예제 #1
        public SystemMap()
            m_oViewPortPanel = new Panels.SysMap_ViewPort();
            m_oControlsPanel = new Panels.SysMap_Controls();

            /// <summary>
            /// Add time button handlers to ViewPortPanel.
            /// </summary>
            m_oViewPortPanel.AdvanceTime5S.Click  += new EventHandler(AdvanceTime5S_Click);
            m_oViewPortPanel.AdvanceTime30S.Click += new EventHandler(AdvanceTime30S_Click);
            m_oViewPortPanel.AdvanceTime2M.Click  += new EventHandler(AdvanceTime2M_Click);
            m_oViewPortPanel.AdvanceTime5M.Click  += new EventHandler(AdvanceTime5M_Click);
            m_oViewPortPanel.AdvanceTime20M.Click += new EventHandler(AdvanceTime20M_Click);
            m_oViewPortPanel.AdvanceTime1H.Click  += new EventHandler(AdvanceTime1H_Click);
            m_oViewPortPanel.AdvanceTime3H.Click  += new EventHandler(AdvanceTime3H_Click);
            m_oViewPortPanel.AdvanceTime8H.Click  += new EventHandler(AdvanceTime8H_Click);
            m_oViewPortPanel.AdvanceTime1D.Click  += new EventHandler(AdvanceTime1D_Click);
            m_oViewPortPanel.AdvanceTime5D.Click  += new EventHandler(AdvanceTime5D_Click);
            m_oViewPortPanel.AdvanceTime30D.Click += new EventHandler(AdvanceTime30D_Click);
            m_oViewPortPanel.StartSim.Click       += new EventHandler(StartSim_Click);

            // setup GL Canvas and insert it into the ViewPort:
            m_oGLCanvas      = new GLCanvas();
            m_oGLCanvas.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;

            // setup viewmodel:
            VM = new GLStarSystemViewModel();

            // Bind System Selection Combo Box.
            m_oControlsPanel.SystemSelectionComboBox.Bind(c => c.DataSource, VM, d => d.StarSystems);
            m_oControlsPanel.SystemSelectionComboBox.Bind(c => c.SelectedItem, VM, d => d.CurrentStarSystem, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged);
            m_oControlsPanel.SystemSelectionComboBox.DisplayMember = "Name";
            VM.StarSystemChanged += (s, args) => CurrentStarSystem = VM.CurrentStarSystem;
            m_oCurrnetSystem      = VM.CurrentStarSystem;
            m_oControlsPanel.SystemSelectionComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += (s, args) => m_oControlsPanel.SystemSelectionComboBox.DataBindings["SelectedItem"].WriteValue();

            // register event handlers:\
            m_oGLCanvas.KeyDown    += new KeyEventHandler(OnKeyDown);
            m_oGLCanvas.MouseDown  += new MouseEventHandler(OnMouseDown);
            m_oGLCanvas.MouseMove  += new MouseEventHandler(OnMouseMove);
            m_oGLCanvas.MouseUp    += new MouseEventHandler(OnMouseUp);
            m_oGLCanvas.MouseHover += new EventHandler(OnMouseHover);
            m_oGLCanvas.MouseWheel += new MouseEventHandler(OnMouseWheel);
            m_oGLCanvas.Click      += new EventHandler(m_oGLCanvas_Click);

            m_oViewPortPanel.SizeChanged += new EventHandler(ViewPort_SizeChanged);

            m_oControlsPanel.PanUpButton.Click           += new EventHandler(PanUpButton_Click);
            m_oControlsPanel.PanDownButton.Click         += new EventHandler(PanDownButton_Click);
            m_oControlsPanel.PanLeftButton.Click         += new EventHandler(PanLeftButton_Click);
            m_oControlsPanel.PanRightButton.Click        += new EventHandler(PanRightButton_Click);
            m_oControlsPanel.ZoomInButton.Click          += new EventHandler(ZoomInButton_Click);
            m_oControlsPanel.ZoomOutButton.Click         += new EventHandler(ZoomOutButton_Click);
            m_oControlsPanel.ResetViewButton.Click       += new EventHandler(ResetViewButton_Click);
            m_oControlsPanel.CreateMapMarkerButton.Click += new EventHandler(CreateMapMarkerButton_Click);
            m_oControlsPanel.DeleteMapMarkerButton.Click += new EventHandler(DeleteMapMarkerButton_Click);
            m_oControlsPanel.SystemSelectionComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(SystemSelectComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged);
예제 #2
        public Star(string name, double radius, uint temp, float luminosity, SpectralType spectralType, StarSystem system)
            Name = name;
            Position.System = system;
            Position.X = 0;
            Position.Y = 0;
            Temperature = temp;
            Luminosity = luminosity;
            SpectralType = spectralType;
            Radius = radius;

            Class = SpectralType.ToString();

            Planets = new BindingList<SystemBody>();
            SupportsPopulations = false;
예제 #3
        public Waypoint(String Title, StarSystem Sys, double X, double Y, int FactionID)
            Name = Title;

            /// <summary>
            /// create these or else anything that relies on a unique global id will break.
            /// </summary>
            Id = Guid.NewGuid();

            FactionId = FactionID;
            Position.System = Sys;
            Position.X = X;
            Position.Y = Y;

            SSEntity = StarSystemEntityType.Waypoint;
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds any detected ships to the system location box.
        /// </summary>
        private void AddContactsToList(StarSystem starsystem)

            if (CurrentFaction.DetectedContactLists.ContainsKey(starsystem) == true)
                foreach (KeyValuePair<ShipTN, FactionContact> pair in CurrentFaction.DetectedContactLists[CurrentTaskGroup.Contact.Position.System].DetectedContacts)
                    String TH = "";
                    if (pair.Value.thermal == true)
                        TH = String.Format("[Thermal {0}]", pair.Key.CurrentThermalSignature);

                    String EM = "";
                    if (pair.Value.EM == true)
                        EM = String.Format("[EM {0}]", pair.Key.CurrentEMSignature);

                    String ACT = "";
                    if (pair.Value.active == true)
                        ACT = String.Format("[ACT {0}]", pair.Key.TotalCrossSection);

                    String Entry = String.Format("{0} {1}{2}{3}", pair.Key.Name, TH, EM, ACT);

                    SystemListObject.ListEntityType entType = SystemListObject.ListEntityType.Contacts;
                    SystemListObject valueObj = new SystemListObject(entType, pair.Key); //maybe this should be the value? though with the key I can *get* the value easly anyway.
                    SystemLocationGuidDict.Add(pair.Key.Id, Entry);
                    SystemLocationDict.Add(pair.Key.Id, valueObj);

                foreach (KeyValuePair<Population, FactionContact> pair in CurrentFaction.DetectedContactLists[CurrentTaskGroup.Contact.Position.System].DetectedPopContacts)
                    String TH = "";
                    if (pair.Value.thermal == true)
                        TH = String.Format("[Thermal {0}]", pair.Key.ThermalSignature);

                    String EM = "";
                    if (pair.Value.EM == true)
                        EM = String.Format("[EM {0}]", pair.Key.EMSignature);

                    String ACT = "";
                    if (pair.Value.active == true)
                        ACT = String.Format("[Active Ping]");

                    String Entry = String.Format("{0} {1}{2}{3}", pair.Key.Name, TH, EM, ACT);

                    SystemListObject.ListEntityType entType = SystemListObject.ListEntityType.Contacts;
                    SystemListObject valueObj = new SystemListObject(entType, pair.Key); //maybe this should be the value? though with the key I can *get* the value easly anyway.
                    SystemLocationGuidDict.Add(pair.Key.Id, Entry);
                    SystemLocationDict.Add(pair.Key.Id, valueObj);
예제 #5
파일: Star.cs 프로젝트: txe/Pulsar4x
        public Star(string name, double radius, uint temp, float luminosity, SpectralType spectralType, StarSystem system)
            Name            = name;
            Position.System = system;
            Position.X      = 0;
            Position.Y      = 0;
            Temperature     = temp;
            Luminosity      = luminosity;
            SpectralType    = spectralType;
            Radius          = radius;

            Class = SpectralType.ToString();

            Planets             = new BindingList <SystemBody>();
            SupportsPopulations = false;
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// create factions fills in the factions, tgs, and ships. The design for ships should be modified here.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="P">Factions</param>
        /// <param name="Sol">Starting starsystem</param>
        /// <param name="factionCount"># of factions</param>
        /// <param name="TGCount"># of tgs</param>
        /// <param name="ShipCount"># of ships</param>
        /// <param name="RNG">"global" rng since it has to be done that way.</param>
        void createFactions(BindingList<Faction> P, StarSystem Sol, int factionCount, int TGCount, int ShipCount, Random RNG)
            for (int loop = 0; loop < factionCount; loop++)
                Faction P1 = new Faction(loop);

                P1.ShipDesigns[0].AddEngine(P1.ComponentList.Engines[0], 3);
                P1.ShipDesigns[0].AddCrewQuarters(P1.ComponentList.CrewQuarters[0], 1);
                P1.ShipDesigns[0].AddFuelStorage(P1.ComponentList.FuelStorage[0], 1);
                P1.ShipDesigns[0].AddEngineeringSpaces(P1.ComponentList.EngineeringSpaces[0], 1);
                P1.ShipDesigns[0].AddOtherComponent(P1.ComponentList.OtherComponents[0], 1);
                P1.ShipDesigns[0].AddActiveSensor(P1.ComponentList.ActiveSensorDef[0], 1);
                P1.ShipDesigns[0].AddBeamFireControl(P1.ComponentList.BeamFireControlDef[0], 1);
                P1.ShipDesigns[0].AddBeamWeapon(P1.ComponentList.BeamWeaponDef[0], 2);
                P1.ShipDesigns[0].AddReactor(P1.ComponentList.ReactorDef[0], 2);
                P1.ShipDesigns[0].NewArmor("Duranium", 5, 4);

                for (int loop2 = 0; loop2 < TGCount; loop2++)
                    int randx = RNG.Next(0, 100000);
                    int randy = RNG.Next(0, 100000);

                    float wx = ((float)randx / 50000.0f) - 1.0f;
                    float wy = ((float)randy / 50000.0f) - 1.0f;

