private void GenerateFKBinding(string tn, string[] allfields, DataDiffTable table) { foreach (var map in table.Mappings) { if (-1 != Array.IndexOf(allfields, map.Key.ToLowerInvariant())) { var t = map.Value; var usealiascodes = _context.Mappings.Any( _ => (_.FromTable.ToLowerInvariant() == t.ToLowerInvariant() || _.FromTable == "*") && _.FromField.ToLowerInvariant() == "aliascodes"); if (usealiascodes) { _output.WriteLine( "\t\tupdate @{0} set {1} = (select id from {2} where {2}.code = {1}_code ) where {1} is null and {1}_code is not null ", tn, map.Key, map.Value); _output.WriteLine( "\t\tupdate @{0} set {1} = isnull((select id from {2} where {2}.aliascodes like '%/'+{1}_code+'/%' ),-1) where {1} is null and {1}_code is not null ", tn, map.Key, map.Value); } else { _output.WriteLine( "\t\tupdate @{0} set {1} = isnull((select id from {2} where {2}.code = {1}_code ),-1) where {1} is null and {1}_code is not null ", tn, map.Key, map.Value); } } } if (-1 != Array.IndexOf(allfields, "set_parent")) { _output.WriteLine("\t\tupdate @{0} set {1} = isnull((select id from {2} where {2}.code = parent_code ),-1) where {1} is null and {1}_code is not null ", tn, "parent", table.TableName); } }
private void GenerateTempTableDeclaration(string tn, string[] allfields, DataDiffTable table) { _output.Write("\tdeclare @" + tn + " table ( id int, " + (table.NoCode?"":"code nvarchar(255),") + " _exists bit default 0 "); foreach (var fld in allfields) { if (table.Mappings.ContainsKey(fld)) { _output.Write(", " + EscapeFieldName(fld) + " int"); _output.Write(", " + EscapeFieldName(fld) + "_code nvarchar(255)"); } else if (fld == "set_parent") { _output.Write(", parent int"); _output.Write(", parent_code nvarchar(255)"); } else if (fld == "parent") { _output.Write(", parent int"); _output.Write(", parent_code nvarchar(255)"); } else { _output.Write(", " + EscapeFieldName(fld) + " nvarchar(max)"); } } _output.WriteLine(")"); }
private static DataDiffItem ResolveItem(DataDiffTable table, int id, string code) { DataDiffItem existed; lock (table.Definitions){ existed = table.Definitions.FirstOrDefault( _ => (0 != id && _.Id == id) || (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(code) && code == _.Code)); if (null == existed) { existed = new DataDiffItem { Id = id, Code = code }; table.Definitions.Add(existed); } else { if (0 == existed.Id) { existed.Id = id; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(existed.Code)) { existed.Code = code; } } } return(existed); }
private void GenerateInsertTemp(string tn, string[] allfields, DataDiffTable table) { var chunknumber = 0; while (GenerateChunk(tn, allfields, table, chunknumber++)) { } }
private void GenerateExistsBinding(string tn, string[] allfields, DataDiffTable table) { if (!table.NoCode) { _output.WriteLine( "\t\t\tupdate @{0} set id =, code=this.code, _exists =1 from {1} this join @{0} temp on (temp.code = this.code or", tn, table.TableName); _output.WriteLine( "\t\t\tinsert {1} (id,code) select id,isnull(code,id) from @{0} where _exists = 0 and id is not null", tn, table.TableName); _output.WriteLine( "\t\t\tinsert {1} (code) select code from @{0} where _exists = 0 and code is not null and id is null", tn, table.TableName); _output.WriteLine( "\t\t\tupdate @{0} set id =, code=this.code, _exists =1 from {1} this join @{0} temp on (temp.code = this.code or", tn, table.TableName); } else if (table.UseAliasCodes) { _output.WriteLine( "\t\t\tupdate @{0} set id =, code=this.code, _exists =1 from {1} this join @{0} temp on (temp.code = this.code or or this.aliascodes like '%/'+temp.code+'/%')", tn, table.TableName); _output.WriteLine( "\t\t\tinsert {1} (id,code) select id,isnull(code,id) from @{0} where _exists = 0 and id is not null", tn, table.TableName); _output.WriteLine( "\t\t\tinsert {1} (code) select code from @{0} where _exists = 0 and code is not null and id is null", tn, table.TableName); _output.WriteLine( "\t\t\tupdate @{0} set id =, code=this.code, _exists =1 from {1} this join @{0} temp on (temp.code = this.code or or this.aliascodes like '%/'+temp.code+'/%')", tn, table.TableName); } else { _output.WriteLine( "\t\t\tupdate @{0} set _exists =1 from {1} this join @{0} temp on (", tn, table.TableName); _output.WriteLine( "\t\t\tinsert {1} (id) select id from @{0} where _exists = 0 and id is not null", tn, table.TableName); } }
