예제 #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Paints the underline for the specified node
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="oNode"></param>
		/// <param name="oGraphics"></param>
		/// <param name="nX"></param>
		/// <param name="nY"></param>
		private void PaintNodeUnderline(Node oNode, string sText, Graphics oGraphics, int nX, int nY)
			UnderlineStyle oStyle = oNode.GetUnderlineStyle();
			Pen oPen = new Pen(oNode.GetUnderlineColor(), 1);
			SizeF oSize = oGraphics.MeasureString(StringDrawUtils.GetInstance().GetTextFromFormattedString(sText), 
				oNode.GetFont(), oNode.GetTreeView().GetDrawWidth() - nX - 8);
			oSize.Width += 2;

			if (oStyle == UnderlineStyle.Tilde)
				Pen oClearPen = null;
				if (oNode.IsSelected == false)
					if (oNode.BackgroundStyle.Visible == false)
						oClearPen = oNode.GetUnderlineBackColor();
						oClearPen = new Pen(oNode.BackgroundStyle.BackColor, 1);
					oClearPen = new Pen(oNode.GetSelectedBackColor(), 1);
				int nStep = 0;
				while (nX + 4 + nStep < nX + oSize.Width)
					oGraphics.DrawLine(oPen, nX + 4 + nStep, nY + oSize.Height - 2, nX + 5 + nStep, nY + oSize.Height - 2);
					oGraphics.DrawLine(oClearPen, nX + 5 + nStep, nY + oSize.Height - 2, nX + 6 + nStep, nY + oSize.Height - 2);
					nStep += 4;

				nStep = 0;
				while (nX + 4 + nStep < nX + oSize.Width)
					oGraphics.DrawLine(oPen, nX + 5 + nStep, nY + oSize.Height - 1, nX + 6 + nStep, nY + oSize.Height - 1);
					oGraphics.DrawLine(oClearPen, nX + 6 + nStep, nY + oSize.Height - 1, nX + 7 + nStep, nY + oSize.Height - 1);
					nStep += 2;

				nStep = 0;
				while (nX + 4 + nStep < nX + oSize.Width)
					oGraphics.DrawLine(oPen, nX + 6 + nStep, nY + oSize.Height, nX + 7 + nStep, nY + oSize.Height);
					oGraphics.DrawLine(oClearPen, nX + 7 + nStep, nY + oSize.Height, nX + 8 + nStep, nY + oSize.Height);
					nStep += 4;

				if (oStyle == UnderlineStyle.Dash)
					oPen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash;

				if (oStyle == UnderlineStyle.Dot)
					oPen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dot;				

				oGraphics.DrawLine(oPen, nX + 4, nY + oSize.Height - 2, nX + oSize.Width, nY + oSize.Height - 2);

예제 #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Paint the node in the expanded mode
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="oNode"></param>
		/// <param name="nX"></param>
		/// <param name="nY"></param>
		/// <param name="oGraphics"></param>
		private void PaintNodeExpanded(Node oNode, Graphics oGraphics, ref int nX, ref int nY, int Width, 
			ref Hashtable m_mapSubItemToRect, ref Hashtable m_mapRectToSubItem, ref Hashtable m_mapRectToItemBox, 
			ref Hashtable m_mapItemBoxToRect, ref Hashtable m_mapRectToItemCheck, ref Hashtable m_mapItemCheckToRect, 
			ref Hashtable m_mapRectToItemFlag, ref Hashtable m_mapItemFlagToRect)
			int nXAdd = 0;
			//if (oNode.GetShowPlusMinus() == false)
			//	nXAdd = 15;
			if (oNode.GetCheckBoxes() == true && oNode.CheckBoxVisible == true)
				nXAdd -= 18;
			int nodeSpace = 0;

			if (oNode.IndentLevel != 0)
				nodeSpace = m_oTreeView.Style.NodeSpaceHorizontal;

			int height = oNode.GetHeight(oGraphics);

			Rectangle oNodeRect = new Rectangle(nX - nXAdd +nodeSpace, nY, 
				Width - nX - 5 + nXAdd - nodeSpace, height);
			if (m_oTreeView.Style.FullRowSelect == false && oNode.Panel == null)
				oNodeRect = new Rectangle(nX - nXAdd + nodeSpace, nY, 
					oNode.GetWidth(oGraphics), height);

			// render the background
			if (oNode.BackgroundStyle != null && oNode.BackgroundStyle.Visible == true)
				int width = oNode.GetTreeView().Width - oNodeRect.Left - nXAdd 
					- m_oTreeView.GetScrollBarWidth() - oNode.IndentLevel - 4;