                    SystemBody Start = new SystemBody(Sol.Stars[0], SystemBody.PlanetType.Terrestrial);
                    Start.Position.X = wx;
                    Start.Position.Y = wy;

                    string ID1 = loop.ToString();

                    string TGName = "P" + ID1 + "TG 01";

                    P1.AddNewTaskGroup(TGName, Start, Sol);

                    for (int loop3 = 0; loop3 < ShipCount; loop3++)
                        P1.TaskGroups[loop2].AddShip(P1.ShipDesigns[0], "Test Ship");
                        P1.TaskGroups[loop2].SetActiveSensor(loop3, 0, true);

예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Final defensive fire scans through all potential FCs that could fire defensively on the incoming missile to see if it is intercepeted.
        /// All PD enabled FCs will attempt to shoot down this missile except ones from the same faction, as this missile is practically right on top of said FC.
        /// In other words allied/neutral status isn't taken into account.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="P">Faction list</param>
        /// <param name="Missile">Missile to try to intercept</param>
        /// <param name="RNG">Random Number Generator</param>
        /// <returns>Whether the missile has been intercepted</returns>
        public static bool FinalDefensiveFire(BindingList <Faction> P, OrdnanceTN Missile, Random RNG)
            bool       Intercept     = false;
            StarSystem CurrentSystem = Missile.missileGroup.contact.Position.System;
            float      PointBlank    = 10000.0f / (float)Constants.Units.KM_PER_AU;

            /// <summary>
            /// loop through every faction.
            /// </summary>
            foreach (Faction faction in P)
                /// <summary>
                /// Is the current faction different from the missile group faction, and does the faction have a detected contacts list for the current system?
                /// </summary>
                if (faction != Missile.missileGroup.ordnanceGroupFaction && faction.DetectedContactLists.ContainsKey(CurrentSystem) == true)
                    /// <summary>
                    /// Is the Missile group in this detected contact list?
                    /// </summary>
                    if (faction.DetectedContactLists[CurrentSystem].DetectedMissileContacts.ContainsKey(Missile.missileGroup) == true)
                        /// <summary>
                        /// Is the detection an active detection?
                        /// </summary>
                        if (faction.DetectedContactLists[CurrentSystem].DetectedMissileContacts[Missile.missileGroup].active == true)
                            /// <summary>
                            /// Does this faction have any point defense enabled FCs in this system?
                            /// </summary>
                            if (faction.PointDefense.ContainsKey(CurrentSystem) == true)
                                /// <summary>
                                /// loop through all the possible PD enabled FC.
                                /// </summary>
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <ComponentTN, ShipTN> pair in faction.PointDefense[CurrentSystem].PointDefenseFC)
                                    ShipTN Ship = pair.Value;

                                    /// <summary>
                                    /// Ship jump sickness will prevent point defense from operating.
                                    /// </summary>
                                    if (Ship.IsJumpSick())

                                    /// <summary>
                                    /// Only want BFCs in FDF mode for now.
                                    /// </summary>
                                    if (faction.PointDefense[CurrentSystem].PointDefenseType[pair.Key] == false && pair.Value.ShipBFC[pair.Key.componentIndex].pDState == PointDefenseState.FinalDefensiveFire)
                                        BeamFireControlTN ShipBeamFC = pair.Value.ShipBFC[pair.Key.componentIndex];

                                        /// <summary>
                                        /// Do a distance check on pair.Value vs the missile itself. if that checks out to be less than 10k km(or equal to zero), then
                                        /// check to see if the FC can shoot down said missile. This should never be run before a sensor sweep
                                        /// </summary>
                                        float dist = -1;

                                        /// <summary>
                                        /// dist is in AU.
                                        /// </summary>
                                        Missile.missileGroup.contact.DistTable.GetDistance(Ship.ShipsTaskGroup.Contact, out dist);

                                        /// <summary>
                                        /// if distance is less than the 10k km threshold attempt to intercept at Point blank range.
                                        /// </summary>
                                        if (dist < PointBlank)
                                            /// <summary>
                                            /// Finally intercept the target.
                                            /// </summary>
                                            bool WF = false;
                                            Intercept = ShipBeamFC.InterceptTarget(RNG, 0, Missile, Ship.ShipsFaction,
                                                                                   Ship.ShipsTaskGroup.Contact, Ship, out WF);
                                            /// <summary>
                                            /// Add this ship to the weapon recharge list since it has fired. This is done here in Sim, or for FDF_Self in Ship.cs
                                            /// </summary>
                                            if (WF == true)
                                                if (faction.RechargeList.ContainsKey(Ship) == true)
                                                    /// <summary>
                                                    /// If our recharge value does not have Recharge beams in it(bitflag 2 for now), then add it.
                                                    /// </summary>
                                                    if ((faction.RechargeList[pair.Value] & (int)Faction.RechargeStatus.Weapons) != (int)Faction.RechargeStatus.Weapons)
                                                        faction.RechargeList[pair.Value] = (faction.RechargeList[pair.Value] + (int)Faction.RechargeStatus.Weapons);
                                                    faction.RechargeList.Add(pair.Value, (int)Faction.RechargeStatus.Weapons);

                                            /// <summary>
                                            /// break out of the first foreach loop.
                                            /// </summary>
                                            if (Intercept == true)
                /// <summary>
                /// now break out of the faction loop as this missile has been shot down.
                /// </summary>
                if (Intercept == true)
예제 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Initilized constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="system">StarSystem value.</param>
 /// <param name="x">X value.</param>
 /// <param name="y">Y value.</param>
 public SystemPosition(StarSystem system, double x, double y) : this()
     System = system;
     X      = x;
     Y      = y;
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// TaskGroupThermal Detection runs the thermal detection routine on TaskGroupToTest from CurrentTaskGroup
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="System">Current System this is taking place in.</param>
        /// <param name="CurrentTaskGroup">TaskGroup that is performing the sensor sweep.</param>
        /// <param name="TaskGroupToTest">TaskGroup being tested against.</param>
        /// <param name="dist">Distance between these two taskgroups.</param>
        /// <param name="detListIterator">Iterator for where the TaskGroupToTest is in the various detection lists and the system contact list.</param>
        /// <param name="DetShipList">If a ship is detected it must be put into this list for the detectedContactsList later on.</param>
        private void TaskGroupThermalDetection(StarSystem System, TaskGroupTN CurrentTaskGroup, TaskGroupTN TaskGroupToTest, float dist, int detListIterator)
            if (System.FactionDetectionLists[FactionID].Thermal[detListIterator] != GameState.Instance.CurrentSecond)
                int sig = -1;
                int detection = -1;
                bool noDetection = false;
                bool allDetection = false;
                /// <summary>
                /// Get the best detection range for thermal signatures in loop.
                /// </summary>
                int ShipID = TaskGroupToTest.ThermalSortList.Last();
                ShipTN scratch = TaskGroupToTest.Ships[ShipID];
                sig = scratch.CurrentThermalSignature;

                /// <summary>
                /// Check to make sure the taskgroup has a thermal sensor available, otherwise use the default.
                /// </summary>
                if (CurrentTaskGroup.BestThermalCount != 0)
                    detection = CurrentTaskGroup.BestThermal.pSensorDef.GetPassiveDetectionRange(sig);
                    detection = ComponentList.DefaultPassives.GetPassiveDetectionRange(sig);

                /// <summary>
                /// Test the biggest signature against the best sensor.
                /// </summary>
                bool det = LargeDetection(dist, detection);

                /// <summary>
                /// Good case, none of the ships are detected.
                /// </summary>
                if (det == false)
                    noDetection = true;

                /// <summary>
                /// Atleast the biggest ship is detected.
                /// </summary
                if (noDetection == false)
                    ShipID = TaskGroupToTest.ThermalSortList.First();
                    scratch = TaskGroupToTest.Ships[ShipID];
                    sig = scratch.CurrentThermalSignature;

                    /// <summary>
                    /// Check to make sure the taskgroup has a thermal sensor available, otherwise use the default.
                    /// </summary>
                    if (CurrentTaskGroup.BestThermalCount != 0)
                        detection = CurrentTaskGroup.BestThermal.pSensorDef.GetPassiveDetectionRange(sig);
                        detection = ComponentList.DefaultPassives.GetPassiveDetectionRange(sig);

                    /// <summary>
                    /// Now for the smallest vs the best.
                    /// </summary>
                    det = LargeDetection(dist, detection);

                    /// <summary>
                    /// Best case, everything is detected.
                    /// </summary>
                    if (det == true)
                        allDetection = true;

                        for (int loop3 = 0; loop3 < TaskGroupToTest.Ships.Count; loop3++)
                            TaskGroupToTest.Ships[loop3].ThermalDetection[FactionID] = GameState.Instance.CurrentSecond;

                            if (DetShipList.Contains(TaskGroupToTest.Ships[loop3]) == false)
                        System.FactionDetectionLists[FactionID].Thermal[detListIterator] = GameState.Instance.CurrentSecond;

                    else if (noDetection == false && allDetection == false)
                        /// <summary>
                        /// Worst case. some are detected, some aren't.
                        /// </summary>

                        for (int loop3 = 0; loop3 < TaskGroupToTest.Ships.Count; loop3++)
                            LinkedListNode<int> node = TaskGroupToTest.ThermalSortList.Last;
                            bool done = false;

                            while (!done)
                                scratch = TaskGroupToTest.Ships[node.Value];

                                if (scratch.ThermalDetection[FactionID] != GameState.Instance.CurrentSecond)
                                    sig = scratch.CurrentThermalSignature;
                                    if (CurrentTaskGroup.BestThermalCount != 0)
                                        detection = CurrentTaskGroup.BestThermal.pSensorDef.GetPassiveDetectionRange(sig);
                                        detection = ComponentList.DefaultPassives.GetPassiveDetectionRange(sig);

                                    /// <summary>
                                    /// Test each ship until I get to one I don't see.
                                    /// </summary>
                                    det = LargeDetection(dist, detection);

