private void OpenFile() { OpenFileDialog f = new OpenFileDialog(); f.Title = "Load previously learned data..."; f.Filter = "QLearned Files (*.qlearned)|*.qlearned"; QLearned o = null; if (f.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { WriteOutput("Opening " + f.FileName + "..."); EnableControls(false); using (Stream stream = File.Open(f.FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)) { try { BinaryFormatter bFormatter = new BinaryFormatter(); o = (QLearned)bFormatter.Deserialize(stream); stream.Close(); if (o != null) { if (algo == null || algo.GetType().Name != o.algo) { QAlgoPlugins.SelectedItem = o.algo; } if (state == null || state.GetType().Name != o.state) { QStatePlugins.SelectedItem = o.state; } agent = new QAgent(this, algo, state); agent.Open(o); } else { popup("Unable to open data from " + f.FileName); } } catch (Exception e) { stream.Close(); popup("Unable to open data from " + f.FileName + "\nDetails: " + e); } } } EnableControls(true); }
public void Open(QLearned o) { if (o.algo != currentAlgo.GetType().Name) { master.popup("QLearned file is for the QAlgo '" + o.algo + "', not the '" + currentAlgo.GetType().Name + "' currently selected."); } else if (o.state != initialState.GetType().Name) { master.popup("QLearned file is for the QState '" + o.state + "', not the '" + initialState.GetType().Name + "' currently selected."); } else { currentAlgo.Open(o.contents, initialState); WriteOutput("Learning data loaded."); } }
private void SaveFile() { QLearned o = agent.Save(); if (o == null) { popup("Nothing to save."); } else { SaveFileDialog dialog = new SaveFileDialog(); dialog.Title = "Save learned data to..."; dialog.Filter = "QLearned Files (*.qlearned)|*.qlearned"; dialog.FileName = o.state + "_" + o.algo.Replace("_", "") + "_Learn" + o.learn + "_Discount" + + "_Explore" + o.explore + "_" + o.trials + "Trial" + (o.trials == 1? "":"s"); dialog.AddExtension = true; if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { WriteOutput("Saving to " + dialog.FileName); EnableControls(false); using (Stream stream = File.Open(dialog.FileName, FileMode.Create)) { try { BinaryFormatter bFormatter = new BinaryFormatter(); bFormatter.Serialize(stream, o); stream.Close(); WriteOutput("Learning data saved to " + dialog.FileName); } catch (Exception e) { stream.Close(); WriteOutput("Error saving data: " + e); } } } EnableControls(true); } }
public void Open(QLearned o) { if (o.algo != currentAlgo.GetType().Name) master.popup("QLearned file is for the QAlgo '" + o.algo + "', not the '" + currentAlgo.GetType().Name + "' currently selected."); else if (o.state != initialState.GetType().Name) master.popup("QLearned file is for the QState '" + o.state + "', not the '" + initialState.GetType().Name + "' currently selected."); else { currentAlgo.Open(o.contents, initialState); WriteOutput("Learning data loaded."); } }