예제 #1
 public MyStack()
     var exampleVpc = new Aws.Ec2.Vpc("exampleVpc", new Aws.Ec2.VpcArgs
         CidrBlock          = "",
         EnableDnsHostnames = true,
         EnableDnsSupport   = true,
     var examplePrivateDnsNamespace = new Aws.ServiceDiscovery.PrivateDnsNamespace("examplePrivateDnsNamespace", new Aws.ServiceDiscovery.PrivateDnsNamespaceArgs
         Description = "example",
         Vpc         = exampleVpc.Id,
     var exampleService = new Aws.ServiceDiscovery.Service("exampleService", new Aws.ServiceDiscovery.ServiceArgs
         DnsConfig = new Aws.ServiceDiscovery.Inputs.ServiceDnsConfigArgs
             DnsRecords =
                 new Aws.ServiceDiscovery.Inputs.ServiceDnsConfigDnsRecordArgs
                     Ttl  = 10,
                     Type = "A",
             NamespaceId   = examplePrivateDnsNamespace.Id,
             RoutingPolicy = "MULTIVALUE",
         HealthCheckCustomConfig = new Aws.ServiceDiscovery.Inputs.ServiceHealthCheckCustomConfigArgs
             FailureThreshold = 1,
예제 #2
 public MyStack()
     var fooVpc = new Aws.Ec2.Vpc("fooVpc", new Aws.Ec2.VpcArgs
         CidrBlock = "",
         Tags      =
             { "Name", "tf-test" },
     var fooSubnet = new Aws.Ec2.Subnet("fooSubnet", new Aws.Ec2.SubnetArgs
         AvailabilityZone = "us-west-2a",
         CidrBlock        = "",
         Tags             =
             { "Name", "tf-test" },
         VpcId = fooVpc.Id,
     var bar = new Aws.ElastiCache.SubnetGroup("bar", new Aws.ElastiCache.SubnetGroupArgs
         SubnetIds =
예제 #3
 public MyStack()
     var main = new Aws.Ec2.Vpc("main", new Aws.Ec2.VpcArgs
         CidrBlock = "",
예제 #4
 public MyStack()
     var vpc = new Aws.Ec2.Vpc("vpc", new Aws.Ec2.VpcArgs
         CidrBlock = "",
     var vpnGateway = new Aws.Ec2.VpnGateway("vpnGateway", new Aws.Ec2.VpnGatewayArgs
         VpcId = vpc.Id,
     var customerGateway = new Aws.Ec2.CustomerGateway("customerGateway", new Aws.Ec2.CustomerGatewayArgs
         BgpAsn    = 65000,
         IpAddress = "",
         Type      = "ipsec.1",
     var main = new Aws.Ec2.VpnConnection("main", new Aws.Ec2.VpnConnectionArgs
         CustomerGatewayId = customerGateway.Id,
         StaticRoutesOnly  = true,
         Type         = "ipsec.1",
         VpnGatewayId = vpnGateway.Id,
     var office = new Aws.Ec2.VpnConnectionRoute("office", new Aws.Ec2.VpnConnectionRouteArgs
         DestinationCidrBlock = "",
         VpnConnectionId      = main.Id,
예제 #5
 public MyStack()
     var exampleGateway = new Aws.DirectConnect.Gateway("exampleGateway", new Aws.DirectConnect.GatewayArgs
         AmazonSideAsn = "64512",
     var exampleVpc = new Aws.Ec2.Vpc("exampleVpc", new Aws.Ec2.VpcArgs
         CidrBlock = "",
     var exampleVpnGateway = new Aws.Ec2.VpnGateway("exampleVpnGateway", new Aws.Ec2.VpnGatewayArgs
         VpcId = exampleVpc.Id,
     var exampleGatewayAssociation = new Aws.DirectConnect.GatewayAssociation("exampleGatewayAssociation", new Aws.DirectConnect.GatewayAssociationArgs
         AllowedPrefixes =
         AssociatedGatewayId = exampleVpnGateway.Id,
         DxGatewayId         = exampleGateway.Id,
예제 #6
 public MyStack()
     var main = new Aws.Ec2.Vpc("main", new Aws.Ec2.VpcArgs
         CidrBlock = "",
     var secondaryCidr = new Aws.Ec2.VpcIpv4CidrBlockAssociation("secondaryCidr", new Aws.Ec2.VpcIpv4CidrBlockAssociationArgs
         CidrBlock = "",
         VpcId     = main.Id,
예제 #7
 public MyStack()
     var exampleVpc = new Aws.Ec2.Vpc("exampleVpc", new Aws.Ec2.VpcArgs
         CidrBlock = "",
     var examplePrivateDnsNamespace = new Aws.ServiceDiscovery.PrivateDnsNamespace("examplePrivateDnsNamespace", new Aws.ServiceDiscovery.PrivateDnsNamespaceArgs
         Description = "example",
         Vpc         = exampleVpc.Id,
예제 #8
    private static void ConfigureNetworking()
        var vpc = new Ec2.Vpc($"{baseName}-vpc", new Ec2.VpcArgs()
            EnableDnsSupport   = true,
            EnableDnsHostnames = true,
            CidrBlock          = "",