                                    if (det == true)
                                        scratch.ThermalDetection[FactionID] = GameState.Instance.CurrentSecond;

                                        if (DetShipList.Contains(scratch) == false)
                                        done = true;
                                if (node == TaskGroupToTest.ThermalSortList.First)
                                    /// <summary>
                                    /// This should not happen.
                                    /// </summary>
                                    String ErrorMessage = string.Format("Partial Thermal detect for TGs looped through every ship. {0} {1} {2} {3}", dist, detection, noDetection, allDetection);
                                    MessageEntry NMsg = new MessageEntry(MessageEntry.MessageType.Error, TaskGroupToTest.Contact.Position.System, TaskGroupToTest.Contact,
                                                                         GameState.Instance.GameDateTime, GameState.Instance.LastTimestep, ErrorMessage);
                                    done = true;
                                node = node.Previous;
                    /// <summary>
                    /// End else
                    /// </summary>
예제 #10
        public Sceen(StarSystem a_oStarSystem, GLEffect a_oDefaultEffect, Pulsar4X.UI.Handlers.SystemMap ParentSM)
            // set member vars:
            m_v3ViewOffset = Vector3.Zero;
            MeasureMode = false;

            ParentSystemMap = ParentSM;
            SceenDefaultEffect = a_oDefaultEffect;

            /// <summary>
            /// These have to be initialized before the contactElements are created as contactElement uses these.
            /// </summary>
            ShowActives = true;
            ShowPassives = true;
            ShowPassiveSignatureRange = (int)Constants.SensorTN.DefaultPassiveSignature;

            // Set Sceen Vars:
            m_oSceenEntity = a_oStarSystem;
            SceenID = a_oStarSystem.Id;

            // Create measurement element:
            m_oMeasurementElement = new MeasurementElement();
            m_oMeasurementElement.PrimaryPrimitive = new GLLine(a_oDefaultEffect, Vector3.Zero, new Vector2(1.0f, 1.0f), Color.Yellow, UIConstants.Textures.DEFAULT_TEXTURE);
            m_oMeasurementElement.Lable = new GLUtilities.GLFont(a_oDefaultEffect, Vector3.Zero, UIConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE, Color.Yellow, UIConstants.Textures.DEFAULT_GLFONT2, "");

            // Creat Working Vars:
            //double dKMperAUdevby10 = (Pulsar4X.Constants.Units.KmPerAu / 10); // we scale everthing down by 10 to avoid float buffer overflows.
            int iStarCounter = 0;                                               // Keeps track of the number of stars.
            int iPlanetCounter = 0;                                             // Keeps track of the number of planets around the current star
            int iMoonCounter = 0;                                               // Keeps track of the number of moons around the current planet.
            double dMaxOrbitDist = 0;                                           // used for fit to zoom.
            Vector3 v3StarPos = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);                           // used for storing the psoition of the current star in the system
            float fStarSize = 0.0f;                                             // Size of a star
            double dPlanetOrbitRadius = 0;                                      // used for holding the orbit in Km for a planet.
            Vector3 v3PlanetPos = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);                         // Used to store the planet Pos.
            float fPlanetSize = 0;                                              // used to hold the planets size.
            double dMoonOrbitRadius = 0;                                        // used for holding the orbit in Km for a Moon.
            float fMoonSize = 0;                                                // used to hold the Moons size.
            Vector3 v3MoonPos = Vector3.Zero;                                   // Used to store the Moons Position.

            // start creating star branches in the sceen graph:
            SceenElement oRootStar;
            SceenElement oCurrStar;
            foreach (Pulsar4X.Entities.Star oStar in a_oStarSystem.Stars)

                if (iStarCounter <= 0)
                    // then we have a secondary, etc star give random position around its orbit!
                    oRootStar = new StarElement(oStar, a_oDefaultEffect, Vector3.Zero, Pulsar4X.Constants.StarColor.LookupColor(oStar), true);
                    oCurrStar = oRootStar;
                    Random rnd = new Random();
                    v3StarPos.X = (float)(oStar.Position.X);
                    v3StarPos.Y = (float)(oStar.Position.Y);    
                    MaxOrbitDistTest(ref dMaxOrbitDist, oStar.Orbit.SemiMajorAxis);
                    oCurrStar = new StarElement(oStar, a_oDefaultEffect, v3StarPos, Pulsar4X.Constants.StarColor.LookupColor(oStar), false);

                fStarSize = (float)(oStar.Radius * 2.0 * (Constants.Units.SolarRadiusInAu));

                GLUtilities.GLQuad oStarQuad = new GLUtilities.GLQuad(a_oDefaultEffect,
                                                                        new Vector2(fStarSize, fStarSize),
                // create name lable:
                GLUtilities.GLFont oNameLable = new GLUtilities.GLFont(a_oDefaultEffect,
                    new Vector3((float)(v3StarPos.X), (float)(v3StarPos.Y - (oStar.Radius / Constants.Units.KmPerAu)), 0),
                    UIConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE, Color.White, UIConstants.Textures.DEFAULT_GLFONT2, oStar.Name);

                oCurrStar.AddPrimitive(oStarQuad); // Add star icon to the Sceen element.
                oCurrStar.Lable = oNameLable;
                oCurrStar.PrimaryPrimitive = oStarQuad;
                oCurrStar.RealSize = new Vector2(fStarSize, fStarSize);

                // now go though and add each planet to render list.
                foreach (Pulsar4X.Entities.SystemBody oPlanet in oStar.Planets)
                    SceenElement oPlanetElement = new PlanetElement(a_oDefaultEffect, v3StarPos, oPlanet, Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 205, 0));
                    oPlanetElement.EntityID = oPlanet.Id;

                    if (iPlanetCounter == 0)
                        oCurrStar.SmallestOrbit = (float)(oPlanet.Orbit.SemiMajorAxis * 2);
                    dPlanetOrbitRadius = oPlanet.Orbit.SemiMajorAxis;

                    fPlanetSize = (float)((oPlanet.Radius * 2.0) / Constants.Units.KmPerAu);
                    MaxOrbitDistTest(ref dMaxOrbitDist, dPlanetOrbitRadius);

                    GLUtilities.GLQuad oPlanetQuad = new GLUtilities.GLQuad(a_oDefaultEffect,
                        new Vector2(fPlanetSize, fPlanetSize),
                        Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255, 0),  // lime green

                    // create name lable:
                    GLUtilities.GLFont oPlanetNameLable = new GLUtilities.GLFont(a_oDefaultEffect,
                        new Vector3((float)(v3PlanetPos.X), (float)(v3PlanetPos.Y - (oPlanet.Radius / Constants.Units.KmPerAu)), 0),
                        UIConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE, Color.AntiqueWhite, UIConstants.Textures.DEFAULT_GLFONT2, oPlanet.Name);


                    oPlanetElement.Lable = oPlanetNameLable;
                    oPlanetElement.PrimaryPrimitive = oPlanetQuad;
                    oPlanetElement.RealSize = new Vector2(fPlanetSize, fPlanetSize);


                    // now again for the moons:
                    foreach (Pulsar4X.Entities.SystemBody oMoon in oPlanet.Moons)
                        SceenElement oMoonElement = new PlanetElement(a_oDefaultEffect, v3PlanetPos, oMoon, Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 205, 0));
                        oMoonElement.EntityID = oMoon.Id;

                        if (iMoonCounter == 0)
                            oPlanetElement.SmallestOrbit = (float)(oMoon.Orbit.SemiMajorAxis);

                        dMoonOrbitRadius = oMoon.Orbit.SemiMajorAxis;
                        fMoonSize = (float)((oMoon.Radius * 2.0) / Constants.Units.KmPerAu);
                        v3MoonPos = new Vector3((float)(oMoon.Position.X), (float)(oMoon.Position.Y), 0);
                        oMoon.Position.X = oMoon.Position.X + v3PlanetPos.X;
                        oMoon.Position.Y = oMoon.Position.Y + v3PlanetPos.Y;

                        GLUtilities.GLQuad oMoonQuad = new GLUtilities.GLQuad(a_oDefaultEffect,
                            v3MoonPos,                                    // offset Pos by parent planet pos
                            new Vector2(fMoonSize, fMoonSize),
                            Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 205, 0),  // lime green

                        GLUtilities.GLFont oMoonNameLable = new GLUtilities.GLFont(a_oDefaultEffect,
                        new Vector3((float)(v3MoonPos.X), (float)(v3MoonPos.Y - (oMoon.Radius / Constants.Units.KmPerAu)), 0),
                        UIConstants.DEFAULT_TEXT_SIZE, Color.AntiqueWhite, UIConstants.Textures.DEFAULT_GLFONT2, oMoon.Name);


                        oMoonElement.Lable = oMoonNameLable;
                        oMoonElement.PrimaryPrimitive = oMoonQuad;
                        oMoonElement.RealSize = new Vector2(fMoonSize, fMoonSize);

                    iMoonCounter = 0;
                iPlanetCounter = 0;
                foreach (Pulsar4X.Entities.JumpPoint oJumpPoint in a_oStarSystem.JumpPoints)
                    CreateJumpPoint(oCurrStar, oJumpPoint);


            foreach (Pulsar4X.Entities.SystemContact systemContact in a_oStarSystem.SystemContactList)
                AddContactElement(SceenDefaultEffect, systemContact);

            a_oStarSystem.JumpPoints.ListChanged += JumpPoints_ListChanged;
            a_oStarSystem.SystemContactList.ListChanging += SystemContactList_ListChanging;

            // Set Sceen Size basd on Max Orbit:
            m_v2SceenSize = new Vector2d(dMaxOrbitDist * 2, dMaxOrbitDist * 2);
예제 #11
        public SystemMap()
            m_oViewPortPanel = new Panels.SysMap_ViewPort();
            m_oControlsPanel = new Panels.SysMap_Controls();

