예제 #1
    public string GetTopFunctionList()
        string sql = "SELECT * FROM dbo.FunctionList WHERE parentId IS NULL ORDER BY orderFlag";
        IList<Function> TopFunctionList = new List<Function>();
        using (DataTable table = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommonInfo.ConQJVRMS, CommandType.Text, sql).Tables[0])
            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                Function f = new Function();
                f.Description = row["Description"].ToString();
                f.FunctionName = row["FunctionName"].ToString();
                f.UrlPath = row["UrlPath"].ToString();
                f.FunctionID = new Guid(row["FunctionId"].ToString());
                f.OrderFlag = int.Parse(row["orderFlag"].ToString());

                if (row["parentid"] == DBNull.Value)
                    f.ParentFunctionId = null;
                    f.ParentFunctionId = new Guid(row["parentId"].ToString());
        SerializeObjectFactory sof = new SerializeObjectFactory();
        return sof.SerializeToBase64(TopFunctionList);
예제 #2
        public static bool AddADUserToDB(System.Collections.ArrayList userList, Guid groupId)
            QJVRMS.Business.MemWS.MemberShipService mss = new QJVRMS.Business.MemWS.MemberShipService();

            QJVRMS.Common.SerializeObjectFactory sof = new QJVRMS.Common.SerializeObjectFactory();

            string userListStr = sof.SerializeToBase64(userList);
            return mss.AddADUsersToDB(userListStr, groupId);
예제 #3
        public static bool AddADUserToDB(System.Collections.ArrayList userList, Guid groupId)
            QJVRMS.Business.MemWS.MemberShipService mss = new QJVRMS.Business.MemWS.MemberShipService();

            QJVRMS.Common.SerializeObjectFactory sof = new QJVRMS.Common.SerializeObjectFactory();

            string userListStr = sof.SerializeToBase64(userList);

            return(mss.AddADUsersToDB(userListStr, groupId));
예제 #4
        //   public static void CheckRules(

        public static void CheckRules(List <ObjectRule> rules)
            QJVRMS.Common.SerializeObjectFactory sof = new QJVRMS.Common.SerializeObjectFactory();

            string rulesStr = sof.SerializeToBase64(rules);

            QJVRMS.Business.ObjectRuleWS.ObjectRuleService ors = new QJVRMS.Business.ObjectRuleWS.ObjectRuleService();
            string ruleResult = ors.CheckRules(rulesStr);

            object o = sof.DesializeFromBase64(ruleResult);

            List <ObjectRule> result = (List <ObjectRule>)o;

            for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
                rules[i].IsValidate = result[i].IsValidate;

            //StringBuilder sqlQuery = new StringBuilder();

            //string sql = "CREATE TABLE #RuleList(ruleId uniqueidentifier);";


            //foreach (IRule rule in rules)
            //    sqlQuery.Append(rule.GetSqlQuery());

            //sql = "select * from #RuleList";


            //using (DataTable dt = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(SqlHelper.SqlCon_QJVRMS, CommandType.Text, sqlQuery.ToString()).Tables[0])
            //    foreach (IRule rule in rules)
            //    {
            //        DataRow[] rows = dt.Select("ruleId='" + rule.RuleId.ToString() + "'");
            //        if (rows.Length > 0) rule.IsValidate = true;
            //    }
예제 #5
        public static List<User> CheckUsers(string domainName, string OU, string adminId, string adminPwd, List<string> userIdList)
            List<User> userList = new List<User>();
            // ADHelper.SearchUser(domainName, OU, adminId, adminPwd, userIdList, userList);

            QJVRMS.Business.MemWS.MemberShipService mss = new QJVRMS.Business.MemWS.MemberShipService();

            SerializeObjectFactory sof = new SerializeObjectFactory();

            //System.Collections.ArrayList al = new System.Collections.ArrayList(userIdList.Count);

            //foreach (string var in userIdList)
            //    al.Add(var);

            string idString = sof.SerializeToBase64(userIdList);

            string returnUserList = mss.CheckUsers(domainName, OU, adminId, adminPwd, idString);

            object o = sof.DesializeFromBase64(returnUserList);

            List<User> users = (List<User>)o;
            //foreach (IADsUser adUser in adList)
            //    User user = new User();

            //    user.Email = adUser.EmailAddress;
            //    user.UserLoginName = adUser.Name;
            //    user.UserId = new Guid(adUser.GUID);
            //    user.Telphone = adUser.TelephoneNumber.ToString();