        var subnetOne = new Ec2.Subnet($"{baseName}-subnet-one", new Ec2.SubnetArgs()
            VpcId               = vpc.Id,
            CidrBlock           = "",
            MapPublicIpOnLaunch = true,
            AvailabilityZone    = "eu-west-1a",

        var subnetTwo = new Ec2.Subnet($"{baseName}-subnet-two", new Ec2.SubnetArgs()
            VpcId               = vpc.Id,
            CidrBlock           = "",
            MapPublicIpOnLaunch = true,
            AvailabilityZone    = "eu-west-1b",

        var gateway = new Ec2.InternetGateway($"{baseName}-gateway", new Ec2.InternetGatewayArgs()
            VpcId = vpc.Id,

        var routeTable = new Ec2.RouteTable($"{baseName}-routetable", new Ec2.RouteTableArgs()
            VpcId = vpc.Id,

        var publicRoute = new Ec2.Route($"{baseName}-publicroute", new Ec2.RouteArgs()
            RouteTableId         = routeTable.Id,
            DestinationCidrBlock = "",
            GatewayId            = gateway.Id,

        var subnetOneRouteAssociation = new Ec2.RouteTableAssociation($"{baseName}-subnetoneroutes", new Ec2.RouteTableAssociationArgs()
            SubnetId     = subnetOne.Id,
            RouteTableId = routeTable.Id,