private void GenerateMainUpdate(string tn, string[] allfields, DataDiffTable table) { _output.Write("\t\tupdate {0} set ", table.TableName); for (var i = 0; i < allfields.Length; i++) { var name = allfields[i]; if (table.NoCode && name == "code") { continue; } if (table.NoCode && name == "set_code") { continue; } if (!table.UseAliasCodes && name == "aliascodes") { continue; } if (name == "set_id") { name = "id"; } if (name == "set_code") { name = "code"; } if (name == "set_parent") { name = "parent"; } _output.Write("{0} = isnull(x.{2}{0},{1}.{0})", EscapeFieldName(name), table.TableName, (name == "id" || name == "code") ? "set_" : ""); if (i != allfields.Length - 1) { _output.Write(", "); } } _output.Write(", "); _output.Write("version=getdate() "); _output.WriteLine("from @{0} x join {1} on = {1}.id ", tn, table.TableName); }
private void GenerateTempTableDeclaration(string tn, string[] allfields, DataDiffTable table){ _output.Write("\tdeclare @" + tn + " table ( id int, "+(table.NoCode?"":"code nvarchar(255),")+" _exists bit default 0 "); foreach (var fld in allfields){ if (table.Mappings.ContainsKey(fld)){ _output.Write(", " + EscapeFieldName(fld) + " int"); _output.Write(", " + EscapeFieldName(fld) + "_code nvarchar(255)"); } else if (fld == "set_parent"){ _output.Write(", parent int"); _output.Write(", parent_code nvarchar(255)"); } else if (fld == "parent") { _output.Write(", parent int"); _output.Write(", parent_code nvarchar(255)"); } else{ _output.Write(", " + EscapeFieldName(fld) + " nvarchar(max)"); } } _output.WriteLine(")"); }
private bool GenerateChunk(string tn, string[] allfields, DataDiffTable table, int st){ _output.Write("\t\tinsert @{0} (id"+(table.NoCode?"":", code"), tn); foreach (var allfield in allfields){ if (table.Mappings.ContainsKey(allfield)){ _output.Write(", {0}, {0}_code", allfield); } else if (allfield == "set_parent" || allfield == "parent"){ _output.Write(",parent ,parent_code"); } else{ _output.Write(",{0}", EscapeFieldName(allfield)); } } _output.WriteLine(") values"); var defs = table.Definitions.OrderBy(_ => _.Id).ThenBy(_ => _.Code).ToArray(); bool last = false; for (var i = st*1000; i < defs.Length && i < st*1000 + 1000; i++){ if (i == defs.Length - 1) last = true; var def = defs[i]; _output.Write("\t\t\t("); if (0 == def.Id){ _output.Write("null"); } else{ _output.Write("'{0}'", def.Id); } if (!table.NoCode){ if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(def.Code)){ _output.Write(", null"); } else{ _output.Write(",'{0}'", def.Code); } } foreach (var allfield in allfields){ if (table.Mappings.ContainsKey(allfield)){ OutMappedField(def, allfield); } else if (allfield == "set_parent" || allfield == "parent"){ OutParentField(def); } else{ OutUsualField(def, allfield); } } if (i != table.Definitions.Count - 1 && i != st * 1000 + 1000-1) { _output.WriteLine("),"); } else{ _output.WriteLine(")"); } } return !last; }
private void GenerateInsertTemp(string tn, string[] allfields, DataDiffTable table){ var chunknumber= 0; while(GenerateChunk(tn, allfields, table, chunknumber++)){} }
private void GenerateExistsBinding(string tn, string[] allfields, DataDiffTable table){ if (!table.NoCode) { _output.WriteLine( "\t\t\tupdate @{0} set id =, code=this.code, _exists =1 from {1} this join @{0} temp on (temp.code = this.code or", tn, table.TableName); _output.WriteLine( "\t\t\tinsert {1} (id,code) select id,isnull(code,id) from @{0} where _exists = 0 and id is not null", tn, table.TableName); _output.WriteLine( "\t\t\tinsert {1} (code) select code from @{0} where _exists = 0 and code is not null and id is null", tn, table.TableName); _output.WriteLine( "\t\t\tupdate @{0} set id =, code=this.code, _exists =1 from {1} this join @{0} temp on (temp.code = this.code or", tn, table.TableName); }else if (table.UseAliasCodes){ _output.WriteLine( "\t\t\tupdate @{0} set id =, code=this.code, _exists =1 from {1} this join @{0} temp on (temp.code = this.code or or this.aliascodes