예제 #1
        public FDEuropeanEngine(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process, int timeSteps, int gridPoints, bool timeDependent)
            : base(process, timeSteps, gridPoints, timeDependent)
            prices_ = new SampledCurve(gridPoints);

예제 #2
        /*! \warning currently, this method returns the Black-Scholes
                 implied volatility using analytic formulas for
                 European options and a finite-difference method
                 for American and Bermudan options. It will give
                 unconsistent results if the pricing was performed
                 with any other methods (such as jump-diffusion

        \warning options with a gamma that changes sign (e.g.,
                 binary options) have values that are <b>not</b>
                 monotonic in the volatility. In these cases, the
                 calculation can fail and the result (if any) is
                 almost meaningless.  Another possible source of
                 failure is to have a target value that is not
                 attainable with any volatility, e.g., a target
                 value lower than the intrinsic value in the case
                 of American options.
        //public double impliedVolatility(double price, GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process,
        //       double accuracy = 1.0e-4, int maxEvaluations = 100, double minVol = 1.0e-7, double maxVol = 4.0) {
        public double impliedVolatility(double targetValue, GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process,
                                        double accuracy, int maxEvaluations, double minVol, double maxVol) {

            if(isExpired()) throw new ApplicationException("option expired");

            SimpleQuote volQuote = new SimpleQuote();

            GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess newProcess = ImpliedVolatilityHelper.clone(process, volQuote);

            // engines are built-in for the time being
            IPricingEngine engine;
            switch (exercise_.type()) {
                case Exercise.Type.European:
                    engine = new AnalyticEuropeanEngine(newProcess);
                case Exercise.Type.American:
                    engine = new FDAmericanEngine(newProcess);
                case Exercise.Type.Bermudan:
                    engine = new FDBermudanEngine(newProcess);
                    throw new ArgumentException("unknown exercise type");

            return ImpliedVolatilityHelper.calculate(this, engine, volQuote, targetValue, accuracy,
                                                     maxEvaluations, minVol, maxVol);
예제 #3
 public BSMOperator(Vector grid, GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process, double residualTime)
     : base(grid.size())
     //PdeBSM::grid_type  logGrid(grid);
     LogGrid logGrid = new LogGrid(grid);
     var cc = new PdeConstantCoeff<PdeBSM>(process, residualTime, process.stateVariable().link.value());
     cc.generateOperator(residualTime, logGrid, this);
예제 #4
파일: Greeks.cs 프로젝트: Yenyenx/qlnet
        //! default theta calculation for Black-Scholes options
        public static double blackScholesTheta(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess p, double value, double delta, double gamma)
            double u = p.stateVariable().currentLink().value();
            double r = p.riskFreeRate().currentLink().zeroRate(0.0, Compounding.Continuous).rate();
            double q = p.dividendYield().currentLink().zeroRate(0.0, Compounding.Continuous).rate();
            double v = p.localVolatility().currentLink().localVol(0.0, u, false);

            return r *value -(r-q)*u *delta - 0.5 *v *v *u *u *gamma;
예제 #5
        public static TridiagonalOperator getOperator(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process, Vector grid,
                                                      double residualTime, bool timeDependent) {
            if (timeDependent)
                //! Black-Scholes-Merton differential operator
                /*! \ingroup findiff

                    \test coefficients are tested against constant BSM operator
                return new PdeOperator<PdeBSM>(grid, process, residualTime);
                return new BSMOperator(grid, process, residualTime);
예제 #6
        public static GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess clone(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process, SimpleQuote volQuote) {
            Handle<Quote> stateVariable = process.stateVariable();
            Handle<YieldTermStructure> dividendYield = process.dividendYield();
            Handle<YieldTermStructure> riskFreeRate = process.riskFreeRate();