            /// <summary>
            /// Add time button handlers to ViewPortPanel.
            /// </summary>
            m_oViewPortPanel.AdvanceTime5S.Click += new EventHandler(AdvanceTime5S_Click);
            m_oViewPortPanel.AdvanceTime30S.Click += new EventHandler(AdvanceTime30S_Click);
            m_oViewPortPanel.AdvanceTime2M.Click += new EventHandler(AdvanceTime2M_Click);
            m_oViewPortPanel.AdvanceTime5M.Click += new EventHandler(AdvanceTime5M_Click);
            m_oViewPortPanel.AdvanceTime20M.Click += new EventHandler(AdvanceTime20M_Click);
            m_oViewPortPanel.AdvanceTime1H.Click += new EventHandler(AdvanceTime1H_Click);
            m_oViewPortPanel.AdvanceTime3H.Click += new EventHandler(AdvanceTime3H_Click);
            m_oViewPortPanel.AdvanceTime8H.Click += new EventHandler(AdvanceTime8H_Click);
            m_oViewPortPanel.AdvanceTime1D.Click += new EventHandler(AdvanceTime1D_Click);
            m_oViewPortPanel.AdvanceTime5D.Click += new EventHandler(AdvanceTime5D_Click);
            m_oViewPortPanel.AdvanceTime30D.Click += new EventHandler(AdvanceTime30D_Click);
            m_oViewPortPanel.StartSim.Click += new EventHandler(StartSim_Click);

            // setup GL Canvas and insert it into the ViewPort:
            m_oGLCanvas = new GLCanvas();
            m_oGLCanvas.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;

            // setup viewmodel:
            VM = new GLStarSystemViewModel();

            // Bind System Selection Combo Box.
            m_oControlsPanel.SystemSelectionComboBox.Bind(c => c.DataSource, VM, d => d.StarSystems);
            m_oControlsPanel.SystemSelectionComboBox.Bind(c => c.SelectedItem, VM, d => d.CurrentStarSystem, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged);
            m_oControlsPanel.SystemSelectionComboBox.DisplayMember = "Name";
            VM.StarSystemChanged += (s, args) => CurrentStarSystem = VM.CurrentStarSystem;
            m_oCurrnetSystem = VM.CurrentStarSystem;
            m_oControlsPanel.SystemSelectionComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += (s, args) => m_oControlsPanel.SystemSelectionComboBox.DataBindings["SelectedItem"].WriteValue();

            // register event handlers:\
            m_oGLCanvas.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(OnKeyDown);
            m_oGLCanvas.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(OnMouseDown);
            m_oGLCanvas.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(OnMouseMove);
            m_oGLCanvas.MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler(OnMouseUp);
            m_oGLCanvas.MouseHover += new EventHandler(OnMouseHover);
            m_oGLCanvas.MouseWheel += new MouseEventHandler(OnMouseWheel);
            m_oGLCanvas.Click += new EventHandler(m_oGLCanvas_Click);

            m_oViewPortPanel.SizeChanged += new EventHandler(ViewPort_SizeChanged);

            m_oControlsPanel.PanUpButton.Click += new EventHandler(PanUpButton_Click);
            m_oControlsPanel.PanDownButton.Click += new EventHandler(PanDownButton_Click);
            m_oControlsPanel.PanLeftButton.Click += new EventHandler(PanLeftButton_Click);
            m_oControlsPanel.PanRightButton.Click += new EventHandler(PanRightButton_Click);
            m_oControlsPanel.ZoomInButton.Click += new EventHandler(ZoomInButton_Click);
            m_oControlsPanel.ZoomOutButton.Click += new EventHandler(ZoomOutButton_Click);
            m_oControlsPanel.ResetViewButton.Click += new EventHandler(ResetViewButton_Click);
            m_oControlsPanel.CreateMapMarkerButton.Click += new EventHandler(CreateMapMarkerButton_Click);
            m_oControlsPanel.DeleteMapMarkerButton.Click += new EventHandler(DeleteMapMarkerButton_Click);
            m_oControlsPanel.SystemSelectionComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(SystemSelectComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged);

            m_oControlsPanel.ShowActiveSensorsCheckBox.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(ShowActiveSensorsCheckBox_CheckedChanged);
            m_oControlsPanel.ShowPassiveSensorsCheckBox.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(ShowPassiveSensorsCheckBox_CheckedChanged);
예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for the taskgroup, sets name, faction, planet the TG starts in orbit of.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Title">Name</param>
        /// <param name="FID">Faction</param>
        /// <param name="StartingBody">body taskgroup will orbit at creation.</param>
        public TaskGroupTN(string Title, Faction FID, OrbitingEntity StartingBody, StarSystem StartingSystem)
            Name = Title;
            /// <summary>
            /// create these or else anything that relies on a unique global id will break.
            /// </summary>
            Id = Guid.NewGuid();

            TaskGroupFaction = FID;

            IsOrbiting = true;
            OrbitingBody = StartingBody;
            (OrbitingBody as SystemBody).TaskGroupsInOrbit.Add(this);

            SSEntity = StarSystemEntityType.TaskGroup;

            Position.System = StartingSystem;
            Position.X = OrbitingBody.Position.X;
            Position.Y = OrbitingBody.Position.Y;

            Contact = new SystemContact(TaskGroupFaction, this);

            Contact.LastPosition.X = Contact.Position.X;
            Contact.LastPosition.Y = Contact.Position.Y;

            DrawTravelLine = 3;

            CurrentSpeed = 1;
            MaxSpeed = 1;

            CurrentSpeedX = 0.0;
            CurrentSpeedY = 0.0;
            CurrentHeading = 0.0;
            TimeRequirement = 0;

            TaskGroupOrders = new BindingList<Order>();

            TotalOrderDistance = 0.0;

            /// <summary>
            /// Change this for PDCS and starbases.
            /// </summary>
            CanOrder = Constants.ShipTN.OrderState.AcceptOrders;

            /// <summary>
            /// Ships start in the unordered state, so new orders will have to have GetHeading/speed/other functionality performed.
            /// </summary>
            NewOrders = true;

            Ships = new BindingList<ShipTN>();
            ShipOutOfFuel = false;

            ActiveSensorQue = new BindingList<ActiveSensorTN>();
            ActiveSensorCount = new BindingList<int>();

            TaskGroupLookUpST = new BindingList<int>();

            /// <summary>
            /// Resolution Max needs to go into global constants, or ship constants I think.
            /// </summary>
            for (int loop = 0; loop < Constants.ShipTN.ResolutionMax; loop++)
                /// <summary>
                /// TaskGroupLookUpST will be initialized to zero.
                /// </summary>

            TaskGroupLookUpMT = new BindingList<int>();
            for (int loop = 0; loop < 15; loop++)
                /// <summary>
                /// TaskGroupLookUpMT will be initialized to zero.
                /// </summary>

            BestThermalCount = 0;
            BestEMCount = 0;

            ThermalSortList = new LinkedList<int>();
            EMSortList = new LinkedList<int>();
            ActiveSortList = new LinkedList<int>();

            TotalCargoTonnage = 0;
            CurrentCargoTonnage = 0;

            TotalCryoCapacity = 0;
            CurrentCryoStorage = 0;

            TaskGroupsOrdered = new BindingList<TaskGroupTN>();

            TaskGroupPDL = new PointDefenseList();

            IsInShipyard = false;

            SensorUpdateAck = 0;

            //add default legal order for targeting TGs.


예제 #13
파일: JumpPoint.cs 프로젝트: txe/Pulsar4x
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles connecting unconnected jump points.
        /// This function only handles the connection of JumpPoints to new JumpPoints/Systems
        /// </summary>
        public void CreateConnection()
            int        systemIndex     = -1;
            StarSystem connectedSystem = null;

            if (Constants.GameSettings.JumpPointLocalGroupConnectionChance >= GameState.RNG.Next(101))
                    // We will connect to an 'existing system'
                    // Note, existing system doesn't necessarily exist.
                    systemIndex = Position.System.SystemIndex + GameState.RNG.Next(-Constants.GameSettings.JumpPointLocalGroupSize / 2, (Constants.GameSettings.JumpPointLocalGroupSize / 2) + 1);
                    if (systemIndex < 0)
                        // Sorry, we gotta keep you positive.
                        systemIndex = Math.Abs(systemIndex);
                // Prevent linking to self.
                while (systemIndex == Position.System.SystemIndex);
                // Generating a 'new system'
                // Note, new system isn't necessarily non-existant.
                systemIndex = GameState.Instance.StarSystemCurrentIndex;

            if (systemIndex >= GameState.Instance.StarSystemCurrentIndex)
                if (systemIndex == GameState.Instance.StarSystemCurrentIndex)
                    // We're connecting to the next system on the list.
                    // This system will be generated, so increase our current index.
                    // This can happen with either 'existing system' or 'new system'
                    // however, it is intended for 'new system' generation.

                while (systemIndex > GameState.Instance.StarSystems.Count)
                    // We're connecting to an 'existing system' that doesn't exist.
                    // If systemIndex 15 was selected above, and we've only got 10 systems, fill in the gap with new systems.
                    SystemGen.CreateSystem("Unexplored System S-" + GameState.Instance.StarSystems.Count);

                    // Note, we didn't set our StarSystemCurrentIndex. This is intentional.
                    // When we make another connection, and we RNG a 'new system' connection, we may have just made the 'new system' here.
                    // Since we want 'existing system' to make 2 links once all JP's are explored, we ensure
                    // the 'new system' connection will actually connect to the 'existing system'.

            if (systemIndex == GameState.Instance.StarSystems.Count)
                // Generate a new system.

                connectedSystem = SystemGen.CreateSystem("Unexplored System S-" + GameState.Instance.StarSystems.Count);
                // Select an existing system.
                connectedSystem = GameState.Instance.StarSystems[systemIndex];

            // Choose a random jump point in the new system.
            JumpPoint connectedJP = null;

            List <JumpPoint> systemJumpPoints = new List <JumpPoint>();

            systemJumpPoints.AddRange(connectedSystem.JumpPoints); // Deep copy so we don't ruin the connectedSystem.JumpPoints list.

            while (systemJumpPoints.Count > 0)
                // Select a random jump point.
                int i = GameState.RNG.Next(systemJumpPoints.Count);
                if (systemJumpPoints[i].Connect == null)
                    // If selected JP doesn't have a connection, we use it.
                    connectedJP = systemJumpPoints[i];