            //    userList.Add(user);

            return users;
예제 #6
    public Guid NewRole(Guid groupId, string roleName, string description, string securityObjs, int method)
        SqlParameter[] Parameters = new SqlParameter[4];

        Parameters[0] = new SqlParameter("@RoleName", SqlDbType.NVarChar);
        Parameters[1] = new SqlParameter("@description", SqlDbType.NVarChar);
        Parameters[2] = new SqlParameter("@groupId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier);
        Parameters[3] = new SqlParameter("@roleId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier);

        Parameters[3].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

        Parameters[0].Value = roleName;
        Parameters[1].Value = description;
        Parameters[2].Value = groupId;

        SerializeObjectFactory sof = new SerializeObjectFactory();
        SecurityObject[] objs = (SecurityObject [])sof.DesializeFromBase64(securityObjs);

        SqlTransaction trans = null;
        Guid roleId;
        using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(CommonInfo.ConQJVRMS))
            trans = con.BeginTransaction();

                SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(trans, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "Role_CreateRole", Parameters);
                roleId = new Guid(Parameters[3].Value.ToString());

                string formatcreateSql = @"insert into accessControlList (ObjectId,ObjectType,OperatorId,OperatorMethod)
                                values ('{0}',{1},'{2}',{3})";

                string sql = string.Empty;

                foreach (ISecurityObject secobj in objs)
                    string secObjId = secobj.ObjectId.ToString();
                    int oType = (int)secobj.ObjectType;
                    int methodIndex = method;
                    sql += string.Format(formatcreateSql, secObjId, oType.ToString(), roleId.ToString(), methodIndex.ToString());

                if (sql != string.Empty)
                    SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(trans, CommandType.Text, sql);

            catch (Exception e)
                QJVRMS.Common.LogWriter.WriteExceptionLog(e, true);
                throw e;


        QJVRMS.Common.LogWriter.WriteLog("S", new string[] { "Test" });

        return roleId;

예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// ÉèÖÃRule
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rules"></param>
        public static bool SetRules(List<ObjectRule> rules, SecurityObject secObj, System.Collections.ArrayList opers)

            QJVRMS.Common.SerializeObjectFactory sof = new QJVRMS.Common.SerializeObjectFactory();

            string rulesStr = sof.SerializeToBase64(rules);
            string secObjStr = sof.SerializeToBase64(secObj);
            string opersStr = sof.SerializeToBase64(opers);

            return SetRules(rulesStr, secObjStr, opersStr);

            //string sqlRuleFormat = "insert into AccessControlLIst (ObjectId,ObjectType,OperatorId,OperatorMethod)"
            //                        + " values ('{0}',{1},'{2}',{3});";
            //StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            //sqlBuilder.Append("Begin Tran Begin try {0}");

            //string sqlRuleDelFormat = "Delete from AccessControlLIst Where ObjectId='{0}' and OperatorId='{1}';";
            //StringBuilder sqlDelBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            //if (rules.Count != 0)
            //    foreach (IRule rule in rules)
            //    {
            //        string sqlTemp = string.Empty;

            //        string objId = rule.SecurityObject.ObjectId.ToString();
            //        string objType = ((int)rule.SecurityObject.ObjectType).ToString();

            //        string operId = rule.Operator.OperatorId.ToString();
            //        string method = ((int)rule.Method).ToString();

            //        sqlTemp = string.Format(sqlRuleFormat, objId, objType, operId, method);
            //        sqlBuilder.Append(sqlTemp);

            //        sqlTemp = string.Format(sqlRuleDelFormat, objId, operId);
            //        sqlDelBuilder.Append(sqlTemp);

            //    }
            //    foreach (IOperator oper in opers)
            //    {
            //        sqlDelBuilder.Append(string.Format(sqlRuleDelFormat, secObj.ObjectId.ToString(), oper.OperatorId.ToString()));
            //    }


            //sqlBuilder.Append(" Commit End Try Begin Catch  IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 Rollback DECLARE @ErrMsg nvarchar(4000), @ErrSeverity int"
            //        + " SELECT @ErrMsg = ERROR_MESSAGE(),"
            //        + " @ErrSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY()"
            //        + " RAISERROR(@ErrMsg, @ErrSeverity, 1)"
            //        + " End Catch");

            //string finalSql = sqlBuilder.ToString();

            //finalSql = string.Format(finalSql, sqlDelBuilder.ToString());

