예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a star entity in the system.
        /// Does not initialize an orbit.
        /// </summary>
        public Entity CreateStar(StarSystem system, double mass, double radius, double age, string starClass, double temperature, float luminosity, SpectralType spectralType, string starName = null)
            double          tempRange       = temperature / _galaxyGen.Settings.StarTemperatureBySpectralType[spectralType].Max; // temp range from 0 to 1.
            ushort          subDivision     = (ushort)Math.Round((1 - tempRange) * 10);
            LuminosityClass luminosityClass = LuminosityClass.V;

            if (starName == null)
                starName = system.NameDB.DefaultName;

            int starIndex = system.GetAllEntitiesWithDataBlob <StarInfoDB>().Count;

            starName += " " + (char)('A' + starIndex) + " " + spectralType + subDivision + luminosityClass;

            MassVolumeDB starMassVolumeDB = MassVolumeDB.NewFromMassAndRadius(mass, radius);
            StarInfoDB   starInfoDB       = new StarInfoDB {
                Age = age, Class = starClass, Luminosity = luminosity, SpectralType = spectralType, Temperature = temperature, LuminosityClass = luminosityClass, SpectralSubDivision = subDivision
            PositionDB starPositionDB = new PositionDB(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), system.Guid);
            NameDB     starNameDB     = new NameDB(starName);
            OrbitDB    starOrbitDB    = new OrbitDB();

            SensorProfileDB emmisionSignature = SensorProcessorTools.SetStarEmmisionSig(starInfoDB, starMassVolumeDB);

            return(new Entity(system, new List <BaseDataBlob> {
                starOrbitDB, starMassVolumeDB, starInfoDB, starNameDB, starPositionDB, emmisionSignature
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// creates an asteroid that will collide with the given entity on the given date.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="starSys"></param>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <param name="collisionDate"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Entity CreateAsteroid(StarSystem starSys, Entity target, DateTime collisionDate, double asteroidMass = -1.0)
            //todo rand these a bit.
            double radius = Distance.KmToAU(0.5);

            double mass;

            if (asteroidMass == -1.0)
                mass = 1.5e+12; //about 1.5 billion tonne
                mass = asteroidMass;
            Vector3 velocity = new Vector3(8, 7, 0);

            var position     = new PositionDB(0, 0, 0, Guid.Empty);
            var massVolume   = MassVolumeDB.NewFromMassAndRadius(mass, radius);
            var planetInfo   = new SystemBodyInfoDB();
            var balisticTraj = new NewtonBalisticDB(target.Guid, collisionDate);
            var name         = new NameDB("Ellie");
            var AsteroidDmg  = new AsteroidDamageDB();
            var sensorPfil   = new SensorProfileDB();

            planetInfo.SupportsPopulations = false;
            planetInfo.BodyType            = BodyType.Asteroid;

            Vector3  targetPos       = OrbitProcessor.GetAbsolutePosition_AU(target.GetDataBlob <OrbitDB>(), collisionDate);
            TimeSpan timeToCollision = collisionDate - StaticRefLib.CurrentDateTime;

            Vector3 offset = velocity * timeToCollision.TotalSeconds;

            targetPos -= Distance.KmToAU(offset);
            position.AbsolutePosition_AU = targetPos;
            position.SystemGuid          = starSys.Guid;
            balisticTraj.CurrentSpeed    = velocity;

            var planetDBs = new List <BaseDataBlob>

            Entity newELE = new Entity(starSys, planetDBs);

예제 #3
        private static ProtoEntity CreateSurveyPoint(double x, double y, int nameNumber)
            // TODO: Rebalance "pointsRequired" here.
            // TODO: Load "pointsRequired" from GalaxyGen settings
            const int pointsRequired = 400;

            var surveyDB = new JPSurveyableDB(pointsRequired, new Dictionary <Entity, int>(), 10000000);
            var posDB    = new PositionDB(x, y, 0, Guid.Empty);
            var nameDB   = new NameDB($"Survey Point #{nameNumber}");
            //for testing purposes
            var sensorProfileDB = new SensorProfileDB();