                // If selected JP has a connection, remove it from the list, and select another.

            if (connectedJP == null)
                // All JP's are already connected, create a new one.
                Star parentStar = connectedSystem.Stars[GameState.RNG.Next(connectedSystem.Stars.Count)];
                connectedJP = SystemGen.GenerateJumpPoint(connectedSystem);

            // Connect us to them.
            Connect = connectedJP;
            Name    = Name + "(" + Connect.Position.System.Name + ")";

            // Connect them to us.
            Connect.Connect = this;
            Connect.Name    = Connect.Name + "(" + Position.System.Name + ")";
예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// MessageEntry constructs a specific message with the relevant location, time, and entity(if applicable). 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Loc">Starsystem message is from.</param>
        /// <param name="Ref">Starsystementity the message refers to.</param>
        /// <param name="Time">Game time of message.</param>
        /// <param name="timeSlice">Time since last increment.</param>
        /// <param name="text">text of the message.</param>
        public MessageEntry(MessageType Type, StarSystem Loc, StarSystemEntity Ref, DateTime Time, int timeSlice, string text)
            TypeOf = Type;
            Location = Loc;
            entity = Ref;
            TimeOfMessage = Time;
            TimeSlice = timeSlice;
            Text = text;

            if (TypeOf == MessageType.Error)
                String Entry = String.Format("Faction Message Logging Error: Type:{0} | Time:{1} | Location:{2} - TimeSlice:{3}: Text:{4}\n", TypeOf, TimeOfMessage, Location, TimeSlice, Text);
예제 #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds friendly taskgroups to the system location box
 /// </summary>
 private void AddTaskGroupsToList(StarSystem starsystem)
     foreach(SystemContact contact in starsystem.SystemContactList)
         if (contact.SSEntity == StarSystemEntityType.TaskGroup)
             TaskGroupTN TaskGroup = contact.Entity as TaskGroupTN;
             if (CurrentTaskGroup != TaskGroup && TaskGroup.TaskGroupFaction == CurrentFaction)
                 string keyName = TaskGroup.Name;
                 StarSystemEntity entObj = TaskGroup;
                 SystemListObject valueObj = new SystemListObject(SystemListObject.ListEntityType.TaskGroups, entObj);
                 SystemLocationGuidDict.Add(entObj.Id, keyName);
                 SystemLocationDict.Add(entObj.Id, valueObj);
예제 #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds user generated waypoints to the location list.
 /// </summary>
 private void AddWaypointsToList(StarSystem starsystem)
     foreach (Waypoint waypoint in starsystem.Waypoints)
         if (waypoint.FactionId == CurrentTaskGroup.TaskGroupFaction.FactionID)
             string keyName = waypoint.Name;
             StarSystemEntity entObj = waypoint;
             SystemListObject valueObj = new SystemListObject(SystemListObject.ListEntityType.Waypoints, entObj);
             SystemLocationGuidDict.Add(entObj.Id, keyName);
             SystemLocationDict.Add(entObj.Id, valueObj);
예제 #17
        /// <summary>
        /// TaskGroupEM Detection runs the EM detection routine on TaskGroupToTest from CurrentTaskGroup. This differs from Thermal in that we use the ship EM linked list as well as the faction EM
        /// Detection list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="System">Current System this is taking place in.</param>
        /// <param name="CurrentTaskGroup">TaskGroup that is performing the sensor sweep.</param>
        /// <param name="TaskGroupToTest">TaskGroup being tested against.</param>
        /// <param name="dist">Distance between these two taskgroups.</param>
        /// <param name="detListIterator">Iterator for where the TaskGroupToTest is in the various detection lists and the system contact list.</param>
        /// <param name="DetShipList">If a ship is detected it must be put into this list for the detectedContactsList later on.</param>
        private void TaskGroupEMDetection(StarSystem System, TaskGroupTN CurrentTaskGroup, TaskGroupTN TaskGroupToTest, float dist, int detListIterator)
            if (System.FactionDetectionLists[FactionID].EM[detListIterator] != GameState.Instance.CurrentSecond)
                int sig = -1;
                int detection = -1;
                bool noDetection = false;
                bool allDetection = false;

                /// <summary>
                /// Get the best detection range for EM signatures in loop.
                /// </summary>
                int ShipID = TaskGroupToTest.EMSortList.Last();
                ShipTN scratch = TaskGroupToTest.Ships[ShipID];
                sig = scratch.CurrentEMSignature;

                /// <summary>
                /// Check to see if the taskgroup has an em sensor, and that said em sensor is not destroyed.
                /// otherwise use the default passive detection range.
                /// </summary>
                if (CurrentTaskGroup.BestEMCount > 0)
                    detection = CurrentTaskGroup.BestEM.pSensorDef.GetPassiveDetectionRange(sig);
                    detection = ComponentList.DefaultPassives.GetPassiveDetectionRange(sig);

                bool det = LargeDetection(dist, detection);

                /// <summary>
                /// Good case, none of the ships are detected.
                /// </summary>
                if (det == false)
                    noDetection = true;

                /// <summary>
                /// Atleast the biggest ship is detected.
                /// </summary
                if (noDetection == false)
                    ShipID = TaskGroupToTest.EMSortList.First();
                    scratch = TaskGroupToTest.Ships[ShipID];
                    sig = scratch.CurrentEMSignature;

                    /// <summary>
                    /// once again we must check here to make sure that the taskgroup does have a passive suite, or else use the default one.
                    /// </summary>
                    if (CurrentTaskGroup.BestEMCount > 0)
                        detection = CurrentTaskGroup.BestEM.pSensorDef.GetPassiveDetectionRange(sig);
                        detection = ComponentList.DefaultPassives.GetPassiveDetectionRange(sig);

                    det = LargeDetection(dist, detection);

                    /// <summary>
                    /// Best case, everything is detected.
                    /// </summary>
                    if (det == true)
                        allDetection = true;

                        for (int loop3 = 0; loop3 < TaskGroupToTest.Ships.Count; loop3++)
                            TaskGroupToTest.Ships[loop3].EMDetection[FactionID] = GameState.Instance.CurrentSecond;

                            if (DetShipList.Contains(TaskGroupToTest.Ships[loop3]) == false)
                        System.FactionDetectionLists[FactionID].EM[detListIterator] = GameState.Instance.CurrentSecond;
                    else if (noDetection == false && allDetection == false)
                        /// <summary>
                        /// Worst case. some are detected, some aren't.
                        /// </summary>

                        for (int loop3 = 0; loop3 < TaskGroupToTest.Ships.Count; loop3++)
                            LinkedListNode<int> node = TaskGroupToTest.EMSortList.Last;
                            bool done = false;

                            while (!done)
                                scratch = TaskGroupToTest.Ships[node.Value];

                                if (scratch.EMDetection[FactionID] != GameState.Instance.CurrentSecond)
                                    sig = scratch.CurrentEMSignature;

                                    /// <summary>
                                    /// here is where EM detection differs from Thermal detection:
                                    /// If a ship has a signature of 0 by this point(and we didn't already hit noDetection above,
                                    /// it means that one ship is emitting a signature, but that no other ships are.
                                    /// Mark the group as totally detected, but not the ships, this serves to tell me that the ships are undetectable
                                    /// in this case.
                                    /// </summary>
                                    if (sig == 0)
                                        /// <summary>
                                        /// The last signature we looked at was the ship emitting an EM sig, and this one is not.
                                        /// Mark the entire group as "spotted" because no other detection will occur.
                                        /// </summary>
                                        if (TaskGroupToTest.Ships[node.Next.Value].EMDetection[FactionID] == GameState.Instance.CurrentSecond)
                                            System.FactionDetectionLists[FactionID].EM[detListIterator] = GameState.Instance.CurrentSecond;

                                    if (CurrentTaskGroup.BestEMCount > 0)
                                        detection = CurrentTaskGroup.BestEM.pSensorDef.GetPassiveDetectionRange(sig);
                                        detection = ComponentList.DefaultPassives.GetPassiveDetectionRange(sig);

                                    det = LargeDetection(dist, detection);

                                    if (det == true)
                                        scratch.EMDetection[FactionID] = GameState.Instance.CurrentSecond;

                                        if (DetShipList.Contains(scratch) == false)
                                        done = true;
                                if (node == TaskGroupToTest.EMSortList.First)
                                    /// <summary>
                                    /// This should not happen.
                                    /// </summary>
                                    String ErrorMessage = string.Format("Partial EM detect for TGs looped through every ship. {0} {1} {2} {3}", dist, detection, noDetection, allDetection);

                                    MessageEntry NMsg = new MessageEntry(MessageEntry.MessageType.Error, CurrentTaskGroup.Contact.Position.System, CurrentTaskGroup.Contact,
                                                                         GameState.Instance.GameDateTime, GameState.Instance.LastTimestep, ErrorMessage);
                                    done = true;
                                node = node.Previous;
                    /// <summary>
                    /// End else
                    /// </summary>
예제 #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Initilized constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="system">StarSystem value.</param>
 /// <param name="x">X value.</param>
 /// <param name="y">Y value.</param>
 public SystemPosition(StarSystem system, double x, double y) : this()
     System = system;
     X = x;
     Y = y;
예제 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Taskgroup active detection will handle the active detection sensor sweeps, Resolution represents the biggest difference for TG Active detection vs passive detection.
        /// There isn't simply a best active sensor, and the correct one has to be searched for. luckily that work is already done by the taskgroup itself.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="System">Current System.</param>
        /// <param name="CurrentTaskGroup">Scanning Taskgroup</param>
        /// <param name="TaskGroupToTest">Taskgroup to test if detected.</param>
        /// <param name="dist">Distance between the two taskgroups</param>
        /// <param name="detListIterator">location of the test taskgroup in the detection lists</param>
        private void TaskGroupActiveDetection(StarSystem System, TaskGroupTN CurrentTaskGroup, TaskGroupTN TaskGroupToTest, float dist, int detListIterator)
            if (System.FactionDetectionLists[FactionID].Active[detListIterator] != GameState.Instance.CurrentSecond && CurrentTaskGroup.ActiveSensorQue.Count > 0)
                int sig = -1;
                int detection = -1;
                bool noDetection = false;
                bool allDetection = false;