        vpcId       = vpc.Id;
        subnetId    = subnetOne.Id;
        subnetTwoId = subnetTwo.Id;
예제 #9
 public MyStack()
     var main = new Aws.Ec2.Vpc("main", new Aws.Ec2.VpcArgs
         CidrBlock = "",
     var test = new Aws.LB.TargetGroup("test", new Aws.LB.TargetGroupArgs
         Port     = 80,
         Protocol = "HTTP",
         VpcId    = main.Id,
예제 #10
 public MyStack()
     var aws_vpc = new Aws.Ec2.Vpc("aws_vpc", new Aws.Ec2.VpcArgs
         CidrBlock       = "",
         InstanceTenancy = "default",
     var privateS3VpcEndpoint = new Aws.Ec2.VpcEndpoint("privateS3VpcEndpoint", new Aws.Ec2.VpcEndpointArgs
         VpcId       = aws_vpc.Id,
         ServiceName = "com.amazonaws.us-west-2.s3",
     var privateS3PrefixList = Aws.Ec2.GetPrefixList.Invoke(new Aws.Ec2.GetPrefixListInvokeArgs
         PrefixListId = privateS3VpcEndpoint.PrefixListId,
     var bar = new Aws.Ec2.NetworkAcl("bar", new Aws.Ec2.NetworkAclArgs
         VpcId = aws_vpc.Id,
     var privateS3NetworkAclRule = new Aws.Ec2.NetworkAclRule("privateS3NetworkAclRule", new Aws.Ec2.NetworkAclRuleArgs
         NetworkAclId = bar.Id,
         RuleNumber   = 200,
         Egress       = false,
         Protocol     = "tcp",
         RuleAction   = "allow",
         CidrBlock    = privateS3PrefixList.Apply(privateS3PrefixList => privateS3PrefixList.CidrBlocks[0]),
         FromPort     = 443,
         ToPort       = 443,
     var amis = Aws.Ec2.GetAmiIds.Invoke(new Aws.Ec2.GetAmiIdsInvokeArgs
         Owners =
         Filters =
             new Aws.Ec2.Inputs.GetAmiIdsFilterInputArgs
                 Name   = bar.Id,
                 Values =
예제 #11
 public MyStack()
     var main = new Aws.Ec2.Vpc("main", new Aws.Ec2.VpcArgs
         CidrBlock = "",
     var ip_example = new Aws.LB.TargetGroup("ip-example", new Aws.LB.TargetGroupArgs
         Port       = 80,
         Protocol   = "HTTP",
         TargetType = "ip",
         VpcId      = main.Id,
예제 #12
 public MyStack()
     var exampleVpc = new Aws.Ec2.Vpc("exampleVpc", new Aws.Ec2.VpcArgs
         AssignGeneratedIpv6CidrBlock = true,
         CidrBlock = "",
     var exampleEgressOnlyInternetGateway = new Aws.Ec2.EgressOnlyInternetGateway("exampleEgressOnlyInternetGateway", new Aws.Ec2.EgressOnlyInternetGatewayArgs
         Tags =
             { "Name", "main" },
         VpcId = exampleVpc.Id,
예제 #13
 public MyStack()
     var exampleLocalGatewayRouteTable = Output.Create(Aws.Ec2.GetLocalGatewayRouteTable.InvokeAsync(new Aws.Ec2.GetLocalGatewayRouteTableArgs
         OutpostArn = "arn:aws:outposts:us-west-2:123456789012:outpost/op-1234567890abcdef",
     var exampleVpc = new Aws.Ec2.Vpc("exampleVpc", new Aws.Ec2.VpcArgs
         CidrBlock = "",
     var exampleLocalGatewayRouteTableVpcAssociation = new Aws.Ec2.LocalGatewayRouteTableVpcAssociation("exampleLocalGatewayRouteTableVpcAssociation", new Aws.Ec2.LocalGatewayRouteTableVpcAssociationArgs
         LocalGatewayRouteTableId = exampleLocalGatewayRouteTable.Apply(exampleLocalGatewayRouteTable => exampleLocalGatewayRouteTable.Id),
         VpcId = exampleVpc.Id,
예제 #14
 public MyStack()
     var peer = new Aws.Provider("peer", new Aws.ProviderArgs
         Region = "us-west-2",
     var main = new Aws.Ec2.Vpc("main", new Aws.Ec2.VpcArgs
         CidrBlock = "",
     var peerVpc = new Aws.Ec2.Vpc("peerVpc", new Aws.Ec2.VpcArgs
         CidrBlock = "",
     }, new CustomResourceOptions
         Provider = "aws.peer",
     var peerCallerIdentity = Output.Create(Aws.GetCallerIdentity.InvokeAsync());
     // Requester's side of the connection.
     var peerVpcPeeringConnection = new Aws.Ec2.VpcPeeringConnection("peerVpcPeeringConnection", new Aws.Ec2.VpcPeeringConnectionArgs
         AutoAccept  = false,
         PeerOwnerId = peerCallerIdentity.Apply(peerCallerIdentity => peerCallerIdentity.AccountId),
         PeerRegion  = "us-west-2",
         PeerVpcId   = peerVpc.Id,
         Tags        =
             { "Side", "Requester" },
         VpcId = main.Id,
     // Accepter's side of the connection.
     var peerVpcPeeringConnectionAccepter = new Aws.Ec2.VpcPeeringConnectionAccepter("peerVpcPeeringConnectionAccepter", new Aws.Ec2.VpcPeeringConnectionAccepterArgs
         AutoAccept = true,
         Tags       =
             { "Side", "Accepter" },
         VpcPeeringConnectionId = peerVpcPeeringConnection.Id,
     }, new CustomResourceOptions
         Provider = "aws.peer",
예제 #15
 public MyStack()
     var s3 = Output.Create(Aws.Ec2.GetVpcEndpointService.InvokeAsync(new Aws.Ec2.GetVpcEndpointServiceArgs
         Service = "s3",
     // Create a VPC
     var foo = new Aws.Ec2.Vpc("foo", new Aws.Ec2.VpcArgs
         CidrBlock = "",
     // Create a VPC endpoint
     var ep = new Aws.Ec2.VpcEndpoint("ep", new Aws.Ec2.VpcEndpointArgs
         ServiceName = s3.Apply(s3 => s3.ServiceName),
         VpcId       = foo.Id,
예제 #16
 public MyStack()
     var foo = new Aws.Ec2.Vpc("foo", new Aws.Ec2.VpcArgs
         CidrBlock = "",
     var alphaSubnet = new Aws.Ec2.Subnet("alphaSubnet", new Aws.Ec2.SubnetArgs
         AvailabilityZone = "us-west-2a",
         CidrBlock        = "",
         VpcId            = foo.Id,