            return(ProtoEntity.Create(Guid.Empty, new BaseDataBlob[] { surveyDB, posDB, nameDB, sensorProfileDB }));
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// returns a dictionary of all emmisions including reflected emmisions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The for distance.</returns>
        /// <param name="emission">Emission.</param>
        /// <param name="distance">Distance.</param>
        internal static Dictionary <EMWaveForm, double> AttenuatedForDistance(SensorProfileDB emission, double distance)
            var dict = new Dictionary <EMWaveForm, double>();

            foreach (var emitedItem in emission.EmittedEMSpectra)
                var powerAtDistance = AttenuationCalc(emitedItem.Value, distance);
                dict.Add(emitedItem.Key, powerAtDistance);
            foreach (var reflectedItem in emission.ReflectedEMSpectra)
                var reflectedValue = AttenuationCalc(reflectedItem.Value, distance);
                dict.Add(reflectedItem.Key, reflectedValue);
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// probibly only needs to be done at entity creation, once the bodies mass is set.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The emmision sig.</returns>
        /// <param name="sysBodyInfoDB">Sys body info db.</param>
        /// <param name="massVolDB">Mass vol db.</param>
        internal static void PlanetEmmisionSig(SensorProfileDB profile, SystemBodyInfoDB sysBodyInfoDB, MassVolumeDB massVolDB)
            var        tempDegreesC = sysBodyInfoDB.BaseTemperature;
            var        kelvin       = tempDegreesC + 273.15;
            var        wavelength   = 2.9 * Math.Pow(10, 6) / kelvin;
            var        magnitude    = tempDegreesC / massVolDB.Volume;
            EMWaveForm waveform     = new EMWaveForm()
                WavelengthAverage_nm = wavelength,
                WavelengthMin_nm     = wavelength - 400, //4k angstrom, semi arbitrary number pulled outa my ass from 0min of internet research.
                WavelengthMax_nm     = wavelength + 600

            profile.EmittedEMSpectra.Add(waveform, magnitude);//TODO this may need adjusting to make good balanced detections.
            profile.Reflectivity = sysBodyInfoDB.Albedo;
예제 #6
        internal static void DetectEntites(SensorReceverAtbDB receverDB, Entity detectableEntity, DateTime atDate)
            Entity receverFaction = receverDB.OwningEntity.GetDataBlob <OwnedDB>().OwnedByFaction;
            var    knownContacts  = receverFaction.GetDataBlob <FactionInfoDB>().SensorEntites;

            SensorProfileDB sensorProfile = detectableEntity.GetDataBlob <SensorProfileDB>();

            TimeSpan   timeSinceLastCalc         = atDate - sensorProfile.LastDatetimeOfReflectionSet;
            PositionDB positionOfSensorProfile   = detectableEntity.GetDataBlob <PositionDB>();//sensorProfile.OwningEntity.GetDataBlob<ComponentInstanceInfoDB>().ParentEntity.GetDataBlob<PositionDB>();
            double     distanceInAUSinceLastCalc = PositionDB.GetDistanceBetween(sensorProfile.LastPositionOfReflectionSet, positionOfSensorProfile);

            //Only set the reflectedEMProfile of the target if it's not been done recently:
            //TODO: is this still neccicary now that I've found and fixed the loop? (refelctions were getting bounced around)
            if (timeSinceLastCalc > TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30) || distanceInAUSinceLastCalc > 0.1) //TODO: move the time and distance numbers here to settings?
                SetReflectedEMProfile.SetEntityProfile(detectableEntity, atDate);