                /// <summary>
                /// Get the best detection range for thermal signatures in loop.
                /// </summary>
                int ShipID = TaskGroupToTest.ActiveSortList.Last();
                ShipTN scratch = TaskGroupToTest.Ships[ShipID];
                sig = scratch.TotalCrossSection - 1;

                if (sig > Constants.ShipTN.ResolutionMax - 1)
                    sig = Constants.ShipTN.ResolutionMax - 1;

                detection = CurrentTaskGroup.ActiveSensorQue[CurrentTaskGroup.TaskGroupLookUpST[sig]].aSensorDef.GetActiveDetectionRange(sig, -1);

                bool det = LargeDetection(dist, detection);

                /// <summary>
                /// Good case, none of the ships are detected.
                /// </summary>
                if (det == false)
                    noDetection = true;

                /// <summary>
                /// Atleast the biggest ship is detected.
                /// </summary
                if (noDetection == false)
                    ShipID = TaskGroupToTest.ActiveSortList.First();
                    scratch = TaskGroupToTest.Ships[ShipID];
                    sig = scratch.TotalCrossSection - 1;

                    if (sig > Constants.ShipTN.ResolutionMax - 1)
                        sig = Constants.ShipTN.ResolutionMax - 1;

                    detection = CurrentTaskGroup.ActiveSensorQue[CurrentTaskGroup.TaskGroupLookUpST[sig]].aSensorDef.GetActiveDetectionRange(sig, -1);

                    det = LargeDetection(dist, detection);

                    /// <summary>
                    /// Best case, everything is detected.
                    /// </summary>
                    if (det == true)
                        allDetection = true;

                        for (int loop3 = 0; loop3 < TaskGroupToTest.Ships.Count; loop3++)
                            TaskGroupToTest.Ships[loop3].ActiveDetection[FactionID] = GameState.Instance.CurrentSecond;

                            if (DetShipList.Contains(TaskGroupToTest.Ships[loop3]) == false)
                        /// <summary>
                        /// FactionSystemDetection entry. I hope to deprecate this at some point.
                        /// Be sure to erase the factionDetectionSystem entry first, to track down everywhere this overbloated thing is.
                        /// update, not happening. FactionDetectionList is too important.
                        /// </summary>
                        System.FactionDetectionLists[FactionID].Active[detListIterator] = GameState.Instance.CurrentSecond;
                    else if (noDetection == false && allDetection == false)
                        /// <summary>
                        /// Worst case. some are detected, some aren't.
                        /// </summary>

                        for (int loop3 = 0; loop3 < TaskGroupToTest.Ships.Count; loop3++)
                            LinkedListNode<int> node = TaskGroupToTest.ActiveSortList.Last;
                            bool done = false;

                            while (!done)
                                scratch = TaskGroupToTest.Ships[node.Value];

                                if (scratch.ActiveDetection[FactionID] != GameState.Instance.CurrentSecond)
                                    sig = scratch.TotalCrossSection - 1;

                                    if (sig > Constants.ShipTN.ResolutionMax - 1)
                                        sig = Constants.ShipTN.ResolutionMax - 1;

                                    detection = CurrentTaskGroup.ActiveSensorQue[CurrentTaskGroup.TaskGroupLookUpST[sig]].aSensorDef.GetActiveDetectionRange(sig, -1);

                                    det = LargeDetection(dist, detection);

                                    if (det == true)
                                        scratch.ActiveDetection[FactionID] = GameState.Instance.CurrentSecond;

                                        if (DetShipList.Contains(scratch) == false)
                                        done = true;
                                if (node == TaskGroupToTest.ActiveSortList.First)
                                    /// <summary>
                                    /// This should not happen.
                                    /// </summary>
                                    String ErrorMessage = string.Format("Partial Active detect for TGs looped through every ship. {0} {1} {2} {3}", dist, detection, noDetection, allDetection);

                                    MessageEntry NMsg = new MessageEntry(MessageEntry.MessageType.Error, CurrentTaskGroup.Contact.Position.System, CurrentTaskGroup.Contact,
                                                                         GameState.Instance.GameDateTime, GameState.Instance.LastTimestep, ErrorMessage);
                                    done = true;
                                node = node.Previous;
                    /// <summary>
                    /// End else
                    /// </summary>
예제 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Area defensive fire will sweep through a faction's list of BFCs and MFCs to fire at detected ordnance in range.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Fact">Faction to search for fire controls of</param>
        /// <param name="RNG">"global" rng from further up.</param>
        public static void AreaDefensiveFire(Faction Fact, Random RNG)
            /// <summary>
            /// No point defense set FCs, just return.
            /// </summary>
            if (Fact.PointDefense.Count == 0)

            /// <summary>
            /// Look through each starsystem with a point defense list.
            /// </summary>
            foreach (KeyValuePair <StarSystem, PointDefenseList> pair in Fact.PointDefense)
                StarSystem CurrentSystem = pair.Key;

                /// <summary>
                /// No detected contacts in this system.
                /// </summary>
                if (Fact.DetectedContactLists.ContainsKey(CurrentSystem) == false)

                /// <summary>
                /// No missile contacts in this system.
                /// </summary>
                if (Fact.DetectedContactLists[CurrentSystem].DetectedMissileContacts.Count == 0)

                /// <summary>
                /// now loop through each FC in the current starsystem.
                /// </summary>
                foreach (KeyValuePair <ComponentTN, ShipTN> pair2 in pair.Value.PointDefenseFC)
                    /// <summary>
                    /// The firing ship.
                    /// </summary>
                    ShipTN Ship = pair2.Value;

                    /// <summary>
                    /// Ship jump sickness will prevent point defense from operating.
                    /// </summary>
                    if (Ship.IsJumpSick())

                    /// <summary>
                    /// BFC set to Area defense mode
                    /// </summary>
                    if (pair.Value.PointDefenseType[pair2.Key] == false && pair2.Value.ShipBFC[pair2.Key.componentIndex].pDState == PointDefenseState.AreaDefense)
                        BeamFireControlTN ShipBeamFC = pair2.Value.ShipBFC[pair2.Key.componentIndex];
                        /// <summary>
                        /// loop through every missile contact. will have to do distance checks here.
                        /// </summary>
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <OrdnanceGroupTN, FactionContact> MisPair in Fact.DetectedContactLists[CurrentSystem].DetectedMissileContacts)
                            OrdnanceGroupTN DetectedMissileGroup = MisPair.Key;
                            /// <summary>
                            /// This missile group is already destroyed and will be cleaned up by sim later.
                            /// </summary>
                            if (DetectedMissileGroup.missilesDestroyed == DetectedMissileGroup.missiles.Count)

                            /// <summary>
                            /// Do a distance check on pair.Value vs the missile itself. if that checks out to be less than 10k km(or equal to zero), then
                            /// check to see if the FC can shoot down said missile. This should never be run before a sensor sweep
                            /// </summary>
                            float dist;

                            DetectedMissileGroup.contact.DistTable.GetDistance(Ship.ShipsTaskGroup.Contact, out dist);

                            /// <summary>
                            /// Only bother with checks here that are within the maximum beam distance.
                            /// </summary>
                            if (dist <= Constants.Units.BEAM_AU_MAX)
                                /// <summary>
                                /// Value is in units of 10k km
                                /// </summary>
                                float rangeAreaDefenseKm;

                                /// <summary>
                                /// The user put in an absurdly large value. for convienence, just do this to get maximum range.
                                /// </summary>

                                if (ShipBeamFC.pDRange > (float)Constants.Units.TEN_KM_MAX)
                                    /// <summary>
                                    /// Max possible beam range in KM.
                                    /// </summary>
                                    rangeAreaDefenseKm = (float)Constants.Units.BEAM_KM_MAX;
#warning magic number related to 10k
                                    rangeAreaDefenseKm = ShipBeamFC.pDRange * 10000.0f;

                                float distKM = dist * (float)Constants.Units.KM_PER_AU;

                                /// <summary>
                                /// Additional paranoia check of range, I need to fix Area defense PD range values to ship bfc range in any event, that hasn't been done yet.
                                /// </summary>
#warning magic number for total bfc range.
                                float totalRange = ShipBeamFC.beamFireControlDef.range * 2.0f;

                                float range = Math.Min(totalRange, rangeAreaDefenseKm);

                                /// <summary>
                                /// the BFC is set for range defense and is in range of this missile.
                                /// </summary>
                                if (distKM <= range)
#warning magic number related to 10k km increments.
                                    /// <summary>
                                    /// Increment is a 10k km unit, so distance must be divided by 10000 to yield the appropriate number.
                                    /// </summary>
                                    int increment = (int)Math.Floor((float)distKM / 10000.0f);

                                    bool Intercept         = false;
                                    int  MissilesToDestroy = 0;

                                    /// <summary>
                                    /// Can't foreach this one, as I do not want every missile, only the ones not destroyed.
                                    /// </summary>
                                    for (int MissileIterator = DetectedMissileGroup.missilesDestroyed; MissileIterator < DetectedMissileGroup.missiles.Count; MissileIterator++)
                                        bool WF = false;
                                        Intercept = ShipBeamFC.InterceptTarget(RNG, increment, DetectedMissileGroup.missiles[MissileIterator], Ship.ShipsFaction,
                                                                               Ship.ShipsTaskGroup.Contact, Ship, out WF);

                                        /// <summary>
                                        /// Add this ship to the weapon recharge list since it has fired. This is done here in Sim, or for FDF_Self in Ship.cs
                                        /// </summary>
                                        if (WF == true)
                                            if (Fact.RechargeList.ContainsKey(Ship) == true)
                                                /// <summary>
                                                /// If our recharge value does not have Recharge beams in it(bitflag 2 for now), then add it.
                                                /// </summary>
                                                if ((Fact.RechargeList[Ship] & (int)Faction.RechargeStatus.Weapons) != (int)Faction.RechargeStatus.Weapons)
                                                    Fact.RechargeList[Ship] = (Fact.RechargeList[Ship] + (int)Faction.RechargeStatus.Weapons);
                                                Fact.RechargeList.Add(Ship, (int)Faction.RechargeStatus.Weapons);