     var alphaMountTarget = new Aws.Efs.MountTarget("alphaMountTarget", new Aws.Efs.MountTargetArgs
         FileSystemId = aws_efs_file_system.Foo.Id,
         SubnetId     = alphaSubnet.Id,
예제 #17
 public MyStack()
     var network = new Aws.Ec2.Vpc("network", new Aws.Ec2.VpcArgs
         CidrBlock = "",
     var vpn = new Aws.Ec2.VpnGateway("vpn", new Aws.Ec2.VpnGatewayArgs
         Tags =
             { "Name", "example-vpn-gateway" },
     var vpnAttachment = new Aws.Ec2.VpnGatewayAttachment("vpnAttachment", new Aws.Ec2.VpnGatewayAttachmentArgs
         VpcId        = network.Id,
         VpnGatewayId = vpn.Id,
예제 #18
 public MyStack()
     var mainVpc = new Aws.Ec2.Vpc("mainVpc", new Aws.Ec2.VpcArgs
         CidrBlock = "",
     var private_a = new Aws.Ec2.Subnet("private-a", new Aws.Ec2.SubnetArgs
         AvailabilityZone = "us-east-1a",
         CidrBlock        = "",
         VpcId            = mainVpc.Id,
     var private_b = new Aws.Ec2.Subnet("private-b", new Aws.Ec2.SubnetArgs
         AvailabilityZone = "us-east-1b",
         CidrBlock        = "",
         VpcId            = mainVpc.Id,
     var mainDirectory = new Aws.DirectoryService.Directory("mainDirectory", new Aws.DirectoryService.DirectoryArgs
         Password    = "******",
         Size        = "Small",
         VpcSettings = new Aws.DirectoryService.Inputs.DirectoryVpcSettingsArgs
             SubnetIds =
             VpcId = mainVpc.Id,
     var mainWorkspaces_directoryDirectory = new Aws.Workspaces.Directory("mainWorkspaces/directoryDirectory", new Aws.Workspaces.DirectoryArgs
         DirectoryId            = mainDirectory.Id,
         SelfServicePermissions = new Aws.Workspaces.Inputs.DirectorySelfServicePermissionsArgs
             IncreaseVolumeSize = true,
             RebuildWorkspace   = true,
예제 #19
 public MyStack()
     var exampleGateway = new Aws.DirectConnect.Gateway("exampleGateway", new Aws.DirectConnect.GatewayArgs
         AmazonSideAsn = "64512",
     var exampleVpc = new Aws.Ec2.Vpc("exampleVpc", new Aws.Ec2.VpcArgs
         CidrBlock = "",
     var exampleVpnGateway = new Aws.Ec2.VpnGateway("exampleVpnGateway", new Aws.Ec2.VpnGatewayArgs
         VpcId = exampleVpc.Id,
     var exampleGatewayAssociation = new Aws.DirectConnect.GatewayAssociation("exampleGatewayAssociation", new Aws.DirectConnect.GatewayAssociationArgs
         AssociatedGatewayId = exampleVpnGateway.Id,
         DxGatewayId         = exampleGateway.Id,
예제 #20
 public MyStack()
     var fooVpc = new Aws.Ec2.Vpc("fooVpc", new Aws.Ec2.VpcArgs
         CidrBlock = "",
     var fooSubnet = new Aws.Ec2.Subnet("fooSubnet", new Aws.Ec2.SubnetArgs
         AvailabilityZone = "us-west-2a",
         CidrBlock        = "",
         Tags             =
             { "Name", "tf-dbsubnet-test-1" },
         VpcId = fooVpc.Id,
     var bar = new Aws.Ec2.Subnet("bar", new Aws.Ec2.SubnetArgs
         AvailabilityZone = "us-west-2b",
         CidrBlock        = "",
         Tags             =
             { "Name", "tf-dbsubnet-test-2" },
         VpcId = fooVpc.Id,
     var fooSubnetGroup = new Aws.RedShift.SubnetGroup("fooSubnetGroup", new Aws.RedShift.SubnetGroupArgs
         SubnetIds =
         Tags =
             { "environment", "Production" },
예제 #21
 public MyStack()
     var main = new Aws.Ec2.Vpc("main", new Aws.Ec2.VpcArgs
         CidrBlock = "",
     var foo = new Aws.Ec2.Subnet("foo", new Aws.Ec2.SubnetArgs
         AvailabilityZone = "us-west-2a",
         CidrBlock        = "",
         VpcId            = main.Id,
     var bar = new Aws.Ec2.Subnet("bar", new Aws.Ec2.SubnetArgs
         AvailabilityZone = "us-west-2b",
         CidrBlock        = "",
         VpcId            = main.Id,
     var connector = new Aws.DirectoryService.Directory("connector", new Aws.DirectoryService.DirectoryArgs
         ConnectSettings = new Aws.DirectoryService.Inputs.DirectoryConnectSettingsArgs
             CustomerDnsIps =
             CustomerUsername = "******",
             SubnetIds        =
             VpcId = main.Id,
         Password = "******",
         Size     = "Small",
         Type     = "ADConnector",
예제 #22
 public MyStack()
     var main = new Aws.Ec2.Vpc("main", new Aws.Ec2.VpcArgs
         CidrBlock = "",
     var foo = new Aws.Ec2.Subnet("foo", new Aws.Ec2.SubnetArgs
         AvailabilityZone = "us-west-2a",
         CidrBlock        = "",
         VpcId            = main.Id,
     var barSubnet = new Aws.Ec2.Subnet("barSubnet", new Aws.Ec2.SubnetArgs
         AvailabilityZone = "us-west-2b",
         CidrBlock        = "",
         VpcId            = main.Id,
     var barDirectory = new Aws.DirectoryService.Directory("barDirectory", new Aws.DirectoryService.DirectoryArgs
         Edition  = "Standard",
         Password = "******",
         Tags     =
             { "Project", "foo" },
         Type        = "MicrosoftAD",
         VpcSettings = new Aws.DirectoryService.Inputs.DirectoryVpcSettingsArgs
             SubnetIds =
             VpcId = main.Id,
예제 #23
    static Task <int> Main()
        return(Deployment.RunAsync(async() => {
            var region = Aws.Config.Region;
            var fullProjectStack = $"{Deployment.Instance.ProjectName}-{Deployment.Instance.StackName}";