            SensorReturnValues detectionValues = DetectonQuality(receverDB, sensorProfile);
            SensorInfoDB       sensorInfo;

            if (detectionValues.SignalStrength_kW > 0.0)
                if (knownContacts.ContainsKey(detectableEntity.Guid))
                    sensorInfo = knownContacts[detectableEntity.Guid].GetDataBlob <SensorInfoDB>();
                    sensorInfo.LatestDetectionQuality = detectionValues;
                    sensorInfo.LastDetection          = atDate;
                    if (sensorInfo.HighestDetectionQuality.SignalQuality < detectionValues.SignalQuality)
                        sensorInfo.HighestDetectionQuality.SignalQuality = detectionValues.SignalQuality;

                    if (sensorInfo.HighestDetectionQuality.SignalStrength_kW < detectionValues.SignalStrength_kW)
                        sensorInfo.HighestDetectionQuality.SignalStrength_kW = detectionValues.SignalStrength_kW;
                    SensorEntityFactory.UpdateSensorContact(receverFaction, sensorInfo);
                    sensorInfo = new SensorInfoDB(receverFaction, detectableEntity, atDate);

                    //knownContacts.Add(detectableEntity.Guid, SensorEntityFactory.UpdateSensorContact(receverFaction, sensorInfo)); moved this line to the SensorInfoDB constructor
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Probibly only needs to be done at star creation, unless we do funky stuff like change a stars temprature and stuff.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The star emmision sig.</returns>
        /// <param name="starInfoDB">Star info db.</param>
        /// <param name="starMassVolumeDB">Star mass volume db.</param>
        internal static SensorProfileDB SetStarEmmisionSig(StarInfoDB starInfoDB, MassVolumeDB starMassVolumeDB)
            var    tempDegreesC  = starInfoDB.Temperature;
            var    kelvin        = tempDegreesC + 273.15;
            double b             = 2898000;                          //Wien's displacement constant for nanometers.
            var    wavelength    = b / kelvin;                       //Wien's displacement law https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wien%27s_displacement_law
            var    magnitudeInKW = starInfoDB.Luminosity * 3.827e23; //tempDegreesC / starMassVolumeDB.Volume_km3; //maybe this should be lum / volume?

            //-300, + 600, semi arbitrary number pulled outa my ass from 10min of internet research.
            EMWaveForm waveform = new EMWaveForm(wavelength - 300, wavelength, wavelength + 600);

            var emisionSignature = new SensorProfileDB()

            emisionSignature.EmittedEMSpectra.Add(waveform, magnitudeInKW);// this will need adjusting...

예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// probibly only needs to be done at entity creation, once the bodies mass is set.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The emmision sig.</returns>
        /// <param name="sysBodyInfoDB">Sys body info db.</param>
        /// <param name="massVolDB">Mass vol db.</param>
        internal static void PlanetEmmisionSig(SensorProfileDB profile, SystemBodyInfoDB sysBodyInfoDB, MassVolumeDB massVolDB)
            var    tempDegreesC = sysBodyInfoDB.BaseTemperature;
            var    kelvin       = tempDegreesC + 273.15;
            double b            = 2898000;    //Wien's displacement constant for nanometers.
            var    wavelength   = b / kelvin; //Wien's displacement law https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wien%27s_displacement_law

            var cop         = 5.670373E-8;
            var emisivity   = 1 - sysBodyInfoDB.Albedo;
            var j           = emisivity * cop * Math.Pow(kelvin, 4);
            var surfaceArea = 4 * Math.PI * massVolDB.RadiusInM * massVolDB.RadiusInM;
            var magnitude   = j * surfaceArea * 0.001;

            //-400 & +600, semi arbitrary number pulled outa my ass from 0min of internet research.
            EMWaveForm waveform = new EMWaveForm(wavelength - 400, wavelength, wavelength + 600);

            profile.EmittedEMSpectra.Add(waveform, magnitude);//TODO this may need adjusting to make good balanced detections.
            profile.Reflectivity = sysBodyInfoDB.Albedo;
예제 #9
        public void OnComponentInstallation(Entity parentEntity, ComponentInstance componentInstance)
            if (!parentEntity.HasDataBlob <SensorProfileDB>())
                parentEntity.SetDataBlob(new SensorProfileDB());