				AreaPainter.PaintRectangle(oGraphics, oNodeRect.Left + 1 + nXAdd, oNodeRect.Top - 1,
					width, oNode.GetFullHeight(oGraphics) - 1, 
					oNode.BackgroundStyle.BackColor, oNode.BackgroundStyle.FadeColor,
					BorderStyle.None, Color.White);

			oNode.NodeOrder = m_nNodeOrder;
			m_nNodeOrder ++;

			// get the order of the actual group. calculate the bottom nY of the group, if the current nY is bigger than
			// this calculated nY, then skip the drawing and donot draw the object		
			int nMaxY = oNode.TreeView.Height;
			int nGroupY = -height;

			// create the item rect and add it to maps
			try {m_mapSubItemToRect.Add(oNode, oNodeRect);}	catch{}
			try {m_mapRectToSubItem.Add(oNodeRect, oNode);}	catch{}

			oNode.Top = oNodeRect.Top + oNodeRect.Height + 1;
			oNode.Left = oNodeRect.Left;		
			oNode.Width = oNodeRect.Width - m_oTreeView.GetScrollBarWidth();

			SizeF oTextSize = oGraphics.MeasureString(oNode.GetText(), oNode.GetFont(), oNode.GetTreeView().GetDrawWidth() - nX - 8);
			if (m_oTreeView.Multiline == false)
				oTextSize = oGraphics.MeasureString(oNode.GetText(), oNode.GetFont());

			oNode.Top = nY + (int)oTextSize.Height + 2;

			if ((nY >= nGroupY && nY < nMaxY) || oNode.TreeView.IsDesignMode == true)
				// draw flag
				PaintNodeFlag(oNode, oGraphics, oNodeRect, ref m_mapRectToItemFlag, ref m_mapItemFlagToRect);

				// draw selected background
				PaintNodeBackground(oNode, oGraphics, oNodeRect);

				// draw design selection
				PaintNodeBackgroundDesignSelection(oNode, oGraphics, oNodeRect);

				// draw expand/collapse boxes
				if (oNode.GetShowPlusMinus() == true)
					PaintExpandBox(oNode, oGraphics, nX + nodeSpace, nY, ref m_mapRectToItemBox, ref m_mapItemBoxToRect);

				// draw lines between nodes
				PaintNodeLines(oNode, oGraphics, nX + nodeSpace, nY, m_mapItemBoxToRect, m_mapSubItemToRect);
				// draw item header
				PaintNodeText(oNode, oGraphics, nX + nodeSpace, nY, ref m_mapRectToItemCheck, ref m_mapItemCheckToRect);				

				// check the design time highlight			
				if (oNode.DesignHighlighted)
					if (oNode.GetCheckBoxes() == false)
						if (m_oTreeView.Style.FullRowSelect == true || oNode.Panel != null)
							oGraphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, oNodeRect.Left + 2, oNodeRect.Top - 1, 
								Width - oNodeRect.Left - 7 - m_oTreeView.GetScrollBarWidth(), oNodeRect.Height - 2);
							oGraphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, oNodeRect.Left + 2, oNodeRect.Top - 1, 
								(int)oNodeRect.Width, oNodeRect.Height - 2);
						if (oNode.CheckBoxVisible == true)
							if (m_oTreeView.Style.FullRowSelect == true || oNode.Panel != null)
								oGraphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, oNodeRect.Left, oNodeRect.Top - 1, 
									Width - oNodeRect.Left - 7 - m_oTreeView.GetScrollBarWidth() + 2, oNodeRect.Height - 2);
								oGraphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, oNodeRect.Left, oNodeRect.Top - 1, 
									(int)oNodeRect.Width, oNodeRect.Height - 2);
			// for the nodes being drawn before the visible area, but still needed for the 
			// lines painting
			if (nY < nGroupY && oNode.TreeView.IsDesignMode == false)
				// draw expand/collapse boxes
				PaintExpandBox(oNode, oGraphics, nX + nodeSpace, nY, ref m_mapRectToItemBox, ref m_mapItemBoxToRect);

			// for the nodes being at the position under the drawing visible area, draw the lines
			// so it is visible that there are some other child nodes even they are not visible
			if (nY > nMaxY && oNode.TreeView.IsDesignMode == false)
				// draw expand/collapse boxes
				PaintExpandBox(oNode, oGraphics, nX + nodeSpace, nY, ref m_mapRectToItemBox, ref m_mapItemBoxToRect);