            // Create the VPC.
            var vpc = new Ec2.Vpc("VPC", new Ec2.VpcArgs {
                CidrBlock = Config.VpcCidr,
                InstanceTenancy = Config.VpcTenancy,
                EnableDnsSupport = true,
                EnableDnsHostnames = true,
                Tags = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                    { "Name", fullProjectStack }

            // Associate DHCP options with our VPC.
            var dhcpOptions = new Ec2.VpcDhcpOptions("DHCPOptions", new Ec2.VpcDhcpOptionsArgs {
                DomainName = (region == "us-east-1" ? "ec2.internal" : $"{region}.compute.internal"),
                DomainNameServers = { "AmazonProvidedDNS" },
            var vpcDhcpOptionsAssociation = new Ec2.VpcDhcpOptionsAssociation("VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation", new Ec2.VpcDhcpOptionsAssociationArgs {
                VpcId = vpc.Id,
                DhcpOptionsId = dhcpOptions.Id,

            // Create an Internet Gateway for our public subnet to connect to the Internet.
            var internetGateway = new Ec2.InternetGateway("InternetGateway", new Ec2.InternetGatewayArgs {
                VpcId = vpc.Id,
                Tags = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                    { "Name", fullProjectStack }

            // Creat a Route Table for public subnets to use the Internet Gateway for traffic.
            var publicSubnetRouteTable = new Ec2.RouteTable("PublicSubnetRouteTable", new Ec2.RouteTableArgs {
                VpcId = vpc.Id,
                Tags = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                    { "Name", "Public Subnets" },
                    { "Network", "Public" },
            var publicSubnetRoute = new Ec2.Route("PublicSubnetRoute", new Ec2.RouteArgs {
                RouteTableId = publicSubnetRouteTable.Id,
                DestinationCidrBlock = "",
                GatewayId = internetGateway.Id,

            // For each AZ, create the NAT Gateways and public and private subnets. Keep track of various properties
            // so that they can be exported as top-level stack exports later on.
            var natEips = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder <Output <string> >();
            var publicSubnetIds = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder <Output <string> >();
            var privateSubnetIds = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder <Output <string> >();
            var protectedSubnetIds = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder <Output <string> >();
            var privateSubnetRouteTableIds = ImmutableArray.CreateBuilder <Output <string> >();
            var publicSubnetCidrs = await Config.GetPublicSubnetCidrs();
            var publicSubnetTags = await Config.GetPublicSubnetTags();
            var privateSubnetCidrs = await Config.GetPrivateSubnetCidrs();
            var privateSubnetTags = await Config.GetPrivateSubnetTags();
            var protectedSubnetCidrs = await Config.GetProtectedSubnetCidrs();
            var protectedSubnetTags = await Config.GetProtectedSubnetTags();

            var azs = await Config.GetAvailabilityZones();
            for (var i = 0; i < azs.Length; i++)
                var az = azs[i];

                // Each AZ gets a public subnet.
                var publicSubnet = new Ec2.Subnet($"PublicSubnet{i}", new Ec2.SubnetArgs {
                    VpcId = vpc.Id,
                    AvailabilityZone = az,
                    CidrBlock = publicSubnetCidrs[i],
                    MapPublicIpOnLaunch = true,
                    Tags = publicSubnetTags[i].Add("Name", $"Public subnet {i}"),

                var publicSubnetRouteTableAssociation = new Ec2.RouteTableAssociation($"PublicSubnet{i}RouteTableAssociation", new Ec2.RouteTableAssociationArgs {
                    SubnetId = publicSubnet.Id,
                    RouteTableId = publicSubnetRouteTable.Id,

                // If desired, create a NAT Gateway and private subnet for each AZ.
                if (Config.CreatePrivateSubnets)
                    var natEip = new Ec2.Eip($"NAT{i}EIP", new Ec2.EipArgs {
                        Vpc = true
                    }, new CustomResourceOptions {
                        DependsOn = { internetGateway }
                    var natGateway = new Ec2.NatGateway($"NATGateway{i}", new Ec2.NatGatewayArgs {
                        SubnetId = publicSubnet.Id,
                        AllocationId = natEip.Id,

                    var privateSubnet = new Ec2.Subnet($"PrivateSubnet{i}A", new Ec2.SubnetArgs {
                        VpcId = vpc.Id,
                        AvailabilityZone = az,
                        CidrBlock = privateSubnetCidrs[i],
                        Tags = privateSubnetTags[i].Add("Name", $"Private subnet {i}A"),

                    var privateSubnetRouteTable = new Ec2.RouteTable($"PrivateSubnet{i}ARouteTable", new Ec2.RouteTableArgs {
                        VpcId = vpc.Id,
                        Tags = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                            { "Name", $"Private subnet {i}A" },
                            { "Network", "Private" },
                    var privateSubnetRoute = new Ec2.Route($"PrivateSubnet{i}ARoute", new Ec2.RouteArgs {
                        RouteTableId = privateSubnetRouteTable.Id,
                        DestinationCidrBlock = "",
                        NatGatewayId = natGateway.Id,
                    var privateSubnetRouteTableAssociation = new Ec2.RouteTableAssociation($"PrivateSubnet{i}ARouteTableAssociation", new Ec2.RouteTableAssociationArgs {
                        SubnetId = privateSubnet.Id,
                        RouteTableId = privateSubnetRouteTable.Id,

                    // Remember the route table ID for the VPC endpoint later.