            //    SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(SqlHelper.SqlCon_QJVRMS, CommandType.Text, finalSql);
            //    return true;
            //catch(Exception ex)
            //    LogWriter.WriteExceptionLog(ex);
            //    return false;
예제 #8
        //   public static void CheckRules(

        public static void CheckRules(List<ObjectRule> rules)
            QJVRMS.Common.SerializeObjectFactory sof = new QJVRMS.Common.SerializeObjectFactory();

            string rulesStr = sof.SerializeToBase64(rules);
            QJVRMS.Business.ObjectRuleWS.ObjectRuleService ors = new QJVRMS.Business.ObjectRuleWS.ObjectRuleService();
            string ruleResult = ors.CheckRules(rulesStr);

            object o = sof.DesializeFromBase64(ruleResult);

            List<ObjectRule> result = (List<ObjectRule>)o;
            for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
                rules[i].IsValidate = result[i].IsValidate;

            //StringBuilder sqlQuery = new StringBuilder();

            //string sql = "CREATE TABLE #RuleList(ruleId uniqueidentifier);";


            //foreach (IRule rule in rules)
            //    sqlQuery.Append(rule.GetSqlQuery());

            //sql = "select * from #RuleList";


            //using (DataTable dt = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(SqlHelper.SqlCon_QJVRMS, CommandType.Text, sqlQuery.ToString()).Tables[0])
            //    foreach (IRule rule in rules)
            //    {
            //        DataRow[] rows = dt.Select("ruleId='" + rule.RuleId.ToString() + "'");
            //        if (rows.Length > 0) rule.IsValidate = true;
            //    }

예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// and IPAddress validate
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="loginName"></param>
        /// <param name="password"></param>
        /// <param name="returnObj"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool AuthUserByForm(string loginName, string password, string IPAddress, ref object returnObj)

            string encryptPassword = Encryption.Encrypt(password);
            //SqlParameter[] Parameters = new SqlParameter[4];
            //Parameters[0] = new SqlParameter("@loginName", SqlDbType.NVarChar);
            //Parameters[1] = new SqlParameter("@password", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
            //Parameters[2] = new SqlParameter("@IPAddress", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 15);
            //Parameters[3] = new SqlParameter("@IsValidated", SqlDbType.Bit);

            //Parameters[0].Value = loginName;
            //Parameters[1].Value = encryptPassword;
            //Parameters[2].Value = IPAddress;
            //Parameters[3].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

            //    using (DataTable resTable = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(SqlHelper.SqlCon_QJVRMS, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "dbo.Users_ValidateUserAndGetUser", Parameters).Tables[0])
            //    {
            //        if (resTable.Rows.Count != 0)
            //        {
            //            if (!bool.Parse(Parameters[3].Value.ToString()))
            //            {
            //                return false;
            //            }
            //            DataRow reader = resTable.Rows[0];
            //            User user = new User();
            //            user.UserId = new Guid(reader["UserId"].ToString());
            //            user.GroupId = new Guid(reader["Groupid"].ToString());
            //            user.UserName = reader["UserName"].ToString();
            //            user.GroupName = reader["GroupName"].ToString();
            //            user.IsDownLoad = reader["IsDownLoad"].ToString();
            //            returnObj = user;

            //            return true;
            //        }
            //        else
            //        {
            //            return false;
            //        }
            //    }
            //catch (Exception ex)
            //    LogWriter.WriteExceptionLog(ex, true);
            //    return false;

            QJVRMS.Business.MemWS.MemberShipService mss = new QJVRMS.Business.MemWS.MemberShipService();
            SerializeObjectFactory sof = new SerializeObjectFactory();

                string objStr = null; 

                string isAuthByRemote = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AuthByRemote"];
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(isAuthByRemote))
                    isAuthByRemote = "0";

                if (isAuthByRemote.Equals("1"))
                    //objStr = mss.GetUserByLoginName(loginName);
                    bool isUser = mss.IsUserExist(loginName);

                    if (!isUser)
                        return AuthUserByRequest(loginName, password, IPAddress, ref returnObj, true);
                        objStr = mss.GetUserByLoginName(loginName);
                        object o = sof.DesializeFromBase64(objStr);
                        QJVRMS.Business.User user = (QJVRMS.Business.User)o;

