public static TextWriter ToTextWriter(TextWriter writer = null) { using (Py.GIL()) { SysIOStream.TextWriter = writer; dynamic sys = Py.Import("sys"); sys.stdout = sys.stderr = SysIOStream; } return(SysIOStream.TextWriter); }
public static InteropConfiguration MakeDefault() { return(new InteropConfiguration { PythonBaseTypeProviders = { DefaultBaseTypeProvider.Instance, new CollectionMixinsProvider(new Lazy <PyObject>(() => Py.Import("clr._extras.collections"))), }, }); }
public static void Initialize(string backend = null) { np = Py.Import("numpy"); matplotlib = Py.Import("matplotlib"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(backend)) { // backend must be set before pylab be imported // It can not be changed after pylab be imported PythonEngine.Exec($"import matplotlib;matplotlib.use('{backend}')"); } plt = Py.Import("matplotlib.pylab"); PltFigureType = plt.GetAttr("Figure").Handle; var io = Py.Import("io"); BytesIO = io.GetAttr("BytesIO"); PythonEngine.Exec("import matplotlib;print(matplotlib.get_backend())"); }
public static void Initialize() { np = Py.Import("numpy"); NumpyArrayType = np.GetAttr("ndarray").Handle; np_dtypes.Clear(); np_dtypes.Add(typeof(byte), np.GetAttr("uint8")); np_dtypes.Add(typeof(short), np.GetAttr("int16")); np_dtypes.Add(typeof(int), np.GetAttr("int32")); np_dtypes.Add(typeof(long), np.GetAttr("int64")); np_dtypes.Add(typeof(ushort), np.GetAttr("uint16")); np_dtypes.Add(typeof(uint), np.GetAttr("uint32")); np_dtypes.Add(typeof(ulong), np.GetAttr("uint64")); np_dtypes.Add(typeof(float), np.GetAttr("float")); np_dtypes.Add(typeof(double), np.GetAttr("float64")); var copy = Py.Import("copy"); deepcopy = copy.GetAttr("deepcopy"); }
internal virtual IntPtr Invoke(IntPtr inst, IntPtr args, IntPtr kw, MethodBase info, MethodInfo[] methodinfo) { Binding binding = Bind(inst, args, kw, info, methodinfo); object result; IntPtr ts = IntPtr.Zero; if (binding == null) { var value = new StringBuilder("No method matches given arguments"); if (methodinfo != null && methodinfo.Length > 0) { value.Append($" for {methodinfo[0].Name}"); } long argCount = Runtime.PyTuple_Size(args); value.Append(": ("); for (long argIndex = 0; argIndex < argCount; argIndex++) { var arg = Runtime.PyTuple_GetItem(args, argIndex); if (arg != IntPtr.Zero) { var type = Runtime.PyObject_Type(arg); if (type != IntPtr.Zero) { try { var description = Runtime.PyObject_Unicode(type); if (description != IntPtr.Zero) { value.Append(Runtime.GetManagedString(description)); Runtime.XDecref(description); } } finally { Runtime.XDecref(type); } } } if (argIndex + 1 < argCount) { value.Append(", "); } } value.Append(')'); Exceptions.SetError(Exceptions.TypeError, value.ToString()); return(IntPtr.Zero); } //allow_threads = true breaks the code with passing pyobjects to clr functions. //I think this happens because python is not thread safe and objects cannot be called //different threads allow_threads = false; if (allow_threads) { Console.WriteLine("ALLOW THR"); ts = PythonEngine.BeginAllowThreads(); } try { result =, BindingFlags.Default, null, binding.args, null); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.InnerException != null) { e = e.InnerException; } if (allow_threads) { PythonEngine.EndAllowThreads(ts); } Exceptions.SetError(e); return(IntPtr.Zero); } if (allow_threads) { PythonEngine.EndAllowThreads(ts); } // If there are out parameters, we return a tuple containing // the result followed by the out parameters. If there is only // one out parameter and the return type of the method is void, // we return the out parameter as the result to Python (for // code compatibility with ironpython). var mi = (MethodInfo); if (binding.outs == 1 && mi.ReturnType == typeof(void)) { } if (binding.outs > 0) { ParameterInfo[] pi = mi.GetParameters(); int c = pi.Length; var n = 0; IntPtr t = Runtime.PyTuple_New(binding.outs + 1); IntPtr v = Converter.ToPython(result, mi.ReturnType); Runtime.PyTuple_SetItem(t, n, v); n++; for (var i = 0; i < c; i++) { Type pt = pi[i].ParameterType; if (pi[i].IsOut || pt.IsByRef) { v = Converter.ToPython(binding.args[i], pt); Runtime.PyTuple_SetItem(t, n, v); n++; } } if (binding.outs == 1 && mi.ReturnType == typeof(void)) { v = Runtime.PyTuple_GetItem(t, 1); Runtime.XIncref(v); Runtime.XDecref(t); return(v); } return(t); } if (mi.ReturnType == typeof(QuantApp.Kernel.JVM.JVMObject)) { dynamic pymodule = Py.Import("clr"); result = pymodule.createJVM(result); } return(Converter.ToPython(result, mi.ReturnType)); }