            SensorProfileDB _PartSensorProfile = parentEntity.GetDataBlob <SensorProfileDB>();

            if (_PartSensorProfile.EmittedEMSpectra.ContainsKey(PartWaveForm))
                _PartSensorProfile.EmittedEMSpectra[PartWaveForm] = _PartSensorProfile.EmittedEMSpectra[PartWaveForm] + PartWaveFormMag;
                _PartSensorProfile.EmittedEMSpectra.Add(PartWaveForm, PartWaveFormMag);

            parentEntity.SetDataBlob <SensorProfileDB>(_PartSensorProfile);
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Probibly only needs to be done at star creation, unless we do funky stuff like change a stars temprature and stuff.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The star emmision sig.</returns>
        /// <param name="starInfoDB">Star info db.</param>
        /// <param name="starMassVolumeDB">Star mass volume db.</param>
        internal static SensorProfileDB SetStarEmmisionSig(StarInfoDB starInfoDB, MassVolumeDB starMassVolumeDB)
            var        tempDegreesC  = starInfoDB.Temperature;
            var        kelvin        = tempDegreesC + 273.15;
            var        wavelength    = 2.9 * Math.Pow(10, 6) / kelvin;
            var        magnitudeInKW = starInfoDB.Luminosity * 3.827e23; //tempDegreesC / starMassVolumeDB.Volume; //maybe this should be lum / volume?
            EMWaveForm waveform      = new EMWaveForm()
                WavelengthAverage_nm = wavelength,
                WavelengthMin_nm     = wavelength - 300, //3k angstrom, semi arbitrary number pulled outa my ass from 10min of internet research.
                WavelengthMax_nm     = wavelength + 600

            var emisionSignature = new SensorProfileDB()

            emisionSignature.EmittedEMSpectra.Add(waveform, magnitudeInKW);// this will need adjusting...

예제 #11
        public static SensorReturnValues[] GetDetectedEntites(SensorReceverAtbDB sensorAtb, Vector3 position, List <Entity> detectableEntities, DateTime atDate, Guid factionOwner, bool filterSameFaction = true)
            SensorReturnValues[] detectionValues = new SensorReturnValues[detectableEntities.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < detectableEntities.Count; i++)
                var detectableEntity = detectableEntities[i];
                if (filterSameFaction && detectableEntity.FactionOwner == factionOwner)
                    SensorProfileDB detectableProfile = detectableEntity.GetDataBlob <SensorProfileDB>();
                    PositionDB      detectablePosDB   = detectableEntity.GetDataBlob <PositionDB>();
                    if (detectablePosDB == null)
                        StaticRefLib.EventLog.AddEvent(new Event("Error: Attempt to get a sensor position on a positionless entity, ID: " + detectableEntity.Guid));

                    //TODO: check if the below actualy saves us anything. it might be better just to seperatly loop through each of the entites and set the reflection profiles every so often..
                    TimeSpan timeSinceLastCalc     = atDate - detectableProfile.LastDatetimeOfReflectionSet;
                    double   distanceSinceLastCalc = detectablePosDB.GetDistanceTo_m(detectableProfile.LastPositionOfReflectionSet);
                    if (timeSinceLastCalc > TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30) || distanceSinceLastCalc > 5000) //TODO: move the time and distance numbers here to settings?
                        SetReflectedEMProfile.SetEntityProfile(detectableEntity, atDate);

                    var distance                      = detectablePosDB.GetDistanceTo_m(position);
                    var attentuatedSignal             = AttenuatedForDistance(detectableProfile, distance);
                    SensorReturnValues detectionValue = DetectonQuality(sensorAtb, attentuatedSignal);
                    //if(detectionValue.SignalStrength_kW > 0)
                    detectionValues[i] = detectionValue;

예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// returns a dictionary of all emmisions including reflected emmisions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The for distance.</returns>
        /// <param name="emissionProfile">Emission.</param>
        /// <param name="distance">Distance.</param>
        public static Dictionary <EMWaveForm, double> AttenuatedForDistance(SensorProfileDB emissionProfile, double distance)
            var dict = new Dictionary <EMWaveForm, double>();