                        returnObj = user;
                        string superAdminId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["superAdminId"];
                        if (user.UserId.ToString().ToLower() != superAdminId.ToLower())
                            return AuthUserByRequest(loginName, password, IPAddress, ref returnObj, false);
                            objStr = mss.AuthUserByForm(loginName, password, IPAddress);
                                return false;
                                object o1 = sof.DesializeFromBase64(objStr);
                                QJVRMS.Business.User user1 = (QJVRMS.Business.User)o1;
                                returnObj = user1;
                                return true;    

                        //returnObj = user;

                        return true;
                    objStr = mss.AuthUserByForm(loginName, password, IPAddress);
                    object o = sof.DesializeFromBase64(objStr);
                    QJVRMS.Business.User user = (QJVRMS.Business.User)o;
                    returnObj = user;
                    return true;                

            catch(Exception ex)
                return false;

예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// ÉèÖÃRule
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rules"></param>
        public static bool SetRules(List <ObjectRule> rules, SecurityObject secObj, System.Collections.ArrayList opers)
            QJVRMS.Common.SerializeObjectFactory sof = new QJVRMS.Common.SerializeObjectFactory();

            string rulesStr  = sof.SerializeToBase64(rules);
            string secObjStr = sof.SerializeToBase64(secObj);
            string opersStr  = sof.SerializeToBase64(opers);

            return(SetRules(rulesStr, secObjStr, opersStr));

            //string sqlRuleFormat = "insert into AccessControlLIst (ObjectId,ObjectType,OperatorId,OperatorMethod)"
            //                        + " values ('{0}',{1},'{2}',{3});";
            //StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            //sqlBuilder.Append("Begin Tran Begin try {0}");

            //string sqlRuleDelFormat = "Delete from AccessControlLIst Where ObjectId='{0}' and OperatorId='{1}';";
            //StringBuilder sqlDelBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            //if (rules.Count != 0)
            //    foreach (IRule rule in rules)
            //    {
            //        string sqlTemp = string.Empty;

            //        string objId = rule.SecurityObject.ObjectId.ToString();
            //        string objType = ((int)rule.SecurityObject.ObjectType).ToString();

            //        string operId = rule.Operator.OperatorId.ToString();
            //        string method = ((int)rule.Method).ToString();

            //        sqlTemp = string.Format(sqlRuleFormat, objId, objType, operId, method);
            //        sqlBuilder.Append(sqlTemp);

            //        sqlTemp = string.Format(sqlRuleDelFormat, objId, operId);
            //        sqlDelBuilder.Append(sqlTemp);

            //    }
            //    foreach (IOperator oper in opers)
            //    {
            //        sqlDelBuilder.Append(string.Format(sqlRuleDelFormat, secObj.ObjectId.ToString(), oper.OperatorId.ToString()));
            //    }


            //sqlBuilder.Append(" Commit End Try Begin Catch  IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 Rollback DECLARE @ErrMsg nvarchar(4000), @ErrSeverity int"
            //        + " SELECT @ErrMsg = ERROR_MESSAGE(),"
            //        + " @ErrSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY()"
            //        + " RAISERROR(@ErrMsg, @ErrSeverity, 1)"
            //        + " End Catch");

            //string finalSql = sqlBuilder.ToString();

            //finalSql = string.Format(finalSql, sqlDelBuilder.ToString());

            //    SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(SqlHelper.SqlCon_QJVRMS, CommandType.Text, finalSql);
            //    return true;
            //catch(Exception ex)
            //    LogWriter.WriteExceptionLog(ex);
            //    return false;
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Get All Function
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="groupID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List<Function> GetFunctionList()
            SerializeObjectFactory sof = new SerializeObjectFactory();
            FunctionService fs = new FunctionService();
            string funListStr = fs.GetFunctionList();

            object o = sof.DesializeFromBase64(funListStr);

            List<Function> list = (List<Function>)o;

            return list;
            //List<Function> FunctionListAll = new List<Function>();

            //using (DataTable table = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(SqlHelper.SqlCon_QJVRMS, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "Function_GetFunction").Tables[0])
            //    foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
            //    {
            //        Function f = new Function();
            //        f.description = row["Description"].ToString();                   
            //        f.functionName = row["FunctionName"].ToString();
            //        f.urlPath = row["UrlPath"].ToString();
            //        f.functionID = row["FunctionId"].ToString();
            //        f.orderFlag = int.Parse(row["orderFlag"].ToString());
            //        FunctionListAll.Add(f);
            //    }

            //return FunctionListAll;
예제 #12
        public bool AuthUserByAD(string domain, string loginfullName, string loginId, string password, ref object returnObj)
            //IADsUser adUser = null;