            Handle<BlackVolTermStructure> blackVol = process.blackVolatility();
            var volatility = new Handle<BlackVolTermStructure>(new BlackConstantVol(blackVol.link.referenceDate(),
                                                               blackVol.link.calendar(), new Handle<Quote>(volQuote),

            return new GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess(stateVariable, dividendYield, riskFreeRate, volatility);
예제 #7
        public BjerksundStenslandApproximationEngine(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process) {
            process_ = process;

예제 #8
 public FDDividendEuropeanEngine(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process, int timeSteps, int gridPoints,
                                 bool timeDependent = false)
     : base(process, timeSteps, gridPoints, timeDependent)
예제 #9
        public override void calculate(DateTime calcDate, FP_Parameter fp_parameter)
            // master data load


            // market data load
            // index data
            clsHDAT_MARKETDATA_TB clstb = new clsHDAT_MARKETDATA_TB();

            string calcDateStr = calcDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd");

            clstb.REF_DT = calcDateStr;
            clstb.INDEX_CD = this.indexOptionDAO_.UNDERLYING_INDEX_CD;

            int checkNum = clstb.SelectOwn();

            if (checkNum == 0) { throw new Exception("market data does not exist : " + calcDateStr + " " + clstb.INDEX_CD); }

            double indexData = clstb.LAST;

            // curveData --------------------------------------------------

            string curve_cd = "IRSKRW";
            YieldCurve curveManager = new YieldCurve();

            QLNet.YieldTermStructure yield_ts = curveManager.yieldCurve();

            // calculate

            string maturityDateStr = this.indexOptionDAO_.MATURITY_DT;

            System.Globalization.CultureInfo us
                = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US");

            DateTime maturityDate = DateTime.ParseExact(maturityDateStr, "yyyyMMdd", us);

            DayCounter dc = new Actual365Fixed();
            Calendar cal = new NullCalendar();

            double vol = 0.3;

            double strike = this.indexOptionDAO_.STRIKE;
            PlainVanillaPayoff strikePayoff = new PlainVanillaPayoff(Option.Type.
                Call, strike);

            Exercise exercise = new EuropeanExercise(maturityDate);

            VanillaOption q_option = new VanillaOption(strikePayoff,exercise);

            Handle<Quote> x0 = new Handle<Quote>(new SimpleQuote(indexData));
            FlatForward flatForward = new FlatForward(calcDate,0.01,dc);
            Handle<YieldTermStructure> dividendTS = new Handle<YieldTermStructure>(flatForward);
            Handle<YieldTermStructure> riskFreeTS = new Handle<YieldTermStructure>(yield_ts);
            BlackConstantVol blackConstVol = new BlackConstantVol(calcDate,cal,vol,dc);
            Handle<BlackVolTermStructure> blackVolTS = new Handle<BlackVolTermStructure>(blackConstVol);

            GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process =new GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess(x0 ,dividendTS,riskFreeTS,blackVolTS);
            AnalyticEuropeanEngine europeanEngine = new AnalyticEuropeanEngine(process);


            double value = q_option.NPV(); 
            double indexMultiplier = this.indexOptionDAO_.INDEX_MULTIPLIER;
            int quantity = this.indexOptionDAO_.QUANTITY;

            clsHITM_FP_GREEKRESULT_TB result_tb = new clsHITM_FP_GREEKRESULT_TB();

            result_tb.FP_GREEKRESULT_ID = IDGenerator.getNewGreekResultID(this.indexOptionDAO_.INSTRUMENT_ID,calcDateStr);
            result_tb.CALC_DT = calcDateStr;
            result_tb.INSTRUMENT_ID = this.indexOptionDAO_.INSTRUMENT_ID;
            result_tb.INSTRUMENT_TYP = this.indexOptionDAO_.INSTRUMENT_TYP;
            result_tb.UNDERLYING_ID = "KOSPI200";
            result_tb.UNDERLYING_VALUE = indexData;
            //result_tb.SEQ = 1;
            result_tb.DELTA = (q_option.delta() * indexData / 100) * indexMultiplier * quantity; // 1% Delta
            result_tb.GAMMA = 0.5 * (q_option.gamma() * indexData / 100) * indexMultiplier * quantity; // 1% Gamma
            result_tb.VEGA = q_option.vega() / 100 * indexMultiplier * quantity; // 1% point Vega
            result_tb.CALC_PRICE = value * indexMultiplier * quantity;
            result_tb.CALCULATED_TIME = DateTime.Now.ToString("HHmmss"); ;