like '%/'+temp.code+'/%')", tn, table.TableName); _output.WriteLine( "\t\t\tinsert {1} (id,code) select id,isnull(code,id) from @{0} where _exists = 0 and id is not null", tn, table.TableName); _output.WriteLine( "\t\t\tinsert {1} (code) select code from @{0} where _exists = 0 and code is not null and id is null", tn, table.TableName); _output.WriteLine( "\t\t\tupdate @{0} set id =, code=this.code, _exists =1 from {1} this join @{0} temp on (temp.code = this.code or or this.aliascodes like '%/'+temp.code+'/%')", tn, table.TableName); } else{ _output.WriteLine( "\t\t\tupdate @{0} set _exists =1 from {1} this join @{0} temp on (", tn, table.TableName); _output.WriteLine( "\t\t\tinsert {1} (id) select id from @{0} where _exists = 0 and id is not null", tn, table.TableName); } }
private void GenerateFKBinding(string tn, string[] allfields, DataDiffTable table){ foreach (var map in table.Mappings){ if (-1 != Array.IndexOf(allfields, map.Key.ToLowerInvariant())){ var t = map.Value; var usealiascodes = _context.Mappings.Any( _ => (_.FromTable.ToLowerInvariant() == t.ToLowerInvariant()||_.FromTable=="*") && _.FromField.ToLowerInvariant() == "aliascodes"); if (usealiascodes){ _output.WriteLine( "\t\tupdate @{0} set {1} = (select id from {2} where {2}.code = {1}_code ) where {1} is null and {1}_code is not null ", tn, map.Key, map.Value); _output.WriteLine( "\t\tupdate @{0} set {1} = isnull((select id from {2} where {2}.aliascodes like '%/'+{1}_code+'/%' ),-1) where {1} is null and {1}_code is not null ", tn, map.Key, map.Value); } else{ _output.WriteLine( "\t\tupdate @{0} set {1} = isnull((select id from {2} where {2}.code = {1}_code ),-1) where {1} is null and {1}_code is not null ", tn, map.Key, map.Value); } } } if (-1 != Array.IndexOf(allfields, "set_parent")){ _output.WriteLine("\t\tupdate @{0} set {1} = isnull((select id from {2} where {2}.code = parent_code ),-1) where {1} is null and {1}_code is not null ", tn, "parent",table.TableName); } }
private void GenerateMainUpdate(string tn, string[] allfields, DataDiffTable table){ _output.Write("\t\tupdate {0} set ",table.TableName); for (var i = 0;i<allfields.Length;i++){ var name = allfields[i]; if (table.NoCode && name == "code") continue; if (table.NoCode && name == "set_code") continue; if (!table.UseAliasCodes && name == "aliascodes") continue; if (name == "set_id"){ name = "id"; } if (name == "set_code"){ name = "code"; } if (name == "set_parent"){ name = "parent"; } _output.Write("{0} = isnull(x.{2}{0},{1}.{0})", EscapeFieldName(name), table.TableName, (name == "id" || name == "code") ? "set_" : ""); if (i != allfields.Length - 1){ _output.Write(", "); } } _output.Write(", "); _output.Write("version=getdate() "); _output.WriteLine("from @{0} x join {1} on = {1}.id ",tn,table.TableName); }
private bool GenerateChunk(string tn, string[] allfields, DataDiffTable table, int st) { _output.Write("\t\tinsert @{0} (id" + (table.NoCode?"":", code"), tn); foreach (var allfield in allfields) { if (table.Mappings.ContainsKey(allfield)) { _output.Write(", {0}, {0}_code", allfield); } else if (allfield == "set_parent" || allfield == "parent") { _output.Write(",parent ,parent_code"); } else { _output.Write(",{0}", EscapeFieldName(allfield)); } } _output.WriteLine(") values"); var defs = table.Definitions.OrderBy(_ => _.Id).ThenBy(_ => _.Code).ToArray(); bool last = false; for (var i = st * 1000; i < defs.Length && i < st * 1000 + 1000; i++) { if (i == defs.Length - 1) { last = true; } var def = defs[i]; _output.Write("\t\t\t("); if (0 == def.Id) { _output.Write("null"); } else { _output.Write("'{0}'", def.Id); } if (!table.NoCode) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(def.Code)) { _output.Write(", null"); } else { _output.Write(",'{0}'", def.Code); } } foreach (var allfield in allfields) { if (table.Mappings.ContainsKey(allfield)) { OutMappedField(def, allfield); } else if (allfield == "set_parent" || allfield == "parent") { OutParentField(def); } else { OutUsualField(def, allfield); } } if (i != table.Definitions.Count - 1 && i != st * 1000 + 1000 - 1) { _output.WriteLine("),"); } else { _output.WriteLine(")"); } } return(!last); }