            //    adUser = ADHelper.AuthenticateUser(domain, loginfullName, loginId, password);

            //    User user = new User();
            //    user.UserId = new Guid(adUser.GUID);
            //    user.GroupId = Guid.NewGuid();
            //    user.UserName = adUser.FullName;
            //    user.GroupName = "Test";
            //    user.IsDownLoad = string.Empty;
            //    returnObj = user;

            //    return true;
            //catch (Exception ex)
            //    LogWriter.WriteExceptionLog(ex);
            //    return false;

            QJVRMS.Business.MemWS.MemberShipService mss = new QJVRMS.Business.MemWS.MemberShipService();
            SerializeObjectFactory sof = new SerializeObjectFactory();

                string objStr = mss.AuthUserByAD(domain, loginfullName, loginId, password);

                object o = sof.DesializeFromBase64(objStr);
                QJVRMS.Business.User user = (QJVRMS.Business.User)o;

                returnObj = user;

                return true;
                return false;

예제 #13
        public User GetUser(Guid userId)
            //string sql = "select * from Users where loginName=@loginName and IsLocked=0";
            //SqlParameter[] Parameters = new SqlParameter[1];
            //Parameters[0] = new SqlParameter("@userId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier);
            //Parameters[0].Value = userId;

             User user = null;
            //Guid groupId;
            //bool isLocked;
            //bool isIPValidate;
            //string loginName, UserName, Email, Telphone, isdownload;
            //DateTime createDate;

            //using (IDataReader reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(SqlHelper.SqlCon_QJVRMS, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "dbo.Users_GetUserByUserId", Parameters))
            //    if (!reader.Read())
            //    {
            //        throw new Exception("用户ID不存在!");
            //    }

            //    groupId = new Guid(reader["groupId"].ToString());
            //    isLocked = bool.Parse(reader["IsLocked"].ToString());
            //    isIPValidate = bool.Parse(reader["IsIPValidate"].ToString());
            //    isdownload = reader["IsDownLoad"].ToString();
            //    loginName = reader["logInName"].ToString();
            //    UserName = reader["Username"].ToString();

            //    Email = reader["email"].ToString();
            //    Telphone = reader["Tel"].ToString();
            //    createDate = DateTime.Parse(reader["CreateDate"].ToString());

            //user = new User(loginName, UserName, userId, groupId, isLocked, Email, Telphone, createDate, isdownload, isIPValidate);

            //return user;

            QJVRMS.Business.MemWS.MemberShipService mss = new QJVRMS.Business.MemWS.MemberShipService();
            string objStr = mss.GetUserById(userId);
            SerializeObjectFactory sof = new SerializeObjectFactory();
            object o = sof.DesializeFromBase64(objStr);

            user = (User)o;

            return user;

예제 #14
        public static bool AuthUserByRequest(string loginName, string password, string ipAddress, ref object returnObj, bool isCreated) {
            string addressParam = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RequestUrl"];
            string lnParam = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LoginNameParamName"];
            string pParam = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PasswordParamName"];
            string ipParam = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IPParamName"];

            string url;
            if (addressParam.Contains("?"))
                url = addressParam + "&" + lnParam + "=" + loginName + "&" + pParam + "=" + password + "&" + ipParam + "=" + ipAddress;
                url = addressParam + "?" + lnParam + "=" + loginName + "&" + pParam + "=" + password + "&" + ipParam + "=" + ipAddress;                
            string result = DoGetRequest(url);

            if (result == "0") {

                QJVRMS.Business.MemWS.MemberShipService mss = new QJVRMS.Business.MemWS.MemberShipService();
                SerializeObjectFactory sof = new SerializeObjectFactory();
                string objStr = mss.AuthUserByForm(loginName, password, ipAddress);                

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objStr))
                    object o = sof.DesializeFromBase64(objStr);
                    QJVRMS.Business.User user = (QJVRMS.Business.User)o;
                    returnObj = user;
                    return true;

                return false;
            else {

                    string[] arrIds = new Boss().GetVrmsId(loginName, password);
                    string roleId = arrIds[0];
                    string groupId = arrIds[1];
                    string email=arrIds[2];

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(roleId))
                        roleId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RoleID"];
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(groupId))
                        groupId = "356b8e9c-005d-47ae-8aad-e7d1d60a1496";

