public void Init() { mesh = GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh; verts = mesh.vertices; Deforms = new Puppet2D_VertexDeform[verts.Length]; List <Vector3> uniquePos = new List <Vector3>(); int index = 0; foreach (Vector3 vert in verts) { vertPos = transform.TransformPoint(vert); GameObject Deform = new GameObject("vert" + index); Deform.transform.position = vertPos; Deform.transform.parent = transform; Puppet2D_VertexDeform giz = Deform.AddComponent <Puppet2D_VertexDeform>(); giz.ConnectedIndexes = new List <int>(); if (uniquePos.Contains(vert)) { giz.Active = false; int dupIndex = uniquePos.IndexOf(vert); Deforms[dupIndex].ConnectedIndexes.Add(index); giz.ConnectedIndexes.Add(dupIndex); } uniquePos.Add(vert); giz.CurrentIndex = index; Deforms[index] = giz; giz._parent = this; giz.IntialPos = vertPos; index++; } int id1, id2, id0; for (int triIndex = 0; triIndex < mesh.triangles.Length; triIndex += 3) { id0 = mesh.triangles[triIndex]; id1 = mesh.triangles[triIndex + 1]; id2 = mesh.triangles[triIndex + 2]; if (!Deforms[id0].ConnectedIndexes.Contains(id1)) { Deforms[id0].ConnectedIndexes.Add(id1); } if (!Deforms[id0].ConnectedIndexes.Contains(id2)) { Deforms[id0].ConnectedIndexes.Add(id2); } if (!Deforms[id1].ConnectedIndexes.Contains(id0)) { Deforms[id1].ConnectedIndexes.Add(id0); } if (!Deforms[id1].ConnectedIndexes.Contains(id2)) { Deforms[id1].ConnectedIndexes.Add(id2); } if (!Deforms[id2].ConnectedIndexes.Contains(id0)) { Deforms[id2].ConnectedIndexes.Add(id0); } if (!Deforms[id2].ConnectedIndexes.Contains(id1)) { Deforms[id2].ConnectedIndexes.Add(id1); } } _intialised = true; }
void Run() { //ColorVal = Color.white; // Change the size if the user requests it if (_lastKnownSize != _size) { _lastKnownSize = _size; CURRENT_SIZE = _size; } // Ensure the rest of the gizmos know the size has changed... if (CURRENT_SIZE != _lastKnownSize) { _lastKnownSize = CURRENT_SIZE; _size = _lastKnownSize; } // FALL OFF WIP if (_lastKnownFalloff != _falloff) { _lastKnownFalloff = _falloff; CURRENT_FALLOFF = _falloff; } if (CURRENT_FALLOFF != _lastKnownFalloff) { _lastKnownFalloff = CURRENT_FALLOFF; _falloff = _lastKnownFalloff; } if (UndoRedo) { return; } float dist = 0; List <int> WorkingList = new List <int>(); Queue <int> indexQueue = new Queue <int>(); List <GameObject> testGo = new List <GameObject>(); foreach (GameObject go in Selection.gameObjects) { Puppet2D_VertexDeform vd = go.GetComponent <Puppet2D_VertexDeform>(); if (vd) { vd.Selected = true; //if(vd.Active) testGo.Add(go); } } if (testGo.Contains(this.gameObject)) { //if (Active) { WorkingList.Add(CurrentIndex); Editted = true; ColorVal =; _parent.verts[CurrentIndex] = _parent.Deforms[CurrentIndex].transform.position; for (int c = 0; c < ConnectedIndexes.Count; c++) { indexQueue.Enqueue(ConnectedIndexes[c]); } Color blendColor = Color.white; while (indexQueue.Count > 0) { int workingIndex = indexQueue.Dequeue(); if (!_parent.Deforms[workingIndex].Editted) { _parent.Deforms[workingIndex].ColorVal = blendColor; WorkingList.Add(workingIndex); _parent.Deforms[workingIndex].Editted = true; dist = Vector3.Distance(IntialPos, _parent.Deforms[workingIndex].IntialPos); if (dist < _falloff) { float blend = (1 - (dist / _falloff)); Undo.RecordObject(_parent.Deforms[workingIndex].transform, "bs record"); Undo.RecordObject(_parent, "bs record"); if (!_parent.Deforms[workingIndex].Selected) { _parent.Deforms[workingIndex].transform.position += (transform.position - CurrentPos) * blend; } _parent.verts[workingIndex] = _parent.Deforms[workingIndex].transform.position; blendColor = Color.Lerp(Color.white,, blend); _parent.Deforms[workingIndex].ColorVal = blendColor; for (int c = 0; c < _parent.Deforms[workingIndex].ConnectedIndexes.Count; c++) { indexQueue.Enqueue(_parent.Deforms[workingIndex].ConnectedIndexes[c]); } } } } } } }