                    // If desired, create additional private subnets with dedicated network ACLs for extra protection.
                    if (Config.CreateProtectedSubnets)
                        var protectedSubnet = new Ec2.Subnet($"PrivateSubnet{i}B", new Ec2.SubnetArgs {
                            VpcId = vpc.Id,
                            AvailabilityZone = az,
                            CidrBlock = protectedSubnetCidrs[i],
                            Tags = protectedSubnetTags[i].Add("Name", $"Private subnet ${i}B"),

                        var protectedSubnetRouteTable = new Ec2.RouteTable($"PrivateSubnet{i}BRouteTable", new Ec2.RouteTableArgs {
                            VpcId = vpc.Id,
                            Tags = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                                { "Name", $"Private subnet {i}B" },
                                { "Network", "Private" },
                        var protectedSubnetRoute = new Ec2.Route($"PrivateSubnet{i}BRoute", new Ec2.RouteArgs {
                            RouteTableId = protectedSubnetRouteTable.Id,
                            DestinationCidrBlock = "",
                            NatGatewayId = natGateway.Id,
                        var protectedSubnetRouteTableAssociation = new Ec2.RouteTableAssociation($"PrivateSubnet{i}BRouteTableAssociation", new Ec2.RouteTableAssociationArgs {
                            SubnetId = protectedSubnet.Id,
                            RouteTableId = protectedSubnetRouteTable.Id,
                        var protectedSubnetNetworkAcl = new Ec2.NetworkAcl($"PrivateSubnet{i}BNetworkAcl", new Ec2.NetworkAclArgs {
                            VpcId = vpc.Id,
                            SubnetIds = { protectedSubnet.Id },
                            Tags = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                                { "Name", $"NACL protected subnet {i}" },
                                { "Network", "NACL Protected" },
                        var protectedSubnetNetworkAclEntryInbound = new Ec2.NetworkAclRule($"PrivateSubnet{i}BNetworkAclEntryInbound", new Ec2.NetworkAclRuleArgs {
                            NetworkAclId = protectedSubnetNetworkAcl.Id,
                            CidrBlock = "",
                            Egress = false,
                            Protocol = "-1",
                            RuleAction = "allow",
                            RuleNumber = 100,
                        var protectedSubnetNetworkAclEntryOutbound = new Ec2.NetworkAclRule($"PrivateSubnet{i}BNetworkAclEntryOutbound", new Ec2.NetworkAclRuleArgs {
                            NetworkAclId = protectedSubnetNetworkAcl.Id,
                            CidrBlock = "",
                            Egress = true,
                            Protocol = "-1",
                            RuleAction = "allow",
                            RuleNumber = 100,

                        // Remember the route table ID for the VPC endpoint later.

            // If we created private subnets, allocate an S3 VPC Endpoint to simplify access to S3.
            Output <string>?s3VpcEndpointId = null;
            if (Config.CreatePrivateSubnets)
                s3VpcEndpointId = new Ec2.VpcEndpoint("S3VPCEndpoint", new Ec2.VpcEndpointArgs {
                    VpcId = vpc.Id,
                    Policy = @"{
    ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"",
    ""Statement"": [{
        ""Action"": ""*"",
        ""Effect"": ""Allow"",
        ""Resource"": ""*"",
        ""Principal"": ""*""
                    RouteTableIds = privateSubnetRouteTableIds.ToImmutable(),
                    ServiceName = $"com.amazonaws.{region}.s3",

            // Export all of the resulting properties that upstream stacks may want to consume.
            return new Dictionary <string, object?>
                { "vpcId", vpc.Id },
                { "vpcCidr", vpc.CidrBlock },
                { "natEips", natEips.ToImmutableArray() },
                { "publicSubnetIds", publicSubnetIds.ToImmutableArray() },
                { "publicSubnetCidrs", publicSubnetCidrs },
                { "publicSubnetRouteTableId", publicSubnetRouteTable.Id },
                { "privateSubnetIds", privateSubnetIds.ToImmutableArray() },
                { "privateSubnetCidrs", privateSubnetCidrs },
                { "protectedSubnetIds", protectedSubnetIds.ToImmutableArray() },
                { "protectedSubnetCidrs", protectedSubnetCidrs },
                { "privateSubnetRouteTableIds", privateSubnetRouteTableIds.ToImmutableArray() },
                { "s3VpcEndpointId", s3VpcEndpointId },
예제 #24
    public MyStack()
        var ecsInstanceRoleRole = new Aws.Iam.Role("ecsInstanceRoleRole", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs
            AssumeRolePolicy = @"{
    ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"",
    ""Statement"": [
	    ""Action"": ""sts:AssumeRole"",
	    ""Effect"": ""Allow"",
	    ""Principal"": {
		""Service"": ""ec2.amazonaws.com""