            // price

            if (result_tb.UpdateDateResult() == 0)
            { throw new Exception("update result fail. no exist , calcDate : " + calcDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + " , inst_id : " + result_tb.INSTRUMENT_ID); }

            // delta

            // gamma and others : no exist ?

예제 #10
 // this should be defined as new in each deriving class which use template iheritance
 // in order to return a proper class to wrap
 public virtual FDVanillaEngine factory(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process,
                                        int timeSteps, int gridPoints, bool timeDependent)
     return(new FDVanillaEngine(process, timeSteps, gridPoints, timeDependent));
예제 #11
 //public FDDividendEngineBase(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process,
 //    Size timeSteps = 100, Size gridPoints = 100, bool timeDependent = false)
 public FDDividendEngineBase(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process, int timeSteps, int gridPoints, bool timeDependent)
     : base(process, timeSteps, gridPoints, timeDependent)
예제 #12
        public override void calculate()
            DayCounter rfdc   = process_.riskFreeRate().link.dayCounter();
            DayCounter divdc  = process_.dividendYield().link.dayCounter();
            DayCounter voldc  = process_.blackVolatility().link.dayCounter();
            Calendar   volcal = process_.blackVolatility().link.calendar();

            double s0 = process_.stateVariable().link.value();

            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(s0 > 0.0, () => "negative or null underlying given");
            double v             = process_.blackVolatility().link.blackVol(arguments_.exercise.lastDate(), s0);
            Date   maturityDate  = arguments_.exercise.lastDate();
            double r             = process_.riskFreeRate().link.zeroRate(maturityDate, rfdc, Compounding.Continuous, Frequency.NoFrequency).value();
            double q             = process_.dividendYield().link.zeroRate(maturityDate, divdc, Compounding.Continuous, Frequency.NoFrequency).value();
            Date   referenceDate = process_.riskFreeRate().link.referenceDate();

            // binomial trees with constant coefficient
            Handle <YieldTermStructure>    flatRiskFree  = new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(new FlatForward(referenceDate, r, rfdc));
            Handle <YieldTermStructure>    flatDividends = new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(new FlatForward(referenceDate, q, divdc));
            Handle <BlackVolTermStructure> flatVol       = new Handle <BlackVolTermStructure>(new BlackConstantVol(referenceDate, volcal, v, voldc));

            StrikedTypePayoff payoff = arguments_.payoff as StrikedTypePayoff;

            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(payoff != null, () => "non-striked payoff given");

            double maturity = rfdc.yearFraction(referenceDate, maturityDate);

            StochasticProcess1D bs = new GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess(process_.stateVariable(),
                                                                        flatDividends, flatRiskFree, flatVol);

            // correct timesteps to ensure a (local) minimum, using Boyle and Lau
            // approach. See Journal of Derivatives, 1/1994,
            // "Bumping up against the barrier with the binomial method"
            // Note: this approach works only for CoxRossRubinstein lattices, so
            // is disabled if T is not a CoxRossRubinstein or derived from it.
            int optimum_steps = timeSteps_;

            if (maxTimeSteps_ > timeSteps_ && s0 > 0 && arguments_.barrier > 0) // boost::is_base_of<CoxRossRubinstein, T>::value &&
                double divisor;
                if (s0 > arguments_.barrier)
                    divisor = Math.Pow(Math.Log(s0 / arguments_.barrier.Value), 2);
                    divisor = Math.Pow(Math.Log(arguments_.barrier.Value / s0), 2);
                if (!Utils.close(divisor, 0))
                    for (int i = 1; i < timeSteps_; ++i)
                        int optimum = (int)((i * i * v * v * maturity) / divisor);
                        if (timeSteps_ < optimum)
                            optimum_steps = optimum;
                            break; // found first minimum with iterations>=timesteps

                if (optimum_steps > maxTimeSteps_)
                    optimum_steps = maxTimeSteps_; // too high, limit