                                        if (Intercept == true)
                                            /// <summary>
                                            /// Destroy the missile, check if the ordnance group should be removed, if its gone also remove it from the detected contacts list and break that loop.
                                            /// </summary>

                                        else if (Intercept == false)
                                            /// <summary>
                                            /// This FC can't intercept any more missiles, advance to the next one.
                                            /// </summary>

                                    /// <summary>
                                    /// Set the missiles destroyed count as appropriate.
                                    /// </summary>
                                    DetectedMissileGroup.missilesDestroyed = DetectedMissileGroup.missilesDestroyed + MissilesToDestroy;

                                    if (DetectedMissileGroup.missilesDestroyed != 0 && Fact.MissileRemoveList.Contains(DetectedMissileGroup) == false)
                                        /// <summary>
                                        /// Tell sim to remove missiles from this group, or remove it entirely.
                                        /// </summary>

                                    if (Intercept == false)
                                        /// <summary>
                                        /// This condition means advance to the next FC.
                                        /// </summary>
                    /// <summary>
                    /// MFC set to any pd mode that can be applied: 1v2 up to 5v1.
                    /// </summary>
                    else if (pair.Value.PointDefenseType[pair2.Key] == true && pair2.Value.ShipMFC[pair2.Key.componentIndex].pDState >= PointDefenseState.AMM1v2 &&
                             pair2.Value.ShipMFC[pair2.Key.componentIndex].pDState <= PointDefenseState.AMM5v1)
                        MissileFireControlTN ShipMissileFC = pair2.Value.ShipMFC[pair2.Key.componentIndex];

                        int MissilesLaunched = 0;
                        int MissilesToLaunch = 0;
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <OrdnanceGroupTN, FactionContact> MisPair in Fact.DetectedContactLists[CurrentSystem].DetectedMissileContacts)
                            OrdnanceGroupTN DetectedMissileGroup = MisPair.Key;

                            /// <summary>
                            /// Advance to next missile group.
                            /// </summary>
                            if (DetectedMissileGroup.missilesDestroyed == DetectedMissileGroup.missiles.Count)

                            /// <summary>
                            /// Do a distance check on pair.Value vs the missile itself. if that checks out to be less than 10k km(or equal to zero), then
                            /// check to see if the FC can shoot down said missile. This should never be run before a sensor sweep
                            /// </summary>
                            float dist;

                            DetectedMissileGroup.contact.DistTable.GetDistance(Ship.ShipsTaskGroup.Contact, out dist);

                            float MFCEngageDistKm    = ShipMissileFC.mFCSensorDef.maxRange;
                            float rangeAreaDefenseKm = ShipMissileFC.pDRange;

                            /// <summary>
                            /// Range is in 10K units so it has to be adjusted to AU for later down.
                            /// </summary>
#warning magic 10k number here
                            float range = (Math.Min(MFCEngageDistKm, rangeAreaDefenseKm) / (float)Constants.Units.KM_PER_AU);
                            range = range * 10000.0f;

                            int MSize    = 0;
                            int AltMSize = 0;

#warning the +6 is another magic number.
                            if ((int)Math.Ceiling(DetectedMissileGroup.missiles[0].missileDef.size) <= (Constants.OrdnanceTN.MissileResolutionMinimum + 6))
                                MSize    = Constants.OrdnanceTN.MissileResolutionMinimum;
                                AltMSize = 0;
                            else if ((int)Math.Ceiling(DetectedMissileGroup.missiles[0].missileDef.size) <= (Constants.OrdnanceTN.MissileResolutionMaximum + 6))
                                MSize    = (int)Math.Ceiling(DetectedMissileGroup.missiles[0].missileDef.size);
                                AltMSize = 0;
                            else if ((int)Math.Ceiling(DetectedMissileGroup.missiles[0].missileDef.size) > (Constants.OrdnanceTN.MissileResolutionMaximum + 6))
                                MSize    = -1;
                                AltMSize = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Ceiling(DetectedMissileGroup.missiles[0].missileDef.size) / (Constants.OrdnanceTN.MissileResolutionMaximum + 6));

                            int MFCRange = ShipMissileFC.mFCSensorDef.GetActiveDetectionRange(AltMSize, MSize);

                            bool CanDetect = Fact.LargeDetection(dist, MFCRange);

                            /// <summary>
                            /// Can this MFC fire on the targetted missile?
                            /// </summary>
                            if (CanDetect == true && dist <= range)
                                /// <summary>
                                /// Do AMM defense here. Check to see how many amms are targeted on this missile, if less than defense setting fire more.
                                /// How do I handle 1v2 mode? rounding obviously. if more than 1 missile in group send half, send atleast 1 for 1, and round for odd missile amounts.
                                /// missiles won't be destroyed here, as they were in beam fire mode, this will just launch amms at missile groups.
                                /// </summary>

                                /// <summary>
                                /// Get total missiles currently targetted on this group. Keeping track of a total missiles incoming variable would mean handling a lot of interactions where
                                /// missiles can be destroyed, run out of fuel, etc. so I'll just loop through this for now.
                                /// </summary>
#warning this missile count can be optimized, but it would be difficult to do so.
                                int TotalCount = 0;
                                foreach (OrdnanceGroupTN OrdGroupTargetting in DetectedMissileGroup.ordGroupsTargetting)
                                    TotalCount = TotalCount + OrdGroupTargetting.missiles.Count;

                                float Value = TotalCount / DetectedMissileGroup.missiles.Count;

                                switch (ShipMissileFC.pDState)
#warning more magic numbers in how point defense states are handled.
                                case PointDefenseState.AMM1v2:
                                    if (Value < 0.5f)
                                        int Max = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)DetectedMissileGroup.missiles.Count / 2.0f);
                                        MissilesToLaunch = Max - TotalCount;

                                case PointDefenseState.AMM1v1:
                                    if (Value < 1.0f)
                                        int Max = DetectedMissileGroup.missiles.Count;
                                        MissilesToLaunch = Max - TotalCount;

                                case PointDefenseState.AMM2v1:
                                    if (Value < 2.0f)
                                        int Max = DetectedMissileGroup.missiles.Count * 2;
                                        MissilesToLaunch = Max - TotalCount;

                                case PointDefenseState.AMM3v1:
                                    if (Value < 3.0f)
                                        int Max = DetectedMissileGroup.missiles.Count * 3;
                                        MissilesToLaunch = Max - TotalCount;

                                case PointDefenseState.AMM4v1:
                                    if (Value < 4.0f)
                                        int Max = DetectedMissileGroup.missiles.Count * 4;
                                        MissilesToLaunch = Max - TotalCount;

                                case PointDefenseState.AMM5v1:
                                    if (Value < 5.0f)
                                        int Max = DetectedMissileGroup.missiles.Count * 5;
                                        MissilesToLaunch = Max - TotalCount;

                                if (MissilesToLaunch != 0)
                                    /// <summary>
                                    /// launch up to MissilesToLaunch amms in a new ord group at the target.
                                    /// <summary>
                                    MissilesLaunched = ShipMissileFC.FireWeaponsPD(Ship.ShipsTaskGroup, Ship, DetectedMissileGroup, MissilesToLaunch);

                                    /// <summary>
                                    /// Add this ship to the weapon recharge list since it has fired. This is done here in Sim, or for FDF_Self in Ship.cs
                                    /// </summary>
                                    if (MissilesLaunched != 0)
                                        if (Fact.RechargeList.ContainsKey(Ship) == true)
                                            /// <summary>
                                            /// If our recharge value does not have Recharge beams in it(bitflag 2 for now), then add it.
                                            /// </summary>
                                            if ((Fact.RechargeList[Ship] & (int)Faction.RechargeStatus.Weapons) != (int)Faction.RechargeStatus.Weapons)
                                                Fact.RechargeList[Ship] = (Fact.RechargeList[Ship] + (int)Faction.RechargeStatus.Weapons);
                                            Fact.RechargeList.Add(Ship, (int)Faction.RechargeStatus.Weapons);

                                    /// <summary>
                                    /// This FC can no longer fire at ordnance groups in range.
                                    /// </summary>
                                    if (MissilesLaunched != MissilesToLaunch)

                            /// <summary>
                            /// advance to the next FC.
                            /// </summary>
                            if (MissilesLaunched != MissilesToLaunch && MissilesToLaunch != 0)
예제 #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a new taskgroup to the taskgroups list at location StartBody in System StartSystem.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Title">Name.</param>
 /// <param name="StartBody">Body with population that built the ship that will be put into the TG.</param>
 /// <param name="StartSystem">System in which the TG starts in.</param>
 public void AddNewTaskGroup(String Title, OrbitingEntity StartBody, StarSystem StartSystem)
     TaskGroupTN TG = new TaskGroupTN(Title, this, StartBody, StartSystem);
예제 #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a list of contacts to the faction.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="system">Starsystem for the contacts.</param>
        public void AddNewContactList(StarSystem system)
            if (SystemContacts.ContainsKey(system) == false)
                FactionSystemDetection NewContact = new FactionSystemDetection(this, system);
                SystemContacts.Add(system, NewContact);

예제 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Add every planet in the system that this TG is in to the list.
        /// Eventually jump orders will modify this. to be the system at the end of the order stack.
        /// </summary>
        private void AddPlanetsToList(StarSystem starsystem)
            foreach (Star star in starsystem.Stars)
                foreach (SystemBody planet in star.Planets)
                    int PopCount = 0;
                    string keyName = "N/A";
                    foreach(Population CurrentPopulation in planet.Populations)
                        if (CurrentPopulation.Faction == CurrentFaction)
                            keyName = string.Format("{0} - {1}",CurrentPopulation.Name, CurrentPopulation.Species.Name);
                            if(CurrentFaction.Capitol == CurrentPopulation)
                                keyName = string.Format("{0}(Capitol)", keyName);

