["$classname$"]      = data.ClassName;
                replacements["$baseclass$"]      = data.BaseClass;
                replacements["$sourcefilename$"] = data.ClassSourceFile;
                replacements["$headerfilename$"] = data.ClassHeaderFile;

                replacements["$plugin_class$"]         = data.PluginClass;
                replacements["$pluginsourcefilename$"] = data.PluginSourceFile;
                replacements["$pluginheaderfilename$"] = data.PluginHeaderFile;

                replacements["$plugin_json$"] = data.PluginClass.ToLower() + @".json";
                replacements["$objname$"]     = char.ToLower(data.ClassName[0]) + data.ClassName

                replacements["$precompiledheader$"] = string.Empty;
                replacements["$precompiledsource$"] = string.Empty;

                var strHeaderInclude = data.ClassHeaderFile;
                if (data.UsePrecompiledHeader)
                    strHeaderInclude = "stdafx.h\"\r\n#include \"" + data.ClassHeaderFile;
                    replacements["$precompiledheader$"] = "<None Include=\"stdafx.h\" />";
                    replacements["$precompiledsource$"] = "<None Include=\"stdafx.cpp\" />";
                replacements["$include$"] = strHeaderInclude;
            } catch {
                try {
                } catch { }

                throw new WizardBackoutException();

예제 #4
        public void RunStarted(object automation, Dictionary <string, string> replacements,
                               WizardRunKind runKind, object[] customParams)
            var serviceProvider = new ServiceProvider(automation as IServiceProvider);
            var iVsUIShell      = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsUIShell)) as IVsUIShell;


            var versionMgr  = QtVersionManager.The();
            var versionName = versionMgr.GetDefaultVersion();
            var versionInfo = VersionInformation.Get(versionMgr.GetInstallPath(versionName));

            if (versionInfo.isWinRT())
                        "The Qt ActiveQt Server project type is not available\r\n" +
                        "for the currently selected Qt version ({0}).", versionName),
                    "Project Type Not Available", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                throw new WizardBackoutException();

            try {
                System.IntPtr hwnd;
                iVsUIShell.GetDialogOwnerHwnd(out hwnd);

                try {
                    // midl.exe does not support spaces in project name. Fails while generating the
                    // IDL file (library attribute), e.g. 'library Active QtServer1Lib' is illegal.
                    if (replacements["$safeprojectname$"].Contains(" "))
                        throw new QtVSException("Project name shall not contain spaces.");

                    safeprojectname = replacements["$safeprojectname$"];
                    var result = new ClassNameValidationRule().Validate(safeprojectname, null);
                    if (result != ValidationResult.ValidResult)
                        safeprojectname = @"ActiveQtServer";

                    data.ClassName       = safeprojectname;
                    data.ClassHeaderFile = safeprojectname + @".h";
                    data.ClassSourceFile = safeprojectname + @".cpp";
                    data.UiFile          = data.ClassName + @".ui";

                    var wizard = new WizardWindow(new List <WizardPage> {
                        new IntroPage {
                            Data    = data,
                            Header  = @"Welcome to the Qt ActiveQt Server Wizard",
                            Message = @"This wizard generates a Qt ActiveQt server project. It "
                                      + @"creates a simple ActiveQt widget with the required files."
                                      + System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine
                                      + "To continue, click Next.",
                            PreviousButtonEnabled = false,
                            NextButtonEnabled     = true,
                            FinishButtonEnabled   = false,
                            CancelButtonEnabled   = true
                        new ModulePage {
                            Data    = data,
                            Header  = @"Welcome to the Qt ActiveQt Server Wizard",
                            Message = @"Select the modules you want to include in your project. The "
                                      + @"recommended modules for this project are selected by default.",
                            PreviousButtonEnabled = true,
                            NextButtonEnabled     = true,
                            FinishButtonEnabled   = false,
                            CancelButtonEnabled   = true
                        new ServerPage {
                            Data    = data,
                            Header  = @"Welcome to the Qt ActiveQt Server Wizard",
                            Message = @"This wizard generates a Qt ActiveQt server project. It "
                                      + @"creates a simple ActiveQt widget with the required files.",
                            PreviousButtonEnabled = true,
                            NextButtonEnabled     = false,
                            FinishButtonEnabled   = data.DefaultModules.All(QtModuleInfo.IsInstalled),
                            CancelButtonEnabled   = true
                        Title = @"Qt ActiveQt Server Wizard"

