/// <summary> /// This constructor initializes IsDestroyed and sets the definition for the engine. /// </summary> /// <param name="definition">Engine Class definition</param> public EngineTN(EngineDefTN definition) { EngineDef = definition; Name = definition.Name; isDestroyed = false; }
public void TGOrdersTest() { EngineDefTN EngDef = new EngineDefTN("25 EP Nuclear Thermal Engine", 5, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1, 5, -1.0f); GeneralComponentDefTN CrewQ = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Crew Quarters", 1.0f, 0, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Crew); GeneralComponentDefTN FuelT = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Fuel Storage", 1.0f, 0, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Fuel); GeneralComponentDefTN EBay = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Engineering Spaces", 1.0f, 5, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Engineering); GeneralComponentDefTN Bridge = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Bridge", 1.0f, 5, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Bridge); Faction FID = new Faction(0); StarSystem System = SystemGen.CreateSol(); SystemBody planet = new SystemBody(System.Stars[0], SystemBody.PlanetType.Terrestrial);; System.Stars[0].Planets.Add(planet); Waypoint WP1 = new Waypoint("WP TG Orders", System, 0.1, 0.1, 0); planet.Position.X = 0.0; planet.Position.Y = 0.0; TaskGroupTN TaskGroup1 = new TaskGroupTN("Taskforce 001", FID, planet, System); ShipClassTN test = new ShipClassTN("Ship", FID); test.AddCrewQuarters(CrewQ, 2); test.AddFuelStorage(FuelT, 2); test.AddEngineeringSpaces(EBay, 2); test.AddOtherComponent(Bridge, 1); test.AddEngine(EngDef, 1); TaskGroup1.AddShip(test, "Test Ship"); TaskGroup1.Ships[0].Refuel(200000.0f); Order TGOrder = new Order(Constants.ShipTN.OrderType.MoveTo, -1, -1, 0, WP1); TaskGroup1.IssueOrder(TGOrder); Console.WriteLine("Fuel Remaining:{0}", TaskGroup1.Ships[0].CurrentFuel); while (TaskGroup1.TaskGroupOrders.Count != 0) { TaskGroup1.FollowOrders(5); Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} | {2} {3}", Distance.ToKm(TaskGroup1.Contact.Position.X), Distance.ToKm(TaskGroup1.Contact.Position.Y), TaskGroup1.Contact.Position.X, TaskGroup1.Contact.Position.Y); } Console.WriteLine("Fuel Remaining:{0}", TaskGroup1.Ships[0].CurrentFuel); }
public void TGActiveTest() { EngineDefTN EngDef = new EngineDefTN("25 EP Nuclear Thermal Engine", 5, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1, 5, -1.0f); ActiveSensorDefTN ActDef1 = new ActiveSensorDefTN("Search 5M - 5000", 1.0f, 10, 5, 100, false, 1.0f, 1); ActiveSensorDefTN ActDef2 = new ActiveSensorDefTN("Search 500k - 1", 1.0f, 10, 5, 1, false, 1.0f, 1); ActiveSensorDefTN ActDef3 = new ActiveSensorDefTN("Search 2.2M - 1000", 1.0f, 10, 5, 20, false, 1.0f, 1); ActiveSensorDefTN ActDef4 = new ActiveSensorDefTN("Search 7M - 10000", 1.0f, 10, 5, 200, false, 1.0f, 1); GeneralComponentDefTN CrewQ = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Crew Quarters", 1.0f, 0, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Crew); GeneralComponentDefTN FuelT = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Fuel Storage", 1.0f, 0, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Fuel); GeneralComponentDefTN EBay = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Engineering Spaces", 1.0f, 5, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Engineering); GeneralComponentDefTN Bridge = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Bridge", 1.0f, 5, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Bridge); Faction FID = new Faction(0); StarSystem System = SystemGen.CreateSol(); SystemBody planet = new SystemBody(System.Stars[0], SystemBody.PlanetType.Terrestrial);; System.Stars[0].Planets.Add(planet); TaskGroupTN TaskGroup1 = new TaskGroupTN("Taskforce 001", FID, planet, System); for (int loop = 0; loop < 4; loop++) { ShipClassTN test = new ShipClassTN("Ship", FID); test.AddCrewQuarters(CrewQ, 2); test.AddFuelStorage(FuelT, 2); test.AddEngineeringSpaces(EBay, 2); Console.WriteLine("Bridge isn't present: {0} {1}", test.OtherComponents.IndexOf(Bridge), test.HasBridge); test.AddOtherComponent(Bridge, 1); Console.WriteLine("Bridge is present: {0} {1}", test.OtherComponents.IndexOf(Bridge), test.HasBridge); switch (loop) { case 0: test.AddActiveSensor(ActDef2, 2); break; case 1: test.AddActiveSensor(ActDef1, 2); break; case 2: test.AddActiveSensor(ActDef3, 2); break; case 3: test.AddActiveSensor(ActDef4, 2); break; } TaskGroup1.AddShip(test, "Test Ship"); TaskGroup1.SetActiveSensor(loop, 0, true); TaskGroup1.SetActiveSensor(loop, 1, true); } LinkedListNode<int> EM = TaskGroup1.EMSortList.First; for (int loop = 0; loop < 4; loop++) { Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].CurrentEMSignature, EM.Value); EM = EM.Next; } for (int loop = 0; loop < Constants.ShipTN.ResolutionMax; loop++) { Console.WriteLine("{0} | {1}", TaskGroup1.TaskGroupLookUpST[loop], loop); } TaskGroup1.SetActiveSensor(2, 0, false); TaskGroup1.SetActiveSensor(2, 1, false); Console.WriteLine("--------------------------------------------"); EM = TaskGroup1.EMSortList.First; for (int loop = 0; loop < 4; loop++) { Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].CurrentEMSignature, EM.Value); EM = EM.Next; } for (int loop = 0; loop < Constants.ShipTN.ResolutionMax; loop++) { Console.WriteLine("{0} | {1}", TaskGroup1.TaskGroupLookUpST[loop], loop); } }
public void TGPassivesTest() { EngineDefTN EngDef = new EngineDefTN("25 EP Nuclear Thermal Engine", 5, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1, 5, -1.0f); PassiveSensorDefTN ThPasDef1 = new PassiveSensorDefTN("Thermal Sensor TH1-5", 1.0f, 5, PassiveSensorType.Thermal, 1.0f, 1); PassiveSensorDefTN ThPasDef2 = new PassiveSensorDefTN("Thermal Sensor TH1-6", 1.0f, 6, PassiveSensorType.Thermal, 1.0f, 1); PassiveSensorDefTN ThPasDef3 = new PassiveSensorDefTN("Thermal Sensor TH1-8", 1.0f, 8, PassiveSensorType.Thermal, 1.0f, 1); PassiveSensorDefTN ThPasDef4 = new PassiveSensorDefTN("Thermal Sensor TH1-11", 1.0f, 11, PassiveSensorType.Thermal, 1.0f, 1); GeneralComponentDefTN CrewQ = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Crew Quarters", 1.0f, 0, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Crew); GeneralComponentDefTN FuelT = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Fuel Storage", 1.0f, 0, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Fuel); GeneralComponentDefTN EBay = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Engineering Spaces", 1.0f, 5, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Engineering); GeneralComponentDefTN Bridge = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Bridge", 1.0f, 5, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Bridge); Faction FID = new Faction(0); StarSystem System = SystemGen.CreateSol(); SystemBody planet = new SystemBody(System.Stars[0], SystemBody.PlanetType.Terrestrial);; System.Stars[0].Planets.Add(planet); TaskGroupTN TaskGroup1 = new TaskGroupTN("Taskforce 001", FID, planet, System); for (int loop = 0; loop < 4; loop++) { ShipClassTN test = new ShipClassTN("Ship", FID); test.AddCrewQuarters(CrewQ, 2); test.AddFuelStorage(FuelT, 2); test.AddEngineeringSpaces(EBay, 2); test.AddOtherComponent(Bridge, 1); switch (loop) { case 0: test.AddPassiveSensor(ThPasDef2, 5); break; case 1: test.AddPassiveSensor(ThPasDef1, 4); break; case 2: test.AddPassiveSensor(ThPasDef3, 7); break; case 3: test.AddPassiveSensor(ThPasDef4, 6); break; } TaskGroup1.AddShip(test, "Test Ship"); Console.WriteLine("Best Thermal:{0},{1}", TaskGroup1.BestThermal.pSensorDef.rating, TaskGroup1.BestThermalCount); } }
public void TGActiveSortThermalSortTest() { EngineDefTN EngDef = new EngineDefTN("25 EP Nuclear Thermal Engine", 5, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1, 5, -1.0f); GeneralComponentDefTN CrewQ = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Crew Quarters", 1.0f, 0, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Crew); GeneralComponentDefTN FuelT = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Fuel Storage", 1.0f, 0, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Fuel); GeneralComponentDefTN EBay = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Engineering Spaces", 1.0f, 5, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Engineering); GeneralComponentDefTN Bridge = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Bridge", 1.0f, 5, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Bridge); Faction FID = new Faction(0); StarSystem System = SystemGen.CreateSol(); SystemBody planet = new SystemBody(System.Stars[0], SystemBody.PlanetType.Terrestrial);; System.Stars[0].Planets.Add(planet); TaskGroupTN TaskGroup1 = new TaskGroupTN("Taskforce 001", FID, planet, System); for (int loop = 0; loop < 5; loop++) { ShipClassTN test = new ShipClassTN("Ship", FID); test.AddCrewQuarters(CrewQ, 2); test.AddFuelStorage(FuelT, 2); test.AddEngineeringSpaces(EBay, 2); test.AddOtherComponent(Bridge, 1); int add = 0; switch (loop) { case 0: add = 2; break; case 1: add = 4; break; case 2: add = 1; break; case 3: add = 5; break; case 4: add = 3; break; } test.AddEngine(EngDef, (byte)add); Console.WriteLine("Speed:{0}", test.MaxSpeed); TaskGroup1.AddShip(test,"Test Ship"); Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", TaskGroup1, TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].ShipsTaskGroup); } LinkedListNode<int> AS = TaskGroup1.ActiveSortList.First; LinkedListNode<int> ES = TaskGroup1.EMSortList.First; LinkedListNode<int> TS = TaskGroup1.ThermalSortList.First; for (int loop = 0; loop < 5; loop++) { Console.Write("AL:{0}, EL:{1}, TL:{2} || Ship{3} AL:{4}, EL:{5} TL:{6} |||", AS.Value, ES.Value, TS.Value, loop, TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].ActiveList.Value, TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].EMList.Value, TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].ThermalList.Value); Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6}", TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].CurrentSpeed, TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].CurrentEnginePower, TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].CurrentThermalSignature, TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].ShipClass.MaxEnginePower, TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].ShipClass.MaxThermalSignature, TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].CurrentFuelUsePerHour, TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].ShipClass.MaxFuelUsePerHour); AS = AS.Next; ES = ES.Next; TS = TS.Next; } TaskGroup1.Ships[4].CurrentThermalSignature = 500; TaskGroup1.SortShipBySignature(TaskGroup1.Ships[4].ThermalList, TaskGroup1.ThermalSortList, 0); Console.WriteLine("------------------------"); AS = TaskGroup1.ActiveSortList.First; ES = TaskGroup1.EMSortList.First; TS = TaskGroup1.ThermalSortList.First; for (int loop = 0; loop < 5; loop++) { Console.Write("AL:{0}, EL:{1}, TL:{2} || Ship{3} AL:{4}, EL:{5} TL:{6} |||", AS.Value, ES.Value, TS.Value, loop, TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].ActiveList.Value, TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].EMList.Value, TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].ThermalList.Value); Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6}", TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].CurrentSpeed, TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].CurrentEnginePower, TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].CurrentThermalSignature, TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].ShipClass.MaxEnginePower, TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].ShipClass.MaxThermalSignature, TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].CurrentFuelUsePerHour, TaskGroup1.Ships[loop].ShipClass.MaxFuelUsePerHour); AS = AS.Next; ES = ES.Next; TS = TS.Next; } }
public void testShip() { Faction newFaction = new Faction(0); /// <summary> /// These would go into a faction component list I think /// </summary> EngineDefTN EngDef = new EngineDefTN("25 EP Nuclear Thermal Engine", 5, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1, 5, -1.0f); ActiveSensorDefTN ActDef = new ActiveSensorDefTN("Search 5M - 5000", 1.0f, 10, 5, 100, false, 1.0f, 1); PassiveSensorDefTN ThPasDef = new PassiveSensorDefTN("Thermal Sensor TH1-5", 1.0f, 5, PassiveSensorType.Thermal, 1.0f, 1); PassiveSensorDefTN EMPasDef = new PassiveSensorDefTN("EM Sensor EM1-5", 1.0f, 5, PassiveSensorType.EM, 1.0f, 1); GeneralComponentDefTN CrewQ = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Crew Quarters", 1.0f, 0, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Crew); GeneralComponentDefTN FuelT = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Fuel Storage", 1.0f, 0, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Fuel); GeneralComponentDefTN EBay = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Engineering Spaces", 1.0f, 5, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Engineering); GeneralComponentDefTN Bridge = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Bridge", 1.0f, 5, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Bridge); ShipClassTN TestClass = new ShipClassTN("Test Ship Class", newFaction); TestClass.AddCrewQuarters(CrewQ, 2); TestClass.AddFuelStorage(FuelT, 2); TestClass.AddEngineeringSpaces(EBay, 2); TestClass.AddOtherComponent(Bridge, 1); TestClass.AddEngine(EngDef, 1); TestClass.AddPassiveSensor(ThPasDef, 1); TestClass.AddPassiveSensor(EMPasDef, 1); TestClass.AddActiveSensor(ActDef, 1); Console.WriteLine("Size: {0}, Crew: {1}, Cost: {2}, HTK: {3}, Tonnage: {4}", TestClass.SizeHS, TestClass.TotalRequiredCrew, TestClass.BuildPointCost, TestClass.TotalHTK, TestClass.SizeTons); Console.WriteLine("HS Accomodations/Required: {0}/{1}, Total Fuel Capacity: {2}, Total MSP: {3}, Engineering percentage: {4}, Has Bridge: {5}, Total Required Crew: {6}", TestClass.AccomHSAvailable, TestClass.AccomHSRequirement, TestClass.TotalFuelCapacity, TestClass.TotalMSPCapacity, (TestClass.EngineeringHS / TestClass.SizeHS), TestClass.HasBridge, TestClass.TotalRequiredCrew); Console.WriteLine("Armor Size: {0}, Cost: {1}", TestClass.ShipArmorDef.size, TestClass.ShipArmorDef.cost); Console.WriteLine("Ship Engine Power: {0}, Ship Thermal Signature: {1}, Ship Fuel Use Per Hour: {2}", TestClass.MaxEnginePower, TestClass.MaxThermalSignature, TestClass.MaxFuelUsePerHour); Console.WriteLine("Best TH: {0}, BestEM: {1}, Max EM Signature: {2}, Total Cross Section: {3}", TestClass.BestThermalRating, TestClass.BestEMRating, TestClass.MaxEMSignature, TestClass.TotalCrossSection); TestClass.AddCrewQuarters(CrewQ, -1); Console.WriteLine("Size: {0}, Crew: {1}, Cost: {2}, HTK: {3}, Tonnage: {4}", TestClass.SizeHS, TestClass.TotalRequiredCrew, TestClass.BuildPointCost, TestClass.TotalHTK, TestClass.SizeTons); Console.WriteLine("HS Accomodations/Required: {0}/{1}, Total Fuel Capacity: {2}, Total MSP: {3}, Engineering percentage: {4}, Has Bridge: {5}, Total Required Crew: {6}", TestClass.AccomHSAvailable, TestClass.AccomHSRequirement, TestClass.TotalFuelCapacity, TestClass.TotalMSPCapacity, (TestClass.EngineeringHS / TestClass.SizeHS), TestClass.HasBridge, TestClass.TotalRequiredCrew); Console.WriteLine("Armor Size: {0}, Cost: {1}", TestClass.ShipArmorDef.size, TestClass.ShipArmorDef.cost); Console.WriteLine("Ship Engine Power: {0}, Ship Thermal Signature: {1}, Ship Fuel Use Per Hour: {2}", TestClass.MaxEnginePower, TestClass.MaxThermalSignature, TestClass.MaxFuelUsePerHour); Console.WriteLine("Best TH: {0}, BestEM: {1}, Max EM Signature: {2}, Total Cross Section: {3}", TestClass.BestThermalRating, TestClass.BestEMRating, TestClass.MaxEMSignature, TestClass.TotalCrossSection); TestClass.AddCrewQuarters(CrewQ, -1); Console.WriteLine("Size: {0}, Crew: {1}, Cost: {2}, HTK: {3}, Tonnage: {4}", TestClass.SizeHS, TestClass.TotalRequiredCrew, TestClass.BuildPointCost, TestClass.TotalHTK, TestClass.SizeTons); Console.WriteLine("HS Accomodations/Required: {0}/{1}, Total Fuel Capacity: {2}, Total MSP: {3}, Engineering percentage: {4}, Has Bridge: {5}, Total Required Crew: {6}", TestClass.AccomHSAvailable, TestClass.AccomHSRequirement, TestClass.TotalFuelCapacity, TestClass.TotalMSPCapacity, (TestClass.EngineeringHS / TestClass.SizeHS), TestClass.HasBridge, TestClass.TotalRequiredCrew); Console.WriteLine("Armor Size: {0}, Cost: {1}", TestClass.ShipArmorDef.size, TestClass.ShipArmorDef.cost); Console.WriteLine("Ship Engine Power: {0}, Ship Thermal Signature: {1}, Ship Fuel Use Per Hour: {2}", TestClass.MaxEnginePower, TestClass.MaxThermalSignature, TestClass.MaxFuelUsePerHour); Console.WriteLine("Best TH: {0}, BestEM: {1}, Max EM Signature: {2}, Total Cross Section: {3}", TestClass.BestThermalRating, TestClass.BestEMRating, TestClass.MaxEMSignature, TestClass.TotalCrossSection); TestClass.AddCrewQuarters(CrewQ, 2); StarSystem System1 = SystemGen.CreateSol(); SystemBody pl1 = new SystemBody(System1.Stars[0], SystemBody.PlanetType.Terrestrial); System1.Stars[0].Planets.Add(pl1); TaskGroupTN newTG = new TaskGroupTN("TG", newFaction, System1.Stars[0].Planets[0], System1); ShipTN testShip = new ShipTN(TestClass, 0, 0, newTG, newFaction, "Test Ship"); testShip.CrewQuarters[0].isDestroyed = true; for (int loop = 0; loop < testShip.CrewQuarters.Count; loop++) { Console.WriteLine("Crew Quarters {0} isDestroyed:{1}", loop + 1, testShip.CrewQuarters[loop].isDestroyed); } testShip.CrewQuarters[0].isDestroyed = false; Console.WriteLine("Engine Power/Fuel Usage/Thermal Signature/Speed: {0}/{1}/{2}/{3}", testShip.CurrentEnginePower, testShip.CurrentFuelUsePerHour, testShip.CurrentThermalSignature, testShip.CurrentSpeed); testShip.SetSpeed(1000); Console.WriteLine("Engine Power/Fuel Usage/Thermal Signature/Speed: {0}/{1}/{2}/{3}", testShip.CurrentEnginePower, testShip.CurrentFuelUsePerHour, testShip.CurrentThermalSignature, testShip.CurrentSpeed); Console.WriteLine("Current Crew/Fuel/MSP: {0}/{1}/{2}", testShip.CurrentCrew, testShip.CurrentFuel, testShip.CurrentMSP); int CrewSource = 100000; float FuelSource = 100000.0f; int MSPSource = 100000; CrewSource = testShip.Recrew(CrewSource); FuelSource = testShip.Refuel(FuelSource); MSPSource = testShip.Resupply(MSPSource); Console.WriteLine("Current Crew/Fuel/MSP: {0}/{1}/{2} Source: {3}/{4}/{5}", testShip.CurrentCrew, testShip.CurrentFuel, testShip.CurrentMSP, CrewSource, FuelSource, MSPSource); Console.WriteLine("Current EM Signature: {0}", testShip.CurrentEMSignature); bool isActive = true; testShip.SetSensor(testShip.ShipASensor[0], isActive); Console.WriteLine("Current EM Signature: {0}", testShip.CurrentEMSignature); isActive = false; testShip.SetSpeed(1500); testShip.SetSensor(testShip.ShipASensor[0], isActive); Console.WriteLine("Engine Power/Fuel Usage/Thermal Signature/Speed: {0}/{1}/{2}/{3}", testShip.CurrentEnginePower, testShip.CurrentFuelUsePerHour, testShip.CurrentThermalSignature, testShip.CurrentSpeed); Console.WriteLine("Current EM Signature: {0}", testShip.CurrentEMSignature); }
/// <summary> /// This Code, along with the DllImport allows for halting and resuming message sending during ResizeBegin and ResizeEnd. It was an attempt to eliminate cpu usage on window moves that did not work /// however. References in Components() must be uncommented for this to work, and the ResizeBegin and ResizeEnd functions must likewise have their contents uncommented. /// </summary> //private IntPtr eventMask; //[DllImport("user32", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] //private extern static IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int msg, int wParam, IntPtr lParam); public Components() { //eventMask = IntPtr.Zero; m_oComponentDesignPanel = new Panels.Component_Design(); VM = new ComponentsViewModel(); /// <summary> /// Bind factions to the empire selection combo box. /// </summary> m_oComponentDesignPanel.FactionComboBox.Bind(c => c.DataSource, VM, d => d.Factions); m_oComponentDesignPanel.FactionComboBox.Bind(c => c.SelectedItem, VM, d => d.CurrentFaction, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged); m_oComponentDesignPanel.FactionComboBox.DisplayMember = "Name"; VM.FactionChanged += (s, args) => _CurrnetFaction = VM.CurrentFaction; _CurrnetFaction = VM.CurrentFaction; m_oComponentDesignPanel.FactionComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += (s, args) => m_oComponentDesignPanel.FactionComboBox.DataBindings["SelectedItem"].WriteValue(); m_oComponentDesignPanel.FactionComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(FactionComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged); /// <summary> /// Load the tech names. Commented out code commented out because it seizes control of the control away from the user for reasons I don't understand. /// </summary> m_oComponentDesignPanel.ResearchComboBox.Bind(c => c.DataSource, VM, d => d.RPTechs); //m_oComponentDesignPanel.ResearchComboBox.Bind(c => c.SelectedItem, VM, d => d.CurrentComponent, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged); //m_oComponentDesignPanel.ResearchComboBox.DisplayMember = "Name"; VM.ComponentChanged += (s, args) => _CurrnetComponent = VM.CurrentComponent; _CurrnetComponent = VM.CurrentComponent; //m_oComponentDesignPanel.ResearchComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += (s, args) => m_oComponentDesignPanel.ResearchComboBox.DataBindings["SelectedItem"].WriteValue(); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ResearchComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(ResearchComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged); m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(TechComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged); m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(TechComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged); m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(TechComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged); m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFour.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(TechComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged); m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFive.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(TechComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged); m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxSix.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(TechComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged); m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxSeven.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(TechComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged); m_oComponentDesignPanel.CloseButton.Click += new EventHandler(CloseButton_Click); m_oComponentDesignPanel.SizeTonsCheckBox.Click += new EventHandler(SizeTonsCheckBox_Click); m_oComponentDesignPanel.InstantButton.Click += new EventHandler(InstantButton_Click); m_oComponentDesignPanel.MissileButton.Click += new EventHandler(MissileButton_Click); m_oComponentDesignPanel.TurretButton.Click += new EventHandler(TurretButton_Click); //m_oComponentDesignPanel.ResizeBegin +=new EventHandler(ResizeBegin); //m_oComponentDesignPanel.ResizeEnd += new EventHandler(ResizeEnd); ActiveSensorProject = null; PassiveSensorProject = null; BeamFCProject = null; ReactorProject = null; ShieldProject = null; EngineProject = null; BeamProject = null; LauncherProject = null; MagazineProject = null; MissileEngineProject = null; JumpEngineProject = null; }
/// <summary> /// Update the display/Name for the proposed component. /// </summary> private void BuildSystemParameters() { String Entry = "N/A"; float Size = 0.0f; float Hard = 1.0f; float Boost = 1.0f; int FactTech = -1; m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechNameTextBox.Clear(); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.Clear(); #region BuildSystemParameters Switch switch ((ComponentsViewModel.Components)m_oComponentDesignPanel.ResearchComboBox.SelectedIndex) { #region Active Sensors / MFC case ComponentsViewModel.Components.ActiveMFC: /// <summary> /// Sanity check. /// </summary> if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFour.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFive.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxSix.SelectedIndex != -1) { #region Size /// <summary> /// Pull size out of this mess. /// </summary> if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex < 9) { Size = (float)(m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex + 1) / 10.0f; } else if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex >= 9 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex <= 13) { Size = 1.0f + (float)((m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex - 9) * 2) / 10.0f; } else if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex >= 14 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex <= 25) { Size = 2.0f + (float)(((m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex - 14) * 25) / 100.0f); } else if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex > 25) { Size = (float)(m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex - 21); } #endregion #region Resolution ushort Resolution = 501; if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFour.SelectedIndex < 20) { Resolution = (ushort)(m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFour.SelectedIndex + 1); } else if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFour.SelectedIndex >= 20 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFour.SelectedIndex <= 55) { Resolution = (ushort)(20 + ((m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFour.SelectedIndex - 19) * 5)); } else if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFour.SelectedIndex > 55) { Resolution = (ushort)(200 + ((m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFour.SelectedIndex - 55) * 20)); } #endregion #region Hardening /// <summary> /// Get chance of destruction due to electronic damage. /// </summary> switch (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFive.SelectedIndex) { case 0: Hard = 1.0f; break; case 1: Hard = 0.7f; break; case 2: Hard = 0.5f; break; case 3: Hard = 0.4f; break; case 4: Hard = 0.3f; break; case 5: Hard = 0.25f; break; case 6: Hard = 0.2f; break; case 7: Hard = 0.15f; break; case 8: Hard = 0.1f; break; default: Hard = 1.0f; break; } #endregion bool isMFC = false; if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxSix.SelectedIndex == 0) { Entry = "Active Search Sensor MR"; isMFC = false; } else { Entry = "Missile Fire Control FC"; isMFC = true; } FactTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.ActiveSensorStrength]; /// <summary> /// More sanity checking as give all does not do this. I might not want to hard code all of this however. /// </summary> if (FactTech > 11) FactTech = 11; int AS = FactTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex; FactTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.EMSensorSensitivity]; if (FactTech > 11) FactTech = 11; int EM = FactTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex; ActiveSensorProject = new ActiveSensorDefTN(Entry, Size, Constants.SensorTN.ActiveStrength[AS], Constants.SensorTN.PassiveStrength[EM], Resolution, isMFC, Hard, (byte)(m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFive.SelectedIndex + 1)); int mkm = (int)Math.Floor((float)ActiveSensorProject.maxRange / 100.0f); Entry = String.Format("{0}{1}-R{2}", Entry, mkm, Resolution); if (Hard != 1.0f) { Entry = String.Format("{0} ({1}%)", Entry, (Hard * 100.0f)); } ActiveSensorProject.Name = Entry; m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechNameTextBox.Text = ActiveSensorProject.Name; Entry = String.Format("Active Sensor Strength: {0} Sensitivity Modifier: {1}%\n", (ActiveSensorProject.activeStrength * ActiveSensorProject.size), ((float)ActiveSensorProject.eMRecv * 10.0f)); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.SizeTonsCheckBox.Checked == true) Entry = String.Format("Sensor Size: {0} Tons Sensor HTK: {1}\n", (ActiveSensorProject.size * 50.0f), ActiveSensorProject.htk); else Entry = String.Format("Sensor Size: {0} HS Sensor HTK: {1}\n", ActiveSensorProject.size, ActiveSensorProject.htk); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); int RangeFormat = (ActiveSensorProject.maxRange * 10); string FormattedRange = RangeFormat.ToString("#,##0"); Entry = String.Format("Resolution: {0} Maximum Range vs {1} ton object (or larger): {2},000 km\n", ActiveSensorProject.resolution, (ActiveSensorProject.resolution * 50), FormattedRange); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); if (Resolution == 1) { RangeFormat = ActiveSensorProject.GetActiveDetectionRange(0, 0) * 10; if (RangeFormat < 100) { int Range1 = (int)((float)ActiveSensorProject.maxRange * 10000.0f * (float)Math.Pow((0.33 / (float)Resolution), 2.0f)); FormattedRange = Range1.ToString("#,##0"); Entry = String.Format("Range vs Size 6 Missile (or smaller): {0} km\n", FormattedRange); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); int Range2 = (int)((float)ActiveSensorProject.maxRange * 10000.0f * (float)Math.Pow((0.40 / (float)Resolution), 2.0f)); FormattedRange = Range2.ToString("#,##0"); Entry = String.Format("Range vs Size 8 Missile: {0} km\n", FormattedRange); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); int