				// draw lines between nodes
				PaintNodeLines(oNode, oGraphics, nX + nodeSpace, nY, m_mapItemBoxToRect, m_mapSubItemToRect);

			nY += height;	
			nY += m_oTreeView.Style.NodeSpaceVertical;

			// draw all subitems
			if (oNode.TreeView.Sorted == true)
				ArrayList aList = new ArrayList();

				foreach (Node oSubNode in oNode.Nodes)


				for (int nNode = 0; nNode < aList.Count; nNode ++)
					Node oSubNode = aList[nNode] as Node;

					if (oSubNode == null || oSubNode.Visible == false)

					int nOldNX = nX;
					nX += 12;					

					nX += nodeSpace;

					PaintNode(oSubNode, oGraphics, ref nX, ref nY, Width, ref m_mapSubItemToRect, 
						ref m_mapRectToSubItem, ref m_mapRectToItemBox, ref m_mapItemBoxToRect,
						ref m_mapRectToItemCheck, ref m_mapItemCheckToRect, 
						ref m_mapRectToItemFlag, ref m_mapItemFlagToRect);

					nX = nOldNX;
				// sort the nodes by the m_nCollectionOrder
//				SortedList aList = new SortedList();

				foreach (Node oSubNode in oNode.Nodes)
					if (oSubNode.m_nCollectionOrder == -1)
						oSubNode.m_nCollectionOrder = oSubNode.Index;

//					try
//					{
//						aList.Add(oSubNode.m_nCollectionOrder, oSubNode);
//					}
//					catch
//					{
//						aList.Add(oSubNode.Index, oSubNode);
//					}

//				for (int nNode = 0; nNode < aList.Count; nNode ++)
				Node [] aList = oNode.Nodes.GetNodesCollectionSorted();
				for (int nNode = 0; nNode < aList.Length; nNode ++)
					//Node oSubNode = aList.GetByIndex(nNode) as Node;
					Node oSubNode = aList[nNode] as Node;

					if (oSubNode.Visible == false)

					int nOldNX = nX;
					nX += 12;		
					nX += nodeSpace;

					PaintNode(oSubNode, oGraphics, ref nX, ref nY, Width, ref m_mapSubItemToRect, 
						ref m_mapRectToSubItem, ref m_mapRectToItemBox, ref m_mapItemBoxToRect,
						ref m_mapRectToItemCheck, ref m_mapItemCheckToRect, ref m_mapRectToItemFlag, ref m_mapItemFlagToRect);

					nX = nOldNX;
예제 #3
		/// <summary>
		/// Paint the node text
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="oNode"></param>
		/// <param name="oGraphics"></param>
		/// <param name="nX"></param>
		/// <param name="nY"></param>		
		private void PaintNodeText(Node oNode, Graphics oGraphics, int nX, int nY, 
			ref Hashtable m_mapRectToItemCheck, ref Hashtable m_mapItemCheckToRect)
			int nAlpha = oNode.TreeView.GetNodeAlpha(oNode);
			Font oFont = oNode.GetFont();

			if (oNode.Flash == true)
				nAlpha = 255;

			//if (oNode.GetShowPlusMinus() == false)
			//	nX -= 15;
			SizeF oTextSize = oGraphics.MeasureString(oNode.GetText(), oNode.GetFont(), oNode.GetTreeView().GetDrawWidth() - nX - 8);
			if (m_oTreeView.Multiline == false)
				oTextSize = oGraphics.MeasureString(oNode.GetText(), oFont);

			oNode.Top = nY + (int)oTextSize.Height + 2;

			int nTextWidth = (int)oTextSize.Width;
			oNode.TextWidth = nTextWidth;

			if (oTextSize.Height == 0)
				oTextSize.Height = oNode.GetFont().Height;
			// draw check boxes
			if (oNode.GetCheckBoxes() == true && oNode.CheckBoxVisible == true)
				Pen oPen = null;		
				if (oNode.Flash == true)
					nAlpha = 255;

				#region draw check background
				if (oNode.GetCheckBackColor() != Color.Transparent)
					if (oNode.Parent == null || oNode.Parent.SubNodesCheckExclusive == false)
						Rectangle rectCheckBack = new Rectangle(nX + 4, nY + 2, 11, 11);
						Color backColor = Color.FromArgb(nAlpha, oNode.GetCheckBackColor());