        var ecsInstanceRoleRolePolicyAttachment = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachment("ecsInstanceRoleRolePolicyAttachment", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachmentArgs
            PolicyArn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEC2ContainerServiceforEC2Role",
            Role      = ecsInstanceRoleRole.Name,
        var ecsInstanceRoleInstanceProfile = new Aws.Iam.InstanceProfile("ecsInstanceRoleInstanceProfile", new Aws.Iam.InstanceProfileArgs
            Role = ecsInstanceRoleRole.Name,
        var awsBatchServiceRoleRole = new Aws.Iam.Role("awsBatchServiceRoleRole", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs
            AssumeRolePolicy = @"{
    ""Version"": ""2012-10-17"",
    ""Statement"": [
	    ""Action"": ""sts:AssumeRole"",
	    ""Effect"": ""Allow"",
	    ""Principal"": {
		""Service"": ""batch.amazonaws.com""

        var awsBatchServiceRoleRolePolicyAttachment = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachment("awsBatchServiceRoleRolePolicyAttachment", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachmentArgs
            PolicyArn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSBatchServiceRole",
            Role      = awsBatchServiceRoleRole.Name,
        var sampleSecurityGroup = new Aws.Ec2.SecurityGroup("sampleSecurityGroup", new Aws.Ec2.SecurityGroupArgs
            Egress =
                new Aws.Ec2.Inputs.SecurityGroupEgressArgs
                    CidrBlocks =
                    FromPort = 0,
                    Protocol = "-1",
                    ToPort   = 0,
        var sampleVpc = new Aws.Ec2.Vpc("sampleVpc", new Aws.Ec2.VpcArgs
            CidrBlock = "",
        var sampleSubnet = new Aws.Ec2.Subnet("sampleSubnet", new Aws.Ec2.SubnetArgs
            CidrBlock = "",
            VpcId     = sampleVpc.Id,
        var sampleComputeEnvironment = new Aws.Batch.ComputeEnvironment("sampleComputeEnvironment", new Aws.Batch.ComputeEnvironmentArgs
            ComputeEnvironmentName = "sample",
            ComputeResources       = new Aws.Batch.Inputs.ComputeEnvironmentComputeResourcesArgs
                InstanceRole = ecsInstanceRoleInstanceProfile.Arn,
                InstanceType =
                MaxVcpus         = 16,
                MinVcpus         = 0,
                SecurityGroupIds =
                Subnets =
                Type = "EC2",
            ServiceRole = awsBatchServiceRoleRole.Arn,
            Type        = "MANAGED",
        }, new CustomResourceOptions
            DependsOn =
예제 #25
파일: aws-eks.pp.cs 프로젝트: t0yv0/pulumi
    private async Task <IDictionary <string, Output <string> > > Initialize()
        // VPC
        var eksVpc = new Aws.Ec2.Vpc("eksVpc", new Aws.Ec2.VpcArgs
            CidrBlock          = "",
            InstanceTenancy    = "default",
            EnableDnsHostnames = true,
            EnableDnsSupport   = true,
            Tags =
                { "Name", "pulumi-eks-vpc" },
        var eksIgw = new Aws.Ec2.InternetGateway("eksIgw", new Aws.Ec2.InternetGatewayArgs
            VpcId = eksVpc.Id,
            Tags  =
                { "Name", "pulumi-vpc-ig" },
        var eksRouteTable = new Aws.Ec2.RouteTable("eksRouteTable", new Aws.Ec2.RouteTableArgs
            VpcId  = eksVpc.Id,
            Routes =
                new Aws.Ec2.Inputs.RouteTableRouteArgs
                    CidrBlock = "",
                    GatewayId = eksIgw.Id,
            Tags =
                { "Name", "pulumi-vpc-rt" },
        // Subnets, one for each AZ in a region
        var zones = await Aws.GetAvailabilityZones.InvokeAsync();

        var vpcSubnet = new List <Aws.Ec2.Subnet>();

        foreach (var range in zones.Names.Select((v, k) => new { Key = k, Value = v }))
            vpcSubnet.Add(new Aws.Ec2.Subnet($"vpcSubnet-{range.Key}", new Aws.Ec2.SubnetArgs
                AssignIpv6AddressOnCreation = false,
                VpcId = eksVpc.Id,
                MapPublicIpOnLaunch = true,
                CidrBlock           = $"10.100.{range.Key}.0/24",
                AvailabilityZone    = range.Value,
                Tags =
                    { "Name", $"pulumi-sn-{range.Value}" },
        var rta = new List <Aws.Ec2.RouteTableAssociation>();

