public override void update() { coeff_.updateModelInstance(); // we should also check that y contains positive values only // we must update weights if it is vegaWeighted if (vegaWeighted_) { coeff_.weights_.Clear(); double weightsSum = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < xBegin_.Count; i++) { double stdDev = Math.Sqrt((yBegin_[i]) * (yBegin_[i]) * coeff_.t_); coeff_.weights_.Add(coeff_.model_.weight(xBegin_[i], forward_, stdDev, coeff_.addParams_)); weightsSum += coeff_.weights_.Last(); } // weight normalization for (int i = 0; i < coeff_.weights_.Count; i++) { coeff_.weights_[i] /= weightsSum; } } // there is nothing to optimize if (coeff_.paramIsFixed_.Aggregate((a, b) => b && a)) { coeff_.error_ = interpolationError(); coeff_.maxError_ = interpolationMaxError(); coeff_.XABREndCriteria_ = EndCriteria.Type.None; return; } XABRError costFunction = new XABRError(this); Vector guess = new Vector(coeff_.model_.dimension()); for (int i = 0; i < guess.size(); ++i) { guess[i] = coeff_.params_[i].GetValueOrDefault(); } int iterations = 0; int freeParameters = 0; double bestError = double.MaxValue; Vector bestParameters = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < coeff_.model_.dimension(); ++i) { if (!coeff_.paramIsFixed_[i]) { ++freeParameters; } } HaltonRsg halton = new HaltonRsg(freeParameters, 42); EndCriteria.Type tmpEndCriteria; double tmpInterpolationError; do { if (iterations > 0) { Sample <List <double> > s = halton.nextSequence(); coeff_.model_.guess(guess, coeff_.paramIsFixed_, forward_, coeff_.t_, s.value, coeff_.addParams_); for (int i = 0; i < coeff_.paramIsFixed_.Count; ++i) { if (coeff_.paramIsFixed_[i]) { guess[i] = coeff_.params_[i].GetValueOrDefault(); } } } Vector inversedTransformatedGuess = new Vector(coeff_.model_.inverse(guess, coeff_.paramIsFixed_, coeff_.params_, forward_)); ProjectedCostFunction rainedXABRError = new ProjectedCostFunction(costFunction, inversedTransformatedGuess, coeff_.paramIsFixed_); Vector projectedGuess = new Vector(rainedXABRError.project(inversedTransformatedGuess)); constraint_.config(rainedXABRError, coeff_, forward_); Problem problem = new Problem(rainedXABRError, constraint_, projectedGuess); tmpEndCriteria = optMethod_.minimize(problem, endCriteria_); Vector projectedResult = new Vector(problem.currentValue()); Vector transfResult = new Vector(rainedXABRError.include(projectedResult)); Vector result =, coeff_.paramIsFixed_, coeff_.params_, forward_); tmpInterpolationError = useMaxError_ ? interpolationMaxError() : interpolationError(); if (tmpInterpolationError < bestError) { bestError = tmpInterpolationError; bestParameters = result; coeff_.XABREndCriteria_ = tmpEndCriteria; } }while (++iterations < maxGuesses_ && tmpInterpolationError > errorAccept_); for (int i = 0; i < bestParameters.size(); ++i) { coeff_.params_[i] = bestParameters[i]; } coeff_.error_ = interpolationError(); coeff_.maxError_ = interpolationMaxError(); }
public virtual void config <Model>(ProjectedCostFunction costFunction, XABRCoeffHolder <Model> coeff, double forward) where Model : IModel, new () { }
public void compute() { if (vegaWeighted_) { double weightsSum = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < times_.Count; i++) { double stdDev = Math.Sqrt(blackVols_[i] * blackVols_[i] * times_[i]); // when strike==forward, the blackFormulaStdDevDerivative becomes weights_[i] = new CumulativeNormalDistribution().derivative(.5 * stdDev); weightsSum += weights_[i]; } // weight normalization for (int i = 0; i < times_.Count; i++) { weights_[i] /= weightsSum; } } // there is nothing to optimize if (aIsFixed_ && bIsFixed_ && cIsFixed_ && dIsFixed_) { abcdEndCriteria_ = QLCore.EndCriteria.Type.None; return; } else { AbcdError costFunction = new AbcdError(this); transformation_ = new AbcdParametersTransformation(); Vector guess = new Vector(4); guess[0] = a_; guess[1] = b_; guess[2] = c_; guess[3] = d_; List <bool> parameterAreFixed = new InitializedList <bool>(4); parameterAreFixed[0] = aIsFixed_; parameterAreFixed[1] = bIsFixed_; parameterAreFixed[2] = cIsFixed_; parameterAreFixed[3] = dIsFixed_; Vector inversedTransformatedGuess = new Vector(transformation_.inverse(guess)); ProjectedCostFunction projectedAbcdCostFunction = new ProjectedCostFunction(costFunction, inversedTransformatedGuess, parameterAreFixed); Vector projectedGuess = new Vector(projectedAbcdCostFunction.project(inversedTransformatedGuess)); NoConstraint constraint = new NoConstraint(); Problem problem = new Problem(projectedAbcdCostFunction, constraint, projectedGuess); abcdEndCriteria_ = optMethod_.minimize(problem, endCriteria_); Vector projectedResult = new Vector(problem.currentValue()); Vector transfResult = new Vector(projectedAbcdCostFunction.include(projectedResult)); Vector result =; QLCore.AbcdMathFunction.validate(a_, b_, c_, d_); a_ = result[0]; b_ = result[1]; c_ = result[2]; d_ = result[3]; } }