						Brush brush = new SolidBrush(backColor);

						if (oNode.GetCheckBorderStyle() == CheckBoxBorderStyle.XP)
							Color fadeColor = oNode.GetCheckBackColor();
							if (fadeColor == Color.White)
								fadeColor = Color.LightGray;

							brush = new LinearGradientBrush
								Color.FromArgb(nAlpha == 255 ? 255 : 48, fadeColor),

						oGraphics.FillRectangle(brush, rectCheckBack);
						brush = null;
						Rectangle rectCheckBack = new Rectangle(nX + 4, nY + 2, 11, 11);
						Color backColor = Color.FromArgb(nAlpha, oNode.GetCheckBackColor());

						Brush brush = new SolidBrush(backColor);

						if (oNode.GetCheckBorderStyle() == CheckBoxBorderStyle.XP)
							Color fadeColor = oNode.GetCheckBackColor();
							if (fadeColor == Color.White)
								fadeColor = Color.LightGray;

							brush = new LinearGradientBrush
								Color.FromArgb(nAlpha == 255 ? 255 : 48, fadeColor),

						GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath();
						path.AddEllipse(nX + 4, nY + 2, 10, 10);
						Region region = new Region(path);
						oGraphics.Clip = region;
						oGraphics.FillRectangle(brush, rectCheckBack);
						oGraphics.Clip = new Region(new Rectangle(0, 0, m_oTreeView.Width, m_oTreeView.Height));

						brush = null;

				oPen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(nAlpha, oNode.GetCheckBorderColor()), 1);																	
				Rectangle rectCheck = new Rectangle(nX + 3, nY + 1, 12, 12);

				#region draw check rectangle

				if (oNode.Parent == null || oNode.Parent.SubNodesCheckExclusive == false)
					if (oNode.GetCheckBorderStyle() == CheckBoxBorderStyle.Solid || oNode.GetCheckBorderStyle() == CheckBoxBorderStyle.XP)
						oGraphics.DrawRectangle(oPen, rectCheck);

					if (oNode.GetCheckBorderStyle() == CheckBoxBorderStyle.Dot)
						oPen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dot;
						oGraphics.DrawRectangle(oPen, rectCheck);
					if (oNode.GetCheckBorderStyle() == CheckBoxBorderStyle.Dot)					
						oPen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dot;

					if (oNode.GetCheckBorderStyle() == CheckBoxBorderStyle.Solid || oNode.GetCheckBorderStyle() == CheckBoxBorderStyle.XP
						|| oNode.GetCheckBorderStyle() == CheckBoxBorderStyle.Dot)
						oGraphics.DrawEllipse(oPen, nX + 4, nY + 2, 10, 10);

				oPen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Solid;

				m_mapItemCheckToRect.Add(oNode, rectCheck);
				m_mapRectToItemCheck.Add(rectCheck, oNode);

				if (oNode.Checked == true)
					if (oNode.Parent == null || oNode.Parent.SubNodesCheckExclusive == false)
						oPen.Color = Color.FromArgb(nAlpha, oNode.GetCheckCheckColor());
						oGraphics.DrawLine(oPen, nX + 6, nY + 6, nX + 6, nY + 8);
						oGraphics.DrawLine(oPen, nX + 7, nY + 7, nX + 7, nY + 9);
						oGraphics.DrawLine(oPen, nX + 8, nY + 8, nX + 8, nY + 10);
						oGraphics.DrawLine(oPen, nX + 9, nY + 7, nX + 9, nY + 9);
						oGraphics.DrawLine(oPen, nX + 10, nY + 6, nX + 10, nY + 8);
						oGraphics.DrawLine(oPen, nX + 11, nY + 5, nX + 11, nY + 7);
						oGraphics.DrawLine(oPen, nX + 12, nY + 4, nX + 12, nY + 6);
						oPen.Color = Color.FromArgb(nAlpha, oNode.GetCheckCheckColor());

						oGraphics.DrawEllipse(oPen, nX + 6, nY + 4, 6, 6);
						oGraphics.DrawEllipse(oPen, nX + 7, nY + 5, 4, 4);
						oGraphics.DrawEllipse(oPen, nX + 8, nY + 6, 2, 2);						
						oGraphics.DrawEllipse(oPen, nX + 9, nY + 7, 1, 1);
						oGraphics.DrawRectangle(oPen, nX + 8, nY + 6, 2, 2);


				nX += 17;