            TimeGrid grid = new TimeGrid(maturity, optimum_steps);

            ITree tree = getTree_(bs, maturity, optimum_steps, payoff.strike());

            BlackScholesLattice <ITree> lattice = new BlackScholesLattice <ITree>(tree, r, maturity, optimum_steps);

            DiscretizedAsset option = getAsset_(arguments_, process_, grid);

            option.initialize(lattice, maturity);

            // Partial derivatives calculated from various points in the
            // binomial tree
            // (see J.C.Hull, "Options, Futures and other derivatives", 6th edition, pp 397/398)

            // Rollback to third-last step, and get underlying prices (s2) &
            // option values (p2) at this point
            Vector va2 = new Vector(option.values());

            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(va2.size() == 3, () => "Expect 3 nodes in grid at second step");
            double p2u = va2[2];                   // up
            double p2m = va2[1];                   // mid
            double p2d = va2[0];                   // down (low)
            double s2u = lattice.underlying(2, 2); // up price
            double s2m = lattice.underlying(2, 1); // middle price
            double s2d = lattice.underlying(2, 0); // down (low) price

            // calculate gamma by taking the first derivate of the two deltas
            double delta2u = (p2u - p2m) / (s2u - s2m);
            double delta2d = (p2m - p2d) / (s2m - s2d);
            double gamma   = (delta2u - delta2d) / ((s2u - s2d) / 2);

            // Rollback to second-last step, and get option values (p1) at
            // this point
            Vector va = new Vector(option.values());

            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(va.size() == 2, () => "Expect 2 nodes in grid at first step");
            double p1u = va[1];
            double p1d = va[0];
            double s1u = lattice.underlying(1, 1); // up (high) price
            double s1d = lattice.underlying(1, 0); // down (low) price

            double delta = (p1u - p1d) / (s1u - s1d);

            // Finally, rollback to t=0
            double p0 = option.presentValue();

            // Store results
            results_.value = p0;
            results_.delta = delta;
            results_.gamma = gamma;
            // theta can be approximated by calculating the numerical derivative
            // between mid value at third-last step and at t0. The underlying price
            // is the same, only time varies.
            results_.theta = (p2m - p0) / grid[2];
 public AnalyticContinuousPartialFixedLookbackEngine(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process)
     process_ = process;
예제 #14
        public BaroneAdesiWhaleyApproximationEngine(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process)
            process_ = process;

예제 #15
 public AnalyticContinuousGeometricAveragePriceAsianEngine(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process)
     process_ = process;
예제 #16
 public MakeMCEuropeanEngine(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process) : base(process)
예제 #17
        public override void calculate()
            DayCounter rfdc   = process_.riskFreeRate().link.dayCounter();
            DayCounter divdc  = process_.dividendYield().link.dayCounter();
            DayCounter voldc  = process_.blackVolatility().link.dayCounter();
            Calendar   volcal = process_.blackVolatility().link.calendar();

            double s0 = process_.stateVariable().link.value();

            if (!(s0 > 0.0))
                throw new Exception("negative or null underlying given");
            double v             = process_.blackVolatility().link.blackVol(arguments_.exercise.lastDate(), s0);
            Date   maturityDate  = arguments_.exercise.lastDate();
            double r             = process_.riskFreeRate().link.zeroRate(maturityDate, rfdc, Compounding.Continuous, Frequency.NoFrequency).rate();
            double q             = process_.dividendYield().link.zeroRate(maturityDate, divdc, Compounding.Continuous, Frequency.NoFrequency).rate();
            Date   referenceDate = process_.riskFreeRate().link.referenceDate();

