private void DetailButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_isDetail) { _isDetail = false; var item = (Button)sender; if (App.gDocType == "SO") { App.gPageTitle = "Items List (Sales Order)"; } else { App.gPageTitle = "Items List (Credit Memo)"; } SalesHeader head = new SalesHeader(); head = recItems.Where(x => x.DocumentNo == item.CommandParameter.ToString()).FirstOrDefault(); App.gCustCode = head.SellToCustomer; DataManager manager = new DataManager(); Customer customer = new Customer(); customer = manager.GetSQLite_CustomerbyCustNo(head.SellToCustomer); if (customer != null) { App.gCustPriceGroup = customer.CustomerPriceGroup; } else { App.gCustPriceGroup = string.Empty; } Navigation.PushAsync(new SalesLinePage(item.CommandParameter.ToString(), "Open")); } }
private void DtlButton_OnTouchesEnded(object sender, IEnumerable <NGraphics.Point> e) { var item = (ActionButton)sender; if (App.gDocType == "SO") { App.gPageTitle = "Items List (Sales Order)"; } else { App.gPageTitle = "Items List (Credit Memo)"; } SalesHeader head = new SalesHeader(); head = recItems.Where(x => x.DocumentNo == item.CommandParameter.ToString()).FirstOrDefault(); App.gCustCode = head.SellToCustomer; Navigation.PushAsync(new SalesLinePage(item.CommandParameter.ToString(), "Open")); }
void DisplayData(SalesHeader record) { if (record != null) { EntryNo = record.ID; InvoiceNoLabel.Text = record.DocumentNo; //DocumentDatePicker.Date =Convert.ToDateTime(record.DocumentDate); DocDateTimeLabel.Text = record.DocumentDate; SellToCustomerEntry.Text = record.SellToCustomer; SellToNameLabel.Text = record.SellToName; ExternalDocNoEntry.Text = record.ExternalDocNo; BillToCustNo = record.BillToCustomer; BilltoName = record.BillToName; SubTotal = record.TotalAmount; GSTAmount = record.GSTAmount; NetTotal = record.NetAmount; CurStatus = record.Status; originCust = record.SellToCustomer; } else { EntryNo = 0; DataManager manager = new DataManager(); if (App.gDocType == "SO") { InvoiceNoLabel.Text = manager.GetLastNoSeries(App.gSOPrefix); } else { InvoiceNoLabel.Text = manager.GetLastNoSeries(App.gCRPrefix); } DocDateTimeLabel.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss tt"); ExternalDocNoEntry.Text = string.Empty; // DocumentDatePicker.Date = DateTime.Today; SubTotal = 0; GSTAmount = 0; NetTotal = 0; // StatusPicker.SelectedItem = "Open"; CurStatus = "Open"; originCust = string.Empty; // StatusPicker.IsEnabled = false; // //Status: Open (same as in NAV), Released (same as in NAV), Completed (when Transfer Order is posted and deleted) } }
private void DeleteButton_OnTouchesEnded(object sender, IEnumerable <NGraphics.Point> e) { var item = (ActionButton)sender; bool isConfirm = false; Task.Run(async() => { var answer = await UserDialogs.Instance.ConfirmAsync("Are you sure to delete?", "Delete", "Yes", "No"); Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { if (answer) { isConfirm = true; } else { isConfirm = false; } }); }); if (isConfirm) { DataManager manager = new DataManager(); SalesHeader hd = new SalesHeader(); hd = manager.GetSalesHeaderbyID(int.Parse(item.CommandParameter.ToString())); ObservableCollection <SalesLine> recItems = new ObservableCollection <SalesLine>(); recItems = manager.GetSalesLinesbyDocNo(hd.DocumentNo); if (recItems != null) { if (recItems.Count > 0) { foreach (SalesLine s in recItems) { manager.DeleteScannedSoldDocbyBagNo(s.BagNo); } manager.DeleteSalesLinebyDocNo(hd.DocumentNo); } } manager.DeleteSalesOrderbyID(int.Parse(item.CommandParameter.ToString())); LoadData(App.gSOStatus); } }
protected override void OnAppearing() { base.OnAppearing(); _isEnableSaveBtn = true; _isEnableCustomerBtn = true; data = new SalesHeader(); if (!IsBack) { UserDialogs.Instance.ShowLoading("Loading", MaskType.Black); //IsLoading = true; try { if (EntryNo != 0) { DataManager manager = new DataManager(); data = manager.GetSalesHeaderbyID(EntryNo); } else { data = null; } DisplayData(data); UserDialogs.Instance.HideLoading(); //IsLoading = false; } catch (OperationCanceledException ex) { UserDialogs.Instance.HideLoading(); //IsLoading = false; //DependencyService.Get<IMessage>().LongAlert(ex.Message.ToString()); UserDialogs.Instance.ShowError(ex.Message.ToString(), 3000); } catch (Exception ex) { UserDialogs.Instance.HideLoading(); //IsLoading = false; //DependencyService.Get<IMessage>().LongAlert(ex.Message.ToString()); UserDialogs.Instance.ShowError(ex.Message.ToString(), 3000); } } }
private void Listview_ItemTapped(object sender, ItemTappedEventArgs e) { if (e.Item == null) { return; } ((ListView)sender).SelectedItem = null; // de-select the row var item = (SalesHeader)e.Item; if (App.gDocType == "SO") { App.gPageTitle = "Items List (Sales Order)"; } else { App.gPageTitle = "Items List (Credit Memo)"; } SalesHeader head = new SalesHeader(); head = recItems.Where(x => x.DocumentNo == item.DocumentNo).FirstOrDefault(); App.gCustCode = head.SellToCustomer; Navigation.PushAsync(new ReleaseLinePage(item.DocumentNo)); }