Range3 = (int)((float)ActiveSensorProject.maxRange * 10000.0f * (float)Math.Pow((0.60 / (float)Resolution), 2.0f)); FormattedRange = Range3.ToString("#,##0"); Entry = String.Format("Range vs Size 12 Missile: {0} km\n", FormattedRange); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); } else { FormattedRange = RangeFormat.ToString("#,##0"); Entry = String.Format("Range vs Size 6 Missile (or smaller): {0},000 km\n", FormattedRange); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); RangeFormat = ActiveSensorProject.GetActiveDetectionRange(0, 2) * 10; FormattedRange = RangeFormat.ToString("#,##0"); Entry = String.Format("Range vs Size 8 Missile: {0},000 km\n", FormattedRange); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); RangeFormat = ActiveSensorProject.GetActiveDetectionRange(0, 4) * 10; FormattedRange = RangeFormat.ToString("#,##0"); Entry = String.Format("Range vs Size 12 Missile: {0},000 km\n", FormattedRange); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); } } else { RangeFormat = ActiveSensorProject.GetActiveDetectionRange(19, -1) * 10; FormattedRange = RangeFormat.ToString("#,##0"); Entry = String.Format("Range vs 1000 ton object: {0},000 km\n", FormattedRange); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); RangeFormat = ActiveSensorProject.GetActiveDetectionRange(4, -1) * 10; FormattedRange = RangeFormat.ToString("#,##0"); Entry = String.Format("Range vs 250 ton object: {0},000 km\n", FormattedRange); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); } Entry = String.Format("Chance of destruction by electronic damage: {0}%\n", (Hard * 100.0f)); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Cost: {0} Crew: {1}\n", ActiveSensorProject.cost, ActiveSensorProject.crew); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Materials Required:"); for (int mineralIterator = 0; mineralIterator < (int)Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames.MinerialCount; mineralIterator++) { if (ActiveSensorProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator] != 0) { Entry = String.Format("{0} {1:N1}x {2}", Entry, ActiveSensorProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator], (Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames)mineralIterator); } } Entry = String.Format("{0}\n\n", Entry); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Development Cost for Project: {0}RP\n", ActiveSensorProject.cost * 10); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); } break; #endregion #region Beam Fire Control case ComponentsViewModel.Components.BFC: /// <summary> /// Sanity check. /// </summary> if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFour.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFive.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxSix.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxSeven.SelectedIndex != -1) { #region Get Stats FactTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.BeamFireControlRange]; if (FactTech > 11) FactTech = 11; int BR = FactTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex; FactTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.BeamFireControlTracking]; if (FactTech > 11) FactTech = 11; int BT = FactTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex; float modR = 1.0f; switch (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex) { case 0: modR = 1.0f; break; case 1: modR = 1.5f; break; case 2: modR = 2.0f; break; case 3: modR = 3.0f; break; case 4: modR = 0.5f; break; case 5: modR = 4.0f; break; case 6: modR = 0.34f; break; case 7: modR = 0.25f; break; default: modR = 1.0f; break; } float modT = 1.0f; switch (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFour.SelectedIndex) { case 0: modT = 1.0f; break; case 1: modT = 1.25f; break; case 2: modT = 0.5f; break; case 3: modT = 1.5f; break; case 4: modT = 2.0f; break; case 5: modT = 3.0f; break; case 6: modT = 4.0f; break; default: modT = 1.0f; break; } switch (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFive.SelectedIndex) { case 0: Hard = 1.0f; break; case 1: Hard = 0.7f; break; case 2: Hard = 0.5f; break; case 3: Hard = 0.4f; break; case 4: Hard = 0.3f; break; case 5: Hard = 0.25f; break; case 6: Hard = 0.2f; break; case 7: Hard = 0.15f; break; case 8: Hard = 0.1f; break; default: Hard = 1.0f; break; } bool isPDC = false; if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxSix.SelectedIndex == 0) isPDC = false; else isPDC = true; bool isFighter = false; if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxSeven.SelectedIndex == 0) isFighter = false; else isFighter = true; #endregion BeamFCProject = new BeamFireControlDefTN("Fire Control S", BR, BT, modR, modT, isPDC, isFighter, Hard, (byte)(m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFive.SelectedIndex + 1)); Entry = "N/A"; if (BeamFCProject.size >= 10.0f) Entry = String.Format("{0}{1} {2}-{3}", BeamFCProject.Name, BeamFCProject.size, (BeamFCProject.range / 1000.0f), BeamFCProject.tracking); else Entry = String.Format("{0}0{1} {2}-{3}", BeamFCProject.Name, BeamFCProject.size, (BeamFCProject.range / 1000.0f), BeamFCProject.tracking); if (Hard != 1.0f) { Entry = String.Format("{0} H{1}", Entry, (Hard * 100.0f)); } if (isPDC == true) { Entry = String.Format("PDC {0}", Entry); } else if (isFighter == true && isPDC == false) { Entry = String.Format("{0} (FTR)", Entry); } m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechNameTextBox.Text = Entry; BeamFCProject.Name = Entry; String FormattedRange = BeamFCProject.range.ToString("#,##0"); Entry = String.Format("50% Accuracy at Range: {0} km Tracking Speed: {1} km/s\n", FormattedRange, BeamFCProject.tracking); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.SizeTonsCheckBox.Checked == true) Entry = String.Format("Size: {0} Tons HTK: {1} Cost: {2} Crew: {3}\n", (BeamFCProject.size * 50.0f), BeamFCProject.htk, BeamFCProject.cost, BeamFCProject.crew); else Entry = String.Format("Size: {0} HS HTK: {1} Cost: {2} Crew: {3}\n", BeamFCProject.size, BeamFCProject.htk, BeamFCProject.cost, BeamFCProject.crew); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Chance of destruction by electronic damage: {0}%\n", (Hard * 100.0f)); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Materials Required:"); for (int mineralIterator = 0; mineralIterator < (int)Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames.MinerialCount; mineralIterator++) { if (BeamFCProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator] != 0) { Entry = String.Format("{0} {1:N1}x {2}", Entry, BeamFCProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator], (Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames)mineralIterator); } } Entry = String.Format("{0}\n\n", Entry); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Development Cost for Project: {0}RP\n", BeamFCProject.cost * 10); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); } break; #endregion #region CIWS case ComponentsViewModel.Components.CIWS: /// <summary> /// Sanity check. /// </summary> if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFour.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFive.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxSix.SelectedIndex != -1) { FactTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.GaussCannonROF]; if (FactTech > 6) FactTech = 6; int GR = FactTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex; FactTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.BeamFireControlRange]; if (FactTech > 11) FactTech = 11; int BR = FactTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex; FactTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.BeamFireControlTracking]; if (FactTech > 11) FactTech = 11; int BT = FactTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex; FactTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.ActiveSensorStrength]; if (FactTech > 11) FactTech = 11; int AS = FactTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFour.SelectedIndex; FactTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.TurretTracking]; if (FactTech > 11) FactTech = 11; int TT = FactTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFive.SelectedIndex; FactTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.ECCM]; if (FactTech > 10) FactTech = 10; int ECCM = FactTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxSix.SelectedIndex; Entry = "CIWS"; CloseInProject = new CIWSDefTN(Entry, GR, BR, BT, AS, TT, ECCM); Entry = String.Format("CIWS-{0}", (CloseInProject.tracking / 100)); ; CloseInProject.Name = Entry; m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechNameTextBox.Text = Entry; Entry = String.Format("Rate of Fire: {0} shots every 5 seconds\n", CloseInProject.rOF); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); float GearCount = (float)CloseInProject.tracking / Constants.BFCTN.BeamFireControlTracking[CloseInProject.turretGearTech]; float FCfactor = ((float)Constants.BFCTN.BeamFireControlRange[CloseInProject.beamFCRangeTech] * 1000.0f) / 20000.0f; float CIWS_ECCM = 0.0f; if (CloseInProject.eCCM != 0) CIWS_ECCM = 0.5f; String TurretSize = String.Format("{0:N2}", (GearCount * 0.5f)); String FCSize = String.Format("{0:N4}", (1.0f / FCfactor)); String SensorSize = String.Format("{0:N4}", (3.0f / (float)Constants.SensorTN.ActiveStrength[CloseInProject.activeStrengthTech])); String ECCMSize = String.Format("{0}", CIWS_ECCM); Entry = String.Format("Dual GC: 5HS Turret: {0} HS Fire Control: {1} HS Sensor {2} HS ECCM: {3}\n", TurretSize, FCSize, SensorSize, ECCMSize); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.SizeTonsCheckBox.Checked == true) Entry = String.Format("Overall Size: {0:N1} Tons HTK: {1}\n", (CloseInProject.size * 50.0f), CloseInProject.htk); else Entry = String.Format("Overall Size: {0:N1} HS HTK: {1}\n", CloseInProject.size, CloseInProject.htk); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Tracking Speed: {0} km/s ECCM Level: {1}\n", CloseInProject.tracking, CloseInProject.eCCM); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Cost: {0} Crew: {1}\n", CloseInProject.cost, CloseInProject.crew); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Materials Required:"); for (int mineralIterator = 0; mineralIterator < (int)Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames.MinerialCount; mineralIterator++) { if (CloseInProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator] != 0) { Entry = String.Format("{0} {1:N1}x {2}", Entry, CloseInProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator], (Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames)mineralIterator); } } Entry = String.Format("{0}\n", Entry); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Base Chance to Hit: 50%\nDevelopment Cost for Project: {0}RP\n", CloseInProject.cost * 10); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); } break; #endregion #region Cloak case ComponentsViewModel.Components.Cloak: break; #endregion #region EM case ComponentsViewModel.Components.EM: if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex != -1) { #region Size /// <summary> /// Pull size out of this mess. /// </summary> if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex < 9) { Size = (float)(m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex + 1) / 10.0f; } else if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex >= 9 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex <= 13) { Size = 1.0f + (float)((m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex - 9) * 2) / 10.0f; } else if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex >= 14 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex <= 25) { Size = 2.0f + (float)(((m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex - 14) * 25) / 100.0f); } else if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex > 25) { Size = (float)(m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex - 21); } #endregion #region Hardening /// <summary> /// Get chance of destruction due to electronic damage. /// </summary> switch (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex) { case 0: Hard = 1.0f; break; case 1: Hard = 0.7f; break; case 2: Hard = 0.5f; break; case 3: Hard = 0.4f; break; case 4: Hard = 0.3f; break; case 5: Hard = 0.25f; break; case 6: Hard = 0.2f; break; case 7: Hard = 0.15f; break; case 8: Hard = 0.1f; break; } #endregion FactTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.EMSensorSensitivity]; if (FactTech > 11) FactTech = 11; int EM = FactTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex; Entry = "EM Detection Sensor EM"; PassiveSensorProject = new PassiveSensorDefTN(Entry, Size, Constants.SensorTN.PassiveStrength[EM], PassiveSensorType.EM, Hard, (byte)(m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex + 1)); if (Hard == 1.0f) Entry = String.Format("{0}{1}-{2}", Entry, Size, PassiveSensorProject.rating); else Entry = String.Format("{0}{1}-{2}({3}%)", Entry, Size, PassiveSensorProject.rating, (Hard * 100.0f)); m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechNameTextBox.Text = Entry; Entry = String.Format("EM Sensitivity: {0}\n", PassiveSensorProject.rating); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.SizeTonsCheckBox.Checked == true) Entry = String.Format("Sensor Size: {0} Tons Sensor HTK: {1}\n", (PassiveSensorProject.size * 50.0f), PassiveSensorProject.htk); else Entry = String.Format("Sensor Size: {0} HS Sensor HTK: {1}\n", PassiveSensorProject.size, PassiveSensorProject.htk); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Chance of destruction by electronic damage: {0}%\n", (Hard * 100.0f)); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Cost: {0} Crew: {1}\n", PassiveSensorProject.cost, PassiveSensorProject.crew); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Materials Required:"); for (int mineralIterator = 0; mineralIterator < (int)Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames.MinerialCount; mineralIterator++) { if (PassiveSensorProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator] != 0) { Entry = String.Format("{0} {1:N1}x {2}", Entry, PassiveSensorProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator], (Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames)mineralIterator); } } Entry = String.Format("{0}\n\n", Entry); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Development Cost for Project: {0}RP", (PassiveSensorProject.cost * 10)); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); } break; #endregion #region Engines case ComponentsViewModel.Components.Engine: /// <summary> /// Sanity check. /// </summary> if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFour.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFive.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxSix.SelectedIndex != -1) { #region Engine Name FactTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.EngineBaseTech]; if (FactTech > 12) FactTech = 12; int EngineBase = FactTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex; switch (EngineBase) { case 0: Entry = "Conventional Engine"; break; case 1: Entry = "Nuclear Thermal Engine"; break; case 2: Entry = "Nuclear Pulse Engine"; break; case 3: Entry = "Ion Drive"; break; case 4: Entry = "Magneto-Plasma Drive"; break; case 5: Entry = "Internal Fusion Drive"; break; case 6: Entry = "Magnetic Fusion Drive"; break; case 7: Entry = "Inertial Fusion Drive"; break; case 8: Entry = "Solid-Core Antimatter Drive"; break; case 9: Entry = "Gas-Core Antimatter Drive"; break; case 10: Entry = "Plasma-Core Antimatter Drive"; break; case 11: Entry = "Beam-Core Antimatter Drive"; break; case 12: Entry = "Photonic Drive"; break; } #endregion #region Power Mod int MinPowerTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.MinEnginePowerMod]; int MaxPowerTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.MaxEnginePowerMod]; if (MinPowerTech > 5) MinPowerTech = 5; if (MaxPowerTech > 5) MaxPowerTech = 5; int minPower = 50; switch (MinPowerTech) { case 0: minPower = 40; break; case 1: minPower = 30; break; case 2: minPower = 25; break; case 3: minPower = 20; break; case 4: minPower = 15; break; case 5: minPower = 10; break; } float Power = (float)(minPower + (5 * m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex)) / 100.0f; #endregion #region Fuel Consumption FactTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.FuelConsumption]; if (FactTech > 12) FactTech = 12; int FC = FactTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex; #endregion #region Thermal Reduction int TR = m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFour.SelectedIndex; #endregion #region HyperDrive float HD = -1.0f; if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxSix.SelectedIndex != 0) { FactTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.HyperdriveSizeMod]; if (FactTech > 10) FactTech = 10; HD = Constants.EngineTN.HyperDriveSize[(FactTech - (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxSix.SelectedIndex - 1))]; } #endregion EngineProject = new EngineDefTN(Entry, Constants.EngineTN.EngineBase[EngineBase], Power, Constants.EngineTN.FuelConsumption[FC], Constants.EngineTN.ThermalReduction[TR], (byte)(TR + 1), (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFive.SelectedIndex + 1), HD); Entry = String.Format("{0} EP {1}", EngineProject.enginePower, Entry); if (EngineProject.isMilitary == false) { Entry = String.Format("Commercial {0}", Entry); } else { Entry = String.Format("Military {0}", Entry); } m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechNameTextBox.Text = Entry; EngineProject.Name = Entry; Entry = String.Format("Engine Power: {0} Fuel Use Per Hour: {1:N2} Litres\n", EngineProject.enginePower, EngineProject.fuelUsePerHour); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Fuel Consumption per Engine Power Hour: {0:N3} Litres\n", (EngineProject.fuelUsePerHour / EngineProject.enginePower)); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.SizeTonsCheckBox.Checked == true) Entry = String.Format("Engine Size: {0} Tons Engine HTK: {1}\n", (EngineProject.size * 50.0f), EngineProject.htk); else Entry = String.Format("Engine Size: {0} HS Engine HTK: {1}\n", EngineProject.size, EngineProject.htk); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Thermal Signature: {0} Exp Chance: {1}\n", EngineProject.thermalSignature, EngineProject.expRisk); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Cost: {0} Crew: {1}\n", EngineProject.cost, EngineProject.crew); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Materials Required:"); for (int mineralIterator = 0; mineralIterator < (int)Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames.MinerialCount; mineralIterator++) { if (EngineProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator] != 0) { Entry = String.Format("{0} {1:N1}x {2}", Entry, EngineProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator], (Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames)mineralIterator); } } Entry = String.Format("{0}\n", Entry); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); if (EngineProject.isMilitary == true) { Entry = String.Format("Military Engine\n"); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); } if (EngineProject.hyperDriveMod != -1.0f) { Entry = String.Format("Hyper Drive\n"); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); } Entry = String.Format("\nDevelopment Cost for Project: {0}RP\n", (EngineProject.cost * 10)); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); } break; #endregion #region Gauss Cannon case ComponentsViewModel.Components.Gauss: /// <summary> /// Sanity check. /// </summary> if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex != -1) { int GaussROF = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.GaussCannonROF]; int GaussVel = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.GaussCannonVelocity]; if (GaussROF > 6) GaussROF = 6; if (GaussVel > 5) GaussVel = 5; int GR = GaussROF - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex; int GV = GaussVel - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex; int GA = m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex; Entry = String.Format("Gauss Cannon R{0}-{1}", (GV + 1), (Constants.BeamWeaponTN.GaussAccuracy[GA] * 100.0f)); BeamProject = new BeamDefTN(Entry, ComponentTypeTN.Gauss, (byte)GA, (byte)GV, (byte)GR, 1.0f); m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechNameTextBox.Text = Entry; Entry = String.Format("Damage Output 1 Rate of Fire: {0} shots every 5 seconds Range Modifier: {1}\n", BeamProject.shotCount, (BeamProject.weaponRangeTech + 1)); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); String FormattedRange = BeamProject.range.ToString("#,###0"); if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.SizeTonsCheckBox.Checked == true) Entry = String.Format("Max Range {0} km Size: {1} Tons HTK: {2}\n", FormattedRange, (BeamProject.size * 50.0f), BeamProject.htk); else Entry = String.Format("Max Range {0} km Size: {1} HS HTK: {2}\n", FormattedRange, BeamProject.size, BeamProject.htk); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Cost: {0} Crew: {1}\n", BeamProject.cost, BeamProject.crew); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Materials Required:"); for (int mineralIterator = 0; mineralIterator < (int)Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames.MinerialCount; mineralIterator++) { if (BeamProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator] != 0) { Entry = String.Format("{0} {1:N1}x {2}", Entry, BeamProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator], (Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames)mineralIterator); } } Entry = String.Format("{0}\n", Entry); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); if (BeamProject.size != 6.0f) { Entry = String.Format("This weapon has a penalty to accuracy. Chance to hit is multiplied by {0}\n", Constants.BeamWeaponTN.GaussAccuracy[GA]); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); } Entry = String.Format("\nDevelopment Cost for Project: {0}RP\n", (BeamProject.cost * 50)); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); } break; #endregion #region High Power Microwave case ComponentsViewModel.Components.Microwave: /// <summary> /// Sanity check. /// </summary> if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex != -1) { int MicroTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.MicrowaveFocal]; int MicroFocusTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.MicrowaveFocusing]; int CapTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.CapacitorChargeRate]; if (MicroTech > 11) MicroTech = 11; if (MicroFocusTech > 11) MicroFocusTech = 11; if (CapTech > 11) CapTech = 11; int Cal = MicroTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex; ComponentTypeTN BeamType = ComponentTypeTN.Meson; int Cap = CapTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex; int Foc = MicroFocusTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex; BeamProject = new BeamDefTN("Microwave", BeamType, (byte)Cal, (byte)Foc, (byte)Cap, 1.0f); float RangeAdjust = BeamProject.range / 10000.0f; Entry = String.Format("R{0}/C{1} High Power Microwave", RangeAdjust, BeamProject.weaponCapacitor); BeamProject.Name = Entry; m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechNameTextBox.Text = Entry; String FormattedRange = BeamProject.range.ToString("#,###0"); Entry = String.Format("Max Range {0} km Rate of Fire: {1} seconds Focus Modifier: {2}\n", FormattedRange, BeamProject.rof, (BeamProject.weaponRangeTech + 1)); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.SizeTonsCheckBox.Checked == true) Entry = String.Format("HPM Size: {0} Tons HTK: {1}\n", (BeamProject.size * 50.0f), BeamProject.htk); else Entry = String.Format("HPM Size: {0} HS HTK: {1}\n", BeamProject.size, BeamProject.htk); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Power Requirement: {0} Power Recharge per 5 Secs: {1}\n", BeamProject.powerRequirement, BeamProject.weaponCapacitor); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Cost: {0} Crew: {1}\n", BeamProject.cost, BeamProject.crew); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Materials Required:"); for (int mineralIterator = 0; mineralIterator < (int)Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames.MinerialCount; mineralIterator++) { if (BeamProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator] != 0) { Entry = String.Format("{0} {1:N1}x {2}", Entry, BeamProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator], (Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames)mineralIterator); } } Entry = String.Format("{0}\n", Entry); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("\nDevelopment Cost for Project: {0}RP\n", (BeamProject.cost * 50)); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); } break; #endregion #region Jump Engines case ComponentsViewModel.Components.Jump: /// <summary> /// Sanity check. /// </summary> if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFour.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFive.SelectedIndex != -1) { int JumpEffTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.JumpEngineEfficiency]; int SquadSizeTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.MaxSquadJumpSize]; int JumpRadiusTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.MaxSquadJumpRadius]; int MinSizeTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.MinJumpEngineSize]; if (JumpEffTech > Constants.JumpEngineTN.JumpEfficiencyMax) JumpEffTech = Constants.JumpEngineTN.JumpEfficiencyMax; if (SquadSizeTech > Constants.JumpEngineTN.SquadSizeMax) SquadSizeTech = Constants.JumpEngineTN.SquadSizeMax; if (JumpRadiusTech > Constants.JumpEngineTN.JumpRadiusMax) JumpRadiusTech = Constants.JumpEngineTN.JumpRadiusMax; if (MinSizeTech > Constants.JumpEngineTN.MinimumSizeMax) MinSizeTech = Constants.JumpEngineTN.MinimumSizeMax; int Eff = JumpEffTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex; int SquadSize = SquadSizeTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex; int JumpRadius = JumpRadiusTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex; int JESize = 1; int Count = 0; while (JESize <= 1000) { if(Count == m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFour.SelectedIndex) { break; } if (JESize < 50) JESize++; else if (JESize < 100) JESize += 5; else JESize += 10; Count++; } JumpEngineDefTN.JDType JumpType = (JumpEngineDefTN.JDType)m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFive.SelectedIndex; JumpEngineProject = new JumpEngineDefTN("JumpEngine", Eff, SquadSize, JumpRadius, MinSizeTech, JumpType, JESize); if (JumpType == JumpEngineDefTN.JDType.Military) { int JR = (int)Math.Round((float)JumpEngineProject.jumpRadius / 1000.0f); Entry = String.Format("J{0}({1}-{2}) Military Jump Drive",JumpEngineProject.maxJumpRating, JumpEngineProject.squadronSize, JR); JumpEngineProject.Name = Entry; } else if (JumpType == JumpEngineDefTN.JDType.Commercial) { int CSize = (int)Math.Round((float)JumpEngineProject.maxJumpRating / 1000.0f); Entry = String.Format("JC{0}K Commerical Jump Drive", CSize); JumpEngineProject.Name = Entry; } m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechNameTextBox.Text = Entry; int SSize = JumpEngineProject.maxJumpRating / (int)Constants.ShipTN.TonsPerHS; int JRadius = (int)Math.Round((float)JumpEngineProject.jumpRadius / 1000.0f); Entry = String.Format("Max Ship Size: {0} ({1} tons) Max Squadron Size: {2} Max Jump Radius: {3}\n", SSize, JumpEngineProject.maxJumpRating, JumpEngineProject.squadronSize, JRadius ); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.SizeTonsCheckBox.Checked == true) Entry = String.Format("Jump Engine Size: {0} Tons Efficiency: {1} Jump Engine HTK: {2}\n", JumpEngineProject.size * (int)Constants.ShipTN.TonsPerHS, JumpEngineProject.jumpEngineEfficiency, JumpEngineProject.htk); else Entry = String.Format("Jump Engine Size: {0} HS Efficiency: {1} Jump Engine HTK: {2}\n", JumpEngineProject.size, JumpEngineProject.jumpEngineEfficiency, JumpEngineProject.htk); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Cost: {0} Crew: {1}\n", JumpEngineProject.cost, JumpEngineProject.crew); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Materials Required:"); for (int mineralIterator = 0; mineralIterator < (int)Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames.MinerialCount; mineralIterator++) { if (JumpEngineProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator] != 0) { Entry = String.Format("{0} {1:N1}x {2}", Entry, JumpEngineProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator], (Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames)mineralIterator); } } Entry = String.Format("{0}\n", Entry); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("\nDevelopment Cost for Project: {0}RP\n", (JumpEngineProject.cost * 50)); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); } break; #endregion #region Lasers case ComponentsViewModel.Components.Laser: /// <summary> /// Sanity check. /// </summary> if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFour.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFive.SelectedIndex != -1) { int AdvLaserTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.AdvancedLaserFocal]; int LaserTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.LaserFocal]; int WaveTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.LaserWavelength]; int CapTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.CapacitorChargeRate]; int ReduceTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.ReducedSizeLasers]; int SpinalTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.SpinalMount]; if (AdvLaserTech > 11) AdvLaserTech = 11; if (LaserTech > 11) LaserTech = 11; if (WaveTech > 11) WaveTech = 11; if (CapTech > 11) CapTech = 11; if (ReduceTech > 1) ReduceTech = 1; if (SpinalTech > 1) SpinalTech = 1; int Cal = -1; ComponentTypeTN BeamType = ComponentTypeTN.TypeCount; int Cap = CapTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex; int Vel = WaveTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex; int Reduce = (ReduceTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFour.SelectedIndex + 1); int Spinal = (SpinalTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFive.SelectedIndex + 1); float red = 1.0f; BeamDefTN.MountType MType = BeamDefTN.MountType.Standard; if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex > AdvLaserTech) { Cal = LaserTech - (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex - AdvLaserTech - 1); BeamType = ComponentTypeTN.Laser; float Capacitor = Constants.BeamWeaponTN.Capacitor[Cap]; switch (Reduce) { case 1: Capacitor = Capacitor / 4.0f; red = 0.75f; break; case 0: Capacitor = Capacitor / 20.0f; red = 0.5f; break; } String CapString = "N/A"; if (red == 1.0f) CapString = String.Format("{0}", Capacitor); else CapString = String.Format("{0:N1}", Capacitor); String Calibre = Constants.BeamWeaponTN.SizeClass[Cal].ToString(); switch (Spinal) { case 1: MType = BeamDefTN.MountType.Spinal; Calibre = Math.Round(Constants.BeamWeaponTN.SizeClass[Cal] * 1.25f).ToString(); break; case 0: MType = BeamDefTN.MountType.AdvancedSpinal; Calibre = Math.Round(Constants.BeamWeaponTN.SizeClass[Cal] * 1.5f).ToString(); break; } Entry = String.Format("{0}cm C{1} {2}", Calibre, CapString, m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedItem); } else { Cal = AdvLaserTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex; BeamType = ComponentTypeTN.AdvLaser; float Capacitor = Constants.BeamWeaponTN.Capacitor[Cap]; switch (Reduce) { case 1: Capacitor = Capacitor / 4.0f; red = 0.75f; break; case 0: Capacitor = Capacitor / 20.0f; red = 0.5f; break; } String CapString = "N/A"; if (red == 1.0f) CapString = String.Format("{0}", Capacitor); else CapString = String.Format("{0:N1}", Capacitor); String Calibre = Constants.BeamWeaponTN.SizeClass[Cal].ToString(); switch (Spinal) { case 1: MType = BeamDefTN.MountType.Spinal; Calibre = Math.Round(Constants.BeamWeaponTN.SizeClass[Cal] * 1.25f).ToString(); break; case 0: MType = BeamDefTN.MountType.AdvancedSpinal; Calibre = Math.Round(Constants.BeamWeaponTN.SizeClass[Cal] * 1.5f).ToString(); break; } Entry = String.Format("{0}cm C{1} Advanced {2}", Calibre, CapString, m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedItem); } m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechNameTextBox.Text = Entry; BeamProject = new BeamDefTN(Entry, BeamType, (byte)Cal, (byte)Vel, (byte)Cap, red, MType); Entry = String.Format("Damage Output {0} Rate of Fire: {1} seconds Range Modifier: {2}\n", BeamProject.damage[0], BeamProject.rof, (Vel + 1)); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); String FormattedRange = BeamProject.range.ToString("#,###0"); if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.SizeTonsCheckBox.Checked == true) Entry = String.Format("Max Range {0} km Laser Size: {1} Tons Laser HTK: {2}\n", FormattedRange, (BeamProject.size * 50.0f), BeamProject.htk); else Entry = String.Format("Max Range {0} km Laser Size: {1} HS Laser HTK: {2}\n", FormattedRange, BeamProject.size, BeamProject.htk); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Power Requirement: {0} Power Recharge per 5 Secs: {1}\n", BeamProject.powerRequirement, BeamProject.weaponCapacitor); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Cost: {0} Crew: {1}\n", BeamProject.cost, BeamProject.crew); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); if (Spinal != 2) { m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText("Spinal Weapon Only\n"); } Entry = String.Format("Materials Required:"); for (int mineralIterator = 0; mineralIterator < (int)Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames.MinerialCount; mineralIterator++) { if (BeamProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator] != 0) { Entry = String.Format("{0} {1:N1}x {2}", Entry, BeamProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator], (Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames)mineralIterator); } } Entry = String.Format("{0}\n", Entry); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("\nDevelopment Cost for Project: {0}RP\n", (BeamProject.cost * 50)); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); } break; #endregion #region Magazines case ComponentsViewModel.Components.Magazine: /// <summary> /// Sanity check. /// </summary> if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFour.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFive.SelectedIndex != -1) { int FeedTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.MagazineFeedEfficiency]; int EjectTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.MagazineEjectionSystem]; int ArmourTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.ArmourProtection]; if (FeedTech > 8) FeedTech = 8; if (EjectTech > 8) EjectTech = 8; if (ArmourTech > 12) ArmourTech = 12; int feed = FeedTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex; int eject = EjectTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex; int armour = ArmourTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex; int size = m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFour.SelectedIndex + 1; int htk = m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFive.SelectedIndex + 1; Entry = "Magazine"; MagazineProject = new MagazineDefTN(Entry, (float)size, (byte)htk, feed, eject, armour); Entry = String.Format("Capacity {0} Magazine: Exp {1}% HTK{2}", MagazineProject.capacity, Math.Round((1.0f - Constants.MagazineTN.Ejection[eject]) * 100.0f), htk); MagazineProject.Name = Entry; m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechNameTextBox.Text = Entry; switch (MagazineProject.armorTech) { case 0: Entry = "Conventional"; break; case 1: Entry = "Duranium"; break; case 2: Entry = "High Density Duranium"; break; case 3: Entry = "Composite"; break; case 4: Entry = "Ceramic Composite"; break; case 5: Entry = "Laminate Composite"; break; case 6: Entry = "Compressed Carbon"; break; case 7: Entry = "Biphased Carbide"; break; case 8: Entry = "Crystaline Composite"; break; case 9: Entry = "Superdense"; break; case 10: Entry = "Bonded Superdense"; break; case 11: Entry = "Coherent Superdense"; break; case 12: Entry = "Collapsium"; break; } String ArmourString = String.Format("{0} Armour", Entry); Entry = String.Format("Capacity: {0} Internal Armour: {1} HS Explosion Chance: {2}\nArmour used: {3}\n", MagazineProject.capacity, MagazineProject.armourFactor, Math.Round((1.0f - Constants.MagazineTN.Ejection[eject]) * 100.0f), ArmourString); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.SizeTonsCheckBox.Checked == true) Entry = String.Format("Magazine Size: {0} Tons Magazine HTK: {1}\n", (MagazineProject.size * 50.0f), MagazineProject.htk); else Entry = String.Format("Magazine Size: {0} HS Magazine HTK: {1}\n", MagazineProject.size, MagazineProject.htk); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Cost: {0} Crew: {1}\n", MagazineProject.cost, MagazineProject.crew); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Materials Required:"); for (int mineralIterator = 0; mineralIterator < (int)Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames.MinerialCount; mineralIterator++) { if (MagazineProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator] != 0) { Entry = String.Format("{0} {1:N1}x {2}", Entry, MagazineProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator], (Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames)mineralIterator); } } Entry = String.Format("{0}\n", Entry); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("\nDevelopment Cost for Project: {0}RP\n", (MagazineProject.cost * 10)); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); //FormattedRange = RangeFormat.ToString("#,##0"); } break; #endregion #region Meson Cannons case ComponentsViewModel.Components.Meson: /// <summary> /// Sanity check. /// </summary> if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex != -1) { int MesonTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.MesonFocal]; int MesonFocusTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.MesonFocusing]; int CapTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.CapacitorChargeRate]; if (MesonTech > 11) MesonTech = 11; if (MesonFocusTech > 11) MesonFocusTech = 11; if (CapTech > 11) CapTech = 11; int Cal = MesonTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex; ComponentTypeTN BeamType = ComponentTypeTN.Meson; int Cap = CapTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex; int Foc = MesonFocusTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex; BeamProject = new BeamDefTN("Meson", BeamType, (byte)Cal, (byte)Foc, (byte)Cap, 1.0f); float RangeAdjust = BeamProject.range / 10000.0f; Entry = String.Format("R{0}/C{1} Meson Cannon", RangeAdjust, BeamProject.weaponCapacitor); BeamProject.Name = Entry; m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechNameTextBox.Text = Entry; String FormattedRange = BeamProject.range.ToString("#,###0"); Entry = String.Format("Max Range {0} km Rate of Fire: {1} seconds Focus Modifier: {2}\n", FormattedRange, BeamProject.rof, (BeamProject.weaponRangeTech + 1)); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.SizeTonsCheckBox.Checked == true) Entry = String.Format("Meson Cannon Size: {0} Tons Meson Cannon HTK: {1}\n", (BeamProject.size * 50.0f), BeamProject.htk); else Entry = String.Format("Meson Cannon Size: {0} HS Meson Cannon HTK: {1}\n", BeamProject.size, BeamProject.htk); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Power Requirement: {0} Power Recharge per 5 Secs: {1}\n", BeamProject.powerRequirement, BeamProject.weaponCapacitor); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Cost: {0} Crew: {1}\n", BeamProject.cost, BeamProject.crew); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Materials Required:"); for (int mineralIterator = 0; mineralIterator < (int)Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames.MinerialCount; mineralIterator++) { if (BeamProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator] != 0) { Entry = String.Format("{0} {1:N1}x {2}", Entry, BeamProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator], (Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames)mineralIterator); } } Entry = String.Format("{0}\n", Entry); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("\nDevelopment Cost for Project: {0}RP\n", (BeamProject.cost * 50)); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); } break; #endregion #region Missile Engines case ComponentsViewModel.Components.MissileEngine: /// <summary> /// Sanity Check: /// </summary> if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFour.SelectedIndex != -1) { #region Missile Engine Name / Tech Base FactTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.EngineBaseTech]; if (FactTech > 12) FactTech = 12; int EngineBase = FactTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex; switch (EngineBase) { case 0: Entry = "Conventional Engine"; break; case 1: Entry = "Nuclear Thermal Engine"; break; case 2: Entry = "Nuclear Pulse Engine"; break; case 3: Entry = "Ion Drive"; break; case 4: Entry = "Magneto-Plasma Drive"; break; case 5: Entry = "Internal Fusion Drive"; break; case 6: Entry = "Magnetic Fusion Drive"; break; case 7: Entry = "Inertial Fusion Drive"; break; case 8: Entry = "Solid-Core Antimatter Drive"; break; case 9: Entry = "Gas-Core Antimatter Drive"; break; case 10: Entry = "Plasma-Core Antimatter Drive"; break; case 11: Entry = "Beam-Core Antimatter Drive"; break; case 12: Entry = "Photonic Drive"; break; } #endregion #region Power Mod int MinPowerTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.MinEnginePowerMod]; int MaxPowerTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.MaxEnginePowerMod]; if (MinPowerTech > 5) MinPowerTech = 5; if (MaxPowerTech > 5) MaxPowerTech = 5; int minPower = 50; switch (MinPowerTech) { case 0: minPower = 40; break; case 1: minPower = 30; break; case 2: minPower = 25; break; case 3: minPower = 20; break; case 4: minPower = 15; break; case 5: minPower = 10; break; } float Power = (float)(minPower + (5 * m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex)) / 100.0f; #endregion #region Fuel Consumption FactTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.FuelConsumption]; if (FactTech > 12) FactTech = 12; int FC = FactTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex; #endregion float size = (10.0f + (float)(m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFour.SelectedIndex)) / 100.0f; if (size < 0.1f) size = 0.1f; MissileEngineProject = new MissileEngineDefTN(Entry, Constants.EngineTN.EngineBase[EngineBase], Power, Constants.EngineTN.FuelConsumption[FC], size); Entry = String.Format("{0} EP {1}", MissileEngineProject.enginePower, Entry); MissileEngineProject.Name = Entry; m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechNameTextBox.Text = Entry; Entry = String.Format("Engine Power: {0:N3} Fuel Use Per Hour: {1:N2} Litres\n", MissileEngineProject.enginePower, MissileEngineProject.fuelConsumption); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); float EPH = MissileEngineProject.fuelConsumption / MissileEngineProject.enginePower; Entry = String.Format("Fuel Consumption per Engine Power Hour: {0:N3} Litres\n", EPH); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.SizeTonsCheckBox.Checked == true) Entry = String.Format("Engine Size: {0:N2} Tons Cost: {1}\n", (MissileEngineProject.size * 50.0f), MissileEngineProject.cost); else Entry = String.Format("Engine Size: {0:N2} MSP Cost: {1}\n", (MissileEngineProject.size * 20.0f), MissileEngineProject.cost); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Thermal Signature: {0:N2}\n", MissileEngineProject.thermalSignature); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Materials Required:"); for (int mineralIterator = 0; mineralIterator < (int)Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames.MinerialCount; mineralIterator++) { if (MissileEngineProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator] != 0) { Entry = String.Format("{0} {1:N1}x {2}", Entry, MissileEngineProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator], (Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames)mineralIterator); } } Entry = String.Format("{0}\n", Entry); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("\nDevelopment Cost for Project: {0:N0}RP\n", (MissileEngineProject.cost * 200)); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); } break; #endregion #region Missile Launcher case ComponentsViewModel.Components.MissileLauncher: /// <summary> /// Sanity check. /// </summary> if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFour.SelectedIndex != -1) { int ReloadTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.LauncherReloadRate]; int ReduceTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.ReducedSizeLaunchers]; if (ReloadTech > 11) ReloadTech = 11; if (ReduceTech > 5) ReduceTech = 5; int size = m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex + 1; int reload = (ReloadTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex) + 1; bool ShipPDC = false; if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex == 0) { ShipPDC = false; Entry = String.Format("Size {0}", size); } else { ShipPDC = true; Entry = String.Format("PDC Size {0}", size); } int Reduce = m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxFour.SelectedIndex; if (Reduce == Constants.LauncherTN.BoxLauncher) { Entry = String.Format("{0} Box Launcher", Entry); } else if (Reduce == 0) { Entry = String.Format("{0} Missile Launcher", Entry); } else { Entry = String.Format("{0} Missile Launcher ({1}% Reduction)", Entry, (Constants.LauncherTN.Reduction[Reduce] * 100.0f)); } LauncherProject = new MissileLauncherDefTN(Entry, (float)size, reload, ShipPDC, Reduce); m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechNameTextBox.Text = Entry; Entry = String.Format("Maximum Missile Size: {0}", size); if (Reduce != Constants.LauncherTN.BoxLauncher) { Entry = String.Format("{0} Rate of Fire: {1} seconds\n", Entry, LauncherProject.rateOfFire); } else { float HR = (float)LauncherProject.hangarReload / 60.0f; float MF = (float)LauncherProject.mFReload / 3600.0f; Entry = String.Format("{0} Hangar Reload: {1} minutes MF Reload: {2} hours\n", Entry, HR, MF); } m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.SizeTonsCheckBox.Checked == true) Entry = String.Format("Launcher Size: {0} Tons Launcher HTK: {1}\n", (LauncherProject.size * 50.0f), LauncherProject.htk); else Entry = String.Format("Launcher Size: {0} HS Launcher HTK: {1}\n", LauncherProject.size, LauncherProject.htk); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Cost Per Launcher: {0} Crew Per Launcher: {1}\n", LauncherProject.cost, LauncherProject.crew); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); if (ShipPDC == true) { Entry = "PDC Only\n"; m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); } Entry = String.Format("Materials Required:"); for (int mineralIterator = 0; mineralIterator < (int)Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames.MinerialCount; mineralIterator++) { if (LauncherProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator] != 0) { Entry = String.Format("{0} {1:N1}x {2}", Entry, LauncherProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator], (Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames)mineralIterator); } } Entry = String.Format("{0}\n", Entry); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("\nDevelopment Cost for Project: {0}RP\n", Math.Round(LauncherProject.cost * 10)); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); if (Reduce == Constants.LauncherTN.BoxLauncher) { Entry = "\nNote that Box Launchers are not affected by increases in Reload Rate Technology as they are reloaded externally in a hangar deck or at maintenance facilities\n"; m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); } } break; #endregion #region New Species case ComponentsViewModel.Components.NewSpecies: break; #endregion #region Particle beams case ComponentsViewModel.Components.Particle: /// <summary> /// Sanity check. /// </summary> if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex != -1) { int AdvPartTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.AdvancedParticleBeamStrength]; int PartTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.ParticleBeamStrength]; int PartRangeTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.ParticleBeamRange]; int CapTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.CapacitorChargeRate]; if (AdvPartTech > 10) AdvPartTech = 10; if (PartTech > 10) PartTech = 10; if (PartRangeTech > 11) PartRangeTech = 11; if (CapTech > 11) CapTech = 11; int Cal = -1; ComponentTypeTN BeamType = ComponentTypeTN.TypeCount; int Range = PartRangeTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex; int Cap = CapTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex; if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex > AdvPartTech) { BeamType = ComponentTypeTN.Particle; Cal = PartTech - (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex - AdvPartTech - 1); float RangeAdjust = (float)Constants.BeamWeaponTN.ParticleRange[Range]; Entry = String.Format("Particle Beam-{0} C{1}/R{2}", Constants.BeamWeaponTN.ParticleDamage[Cal], Constants.BeamWeaponTN.Capacitor[Cap], RangeAdjust); } else { BeamType = ComponentTypeTN.AdvParticle; Cal = AdvPartTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex; float RangeAdjust = (float)Constants.BeamWeaponTN.ParticleRange[Range]; Entry = String.Format("Advanced Particle Beam-{0} C{1}/R{2}", Constants.BeamWeaponTN.AdvancedParticleDamage[Cal], Constants.BeamWeaponTN.Capacitor[Cap], RangeAdjust); } BeamProject = new BeamDefTN(Entry, BeamType, (byte)Cal, (byte)Range, (byte)Cap, 1.0f); m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechNameTextBox.Text = Entry; String FormattedRange = BeamProject.range.ToString("#,###0"); Entry = String.Format("Beam Strength {0} Rate of Fire: {1} seconds Maximum Range: {2} km\n", BeamProject.damage[0], BeamProject.rof, FormattedRange); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.SizeTonsCheckBox.Checked == true) Entry = String.Format("Launcher Size: {0} Tons Launcher HTK: {1}\n", (BeamProject.size * 50.0f), BeamProject.htk); else Entry = String.Format("Launcher Size: {0} HS Launcher HTK: {1}\n", BeamProject.size, BeamProject.htk); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Power Requirement: {0} Power Recharge per 5 Secs: {1}\n", BeamProject.powerRequirement, BeamProject.weaponCapacitor); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Cost: {0} Crew: {1}\n", BeamProject.cost, BeamProject.crew); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Materials Required:"); for (int mineralIterator = 0; mineralIterator < (int)Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames.MinerialCount; mineralIterator++) { if (BeamProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator] != 0) { Entry = String.Format("{0} {1:N1}x {2}", Entry, BeamProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator], (Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames)mineralIterator); } } Entry = String.Format("{0}\n", Entry); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("\nDevelopment Cost for Project: {0}RP\n", (BeamProject.cost * 50)); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); } break; #endregion #region Plasma Carronades case ComponentsViewModel.Components.Plasma: /// <summary> /// Sanity check. /// </summary> if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex != -1) { int AdvPlasmaTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.AdvancedPlasmaCarronadeCalibre]; int PlasmaTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.PlasmaCarronadeCalibre]; int CapTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.CapacitorChargeRate]; if (AdvPlasmaTech > 9) AdvPlasmaTech = 9; if (PlasmaTech > 9) PlasmaTech = 9; if (CapTech > 11) CapTech = 11; int Cal = -1; ComponentTypeTN BeamType = ComponentTypeTN.TypeCount; int Cap = CapTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex; if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex > AdvPlasmaTech) { Cal = PlasmaTech - (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex - AdvPlasmaTech - 1); BeamType = ComponentTypeTN.Plasma; Entry = String.Format("{0}cm C{1} Carronade", Constants.BeamWeaponTN.SizeClass[Cal + 2], Constants.BeamWeaponTN.Capacitor[Cap]); } else { Cal = AdvPlasmaTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex; BeamType = ComponentTypeTN.AdvPlasma; Entry = String.Format("{0}cm C{1} Advanced Carronade", Constants.BeamWeaponTN.SizeClass[Cal + 2], Constants.BeamWeaponTN.Capacitor[Cap]); } BeamProject = new BeamDefTN(Entry, BeamType, (byte)(Cal + 2), 1, (byte)Cap, 1.0f); m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechNameTextBox.Text = Entry; Entry = String.Format("Damage Output {0} Rate of Fire: {1} seconds\n", BeamProject.damage[0], BeamProject.rof); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); String FormattedRange = BeamProject.range.ToString("#,###0"); if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.SizeTonsCheckBox.Checked == true) Entry = String.Format("Max Range {0} km Carronade Size: {1} Tons Carronade HTK: {2}\n", FormattedRange, (BeamProject.size * 50.0f), BeamProject.htk); else Entry = String.Format("Max Range {0} km Carronade Size: {1} HS Carronade HTK: {2}\n", FormattedRange, BeamProject.size, BeamProject.htk); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Power Requirement: {0} Power Recharge per 5 Secs: {1}\n", BeamProject.powerRequirement, BeamProject.weaponCapacitor); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Cost: {0} Crew: {1}\n", BeamProject.cost, BeamProject.crew); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Materials Required:"); for (int mineralIterator = 0; mineralIterator < (int)Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames.MinerialCount; mineralIterator++) { if (BeamProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator] != 0) { Entry = String.Format("{0} {1:N1}x {2}", Entry, BeamProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator], (Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames)mineralIterator); } } Entry = String.Format("{0}\n", Entry); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("\nDevelopment Cost for Project: {0}RP\n", (BeamProject.cost * 50)); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); } break; #endregion #region Plasma Torpedos case ComponentsViewModel.Components.PlasmaTorp: break; #endregion #region Power Plants case ComponentsViewModel.Components.Reactor: /// <summary> /// Sanity check. /// </summary> if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex != -1) { #region Get boost switch (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex) { case 0: Boost = 1.0f; break; case 1: Boost = 1.05f; break; case 2: Boost = 1.10f; break; case 3: Boost = 1.15f; break; case 4: Boost = 1.2f; break; case 5: Boost = 1.25f; break; case 6: Boost = 1.3f; break; case 7: Boost = 1.4f; break; case 8: Boost = 1.5f; break; } #endregion #region Get size switch (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex) { case 0: Size = 0.1f; break; case 1: Size = 0.2f; break; case 2: Size = 0.5f; break; default: Size = (float)(m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex - 2); break; } #endregion #region Set Name. Hard coded again, DB here as well. switch (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex) { case 0: Entry = "Vacuum Energy Power Plant Technology"; break; case 1: Entry = "Beam-Core Antimatter Reactor Technology"; break; case 2: Entry = "Plasma-Core Antimatter Reactor Technology"; break; case 3: Entry = "Gas-Core Antimatter Reactor Technology"; break; case 4: Entry = "Solid-Core Antimatter Reactor Technology"; break; case 5: Entry = "Inertial Confinement Fusion Reactor Technology"; break; case 6: Entry = "Magnetic Confinement Fusion Reactor Technology"; break; case 7: Entry = "Tokamak Fusion Reactor Technology"; break; case 8: Entry = "Stellarator Fusion Reactor Technology"; break; case 9: Entry = "Gas Cooled Fast Reactor Technology"; break; case 10: Entry = "Pebble Bed Reactor Technology"; break; case 11: Entry = "Pressurised Water Reactor Technology"; break; } #endregion if (Boost == 1.0f) Entry = String.Format("{0} PB-1", Entry); else Entry = String.Format("{0} PB-{1}", Entry, Boost); ReactorProject = new ReactorDefTN(Entry, (byte)(11 - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex), Size, Boost); m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechNameTextBox.Text = Entry; Entry = String.Format("Power Output: {0} Explosion Chance: {1}\n", ReactorProject.powerGen, ReactorProject.expRisk); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.SizeTonsCheckBox.Checked == true) Entry = String.Format("Reactor Size: {0} Tons Reactor HTK: {1}\n", (ReactorProject.size * 50.0f), ReactorProject.htk); else Entry = String.Format("Reactor Size: {0} HS Reactor HTK: {1}\n", ReactorProject.size, ReactorProject.htk); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Cost: {0} Crew: {1}\n", ReactorProject.cost, ReactorProject.crew); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Materials Required:"); for (int mineralIterator = 0; mineralIterator < (int)Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames.MinerialCount; mineralIterator++) { if (ReactorProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator] != 0) { Entry = String.Format("{0} {1:N1}x {2}", Entry, ReactorProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator], (Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames)mineralIterator); } } Entry = String.Format("{0}\n\n", Entry); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Development Cost for Project: {0}RP\n", (ReactorProject.cost) * 10); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); } break; #endregion #region Railguns case ComponentsViewModel.Components.Rail: /// <summary> /// Sanity check. /// </summary> if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex != -1) { int AdvRailTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.AdvancedRailgun]; int RailTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.Railgun]; int RailVelTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.RailgunVelocity]; int CapTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.CapacitorChargeRate]; if (AdvRailTech > 9) AdvRailTech = 9; if (RailTech > 9) RailTech = 9; if (RailVelTech > 9) RailVelTech = 9; if (CapTech > 11) CapTech = 11; int Cal = -1; ComponentTypeTN BeamType = ComponentTypeTN.TypeCount; int Cap = CapTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex; int Vel = RailVelTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex; if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex > AdvRailTech) { Cal = RailTech - (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex - AdvRailTech - 1); BeamType = ComponentTypeTN.Rail; /// <summary> /// This is the counterpart to the earlier kludge of allowing 45cm rail guns: /// </summary> switch (Cal) { case 9: Entry = String.Format("{0}cm Railgun V{1}/C{2}", "50", Vel, Constants.BeamWeaponTN.Capacitor[Cap]); break; case 8: Entry = String.Format("{0}cm Railgun V{1}/C{2}", "45", Vel, Constants.BeamWeaponTN.Capacitor[Cap]); break; default: Entry = String.Format("{0}cm Railgun V{1}/C{2}", Constants.BeamWeaponTN.SizeClass[Cal], Vel, Constants.BeamWeaponTN.Capacitor[Cap]); break; } } else { Cal = AdvRailTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex; BeamType = ComponentTypeTN.AdvRail; switch (Cal) { case 9: Entry = String.Format("{0}cm Advanced Railgun V{1}/C{2}", "50", Vel, Constants.BeamWeaponTN.Capacitor[Cap]); break; case 8: Entry = String.Format("{0}cm Advanced Railgun V{1}/C{2}", "45", Vel, Constants.BeamWeaponTN.Capacitor[Cap]); break; default: Entry = String.Format("{0}cm Advanced Railgun V{1}/C{2}", Constants.BeamWeaponTN.SizeClass[Cal], Vel, Constants.BeamWeaponTN.Capacitor[Cap]); break; } } m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechNameTextBox.Text = Entry; BeamProject = new BeamDefTN(Entry, BeamType, (byte)Cal, (byte)Vel, (byte)Cap, 1.0f); Entry = String.Format("Damage Per Shot ({0}): {1} Rate of Fire: {2} seconds Range Modifier: {3}\n", BeamProject.shotCount, BeamProject.damage[0], BeamProject.rof, Vel); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); String FormattedRange = BeamProject.range.ToString("#,###0"); if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.SizeTonsCheckBox.Checked == true) Entry = String.Format("Max Range {0} km Railgun Size: {1} Tons Railgun HTK: {2}\n", FormattedRange, (BeamProject.size * 50.0f), BeamProject.htk); else Entry = String.Format("Max Range {0} km Railgun Size: {1} HS Railgun HTK: {2}\n", FormattedRange, BeamProject.size, BeamProject.htk); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Power Requirement: {0} Power Recharge per 5 Secs: {1}\n", BeamProject.powerRequirement, BeamProject.weaponCapacitor); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Cost: {0} Crew: {1}\n", BeamProject.cost, BeamProject.crew); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Materials Required:"); for (int mineralIterator = 0; mineralIterator < (int)Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames.MinerialCount; mineralIterator++) { if (BeamProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator] != 0) { Entry = String.Format("{0} {1:N1}x {2}", Entry, BeamProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator], (Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames)mineralIterator); } } Entry = String.Format("{0}\n", Entry); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("\nDevelopment Cost for Project: {0}RP\n", (BeamProject.cost * 50)); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); } break; #endregion #region Absorption Shields case ComponentsViewModel.Components.ShieldAbs: break; #endregion #region Standard Shields case ComponentsViewModel.Components.ShieldStd: /// <summary> /// Sanity check. /// </summary> if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex != -1) { FactTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.StandardShieldStrength]; if (FactTech > 11) FactTech = 11; int SS = FactTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex; FactTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.StandardShieldRegen]; if (FactTech > 11) FactTech = 11; int SR = FactTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex; FactTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.FuelConsumption]; if (FactTech > 12) FactTech = 12; int FC = FactTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex; #region name switch (SS) { case 0: Entry = "Alpha"; break; case 1: Entry = "Beta"; break; case 2: Entry = "Gamma"; break; case 3: Entry = "Delta"; break; case 4: Entry = "Epsilon"; break; case 5: Entry = "Theta"; break; case 6: Entry = "Xi"; break; case 7: Entry = "Omicron"; break; case 8: Entry = "Sigma"; break; case 9: Entry = "Tau"; break; case 10: Entry = "Psi"; break; case 11: Entry = "Omega"; break; } #endregion ShieldProject = new ShieldDefTN(Entry, SS, SR, Constants.EngineTN.FuelConsumption[FC], 1.0f, ComponentTypeTN.Shield); float RechargeTime = (ShieldProject.shieldPool / ShieldProject.shieldGen) * 300.0f; Entry = String.Format("{0} R{1}/{2} Shields", Entry, RechargeTime, (ShieldProject.fuelCostPerHour * 24.0f)); ShieldProject.Name = Entry; m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechNameTextBox.Text = Entry; Entry = String.Format("Shield Strength: {0}\n", ShieldProject.shieldPool); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Recharge Rate: {0} Recharge Time: {1} seconds\n", ShieldProject.shieldGen, RechargeTime); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Cost: {0} Crew: {1} Daily Fuel Cost while Active: {2} Litres\n", ShieldProject.cost, ShieldProject.crew, (ShieldProject.fuelCostPerHour * 24.0f)); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Materials Required:"); for (int mineralIterator = 0; mineralIterator < (int)Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames.MinerialCount; mineralIterator++) { if (ShieldProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator] != 0) { Entry = String.Format("{0} {1:N1}x {2}", Entry, ShieldProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator], (Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames)mineralIterator); } } Entry = String.Format("{0}\n\n", Entry); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Development Cost for Project: {0}RP\n", (ShieldProject.cost * 100)); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); } break; #endregion #region Thermal Sensors case ComponentsViewModel.Components.Thermal: if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex != -1 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex != -1) { #region Size /// <summary> /// Pull size out of this mess. /// </summary> if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex < 9) { Size = (float)(m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex + 1) / 10.0f; } else if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex >= 9 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex <= 13) { Size = 1.0f + (float)((m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex - 9) * 2) / 10.0f; } else if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex >= 14 && m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex <= 25) { Size = 2.0f + (float)(((m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex - 14) * 25) / 100.0f); } else if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex > 25) { Size = (float)(m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxTwo.SelectedIndex - 21); } #endregion #region Hardening /// <summary> /// Get chance of destruction due to electronic damage. /// </summary> switch (m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex) { case 0: Hard = 1.0f; break; case 1: Hard = 0.7f; break; case 2: Hard = 0.5f; break; case 3: Hard = 0.4f; break; case 4: Hard = 0.3f; break; case 5: Hard = 0.25f; break; case 6: Hard = 0.2f; break; case 7: Hard = 0.15f; break; case 8: Hard = 0.1f; break; } #endregion FactTech = _CurrnetFaction.FactionTechLevel[(int)Faction.FactionTechnology.ThermalSensorSensitivity]; if (FactTech > 11) FactTech = 11; int TH = FactTech - m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxOne.SelectedIndex; Entry = "Thermal Sensor TH"; PassiveSensorProject = new PassiveSensorDefTN(Entry, Size, Constants.SensorTN.PassiveStrength[TH], PassiveSensorType.Thermal, Hard, (byte)(m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechComboBoxThree.SelectedIndex + 1)); if (Hard == 1.0f) Entry = String.Format("{0}{1}-{2}", Entry, Size, PassiveSensorProject.rating); else Entry = String.Format("{0}{1}-{2}({3}%)", Entry, Size, PassiveSensorProject.rating, (Hard * 100.0f)); m_oComponentDesignPanel.TechNameTextBox.Text = Entry; Entry = String.Format("Thermal Sensor Sensitivity: {0}\n", PassiveSensorProject.rating); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); if (m_oComponentDesignPanel.SizeTonsCheckBox.Checked == true) Entry = String.Format("Sensor Size: {0} Tons Sensor HTK: {1}\n", (PassiveSensorProject.size * 50.0f), PassiveSensorProject.htk); else Entry = String.Format("Sensor Size: {0} HS Sensor HTK: {1}\n", PassiveSensorProject.size, PassiveSensorProject.htk); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Chance of destruction by electronic damage: {0}%\n", (Hard * 100.0f)); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Cost: {0} Crew: {1}\n", PassiveSensorProject.cost, PassiveSensorProject.crew); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Materials Required:"); for (int mineralIterator = 0; mineralIterator < (int)Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames.MinerialCount; mineralIterator++) { if (PassiveSensorProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator] != 0) { Entry = String.Format("{0} {1:N1}x {2}", Entry, PassiveSensorProject.minerialsCost[mineralIterator], (Constants.Minerals.MinerialNames)mineralIterator); } } Entry = String.Format("{0}\n\n", Entry); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); Entry = String.Format("Development Cost for Project: {0}RP", (PassiveSensorProject.cost * 10)); m_oComponentDesignPanel.ParametersTextBox.AppendText(Entry); } break; #endregion } #endregion }
/// <summary> /// Every faction will start with some components defined and ready to use, though the engines and sensors shouldn't be here just yet. /// </summary> public void AddInitialComponents() { /// <summary> /// Watch total component count when adding or subtracting from this function /// </summary> TotalComponents = 0; GeneralComponentDefTN CrewQ = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Crew Quarters", 1.0f, 0, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Crew); GeneralComponentDefTN CrewQS = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Crew Quarters - Small", 0.2f, 0, 2.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Crew); GeneralComponentDefTN FuelT = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Fuel Storage", 1.0f, 0, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Fuel); GeneralComponentDefTN FuelTS = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Fuel Storage - Small", 0.2f, 0, 3.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Fuel); GeneralComponentDefTN EBay = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Engineering Spaces", 1.0f, 5, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Engineering); GeneralComponentDefTN Bridge = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Bridge", 1.0f, 5, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Bridge); TotalComponents = TotalComponents + 6; CrewQuarters.Add(CrewQ); CrewQuarters.Add(CrewQS); FuelStorage.Add(FuelT); FuelStorage.Add(FuelTS); EngineeringSpaces.Add(EBay); OtherComponents.Add(Bridge); /// <summary> /// These components aren't really basic, but I'll put them in anyway for the time being. Count 6 to 17 /// </summary> EngineDefTN EngDef = new EngineDefTN("25 EP Nuclear Thermal Engine", 5.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1, 5, -1.0f); ActiveSensorDefTN ActDef = new ActiveSensorDefTN("Search 5M - 5000", 1.0f, 10, 5, 100, false, 1.0f, 1); PassiveSensorDefTN ThPasDef = new PassiveSensorDefTN("Thermal Sensor TH1-5", 1.0f, 5, PassiveSensorType.Thermal, 1.0f, 1); PassiveSensorDefTN EMPasDef = new PassiveSensorDefTN("EM Sensor EM1-5", 1.0f, 5, PassiveSensorType.EM, 1.0f, 1); BeamFireControlDefTN BFCDef = new BeamFireControlDefTN("Fire Control S01 10-1250", 0, 0, 1.0f, 1.0f, false, false, 1.0f, 1); BeamDefTN BeamDef = new BeamDefTN("10cm C1 Infrared Laser", ComponentTypeTN.Laser, 0, 0, 0, 1.0f); ReactorDefTN ReactDef = new ReactorDefTN("PWR S1 P2", 0, 1.0f, 1.0f); ShieldDefTN AShieldDef = new ShieldDefTN("Alpha R300/240 Shields", 0, 0, 1.0f, 1.0f, ComponentTypeTN.Shield); MissileLauncherDefTN TubeDef = new MissileLauncherDefTN("Size 1 Launcher", 1.0f, 1, false, 0); MagazineDefTN MagDef = new MagazineDefTN("Mag S1", 1.0f, 1, 0, 0, 1); ActiveSensorDefTN MFCDef = new ActiveSensorDefTN("Wasp I FC", 1.0f, 10, 5, 100, true, 1.0f, 1); TotalComponents = TotalComponents + 11; Engines.Add(EngDef); ActiveSensorDef.Add(ActDef); PassiveSensorDef.Add(ThPasDef); PassiveSensorDef.Add(EMPasDef); BeamFireControlDef.Add(BFCDef); BeamWeaponDef.Add(BeamDef); ReactorDef.Add(ReactDef); ShieldDef.Add(AShieldDef); MLauncherDef.Add(TubeDef); MagazineDef.Add(MagDef); MissileFireControlDef.Add(MFCDef); TurretableBeamDef.Add(BeamDef); /// <summary> /// Everyone starts with cargoholds. Count 17 to 19 /// </summary> CargoDefTN CargoStandard = new CargoDefTN("Cargo Hold - Standard", 500.0f, 50.0m, 5); CargoDefTN CargoSmall = new CargoDefTN("Cargo Hold - Small", 100.0f, 12.5m, 2); TotalComponents = TotalComponents + 2; CargoHoldDef.Add(CargoStandard); CargoHoldDef.Add(CargoSmall); /// <summary> /// Cryostorage is a TN only starting option. otherwise it must be researched. Count, 19 to 22 /// </summary> ColonyDefTN ColonyStandard = new ColonyDefTN("Cryogenic Transport", 50.0f, 100.0m, 10); ColonyDefTN ColonySmall = new ColonyDefTN("Cryogenic Transport - Small", 5.0f, 20.0m, 2); ColonyDefTN ColonyEmergency = new ColonyDefTN("Cryogenic Transport - Emergency", 1.0f, 5.0m, 0); TotalComponents = TotalComponents + 3; ColonyBayDef.Add(ColonyStandard); ColonyBayDef.Add(ColonySmall); ColonyBayDef.Add(ColonyEmergency); /// <summary> /// Only TN starts begin with this component for now. the improved,advanced, and grav-assisted variants have to be researched. Count 22, to 23 /// </summary> CargoHandlingDefTN CHS = new CargoHandlingDefTN("Cargo Handling System", 5, 10.0m); CargoHandleSystemDef.Add(CHS); TotalComponents = TotalComponents + 1; /// <summary> /// Alpha build components: Count 23, to 39 /// </summary> EngineDefTN AlphaEngine = new EngineDefTN("Ion Engine 120", 12.0f, 1.0f, 0.7f, 1.0f, 1, 10.0f, -1.0f); ActiveSensorDefTN AlphaBigSensor = new ActiveSensorDefTN("Search 181M - 10000", 10.0f, 16, 8, 200, false, 1.0f, 1); ActiveSensorDefTN AlphaSmallSensor = new ActiveSensorDefTN("Search 57M - 1000", 10.0f, 16, 8, 20, false, 1.0f, 1); ActiveSensorDefTN AlphaMissileSensor = new ActiveSensorDefTN("Search 1.4M - Missile", 10.0f, 16, 8, 1, false, 1.0f, 1); PassiveSensorDefTN AlphaEMSensor = new PassiveSensorDefTN("EM Detection Sensor EM10-80", 10.0f, 8, PassiveSensorType.EM, 1.0f, 1); PassiveSensorDefTN AlphaTHSensor = new PassiveSensorDefTN("TH Detection Sensor TH10-80", 10.0f, 