예제 #1
        static void CopyWholeLine(TextArea textArea, DocumentLine line)
            ISegment wholeLine = new SimpleSegment(line.Offset, line.TotalLength);
            string text = textArea.Document.GetText(wholeLine);
            // Ensure we use the appropriate newline sequence for the OS
            text = TextUtilities.NormalizeNewLines(text, Environment.NewLine);
            DataObject data = new DataObject(text);

            // Also copy text in HTML format to clipboard - good for pasting text into Word
            // or to the SharpDevelop forums.
            IHighlighter highlighter = textArea.GetService(typeof(IHighlighter)) as IHighlighter;
            HtmlClipboard.SetHtml(data, HtmlClipboard.CreateHtmlFragment(textArea.Document, highlighter, wholeLine, new HtmlOptions(textArea.Options)));

            MemoryStream lineSelected = new MemoryStream(1);
            data.SetData(LineSelectedType, lineSelected, false);

            try {
                Clipboard.SetDataObject(data, true);
            } catch (ExternalException) {
                // Apparently this exception sometimes happens randomly.
                // The MS controls just ignore it, so we'll do the same.
            textArea.OnTextCopied(new TextEventArgs(text));
예제 #2
        static void CopySelectedText(TextArea textArea)
            var data = textArea.Selection.CreateDataObject(textArea);

            try {
                Clipboard.SetDataObject(data, true);
            } catch (ExternalException) {
                // Apparently this exception sometimes happens randomly.
                // The MS controls just ignore it, so we'll do the same.

            string text = textArea.Selection.GetText();
            text = TextUtilities.NormalizeNewLines(text, Environment.NewLine);
            textArea.OnTextCopied(new TextEventArgs(text));