                    WindowHelper.ShowModal(wizard, hwnd);
                    if (!wizard.DialogResult.HasValue || !wizard.DialogResult.Value)
                        throw new System.Exception("Unexpected wizard return value.");
                } catch (QtVSException exception) {
                    throw; // re-throw, but keep the original exception stack intact

                var version = (automation as DTE).Version;
                replacements["$ToolsVersion$"] = version;

                replacements["$Platform$"] = versionInfo.GetVSPlatformName();

                replacements["$Keyword$"]         = Resources.qtProjectKeyword;
                replacements["$ProjectGuid$"]     = @"{B12702AD-ABFB-343A-A199-8E24837244A3}";
                replacements["$PlatformToolset$"] = BuildConfig.PlatformToolset(version);

                replacements["$classname$"]      = data.ClassName;
                replacements["$sourcefilename$"] = data.ClassSourceFile;
                replacements["$headerfilename$"] = data.ClassHeaderFile;
                replacements["$uifilename$"]     = data.UiFile;

                replacements["$precompiledheader$"] = string.Empty;
                replacements["$precompiledsource$"] = string.Empty;
                var strHeaderInclude = data.ClassHeaderFile;
                if (data.UsePrecompiledHeader)
                    strHeaderInclude = "stdafx.h\"\r\n#include \"" + data.ClassHeaderFile;
                    replacements["$precompiledheader$"] = "<None Include=\"stdafx.h\" />";
                    replacements["$precompiledsource$"] = "<None Include=\"stdafx.cpp\" />";

                replacements["$include$"] = strHeaderInclude;
                replacements["$ui_hdr$"]  = "ui_" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(data.UiFile)
                                            + ".h";

                safeprojectname            = data.LowerCaseFileNames ? safeprojectname.ToLower() : safeprojectname;
                replacements["$pro_name$"] = safeprojectname;

#if (VS2017 || VS2015)
                string versionWin10SDK = HelperFunctions.GetWindows10SDKVersion();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(versionWin10SDK))
                    replacements["$WindowsTargetPlatformVersion$"]       = versionWin10SDK;
                    replacements["$isSet_WindowsTargetPlatformVersion$"] = "true";
            } catch {
                try {
                } catch { }

                throw new WizardBackoutException();

예제 #5
        public void RunStarted(object automation, Dictionary <string, string> replacements,
                               WizardRunKind runKind, object[] customParams)
            var serviceProvider = new ServiceProvider(automation as IServiceProvider);
            var iVsUIShell      = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsUIShell)) as IVsUIShell;


            try {
                System.IntPtr hwnd;
                iVsUIShell.GetDialogOwnerHwnd(out hwnd);

                try {
                    var className = replacements["$safeprojectname$"];
                    className = Regex.Replace(className, @"[^a-zA-Z0-9_]", string.Empty);
                    className = Regex.Replace(className, @"^[\d-]*\s*", string.Empty);
                    var result = new ClassNameValidationRule().Validate(className, null);
                    if (result != ValidationResult.ValidResult)
                        className = @"QtGuiApplication";

                    data.ClassName       = className;
                    data.BaseClass       = @"QMainWindow";
                    data.ClassHeaderFile = className + @".h";
                    data.ClassSourceFile = className + @".cpp";
                    data.UiFile          = data.ClassName + @".ui";
                    data.QrcFile         = data.ClassName + @".qrc";

                    var wizard = new WizardWindow(new List <WizardPage> {
                        new IntroPage {
                            Data    = data,
                            Header  = @"Welcome to the Qt GUI Application Wizard",
                            Message = @"This wizard generates a Qt GUI application project. The "
                                      + @"application derives from QApplication and includes an empty "
                                      + @"widget." + System.Environment.NewLine
                                      + System.Environment.NewLine + "To continue, click Next.",
                            PreviousButtonEnabled = false,
                            NextButtonEnabled     = true,
                            FinishButtonEnabled   = false,
                            CancelButtonEnabled   = true
                        new ModulePage {
                            Data    = data,
                            Header  = @"Welcome to the Qt GUI Application Wizard",
                            Message = @"Select the modules you want to include in your project. The "
                                      + @"recommended modules for this project are selected by default.",
                            PreviousButtonEnabled = true,
                            NextButtonEnabled     = true,
                            FinishButtonEnabled   = false,
                            CancelButtonEnabled   = true
                        new GuiPage {
                            Data    = data,
                            Header  = @"Welcome to the Qt GUI Application Wizard",
                            Message = @"This wizard generates a Qt GUI application project. The "
                                      + @"application derives from QApplication and includes an empty "
                                      + @"widget.",
                            PreviousButtonEnabled = true,
                            NextButtonEnabled     = false,
                            FinishButtonEnabled   = data.DefaultModules.All(QtModuleInfo.IsInstalled),
                            CancelButtonEnabled   = true
                        Title = @"Qt GUI Application Wizard"
                    WindowHelper.ShowModal(wizard, hwnd);
                    if (!wizard.DialogResult.HasValue || !wizard.DialogResult.Value)
                        throw new System.Exception("Unexpected wizard return value.");
                } catch (QtVSException exception) {
                    throw; // re-throw, but keep the original exception stack intact