        foreach (var range in zones.Names.Select((v, k) => new { Key = k, Value = v }))
            rta.Add(new Aws.Ec2.RouteTableAssociation($"rta-{range.Key}", new Aws.Ec2.RouteTableAssociationArgs
                RouteTableId = eksRouteTable.Id,
                SubnetId     = vpcSubnet[range.Key].Id,
        var subnetIds        = vpcSubnet.Select(__item => __item.Id).ToList();
        var eksSecurityGroup = new Aws.Ec2.SecurityGroup("eksSecurityGroup", new Aws.Ec2.SecurityGroupArgs
            VpcId       = eksVpc.Id,
            Description = "Allow all HTTP(s) traffic to EKS Cluster",
            Tags        =
                { "Name", "pulumi-cluster-sg" },
            Ingress =
                new Aws.Ec2.Inputs.SecurityGroupIngressArgs
                    CidrBlocks =
                    FromPort    = 443,
                    ToPort      = 443,
                    Protocol    = "tcp",
                    Description = "Allow pods to communicate with the cluster API Server.",
                new Aws.Ec2.Inputs.SecurityGroupIngressArgs
                    CidrBlocks =
                    FromPort    = 80,
                    ToPort      = 80,
                    Protocol    = "tcp",
                    Description = "Allow internet access to pods",
        // EKS Cluster Role
        var eksRole = new Aws.Iam.Role("eksRole", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs
            AssumeRolePolicy = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new Dictionary <string, object?>
                { "Version", "2012-10-17" },
                { "Statement", new[]
                      new Dictionary <string, object?>
                          { "Action", "sts:AssumeRole" },
                          { "Principal", new Dictionary <string, object?>
                                { "Service", "eks.amazonaws.com" },
                            } },
                          { "Effect", "Allow" },
                          { "Sid", "" },
                  } },
        var servicePolicyAttachment = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachment("servicePolicyAttachment", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachmentArgs
            Role      = eksRole.Id,
            PolicyArn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSServicePolicy",
        var clusterPolicyAttachment = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachment("clusterPolicyAttachment", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachmentArgs
            Role      = eksRole.Id,
            PolicyArn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSClusterPolicy",
        // EC2 NodeGroup Role
        var ec2Role = new Aws.Iam.Role("ec2Role", new Aws.Iam.RoleArgs
            AssumeRolePolicy = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new Dictionary <string, object?>
                { "Version", "2012-10-17" },
                { "Statement", new[]
                      new Dictionary <string, object?>
                          { "Action", "sts:AssumeRole" },
                          { "Principal", new Dictionary <string, object?>
                                { "Service", "ec2.amazonaws.com" },
                            } },
                          { "Effect", "Allow" },
                          { "Sid", "" },
                  } },
        var workerNodePolicyAttachment = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachment("workerNodePolicyAttachment", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachmentArgs
            Role      = ec2Role.Id,
            PolicyArn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSWorkerNodePolicy",
        var cniPolicyAttachment = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachment("cniPolicyAttachment", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachmentArgs
            Role      = ec2Role.Id,
            PolicyArn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSCNIPolicy",
        var registryPolicyAttachment = new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachment("registryPolicyAttachment", new Aws.Iam.RolePolicyAttachmentArgs
            Role      = ec2Role.Id,
            PolicyArn = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly",
        // EKS Cluster
        var eksCluster = new Aws.Eks.Cluster("eksCluster", new Aws.Eks.ClusterArgs
            RoleArn = eksRole.Arn,
            Tags    =
                { "Name", "pulumi-eks-cluster" },
            VpcConfig = new Aws.Eks.Inputs.ClusterVpcConfigArgs
                PublicAccessCidrs =
                SecurityGroupIds =
                SubnetIds = subnetIds,
        var nodeGroup = new Aws.Eks.NodeGroup("nodeGroup", new Aws.Eks.NodeGroupArgs
            ClusterName   = eksCluster.Name,
            NodeGroupName = "pulumi-eks-nodegroup",
            NodeRoleArn   = ec2Role.Arn,
            SubnetIds     = subnetIds,
            Tags          =
                { "Name", "pulumi-cluster-nodeGroup" },
            ScalingConfig = new Aws.Eks.Inputs.NodeGroupScalingConfigArgs
                DesiredSize = 2,
                MaxSize     = 2,
                MinSize     = 1,
        var clusterName = eksCluster.Name;
        var kubeconfig  = Output.Tuple(eksCluster.Endpoint, eksCluster.CertificateAuthority, eksCluster.Name).Apply(values =>
            var endpoint             = values.Item1;
            var certificateAuthority = values.Item2;
            var name = values.Item3;
            return(JsonSerializer.Serialize(new Dictionary <string, object?>
                { "apiVersion", "v1" },
                { "clusters", new[]
                      new Dictionary <string, object?>
                          { "cluster", new Dictionary <string, object?>
                                { "server", endpoint },
                                { "certificate-authority-data", certificateAuthority.Data },
                            } },
                          { "name", "kubernetes" },
                  } },
                { "contexts", new[]
                      new Dictionary <string, object?>
                          { "contest", new Dictionary <string, object?>
                                { "cluster", "kubernetes" },
                                { "user", "aws" },
                            } },
                  } },
                { "current-context", "aws" },
                { "kind", "Config" },
                { "users", new[]
                      new Dictionary <string, object?>
                          { "name", "aws" },
                          { "user", new Dictionary <string, object?>
                                { "exec", new Dictionary <string, object?>
                                        { "apiVersion", "client.authentication.k8s.io/v1alpha1" },
                                        { "command", "aws-iam-authenticator" },
                                    } },
                                { "args", new[]
                                    } },
                            } },
                  } },

        return(new Dictionary <string, Output <string> >
            { "clusterName", clusterName },
            { "kubeconfig", kubeconfig },