                        email= loginName + "@quanjing.com";

                if (isCreated)
                    MemberShipManager msm = new MemberShipManager();
                    //string email = loginName + "@sany.com.cn";
                    IUser u = msm.CreateUser(password, loginName, loginName,
                        new Guid(groupId), email, string.Empty, false, "false", false);
                    QJVRMS.Business.User user = (QJVRMS.Business.User)u;
                    //string roleID = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RoleID"];
                    string roleID = roleId;
                    Role.CreateRoleUsers(new Guid[] { new Guid(roleID) }, user.UserId);
                    returnObj = user;
                    QJVRMS.Business.MemWS.MemberShipService mss = new QJVRMS.Business.MemWS.MemberShipService();
                    SerializeObjectFactory sof = new SerializeObjectFactory();

                    //string objStr = mss.AuthUserByForm(loginName, password, ipAddress);
                    string objStr = mss.GetUserByLoginName(loginName);

                    object o = sof.DesializeFromBase64(objStr);
                    QJVRMS.Business.User user = (QJVRMS.Business.User)o;
                    returnObj = user;


                    bool isDownloaded = false;
                    if (user.IsDownLoad.ToLower().Equals("true"))
                        isDownloaded = true;
                    mss.ModifyUserInfo1(user.UserId, new Guid(groupId), user.UserName, email, user.Telphone, user.IsLocked, isDownloaded, user.IsIPValidate);

                    Role.CreateRoleUsers(new Guid[] { new Guid(roleId) }, user.UserId);

            return true;
예제 #15
    public bool ModifyRole(string roleName, string description, Guid roleId, string securityObjs, int method)
        SerializeObjectFactory sof = new SerializeObjectFactory();
        SecurityObject[] objs = (SecurityObject[])sof.DesializeFromBase64(securityObjs);

        string formatcreateSql = string.Empty;
        formatcreateSql = @"insert into accessControlList (ObjectId,ObjectType,OperatorId,OperatorMethod)
                                values ('{0}',{1},'{2}',{3})";
        string createSql = string.Empty;

        string sql = string.Empty;

        sql = "Begin Tran Begin try ";

        sql += "update Roles set RoleName='{0}',Description='{1}' where roleId='{2}'";
        sql = string.Format(sql, roleName, description, roleId.ToString());

        sql += " delete from accessControlList where OperatorId='{0}' ";
        sql = string.Format(sql, roleId.ToString());

        foreach (ISecurityObject secobj in objs)
            string secObjId = secobj.ObjectId.ToString();
            int oType = (int)secobj.ObjectType;
            int methodIndex = method;
            createSql = string.Format(formatcreateSql, secObjId, oType.ToString(), roleId.ToString(), methodIndex.ToString());

            sql += createSql;

        sql += " Commit End try ";
        sql += "Begin Catch  IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 Rollback"
                + " DECLARE @ErrMsg nvarchar(4000), @ErrSeverity int"
                + " SELECT @ErrMsg = ERROR_MESSAGE(),"
                + " @ErrSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY()"
                + "RAISERROR(@ErrMsg, @ErrSeverity, 1)"
                + " End Catch";

            SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommonInfo.ConQJVRMS, CommandType.Text, sql);

            return true;
        catch (Exception ex)
            return false;
예제 #16
        public IList<Function> GetTopFunctionList()
            SerializeObjectFactory sof = new SerializeObjectFactory();
            FunctionService fs = new FunctionService();
            string topFunctionList = fs.GetTopFunctionList();
            object o=sof.DesializeFromBase64(topFunctionList);
            IList<Function> list = (IList<Function>)o;

            return list;
예제 #17
    public string CheckRules(string rulesStr)
        SerializeObjectFactory sof = new SerializeObjectFactory();
        StringBuilder sqlQuery = new StringBuilder();
        List<ObjectRule> rules = null;
            rules = (List<ObjectRule>)sof.DesializeFromBase64(rulesStr);
            string sql = "CREATE TABLE #RuleList(ruleId uniqueidentifier);";


            foreach (IRule rule in rules)

            sql = "select * from #RuleList";


            using (DataTable dt = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommonInfo.ConQJVRMS, CommandType.Text, sqlQuery.ToString()).Tables[0])
                foreach (IRule rule in rules)
                    DataRow[] rows = dt.Select("ruleId='" + rule.RuleId.ToString() + "'");
                    if (rows.Length > 0) rule.IsValidate = true;
        catch (Exception ex)
            return null;

        return sof.SerializeToBase64(rules);

예제 #18
    public string GetFunctionList()