            // binomial trees with constant coefficient
            var flatRiskFree  = new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(new FlatForward(referenceDate, r, rfdc));
            var flatDividends = new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(new FlatForward(referenceDate, q, divdc));
            var flatVol       = new Handle <BlackVolTermStructure>(new BlackConstantVol(referenceDate, volcal, v, voldc));

            PlainVanillaPayoff payoff = arguments_.payoff as PlainVanillaPayoff;

            if (payoff == null)
                throw new Exception("non-plain payoff given");

            double maturity = rfdc.yearFraction(referenceDate, maturityDate);

            StochasticProcess1D bs =
                new GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess(process_.stateVariable(), flatDividends, flatRiskFree, flatVol);

            TimeGrid grid = new TimeGrid(maturity, timeSteps_);

            T tree = new T().factory(bs, maturity, timeSteps_, payoff.strike());

            BlackScholesLattice <T> lattice = new BlackScholesLattice <T>(tree, r, maturity, timeSteps_);

            DiscretizedVanillaOption option = new DiscretizedVanillaOption(arguments_, process_, grid);

            option.initialize(lattice, maturity);

            // Partial derivatives calculated from various points in the
            // binomial tree (Odegaard)

            // Rollback to third-last step, and get underlying price (s2) &
            // option values (p2) at this point
            Vector va2 = new Vector(option.values());

            if (!(va2.size() == 3))
                throw new Exception("Expect 3 nodes in grid at second step");
            double p2h = va2[2];                   // high-price
            double s2  = lattice.underlying(2, 2); // high price

            // Rollback to second-last step, and get option value (p1) at
            // this point
            Vector va = new Vector(option.values());

            if (!(va.size() == 2))
                throw new Exception("Expect 2 nodes in grid at first step");
            double p1 = va[1];

            // Finally, rollback to t=0
            double p0 = option.presentValue();
            double s1 = lattice.underlying(1, 1);

            // Calculate partial derivatives
            double delta0 = (p1 - p0) / (s1 - s0);   // dp/ds
            double delta1 = (p2h - p1) / (s2 - s1);  // dp/ds

            // Store results
            results_.value = p0;
            results_.delta = delta0;
            results_.gamma = 2.0 * (delta1 - delta0) / (s2 - s0);    //d(delta)/ds
            results_.theta = Utils.blackScholesTheta(process_,
예제 #18
		public IFDEngine factory(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process, int timeSteps = 100 , int gridPoints = 100)
			return new FDDividendAmericanEngine(process, timeSteps, gridPoints);
예제 #19
 //protected FDMultiPeriodEngine(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process,
 //     int gridPoints = 100, int timeSteps = 100, bool timeDependent = false)
 protected FDMultiPeriodEngine(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process, int timeSteps, int gridPoints, bool timeDependent)
     : base(process, timeSteps, gridPoints, timeDependent)
     timeStepPerPeriod_ = timeSteps;
예제 #20
 //protected FDMultiPeriodEngine(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process,
 //     int gridPoints = 100, int timeSteps = 100, bool timeDependent = false)
 protected FDMultiPeriodEngine(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process, int timeSteps,  int gridPoints, bool timeDependent)
     : base(process, timeSteps, gridPoints, timeDependent)
     timeStepPerPeriod_ = timeSteps;
예제 #21
        public override void calculate()
            DayCounter rfdc   = process_.riskFreeRate().link.dayCounter();
            DayCounter divdc  = process_.dividendYield().link.dayCounter();
            DayCounter voldc  = process_.blackVolatility().link.dayCounter();
            Calendar   volcal = process_.blackVolatility().link.calendar();

            double s0 = process_.stateVariable().link.value();

            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(s0 > 0.0, () => "negative or null underlying given");
            double v             = process_.blackVolatility().link.blackVol(arguments_.exercise.lastDate(), s0);
            Date   maturityDate  = arguments_.exercise.lastDate();
            double r             = process_.riskFreeRate().link.zeroRate(maturityDate, rfdc, Compounding.Continuous, Frequency.NoFrequency).value();
            double q             = process_.dividendYield().link.zeroRate(maturityDate, divdc, Compounding.Continuous, Frequency.NoFrequency).value();
            Date   referenceDate = process_.riskFreeRate().link.referenceDate();