                var version = (automation as DTE).Version;
                replacements["$ToolsVersion$"] = version;

                var vm = QtVersionManager.The();
                var vi = VersionInformation.Get(vm.GetInstallPath(vm.GetDefaultVersion()));
                replacements["$Platform$"] = vi.GetVSPlatformName();

                replacements["$Keyword$"]         = Resources.qtProjectKeyword;
                replacements["$ProjectGuid$"]     = @"{B12702AD-ABFB-343A-A199-8E24837244A3}";
                replacements["$PlatformToolset$"] = version.Replace(".", string.Empty);

                replacements["$classname$"]      = data.ClassName;
                replacements["$baseclass$"]      = data.BaseClass;
                replacements["$sourcefilename$"] = data.ClassSourceFile;
                replacements["$headerfilename$"] = data.ClassHeaderFile;
                replacements["$uifilename$"]     = data.UiFile;

                replacements["$precompiledheader$"]      = string.Empty;
                replacements["$precompiledsource$"]      = string.Empty;
                replacements["$DefaultApplicationIcon$"] = string.Empty;
                replacements["$centralwidget$"]          = string.Empty;

                var strHeaderInclude = data.ClassHeaderFile;
                if (data.UsePrecompiledHeader)
                    strHeaderInclude = "stdafx.h\"\r\n#include \"" + data.ClassHeaderFile;
                    replacements["$precompiledheader$"] = "<None Include=\"stdafx.h\" />";
                    replacements["$precompiledsource$"] = "<None Include=\"stdafx.cpp\" />";

                replacements["$include$"] = strHeaderInclude;
                replacements["$ui_hdr$"]  = "ui_" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(data.UiFile)
                                            + ".h";
                replacements["$qrcfilename$"] = data.QrcFile;

                if (data.BaseClass == "QMainWindow")
                    replacements["$centralwidget$"] =
                        "\r\n  <widget class=\"QMenuBar\" name=\"menuBar\" />"
                        + "\r\n  <widget class=\"QToolBar\" name=\"mainToolBar\" />"
                        + "\r\n  <widget class=\"QWidget\" name=\"centralWidget\" />"
                        + "\r\n  <widget class=\"QStatusBar\" name=\"statusBar\" />";

                if (data.AddDefaultAppIcon)
                    replacements["$DefaultApplicationIcon$"] = "<None Include=\"gui.ico\" />";
            } catch {
                try {
                } catch { }

                throw new WizardBackoutException();

예제 #6
        public WizardResult Run(EnvDTE.DTE dte, string name, string location)
            IVsUIShell      iVsUIShell      = null;
            ServiceProvider serviceProvider = null;

            try {
                serviceProvider = new ServiceProvider(dte as IServiceProvider);
                iVsUIShell      = serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsUIShell)) as IVsUIShell;
            } catch {


            try {
                System.IntPtr hwnd;
                iVsUIShell.GetDialogOwnerHwnd(out hwnd);

                var addClassPage = new AddClassPage {
                    Location = location
                var wizard = new WizardWindow(new List <WizardPage> {
                    Width     = 955,
                    Height    = 660,
                    MinWidth  = 800,
                    MinHeight = 450,

                    Title      = @"Add Class - " + name,
                    MaxWidth   = double.PositiveInfinity,
                    MaxHeight  = double.PositiveInfinity,
                    ResizeMode = System.Windows.ResizeMode.CanResize
                WindowHelper.ShowModal(wizard, hwnd);
                if (!wizard.DialogResult.GetValueOrDefault(false))

                IClassWizard classWizard = null;
                switch (addClassPage.Class.Kind)
                case ClassKind.Gui:
                    classWizard = new GuiClassWizard();

                case ClassKind.Core:
                    classWizard = new CoreClassWizard();

                    throw new System.Exception("Unexpected class kind.");

                var className = addClassPage.Class.DefaultName;
                className = Regex.Replace(className, @"[^a-zA-Z0-9_]", string.Empty);
                className = Regex.Replace(className, @"^[\d-]*\s*", string.Empty);
                var result = new ClassNameValidationRule().Validate(className, null);
                if (result != ValidationResult.ValidResult)
                    className = string.Empty;

                classWizard.Run(dte, className, addClassPage.Location);
            } catch {
            } finally {