void ShowData() { _isEnableVoidBtn = true; _isEnableCopyBtn = true; _isEnableConfirmBtn = true; _isEnablePrintBtn = true; DocNoLabel.Text = DocumentNo; UserDialogs.Instance.ShowLoading("Loading", MaskType.Black); //IsLoading = true; Task.Run(async() => { try { //LoadPaymentMethods(); TotalAmount = recs.Sum(x => x.LineAmount); GSTAmount = CalculateGSTAmount(); NetAmount = TotalAmount + GSTAmount; // Get header info head = new SalesHeader(); DataManager manager = new DataManager(); head = manager.GetSalesHeaderbyDocNo(DocumentNo); customer = new Customer(); customer = await manager.GetCustomerbyCode(head.SellToCustomer); Customer billcustomer = new Customer(); billcustomer = await manager.GetCustomerbyCode(head.BillToCustomer); Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { UserDialogs.Instance.HideLoading(); SubAmountNameLabel.Text = "SUB TOTAL :"; GSTAmountNameLabel.Text = "GST (" + App.gPercentGST + " % ) : "; NetAmountNameLabel.Text = "TOTAL :"; TotalAmountLabel.Text = string.Format("{0:0.00}", TotalAmount); GSTAmountLabel.Text = string.Format("{0:0.00}", GSTAmount); NetAmountLabel.Text = string.Format("{0:0.00}", NetAmount); if (customer != null) { SellToNameLabel.Text = head.SellToName; SellToLine1Label.Text = customer.Address + "," + customer.Address2 + "," + customer.City + " " + customer.Postcode; SellToLine2Label.Text = customer.PhoneNo + "," + customer.MobileNo; //Line4Label.Text = string.Empty; } if (billcustomer != null) { BillToNameLabel.Text = head.BillToName; Line1Label.Text = billcustomer.Address + "," + billcustomer.Address2 + "," + billcustomer.City + " " + billcustomer.Postcode; Line2Label.Text = billcustomer.PhoneNo + "," + billcustomer.MobileNo; //Line4Label.Text = string.Empty; } if (pagefrom == "Released") { ConfirmButton.IsVisible = false; if (App.gDocType == "SO") { if (head.IsVoid == "true" || head.IsSync == "true") { //VoidButton.IsVisible = false; VoidButton.Text = "Copy"; VoidButton.IsVisible = true; VoidButton.Clicked += CopyButton_OnClicked; } else { VoidButton.Text = "Void"; VoidButton.IsVisible = true; VoidButton.Clicked += VoidButton_OnClicked; } } else { VoidButton.IsVisible = false; } CustomerSignaturePad.IsVisible = false; CommentEntry.IsEnabled = false; imgSignature.IsVisible = true; //PaymentMethodsPicker.IsEnabled = false; //PaymentMethodsPicker.SelectedItem = head.PaymentMethod; CommentEntry.Text = head.Comment; imgSignature.Source = Xamarin.Forms.ImageSource.FromStream(() => new MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String(head.StrSignature))); _signature64str = head.StrSignature; // imgSignature.Source = head.StrSignature; //CustomerSignaturePad. } else { VoidButton.IsVisible = false; CustomerSignaturePad.IsVisible = true; imgSignature.IsVisible = false; _signature64str = string.Empty; } }); } catch (OperationCanceledException ex) { UserDialogs.Instance.HideLoading(); UserDialogs.Instance.Alert(ex.Message.ToString(), "Alert", "OK"); } catch (Exception ex) { UserDialogs.Instance.HideLoading(); UserDialogs.Instance.Alert(ex.Message.ToString(), "Alert", "OK"); } }); }
private void DeleteButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_isDelete) { var item = (Button)sender; try { _isDelete = false; Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => UserDialogs.Instance.ShowLoading("Loading", MaskType.Black)); Task.Run(async() => { var answer = await UserDialogs.Instance.ConfirmAsync("Are you sure to delete?", "Delete", "Yes", "No"); if (answer) { DataManager manager = new DataManager(); SalesHeader hd = new SalesHeader(); hd = manager.GetSalesHeaderbyID(int.Parse(item.CommandParameter.ToString())); ObservableCollection <SalesLine> recItems = new ObservableCollection <SalesLine>(); recItems = manager.GetSalesLinesbyDocNo(hd.DocumentNo); if (recItems != null) { if (recItems.Count > 0) { //if (App.gDocType == "SO") //{ foreach (SalesLine s in recItems) { Item iobj = new Item(); iobj = manager.GetSQLite_ItembyItemNo(s.ItemNo); if (App.gDocType == "SO") { decimal soldQty = 0; if (s.ItemType == "EXC") { soldQty = iobj.SoldQty - s.BadQuantity; decimal excBadQty = iobj.BadQty - s.BadQuantity; manager.UpdateSQLite_ExchangeInventory(s.ItemNo, excBadQty); } else { soldQty = iobj.SoldQty - s.Quantity; } manager.UpdateSQLite_SOInventory(s.ItemNo, soldQty); } else { decimal returnQty = iobj.ReturnQty - s.Quantity; decimal badQty = iobj.BadQty - s.BadQuantity; manager.UpdateSQLite_ReturnInventory(s.ItemNo, returnQty, badQty); } } // } manager.DeleteSalesLinebyDocNo(hd.DocumentNo); } } manager.DeleteSalesOrderbyID(int.Parse(item.CommandParameter.ToString())); } _isDelete = true; }).ContinueWith(result => Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { UserDialogs.Instance.HideLoading(); LoadData(App.gSOStatus); })); } catch (Exception ex) { UserDialogs.Instance.HideLoading(); UserDialogs.Instance.ShowError(ex.Message.ToString(), 3000); } } }