8, PassiveSensorType.Thermal, 1.0f, 1); BeamFireControlDefTN AlphaFireControl = new BeamFireControlDefTN("Primary III FC R96K T6K", 2, 2, 4.0f, 2.0f, false, false, 1.0f, 1); BeamDefTN AlphaRailGun = new BeamDefTN("15cm Railgun V3/C3", ComponentTypeTN.Rail, 2, 2, 2, 1.0f); BeamDefTN AlphaLaser = new BeamDefTN("15cm C3 Near UV Laser", ComponentTypeTN.Laser, 2, 2, 2, 1.0f); BeamDefTN AlphaParticle = new BeamDefTN("PBW-4 150K", ComponentTypeTN.Particle, 2, 2, 2, 1.0f); BeamDefTN AlphaPlasma = new BeamDefTN("15cm C3 Plasma Beam", ComponentTypeTN.Plasma, 2, 2, 2, 1.0f); BeamDefTN AlphaMeson = new BeamDefTN("R9/C3 Meson Cannon", ComponentTypeTN.Meson, 2, 2, 2, 1.0f); BeamDefTN AlphaHPM = new BeamDefTN("R9/C3 Microwave", ComponentTypeTN.Microwave, 2, 2, 2, 1.0f); BeamDefTN AlphaGauss = new BeamDefTN("Gauss R3-100", ComponentTypeTN.Gauss, 0, 2, 2, 1.0f); ReactorDefTN AlphaReactor = new ReactorDefTN("GCFR S1 P4.5", 2, 1.0f, 1.0f); ShieldDefTN AlphaShield = new ShieldDefTN("Gamma R300/336 Shields", 2, 2, 0.7f, 1.0f, ComponentTypeTN.Shield); TotalComponents = TotalComponents + 16; Engines.Add(AlphaEngine); ActiveSensorDef.Add(AlphaBigSensor); ActiveSensorDef.Add(AlphaSmallSensor); ActiveSensorDef.Add(AlphaMissileSensor); PassiveSensorDef.Add(AlphaEMSensor); PassiveSensorDef.Add(AlphaTHSensor); BeamFireControlDef.Add(AlphaFireControl); BeamWeaponDef.Add(AlphaRailGun); BeamWeaponDef.Add(AlphaLaser); BeamWeaponDef.Add(AlphaParticle); BeamWeaponDef.Add(AlphaPlasma); BeamWeaponDef.Add(AlphaMeson); BeamWeaponDef.Add(AlphaHPM); BeamWeaponDef.Add(AlphaGauss); ReactorDef.Add(AlphaReactor); ShieldDef.Add(AlphaShield); TurretableBeamDef.Add(AlphaLaser); TurretableBeamDef.Add(AlphaMeson); TurretableBeamDef.Add(AlphaGauss); /// <summary> /// Missile Combat Alpha Components: Count at 44 from 39 OrdnanceDefTN and MissileEngineDefTN are _NOT_ included in the total count. /// </summary> EngineDefTN AlphaMCEngine = new EngineDefTN("Military 5000 EP Photonic Drive", 100.0f, 1.0f, 0.1f, 1.0f, 1, 50.0f, -1.0f); ActiveSensorDefTN AlphaMCSensor = new ActiveSensorDefTN("Active Search Sensor MR13500-R100", 10.0f, 180, 75, 100, false, 1.0f, 0); ActiveSensorDefTN AlphaMCMissileFireControl = new ActiveSensorDefTN("Missile Fire Control FC40500-R100", 10.0f, 180, 75, 100, true, 1.0f, 0); MagazineDefTN MagazineMCDef = new MagazineDefTN("Capacity 587 Magazine: Exp 1% HTK4", 30.0f, 4, 8, 8, 12); MissileLauncherDefTN TubeMCDef = new MissileLauncherDefTN("Size 4 Launcher", 4.0f, 11, false, 0); MissileEngineDefTN MissileEngineMCDef = new MissileEngineDefTN("Photonic Missile Drive", 100.0f, 1.0f, 0.1f, 1.5f); OrdnanceDefTN MissileMCDef = new OrdnanceDefTN("Size 4 Missile", null, 0.5f, 11, 1.0f, 1.0f, 11, 0.0f, 0, 0.0f, 0, 0.0f, 0, 0.0f, 0, 100, 0, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0, false, 0, false, 0, MissileEngineMCDef, 1); TotalComponents = TotalComponents + 5; Engines.Add(AlphaMCEngine); ActiveSensorDef.Add(AlphaMCSensor); MissileFireControlDef.Add(AlphaMCMissileFireControl); MagazineDef.Add(MagazineMCDef); MLauncherDef.Add(TubeMCDef); MissileEngineDef.Add(MissileEngineMCDef); MissileDef.Add(MissileMCDef); MissileLauncherDefTN TubeAMMDef = new MissileLauncherDefTN("Size 1 Launcher", 1.0f, 11, false, 0); MissileEngineDefTN MissileEngineAMMDef = new MissileEngineDefTN("Small Photonic Missile Drive", 100.0f, 6.0f, 0.1f, 0.4f); ActiveSensorDefTN AMMSensor = new ActiveSensorDefTN("AMM Sensor", 10.0f, 180, 75, 1, false, 1.0f, 0); ActiveSensorDefTN AMMMFC = new ActiveSensorDefTN("AMM MFC", 10.0f, 180, 75, 1, true, 1.0f, 0); OrdnanceDefTN MissileAMMDef = new OrdnanceDefTN("Size 1 Missile", null, 0.14f, 11, 0.23f, 0.23f, 11, 0.0f, 0, 0.0f, 0, 0.0f, 0, 0.0f, 0, 1, 0, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0, false, 0, false, 0, MissileEngineAMMDef, 1); TotalComponents = TotalComponents + 3; MLauncherDef.Add(TubeAMMDef); MissileEngineDef.Add(MissileEngineAMMDef); ActiveSensorDef.Add(AMMSensor); MissileFireControlDef.Add(AMMMFC); MissileDef.Add(MissileAMMDef); /// <summary> /// Sensor components should be added upon researching the appropriate technology, as they cannot be designed, Count should be at 46 /// </summary> SurveySensorDefTN GeoSurvey = new SurveySensorDefTN("Geological Survey Sensor", SurveySensorDefTN.SurveySensorType.Geological, 1.0f); SurveySensorDefTN GravSurvey = new SurveySensorDefTN("Gravitational Survey Sensor", SurveySensorDefTN.SurveySensorType.Gravitational, 1.0f); SurveySensorDef.Add(GeoSurvey); SurveySensorDef.Add(GravSurvey); TotalComponents = TotalComponents + 2; }
/// <summary> /// Every faction will start with some components defined and ready to use, though the engines and sensors shouldn't be here just yet. /// </summary> public void AddInitialComponents() { /// <summary> /// Watch total component count when adding or subtracting from this function /// </summary> TotalComponents = 0; GeneralComponentDefTN CrewQ = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Crew Quarters", 1.0f, 0, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Crew); GeneralComponentDefTN CrewQS = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Crew Quarters - Small", 0.2f, 0, 2.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Crew); GeneralComponentDefTN FuelT = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Fuel Storage", 1.0f, 0, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Fuel); GeneralComponentDefTN FuelTS = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Fuel Storage - Small", 0.2f, 0, 3.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Fuel); GeneralComponentDefTN EBay = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Engineering Spaces", 1.0f, 5, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Engineering); GeneralComponentDefTN Bridge = new GeneralComponentDefTN("Bridge", 1.0f, 5, 10.0m, ComponentTypeTN.Bridge); TotalComponents = TotalComponents + 6; CrewQuarters.Add(CrewQ); CrewQuarters.Add(CrewQS); FuelStorage.Add(FuelT); FuelStorage.Add(FuelTS); EngineeringSpaces.Add(EBay); OtherComponents.Add(Bridge); /// <summary> /// These components aren't really basic, but I'll put them in anyway for the time being. Count 6 to 17 /// </summary> EngineDefTN EngDef = new EngineDefTN("25 EP Nuclear Thermal Engine", 5.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1, 5, -1.0f); ActiveSensorDefTN ActDef = new ActiveSensorDefTN("Search 5M - 5000", 1.0f, 10, 5, 100, false, 1.0f, 1); PassiveSensorDefTN ThPasDef = new PassiveSensorDefTN("Thermal Sensor TH1-5", 1.0f, 5, PassiveSensorType.Thermal, 1.0f, 1); PassiveSensorDefTN EMPasDef = new PassiveSensorDefTN("EM Sensor EM1-5", 1.0f, 5, PassiveSensorType.EM, 1.0f, 1); BeamFireControlDefTN BFCDef = new BeamFireControlDefTN("Fire Control S01 10-1250", 0, 0, 1.0f, 1.0f, false, false, 1.0f, 1); BeamDefTN BeamDef = new BeamDefTN("10cm C1 Infrared Laser", ComponentTypeTN.Laser, 0, 0, 0, 1.0f); ReactorDefTN ReactDef = new ReactorDefTN("PWR S1 P2", 0, 1.0f, 1.0f); ShieldDefTN AShieldDef = new ShieldDefTN("Alpha R300/240 Shields", 0, 0, 1.0f, 1.0f, ComponentTypeTN.Shield); MissileLauncherDefTN TubeDef = new MissileLauncherDefTN("Size 1 Launcher", 1.0f, 1, false, 0); MagazineDefTN MagDef = new MagazineDefTN("Mag S1", 1.0f, 1, 0, 0, 1); ActiveSensorDefTN MFCDef = new ActiveSensorDefTN("Wasp I FC", 1.0f, 10, 5, 100, true, 1.0f, 1); TotalComponents = TotalComponents + 11; Engines.Add(EngDef); ActiveSensorDef.Add(ActDef); PassiveSensorDef.Add(ThPasDef); PassiveSensorDef.Add(EMPasDef); BeamFireControlDef.Add(BFCDef); BeamWeaponDef.Add(BeamDef); ReactorDef.Add(ReactDef); ShieldDef.Add(AShieldDef); MLauncherDef.Add(TubeDef); MagazineDef.Add(MagDef); MissileFireControlDef.Add(MFCDef); TurretableBeamDef.Add(BeamDef); /// <summary> /// Everyone starts with cargoholds. Count 17 to 19 /// </summary> CargoDefTN CargoStandard = new CargoDefTN("Cargo Hold - Standard", 500.0f, 50.0m, 5); CargoDefTN CargoSmall = new CargoDefTN("Cargo Hold - Small", 100.0f, 12.5m, 2); TotalComponents = TotalComponents + 2; CargoHoldDef.Add(CargoStandard); CargoHoldDef.Add(CargoSmall); /// <summary> /// Cryostorage is a TN only starting option. otherwise it must be researched. Count, 19 to 22 /// </summary> ColonyDefTN ColonyStandard = new ColonyDefTN("Cryogenic Transport", 50.0f, 100.0m, 10); ColonyDefTN ColonySmall = new ColonyDefTN("Cryogenic Transport - Small", 5.0f, 20.0m, 2); ColonyDefTN ColonyEmergency = new ColonyDefTN("Cryogenic Transport - Emergency", 1.0f, 5.0m, 0); TotalComponents = TotalComponents + 3; ColonyBayDef.Add(ColonyStandard); ColonyBayDef.Add(ColonySmall); ColonyBayDef.Add(ColonyEmergency); /// <summary> /// Only TN starts begin with this component for now. the improved,advanced, and grav-assisted variants have to be researched. Count 22, to 23 /// </summary> CargoHandlingDefTN CHS = new CargoHandlingDefTN("Cargo Handling System", 5, 10.0m); CargoHandleSystemDef.Add(CHS); TotalComponents = TotalComponents + 1; /// <summary> /// Alpha build components: Count 23, to 39 /// </summary> EngineDefTN AlphaEngine = new EngineDefTN("Ion Engine 120", 12.0f, 1.0f, 0.7f, 1.0f, 1, 10.0f, -1.0f); ActiveSensorDefTN AlphaBigSensor = new ActiveSensorDefTN("Search 181M - 10000", 10.0f, 16, 8, 200, false, 1.0f, 1); ActiveSensorDefTN AlphaSmallSensor = new ActiveSensorDefTN("Search 57M - 1000", 10.0f, 16, 8, 20, false, 1.0f, 1); ActiveSensorDefTN AlphaMissileSensor = new ActiveSensorDefTN("Search 1.4M - Missile", 10.0f, 16, 8, 1, false, 1.0f, 1); PassiveSensorDefTN AlphaEMSensor = new PassiveSensorDefTN("EM Detection Sensor EM10-80", 10.0f, 8, PassiveSensorType.EM, 1.0f, 1); PassiveSensorDefTN AlphaTHSensor = new PassiveSensorDefTN("TH Detection Sensor TH10-80", 10.0f, 8, PassiveSensorType.Thermal, 1.0f, 1); BeamFireControlDefTN AlphaFireControl = new BeamFireControlDefTN("Primary III FC R96K T6K", 2, 2, 4.0f, 2.0f, false, false, 1.0f, 1); BeamDefTN AlphaRailGun = new BeamDefTN("15cm Railgun V3/C3", ComponentTypeTN.Rail, 2, 2, 2, 1.0f); BeamDefTN AlphaLaser = new BeamDefTN("15cm C3 Near UV Laser", ComponentTypeTN.Laser, 2, 2, 2, 1.0f); BeamDefTN AlphaParticle = new BeamDefTN("PBW-4 150K", ComponentTypeTN.Particle, 2, 2, 2, 1.0f); BeamDefTN AlphaPlasma = new BeamDefTN("15cm C3 Plasma Beam", ComponentTypeTN.Plasma, 2, 2, 2, 1.0f); BeamDefTN AlphaMeson = new BeamDefTN("R9/C3 Meson Cannon", ComponentTypeTN.Meson, 2, 2, 2, 1.0f); BeamDefTN AlphaHPM = new BeamDefTN("R9/C3 Microwave", ComponentTypeTN.Microwave, 2, 2, 2, 1.0f); BeamDefTN AlphaGauss = new BeamDefTN("Gauss R3-100", ComponentTypeTN.Gauss, 0, 2, 2, 1.0f); ReactorDefTN AlphaReactor = new ReactorDefTN("GCFR S1 P4.5", 2, 1.0f, 1.0f); ShieldDefTN AlphaShield = new ShieldDefTN("Gamma R300/336 Shields", 2, 2, 0.7f, 1.0f, ComponentTypeTN.Shield); TotalComponents = TotalComponents + 16; Engines.Add(AlphaEngine); ActiveSensorDef.Add(AlphaBigSensor); ActiveSensorDef.Add(AlphaSmallSensor); ActiveSensorDef.Add(AlphaMissileSensor); PassiveSensorDef.Add(AlphaEMSensor); PassiveSensorDef.Add(AlphaTHSensor); BeamFireControlDef.Add(AlphaFireControl); BeamWeaponDef.Add(AlphaRailGun); BeamWeaponDef.Add(AlphaLaser); BeamWeaponDef.Add(AlphaParticle); BeamWeaponDef.Add(AlphaPlasma); BeamWeaponDef.Add(AlphaMeson); BeamWeaponDef.Add(AlphaHPM); BeamWeaponDef.Add(AlphaGauss); ReactorDef.Add(AlphaReactor); ShieldDef.Add(AlphaShield); TurretableBeamDef.Add(AlphaLaser); TurretableBeamDef.Add(AlphaMeson); TurretableBeamDef.Add(AlphaGauss); /// <summary> /// Missile Combat Alpha Components: Count at 44 from 39 OrdnanceDefTN and MissileEngineDefTN are _NOT_ included in the total count. /// </summary> EngineDefTN AlphaMCEngine = new EngineDefTN("Military 5000 EP Photonic Drive", 100.0f, 1.0f, 0.1f, 1.0f, 1, 50.0f, -1.0f); ActiveSensorDefTN AlphaMCSensor = new ActiveSensorDefTN("Active Search Sensor MR13500-R100", 10.0f, 180, 75, 100, false, 1.0f, 0); ActiveSensorDefTN AlphaMCMissileFireControl = new ActiveSensorDefTN("Missile Fire Control FC40500-R100", 10.0f, 180, 75, 100, true, 1.0f, 0); MagazineDefTN MagazineMCDef = new MagazineDefTN("Capacity 587 Magazine: Exp 1% HTK4", 30.0f, 4, 8, 8, 12); MissileLauncherDefTN TubeMCDef = new MissileLauncherDefTN("Size 4 Launcher", 4.0f, 11, false, 0); MissileEngineDefTN MissileEngineMCDef = new MissileEngineDefTN("Photonic Missile Drive", 100.0f, 1.0f, 0.1f, 1.5f); OrdnanceDefTN MissileMCDef = new OrdnanceDefTN("Size 4 Missile", null, 0.5f, 11, 1.0f, 1.0f, 11, 0.0f, 0, 0.0f, 0, 0.0f, 0, 0.0f, 0, 100, 0, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0, false, 0, false, 0, MissileEngineMCDef, 1); TotalComponents = TotalComponents + 5; Engines.Add(AlphaMCEngine); ActiveSensorDef.Add(AlphaMCSensor); MissileFireControlDef.Add(AlphaMCMissileFireControl); MagazineDef.Add(MagazineMCDef); MLauncherDef.Add(TubeMCDef); MissileEngineDef.Add(MissileEngineMCDef); MissileDef.Add(MissileMCDef); MissileLauncherDefTN TubeAMMDef = new MissileLauncherDefTN("Size 1 Launcher", 1.0f, 11, false, 0); MissileEngineDefTN MissileEngineAMMDef = new MissileEngineDefTN("Small Photonic Missile Drive", 100.0f, 6.0f, 0.1f, 0.4f); ActiveSensorDefTN AMMSensor = new ActiveSensorDefTN("AMM Sensor", 10.0f, 180, 75, 1, false, 1.0f, 0); ActiveSensorDefTN AMMMFC = new ActiveSensorDefTN("AMM MFC", 10.0f, 180, 75, 1, true, 1.0f, 0); OrdnanceDefTN MissileAMMDef = new OrdnanceDefTN("Size 1 Missile", null, 0.14f, 11, 0.23f, 0.23f, 11, 0.0f, 0, 0.0f, 0, 0.0f, 0, 0.0f, 0, 1, 0, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0, false, 0, false, 0, MissileEngineAMMDef, 1); TotalComponents = TotalComponents + 3; MLauncherDef.Add(TubeAMMDef); MissileEngineDef.Add(MissileEngineAMMDef); ActiveSensorDef.Add(AMMSensor); MissileFireControlDef.Add(AMMMFC); MissileDef.Add(MissileAMMDef); }
/// <summary> /// Right now all this function does is overwrite the previous engine entry if switching types. /// I think I'll add a static variable to ComponentDefTN to deal with that. Can subtract. /// </summary> /// <param name="Engine">Engine Definition</param> /// <param name="inc">Number of engines to be added.</param> public void AddEngine(EngineDefTN Engine, short inc) { ShipEngineDef = Engine; ShipEngineCount = (ushort)((short)ShipEngineCount + inc); if (ShipEngineCount > 0) { float EP = Engine.enginePower * ShipEngineCount; float TS = Engine.thermalSignature * ShipEngineCount; MaxEnginePower = (int)Math.Round(EP); if (MaxEnginePower == 0) MaxEnginePower = 1; MaxThermalSignature = (int)Math.Round(TS); if (MaxThermalSignature == 0) MaxThermalSignature = 1; MaxFuelUsePerHour = MaxFuelUsePerHour + (Engine.fuelUsePerHour * (float)inc); UpdateClass(Engine, inc); } else { ShipEngineDef = null; MaxEnginePower = 1; MaxThermalSignature = 1; /// <summary> /// Nav thrusters don't use fuel? /// </summary> MaxFuelUsePerHour = 0.0f; UpdateClass(Engine, inc); } }