        List<Function> FunctionListAll = new List<Function>();
        using (DataTable table = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(CommonInfo.ConQJVRMS, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "Function_GetFunction").Tables[0])
            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                Function f = new Function();
                f.Description = row["Description"].ToString();
                f.FunctionName = row["FunctionName"].ToString();
                f.UrlPath = row["UrlPath"].ToString();
                f.FunctionID = new Guid(row["FunctionId"].ToString());
                f.OrderFlag = int.Parse(row["orderFlag"].ToString());

                if (row["parentid"] == DBNull.Value)
                    f.ParentFunctionId = null;
                    f.ParentFunctionId = new Guid(row["parentId"].ToString());

        SerializeObjectFactory sof = new SerializeObjectFactory();
        return sof.SerializeToBase64(FunctionListAll);
예제 #19
    public bool SetRules(string rulesStr, string secObjStr, string opersStr)
        SerializeObjectFactory sof = new SerializeObjectFactory();

        List<ObjectRule> rules = (List<ObjectRule>)sof.DesializeFromBase64(rulesStr);
        SecurityObject secObj = (SecurityObject)sof.DesializeFromBase64(secObjStr);
        ArrayList opers = (ArrayList)sof.DesializeFromBase64(opersStr);

        string sqlRuleFormat = "insert into AccessControlLIst (ObjectId,ObjectType,OperatorId,OperatorMethod)"
                                + " values ('{0}',{1},'{2}',{3});";
        StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        sqlBuilder.Append("Begin Tran Begin try {0}");

        string sqlRuleDelFormat = "Delete from AccessControlLIst Where ObjectId='{0}' and OperatorId='{1}' and OperatorMethod={2};";
        StringBuilder sqlDelBuilder = new StringBuilder();

        //  if (rules.Count != 0)
        //  {
        foreach (ObjectRule rule in rules)
            string sqlTemp = string.Empty;

            string objId = rule.SecurityObject.ObjectId.ToString();
            string objType = ((int)rule.SecurityObject.ObjectType).ToString();

            string operId = rule.Operator.OperatorId.ToString();
            string method = ((int)rule.Method).ToString();

            if (rule.IsValidate)
                sqlTemp = string.Format(sqlRuleFormat, objId, objType, operId, method);

                sqlTemp = string.Format(sqlRuleDelFormat, objId, operId, method);
                sqlTemp = string.Format(sqlRuleDelFormat, objId, operId, method);

        // }
        //    foreach (IOperator oper in opers)
        //    {
        //        sqlDelBuilder.Append(string.Format(sqlRuleDelFormat, secObj.ObjectId.ToString(), oper.OperatorId.ToString()));
        //    }


        sqlBuilder.Append(" Commit End Try Begin Catch  IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 Rollback DECLARE @ErrMsg nvarchar(4000), @ErrSeverity int"
                + " SELECT @ErrMsg = ERROR_MESSAGE(),"
                + " @ErrSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY()"
                + " RAISERROR(@ErrMsg, @ErrSeverity, 1)"
                + " End Catch");

        string finalSql = sqlBuilder.ToString();

        finalSql = string.Format(finalSql, sqlDelBuilder.ToString());

            SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(CommonInfo.ConQJVRMS, CommandType.Text, finalSql);
            return true;
        catch (Exception ex)
            return false;
예제 #20
    public void PutImageFromClient(string log)
        SerializeObjectFactory sof = new SerializeObjectFactory();
        Quanjing.Security.UploadLogInfo loginfo = sof.DesializeFromBase64(log) as Quanjing.Security.UploadLogInfo;

        //    loginfo.OldFileName,
        //    loginfo.UserId, 
        //    loginfo.PicRemark, 
        //    string.Empty, 
        //    string.Empty, 
        //    DateTime.Now, 
        //    DateTime.Now, 
        //    DateTime.Now, 
        //    string.Empty, 
        //    loginfo.PicRemark,
        //    System.IO.Path.GetExtension(loginfo.UpLoadFileName), 
        //    string.Empty, loginfo.ItemId,
        //    loginfo.ImageSerNum);

        SqlParameter[] Parameters = new SqlParameter[15];