            // binomial trees with constant coefficient
            Handle <YieldTermStructure>    flatRiskFree  = new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(new FlatForward(referenceDate, r, rfdc));
            Handle <YieldTermStructure>    flatDividends = new Handle <YieldTermStructure>(new FlatForward(referenceDate, q, divdc));
            Handle <BlackVolTermStructure> flatVol       = new Handle <BlackVolTermStructure>(new BlackConstantVol(referenceDate, volcal, v, voldc));

            StrikedTypePayoff payoff = arguments_.payoff as StrikedTypePayoff;

            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(payoff != null, () => "non-striked payoff given");

            double maturity = rfdc.yearFraction(referenceDate, maturityDate);

            StochasticProcess1D bs = new GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess(process_.stateVariable(),
                                                                        flatDividends, flatRiskFree, flatVol);

            TimeGrid grid = new TimeGrid(maturity, timeSteps_);

            ITree tree = getTree_(bs, maturity, timeSteps_, payoff.strike());

            BlackScholesLattice <ITree> lattice = new BlackScholesLattice <ITree>(tree, r, maturity, timeSteps_);

            DiscretizedAsset option = getAsset_(arguments_, process_, grid);

            option.initialize(lattice, maturity);

            // Partial derivatives calculated from various points in the
            // binomial tree
            // (see J.C.Hull, "Options, Futures and other derivatives", 6th edition, pp 397/398)

            // Rollback to third-last step, and get underlying prices (s2) &
            // option values (p2) at this point
            Vector va2 = new Vector(option.values());

            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(va2.size() == 3, () => "Expect 3 nodes in grid at second step");
            double p2u = va2[2];                   // up
            double p2m = va2[1];                   // mid
            double p2d = va2[0];                   // down (low)
            double s2u = lattice.underlying(2, 2); // up price
            double s2m = lattice.underlying(2, 1); // middle price
            double s2d = lattice.underlying(2, 0); // down (low) price

            // calculate gamma by taking the first derivate of the two deltas
            double delta2u = (p2u - p2m) / (s2u - s2m);
            double delta2d = (p2m - p2d) / (s2m - s2d);
            double gamma   = (delta2u - delta2d) / ((s2u - s2d) / 2);

            // Rollback to second-last step, and get option values (p1) at
            // this point
            Vector va = new Vector(option.values());

            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(va.size() == 2, () => "Expect 2 nodes in grid at first step");
            double p1u = va[1];
            double p1d = va[0];
            double s1u = lattice.underlying(1, 1); // up (high) price
            double s1d = lattice.underlying(1, 0); // down (low) price

            double delta = (p1u - p1d) / (s1u - s1d);

            // Finally, rollback to t=0
            double p0 = option.presentValue();

            // Store results
            results_.value = p0;
            results_.delta = delta;
            results_.gamma = gamma;
            // theta can be approximated by calculating the numerical derivative
            // between mid value at third-last step and at t0. The underlying price
            // is the same, only time varies.
            results_.theta = (p2m - p0) / grid[2];
예제 #22
파일: pdebsm.cs 프로젝트: ariesy/QLNet
 public override PdeSecondOrderParabolic factory(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process)
     return new PdeBSM(process);
예제 #23
        public BjerksundStenslandApproximationEngine(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process)
            process_ = process;

예제 #24
 public abstract FDVanillaEngine factory2(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process,
     int timeSteps, int gridPoints, bool timeDependent);
예제 #25
 // constructor
 public FDBermudanEngine(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process, int timeSteps = 100, int gridPoints = 100,
                         bool timeDependent = false)
     : base(process, timeSteps, gridPoints, timeDependent)
예제 #26
        //public FDEngineAdapter(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process, Size timeSteps=100, Size gridPoints=100, bool timeDependent = false)
        public FDEngineAdapter(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process, int timeSteps, int gridPoints, bool timeDependent)
            optionBase = (Base)FastActivator <Base> .Create().factory(process, timeSteps, gridPoints, timeDependent);