			// paint the picture first if needed then draw the text
			if (oNode.Image != null)
					nX + 4, 
					nY + (int)(oTextSize.Height / 2.0) - (int)((float)oNode.Image.Height / 2.0) + 1,
					oNode.Image.Width, oNode.Image.Height);

				nX += oNode.Image.Width + 2;
				if (oNode.ImageIndex != -1 && oNode.TreeView.ImageList != null 
					&& oNode.ImageIndex < oNode.TreeView.ImageList.Images.Count)
					oNode.TreeView.ImageList.Draw(oGraphics, nX + 2, 
						nY + (int)(oTextSize.Height / 2.0) - (int)((float)oNode.TreeView.ImageList.ImageSize.Height / 2.0), 

					nX += oNode.TreeView.ImageList.ImageSize.Width;

			// get the right side of the text. if it is more far away than the width of the TreeView, truncate the text
			string sText = oNode.GetText();

			// render the text
			SolidBrush oTextBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(nAlpha, oNode.GetForeColor()));						

			// when draging the mouse over nodes, test if the node is being highlighted
			if (oNode == oNode.TreeView.HighlightedNode)
				oTextBrush.Color = oNode.GetHighlightedForeColor();

			Rectangle textRect = new Rectangle(nX + 2, nY, oNode.GetTreeView().GetDrawWidth() - nX - 15, 

			SizeF textSize = oGraphics.MeasureString(StringDrawUtils.GetInstance().GetTextFromFormattedString(sText), oFont, 
				oNode.GetTreeView().GetDrawWidth() - nX - 15);			

			// clear the truncated flag
			oNode.TextTruncated = false;
			if (m_oTreeView.Multiline)
				if (oNode.UseFormatting == true)
					CharacterFormat chrFormat = new CharacterFormat(

					ParagraphFormat paraFormat = new ParagraphFormat(

					StringDrawUtils.GetInstance().DrawStringInRectangle(oGraphics, sText, textRect, 
						chrFormat, paraFormat);
					oGraphics.DrawString(sText, oFont, oTextBrush, textRect);
				sText = oNode.GetText();

				oTextSize = oGraphics.MeasureString(StringDrawUtils.GetInstance().GetTextFromFormattedString(sText), oFont);
				nTextWidth = (int)oTextSize.Width;

				if (nX + 2 + nTextWidth > m_oTreeView.m_LastNX)
					m_oTreeView.m_LastNX = nX + 2 + nTextWidth;

				if (nX + nTextWidth > oNode.GetTreeView().GetDrawWidth() - 15)
					sText = StringDrawUtils.GetInstance().GetTextFromFormattedString(sText);

					float fChar = oTextSize.Width / float.Parse(sText.Length.ToString());

					int nChar = (int)((float)(nX + nTextWidth - oNode.GetTreeView().GetDrawWidth() + 15) / fChar) + 4;

					if (nChar < 0)
						nChar = 0;

					int nLength = sText.Length - nChar;
					if (nLength < 0)
						nLength = 0;

					sText = sText.Substring(0, nLength) + "...";
					oNode.TextTruncated = true;
				// draw string (text) of the node in the proper system, based on the information whether it has formatting or not
				if (oNode.UseFormatting == true)
					CharacterFormat chrFormat = new CharacterFormat(

					StringDrawUtils.GetInstance().DrawString(oGraphics, sText,  new PointF(nX + 2, nY), 
						chrFormat, ParagraphAlignment.Left);
					oGraphics.DrawString(sText, oFont, oTextBrush, nX + 2, nY);				

			if (m_oTreeView.Multiline == false)
				textSize = oGraphics.MeasureString(StringDrawUtils.GetInstance().GetTextFromFormattedString(sText), oFont);


			// create the expand icon if specified
			if (oNode.GetShowSubitemsIndicator() == true && oNode.Nodes.Count > 0 && oNode.IsExpanded == false)
				int nIconX = (int)textRect.Left + (int)textSize.Width + 4;

				Pen oIndicatorPen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(nAlpha, oNode.GetForeColor()), 1);
				oGraphics.DrawLine(oIndicatorPen, nIconX, nY + textSize.Height - 4, nIconX + 3, nY + textSize.Height - 4);
				oGraphics.DrawLine(oIndicatorPen, nIconX + 1, nY + textSize.Height - 5, nIconX + 3, nY + textSize.Height - 5);
				oGraphics.DrawLine(oIndicatorPen, nIconX + 2, nY + textSize.Height - 6, nIconX + 3, nY + textSize.Height - 6);
				oGraphics.DrawLine(oIndicatorPen, nIconX + 3, nY + textSize.Height - 6, nIconX + 3, nY + textSize.Height - 7);

			if (oNode.Underline == true)
				PaintNodeUnderline(oNode, sText, oGraphics, nX, nY);