        Parameters[0] = new SqlParameter("@userId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier);
        Parameters[1] = new SqlParameter("@FileName", SqlDbType.NVarChar);
        Parameters[2] = new SqlParameter("@FolderName", SqlDbType.NVarChar);
        Parameters[3] = new SqlParameter("@Caption", SqlDbType.NVarChar);
        Parameters[4] = new SqlParameter("@Address", SqlDbType.NVarChar);
        Parameters[5] = new SqlParameter("@Character", SqlDbType.NVarChar);
        Parameters[6] = new SqlParameter("@StartDate", SqlDbType.DateTime);
        Parameters[7] = new SqlParameter("@EndDate", SqlDbType.DateTime);
        Parameters[8] = new SqlParameter("@shotDate", SqlDbType.DateTime);
        Parameters[9] = new SqlParameter("@Keyword", SqlDbType.NVarChar);
        Parameters[10] = new SqlParameter("Description", SqlDbType.NVarChar);
        Parameters[11] = new SqlParameter("@ImageType", SqlDbType.NVarChar);
        Parameters[12] = new SqlParameter("@Hvsp", SqlDbType.VarChar);
        Parameters[13] = new SqlParameter("@ItemId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier);
        Parameters[14] = new SqlParameter("@serNum", SqlDbType.VarChar);

        Parameters[0].Value = loginfo.UserGuid;
        Parameters[1].Value = loginfo.OldFileName;
        Parameters[2].Value = loginfo.UserId;
        Parameters[3].Value = loginfo.PicRemark;
        Parameters[4].Value = string.Empty;
        Parameters[5].Value = string.Empty;
        Parameters[6].Value = DateTime.Now;
        Parameters[7].Value = DateTime.Now;
        Parameters[8].Value = DateTime.Now;
        Parameters[9].Value = string.Empty;
        Parameters[10].Value = loginfo.PicRemark;
        Parameters[11].Value = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(loginfo.UpLoadFileName);
        Parameters[12].Value = string.Empty;
        Parameters[13].Value = loginfo.ItemId;
        Parameters[14].Value = loginfo.ImageSerNum;

        System.Collections.Generic.List<Guid> catas = null;
        catas = loginfo.CataList;

        string sql = "Insert into ImageStorage_Catalogs (ImageStorageid,Catalogid) values (@itemId,@cataId)";

        SqlConnection sc = null;
        SqlTransaction trans = null;
            sc = new SqlConnection(CommonInfo.ConQJVRMS);

            trans = sc.BeginTransaction();
            SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(trans, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "QJDAM_AddImageStorage", Parameters);

            SqlParameter[] parames = new SqlParameter[2];

            parames[0] = new SqlParameter("@itemId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier);
            parames[1] = new SqlParameter("@cataId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier);

            foreach (Guid cataId in catas)
                parames[0].Value = loginfo.ItemId;
                parames[1].Value = cataId;

                SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(trans, CommandType.Text, sql, parames);


        catch (Exception ex)

예제 #21
    public bool AddADUsersToDB(string userListStr, Guid groupid)
        DataTable userTable = new DataTable();
        userTable.Columns.Add("UserId", typeof(Guid));
        userTable.Columns.Add("GroupId", typeof(Guid));
        userTable.Columns.Add("loginName", typeof(string));
        userTable.Columns.Add("UserName", typeof(string));
        userTable.Columns.Add("Tel", typeof(string));
        userTable.Columns.Add("Email", typeof(string));
        userTable.Columns.Add("uType", typeof(string));

        userTable.Columns.Add("password", typeof(string));
        userTable.Columns.Add("isLocked", typeof(string));
        userTable.Columns.Add("isDownload", typeof(string));
        userTable.Columns.Add("isIpValidate", typeof(string));
        userTable.Columns.Add("IpAddress", typeof(string));
        userTable.Columns.Add("CreateDate", typeof(DateTime));

        SerializeObjectFactory sof = new SerializeObjectFactory();
        ArrayList userList = (ArrayList)sof.DesializeFromBase64(userListStr);

        foreach (object ouser in userList)
            QJVRMS.Business.User user = ouser as QJVRMS.Business.User;

            DataRow userRow = userTable.NewRow();

            userRow["UserId"] = user.UserId;
            userRow["GroupId"] = groupid;
            userRow["loginName"] = user.UserLoginName;
            userRow["UserName"] = user.UserName;
            userRow["Tel"] = user.Telphone;
            userRow["Email"] = user.Email;
            userRow["uType"] = "1";
            userRow["password"] = "******";

        SqlConnection con = null;
        SqlTransaction trans = null;

            con = new SqlConnection(CommonInfo.ConQJVRMS);

            trans = con.BeginTransaction();
            SqlHelperExtend.Update("Users", userTable, trans);

            return true;
        catch (Exception ex)

            return false;
            if (con != null) con.Close();