예제 #27
 public override PdeSecondOrderParabolic factory(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process) {
     throw new NotSupportedException();
     //return new PdeShortRate(process);
예제 #28
 //public FDStepConditionEngine(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process, int timeSteps, int gridPoints,
 //     bool timeDependent = false)
 public FDStepConditionEngine(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process, int timeSteps, int gridPoints, bool timeDependent)
     : base(process, timeSteps, gridPoints, timeDependent)
     controlBCs_ = new InitializedList<BoundaryCondition<IOperator>>(2);
     controlPrices_ = new SampledCurve(gridPoints);
 //public FDEuropeanEngine(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process,
 //                        Size timeSteps=100, Size gridPoints=100, bool timeDependent = false) {
 public FDEuropeanEngine(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process, int timeSteps, int gridPoints)
     : this(process, timeSteps, gridPoints, false) { }
예제 #30
 public FDShoutEngine(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process, int timeSteps, int gridPoints, bool timeDependent)
     : base(process, timeSteps, gridPoints, timeDependent)
예제 #31
 public ForwardPerformanceVanillaEngine(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process, GetOriginalEngine getEngine)
     : base(process, getEngine)
예제 #32
        public void testBSMOperatorConsistency()
            //("Testing consistency of BSM operators...");

             Vector grid = new Vector(10);
             double price = 20.0;
             double factor = 1.1;
             for (int i = 0; i < grid.size(); i++)
            grid[i] = price;
            price *= factor;

             double dx = Math.Log(factor);
             double r = 0.05;
             double q = 0.01;
             double sigma = 0.5;

             BSMOperator refer = new BSMOperator(grid.size(), dx, r, q, sigma);

             DayCounter dc = new Actual360();
             Date today = Date.Today;
             Date exercise = today + new Period(2, TimeUnit.Years);
             double residualTime = dc.yearFraction(today, exercise);

             SimpleQuote spot = new SimpleQuote(0.0);
             YieldTermStructure qTS = Utilities.flatRate(today, q, dc);
             YieldTermStructure rTS = Utilities.flatRate(today, r, dc);
             BlackVolTermStructure volTS = Utilities.flatVol(today, sigma, dc);
             GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess stochProcess = new GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess(
                                                        new Handle<Quote>(spot),
                                                        new Handle<YieldTermStructure>(qTS),
                                                        new Handle<YieldTermStructure>(rTS),
                                                        new Handle<BlackVolTermStructure>(volTS));
             BSMOperator op1 = new BSMOperator(grid, stochProcess, residualTime);
             PdeOperator<PdeBSM> op2 = new PdeOperator<PdeBSM>(grid, stochProcess, residualTime);

             double tolerance = 1.0e-6;
             Vector lderror = refer.lowerDiagonal() - op1.lowerDiagonal();
             Vector derror = refer.diagonal() - op1.diagonal();
             Vector uderror = refer.upperDiagonal() - op1.upperDiagonal();

             for (int i = 2; i < grid.size() - 2; i++)
            if (Math.Abs(lderror[i]) > tolerance ||
                Math.Abs(derror[i]) > tolerance ||
                Math.Abs(uderror[i]) > tolerance)
               Assert.Fail("inconsistency between BSM operators:\n"
                          + i + " row:\n"
                          + "expected:   "
                          + refer.lowerDiagonal()[i] + ", "
                          + refer.diagonal()[i] + ", "
                          + refer.upperDiagonal()[i] + "\n"
                          + "calculated: "
                          + op1.lowerDiagonal()[i] + ", "
                          + op1.diagonal()[i] + ", "
                          + op1.upperDiagonal()[i]);
             lderror = refer.lowerDiagonal() - op2.lowerDiagonal();
             derror = refer.diagonal() - op2.diagonal();
             uderror = refer.upperDiagonal() - op2.upperDiagonal();