                            keyName = string.Format("{0}: {1:n2}m", keyName, CurrentPopulation.CivilianPopulation);

                            StarSystemEntity entObj = CurrentPopulation;
                            SystemListObject.ListEntityType entType = SystemListObject.ListEntityType.Colonies;
                            SystemListObject valueObj = new SystemListObject(entType, entObj);
                            SystemLocationGuidDict.Add(entObj.Id, keyName);
                            SystemLocationDict.Add(entObj.Id, valueObj);


                    if (PopCount == 0)
                        keyName = planet.Name;//CurrentTaskGroup.Contact.Position.System.Stars[loop].Planets[loop2].Name;
                        StarSystemEntity entObj = planet;//CurrentTaskGroup.Contact.Position.System.Stars[loop].Planets[loop2];
                        SystemListObject.ListEntityType entType = SystemListObject.ListEntityType.Planets;
                        SystemListObject valueObj = new SystemListObject(entType, entObj);
                        SystemLocationGuidDict.Add(entObj.Id, keyName);
                        SystemLocationDict.Add(entObj.Id, valueObj);
예제 #24
        public void OrdnanceTest()
            /// <summary>
            /// Need to hook missiles into the distance table calculations, as well as sensor model.
            /// </summary>

            /// <summary>
            ///The Damage table MUST be initialized.
            /// </summary>

            /// <summary>
            /// Factions ARE necessary.
            /// </summary>
            Faction PlayerFaction1 = new Faction(0);
            Faction PlayerFaction2 = new Faction(1);

            /// <summary>
            /// No StarSystem no contacts!
            /// </summary>
            StarSystem System1 = new StarSystem("This is not Sol", 0);
            System1.Populations = new BindingList<Population>();
            Star S1 = new Star();


            /// <summary>
            /// No global RNG, no Damage or tohit.
            /// </summary>
            Random RNG = new Random();

            /// <summary>
            /// Planets and populations are needed for house keeping.
            /// </summary>
            SystemBody pl1 = new SystemBody(System1.Stars[0], SystemBody.PlanetType.Terrestrial);
            SystemBody pl2 = new SystemBody(System1.Stars[0], SystemBody.PlanetType.Terrestrial);
            pl1.Position.System = System1;
            pl2.Position.System = System1;

            Population P1 = new Population(System1.Stars[0].Planets[0], PlayerFaction1,0);
            Population P2 = new Population(System1.Stars[0].Planets[1], PlayerFaction2,0);

            System1.Stars[0].Planets[0].Position.X = 1.0;
            System1.Stars[0].Planets[0].Position.Y = 1.0;

            System1.Stars[0].Planets[1].Position.X = 1.04;
            System1.Stars[0].Planets[1].Position.Y = 1.04;


            MissileEngineDefTN TestMissileEngine = new MissileEngineDefTN("Testbed", 5.0f, 4.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

            OrdnanceSeriesTN Series = new OrdnanceSeriesTN("BLANK STANDIN");
            OrdnanceDefTN TestMissile = new OrdnanceDefTN("Test Missile", Series, 1.0f, 0, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0, 0.0f, 0, 0.0f, 0, 0.0f, 0, 0.0f, 0, 1, 0, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0, false, 0, false, 0, TestMissileEngine, 1);

            ActiveSensorDefTN Spotter = new ActiveSensorDefTN("Spotter", 6.0f, 12, 6, 19, false, 1.0f, 0);
            ActiveSensorDefTN FControl = new ActiveSensorDefTN("FCtrl", 6.0f, 12, 6, 19, true, 1.0f, 0);

            PlayerFaction1.ShipDesigns[0].AddEngine(PlayerFaction1.ComponentList.Engines[0], 1);
            PlayerFaction1.ShipDesigns[0].AddCrewQuarters(PlayerFaction1.ComponentList.CrewQuarters[0], 2);
            PlayerFaction1.ShipDesigns[0].AddFuelStorage(PlayerFaction1.ComponentList.FuelStorage[0], 2);
            PlayerFaction1.ShipDesigns[0].AddEngineeringSpaces(PlayerFaction1.ComponentList.EngineeringSpaces[0], 2);
            PlayerFaction1.ShipDesigns[0].AddOtherComponent(PlayerFaction1.ComponentList.OtherComponents[0], 1);
            PlayerFaction1.ShipDesigns[0].AddMagazine(PlayerFaction1.ComponentList.MagazineDef[0], 1);
            PlayerFaction1.ShipDesigns[0].AddLauncher(PlayerFaction1.ComponentList.MLauncherDef[0], 1);
            PlayerFaction1.ShipDesigns[0].AddMFC(FControl, 1);
            PlayerFaction1.ShipDesigns[0].AddActiveSensor(Spotter, 1);

            PlayerFaction2.ShipDesigns[0].AddEngine(PlayerFaction1.ComponentList.Engines[0], 1);
            PlayerFaction2.ShipDesigns[0].AddCrewQuarters(PlayerFaction1.ComponentList.CrewQuarters[0], 2);
            PlayerFaction2.ShipDesigns[0].AddFuelStorage(PlayerFaction1.ComponentList.FuelStorage[0], 2);
            PlayerFaction2.ShipDesigns[0].AddEngineeringSpaces(PlayerFaction1.ComponentList.EngineeringSpaces[0], 2);
            PlayerFaction2.ShipDesigns[0].AddOtherComponent(PlayerFaction1.ComponentList.OtherComponents[0], 1);
            PlayerFaction2.ShipDesigns[0].NewArmor("Duranium", 5, 4);

            PlayerFaction1.ShipDesigns[0].SetPreferredOrdnance(TestMissile, 3);

            PlayerFaction1.AddNewTaskGroup("P1 TG 01", System1.Stars[0].Planets[0], System1);
            PlayerFaction2.AddNewTaskGroup("P2 TG 01", System1.Stars[0].Planets[1], System1);

            PlayerFaction1.TaskGroups[0].AddShip(PlayerFaction1.ShipDesigns[0], "Test Ship 1");
            PlayerFaction2.TaskGroups[0].AddShip(PlayerFaction2.ShipDesigns[0], "Test Ship 2");


            System1.Stars[0].Planets[0].Populations[0].LoadMissileToStockpile(TestMissile, 4);

            Order Load = new Order(Constants.ShipTN.OrderType.LoadOrdnanceFromColony, -1, -1, 0, System1.Stars[0].Planets[0].Populations[0]);


            while (PlayerFaction1.TaskGroups[0].TaskGroupOrders.Count > 0)

            /// <summary>
            /// Magazine loading isn't handled anywhere.
            /// </summary>
            PlayerFaction1.TaskGroups[0].Ships[0].ShipMLaunchers[0].loadedOrdnance = TestMissile;


            PlayerFaction1.TaskGroups[0].Ships[0].ShipMFC[0].openFire = true;
            PlayerFaction1.TaskGroups[0].SetActiveSensor(0, 0, true);

            GameState.Instance.CurrentSecond += 10;
            GameState.Instance.LastTimestep = 10;


            bool ret = PlayerFaction1.TaskGroups[0].Ships[0].ShipFireWeapons(RNG);

            Console.WriteLine("Did we fire: {0} Detected Contacts:{1}", ret, PlayerFaction1.DetectedContactLists.Count);

            bool done = false;
            while (!done)
                Console.WriteLine("TimeStep:{0} {1} Detected Contacts:{2}", GameState.Instance.CurrentSecond, GameState.Instance.LastTimestep, PlayerFaction1.DetectedContactLists.Count);


                PlayerFaction1.MissileGroups[0].ProcessOrder((uint)GameState.Instance.LastTimestep, RNG);

                Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7}", PlayerFaction1.MissileGroups[0].currentHeading, PlayerFaction1.MissileGroups[0].currentSpeedX,
                    PlayerFaction1.MissileGroups[0].currentSpeedY, PlayerFaction1.MissileGroups[0].timeReq, PlayerFaction1.MissileGroups[0].dx, PlayerFaction1.MissileGroups[0].dy,
                    PlayerFaction1.MissileGroups[0].missiles.Count, PlayerFaction1.MissileGroups[0].missilesDestroyed);

                GameState.Instance.CurrentSecond += 5;
                GameState.Instance.LastTimestep = 5;

                if (PlayerFaction1.MissileGroups[0].missiles.Count == PlayerFaction1.MissileGroups[0].missilesDestroyed)
                    done = true;

            for (int loop = 0; loop < PlayerFaction2.TaskGroups[0].Ships[0].ShipArmor.armorColumns.Count; loop++)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} ", PlayerFaction2.TaskGroups[0].Ships[0].ShipArmor.armorColumns[loop]);

예제 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Add jump points to the available locations list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="starsystem"></param>
#warning check to see if jump point is detected eventually when grav survey is implemented
        private void AddJumpPointsToList(StarSystem starsystem)
            foreach (JumpPoint jp in starsystem.JumpPoints)
                StarSystemEntity entObj = jp;
                SystemListObject.ListEntityType entType = SystemListObject.ListEntityType.JumpPoint;
                SystemListObject valueObj = new SystemListObject(entType, entObj);
                SystemLocationGuidDict.Add(entObj.Id, jp.Name);
                SystemLocationDict.Add(entObj.Id, valueObj);
예제 #26
        public GLStarSystemViewModel()
            CurrentStarSystem = GameState.Instance.StarSystems.FirstOrDefault();

            StarSystems = GameState.Instance.StarSystems;
예제 #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a faction contact list for the specified system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="system">System indicated.</param>
        public FactionSystemDetection(Faction Fact, StarSystem system)
            Faction = Fact;
            System = system;

            Thermal = new BindingList<int>();
            EM = new BindingList<int>();
            Active = new BindingList<int>();

            Thermal.RaiseListChangedEvents = false;
            EM.RaiseListChangedEvents = false;
            Active.RaiseListChangedEvents = false;

            for (int loop = 0; loop < system.SystemContactList.Count; loop++)

            Thermal.RaiseListChangedEvents = true;
            EM.RaiseListChangedEvents = true;
            Active.RaiseListChangedEvents = true;