             for (int i = 2; i < grid.size() - 2; i++)
            if (Math.Abs(lderror[i]) > tolerance ||
                Math.Abs(derror[i]) > tolerance ||
                Math.Abs(uderror[i]) > tolerance)
               Assert.Fail("inconsistency between BSM operators:\n"
                          + i + " row:\n"
                          + "expected:   "
                          + refer.lowerDiagonal()[i] + ", "
                          + refer.diagonal()[i] + ", "
                          + refer.upperDiagonal()[i] + "\n"
                          + "calculated: "
                          + op2.lowerDiagonal()[i] + ", "
                          + op2.diagonal()[i] + ", "
                          + op2.upperDiagonal()[i]);
예제 #33
 public IFDEngine factory(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process)
     return(new FDShoutEngine(process, 100, 100, false));
예제 #34
 public JuQuadraticApproximationEngine(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process)
     process_ = process;
예제 #35
 //public FDShoutCondition(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process,
 //        Size timeSteps = 100, Size gridPoints = 100, bool timeDependent = false)
 public FDShoutCondition(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process, int timeSteps, int gridPoints, bool timeDependent)
     : base(process, timeSteps, gridPoints, timeDependent)
예제 #36
 public AnalyticContinuousGeometricAveragePriceAsianEngine(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process)
     process_ = process;
예제 #37
 public FDConditionEngineTemplate(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process, int timeSteps, int gridPoints, bool timeDependent)
     : base(process, timeSteps, gridPoints, timeDependent)
예제 #38
        public IntegralEngine(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process)
            process_ = process;

예제 #39
 public FDConditionTemplate(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process, int timeSteps, int gridPoints, bool timeDependent)
     : base(process, timeSteps, gridPoints, timeDependent)
     // init engine
     engine_ = (baseEngine) new baseEngine().factory(process, timeSteps, gridPoints, timeDependent);
예제 #40
파일: pdebsm.cs 프로젝트: ariesy/QLNet
 public PdeBSM(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process)
     process_ = process;
예제 #41
 // required for template inheritance
 public override FDVanillaEngine factory(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process,
                                         int timeSteps, int gridPoints, bool timeDependent)
     return(new FDAmericanCondition <baseEngine>(process, timeSteps, gridPoints, timeDependent));
예제 #42
 public override FDVanillaEngine factory2(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process, int timeSteps, int gridPoints, bool timeDependent)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #43
        // constructor
        public FDBermudanEngine(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process, int timeSteps = 100, int gridPoints = 100, 
			  bool timeDependent = false)
            : base(process, timeSteps, gridPoints, timeDependent) { }
예제 #44
 public override FDVanillaEngine factory(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process,
     int timeSteps, int gridPoints, bool timeDependent)
     return factory2(process, timeSteps, gridPoints, timeDependent);
 public AnalyticDividendEuropeanEngine(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process)
     process_ = process;
예제 #46
 //public FDEuropeanEngine(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process,
 //                        Size timeSteps=100, Size gridPoints=100, bool timeDependent = false) {
 public FDEuropeanEngine(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process, int timeSteps, int gridPoints)
     : this(process, timeSteps, gridPoints, false)
예제 #47
 public ForwardVanillaEngine(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process, GetOriginalEngine getEngine)
     process_ = process;
     getOriginalEngine_ = getEngine;
예제 #48
 public AnalyticBarrierEngine(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process)
     process_ = process;
        public IntegralEngine(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process)
            process_ = process;

예제 #50
        public BaroneAdesiWhaleyApproximationEngine(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process)
            process_ = process;

예제 #51
 public MakeMCAmericanEngine(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process) : base(process)
예제 #52
 public AnalyticBarrierEngine(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process)
     process_ = process;
예제 #53
 public JuQuadraticApproximationEngine(GeneralizedBlackScholesProcess process)
     process_ = process;