            foreach (var emitedItem in emissionProfile.EmittedEMSpectra)
                var powerAtDistance = AttenuationCalc(emitedItem.Value, distance);
                dict.Add(emitedItem.Key, powerAtDistance);
            foreach (var reflectedItem in emissionProfile.ReflectedEMSpectra)
                var reflectedValue = AttenuationCalc(reflectedItem.Value, distance);
                if (!dict.ContainsKey(reflectedItem.Key))
                    dict.Add(reflectedItem.Key, reflectedValue);
                    dict[reflectedItem.Key] += reflectedValue;
예제 #13
        internal static void DetectEntites(SystemSensorContacts sensorMgr, FactionInfoDB factionInfo, PositionDB receverPos, SensorReceverAtbDB receverDB, Entity detectableEntity, DateTime atDate)
            Entity receverFaction = sensorMgr.FactionEntity;
            //Entity receverFaction;// = receverDB.OwningEntity.GetDataBlob<OwnedDB>().OwnedByFaction;
            //detectableEntity.Manager.FindEntityByGuid(receverDB.OwningEntity.FactionOwner, out receverFaction);
            var knownContacts  = factionInfo.SensorContacts; //receverFaction.GetDataBlob<FactionInfoDB>().SensorEntites;
            var knownContacts1 = sensorMgr.GetAllContacts();

            SensorProfileDB sensorProfile = detectableEntity.GetDataBlob <SensorProfileDB>();

            TimeSpan   timeSinceLastCalc       = atDate - sensorProfile.LastDatetimeOfReflectionSet;
            PositionDB positionOfSensorProfile = detectableEntity.GetDataBlob <PositionDB>();//sensorProfile.OwningEntity.GetDataBlob<ComponentInstanceInfoDB>().ParentEntity.GetDataBlob<PositionDB>();
            double     distanceSinceLastCalc   = PositionDB.GetDistanceBetween_m(sensorProfile.LastPositionOfReflectionSet, positionOfSensorProfile);

            //Only set the reflectedEMProfile of the target if it's not been done recently:
            //TODO: is this still neccicary now that I've found and fixed the loop? (refelctions were getting bounced around)
            if (timeSinceLastCalc > TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30) || distanceSinceLastCalc > 5000) //TODO: move the time and distance numbers here to settings?
                SetReflectedEMProfile.SetEntityProfile(detectableEntity, atDate);

            PositionDB targetPosition;

            if (detectableEntity.HasDataBlob <PositionDB>())
                targetPosition = detectableEntity.GetDataBlob <PositionDB>();
                throw new NotImplementedException("This might be a colony on a planet, not sure how I'll handle that yet");

            var distance = PositionDB.GetDistanceBetween_AU(receverPos, targetPosition);
            SensorReturnValues detectionValues = DetectonQuality(receverDB, AttenuatedForDistance(sensorProfile, distance));
            SensorInfoDB       sensorInfo;

            if (detectionValues.SignalStrength_kW > 0.0)
                if (sensorMgr.SensorContactExists(detectableEntity.Guid))
                    //sensorInfo = knownContacts[detectableEntity.Guid].GetDataBlob<SensorInfoDB>();
                    sensorInfo = sensorMgr.GetSensorContact(detectableEntity.Guid).SensorInfo;
                    sensorInfo.LatestDetectionQuality = detectionValues;
                    sensorInfo.LastDetection          = atDate;
                    if (sensorInfo.HighestDetectionQuality.SignalQuality < detectionValues.SignalQuality)
                        sensorInfo.HighestDetectionQuality.SignalQuality = detectionValues.SignalQuality;

                    if (sensorInfo.HighestDetectionQuality.SignalStrength_kW < detectionValues.SignalStrength_kW)
                        sensorInfo.HighestDetectionQuality.SignalStrength_kW = detectionValues.SignalStrength_kW;
                    SensorEntityFactory.UpdateSensorContact(receverFaction, sensorInfo);
                    SensorContact contact = new SensorContact(receverFaction, detectableEntity, atDate);

                    //knownContacts.Add(detectableEntity.Guid, SensorEntityFactory.UpdateSensorContact(receverFaction, sensorInfo)); moved this line to the SensorInfoDB constructor
예제 #14
        internal static SensorReturnValues DetectonQuality(SensorReceverAtbDB recever, SensorProfileDB target)
             * Thoughts (spitballing):
             * What we need:
             * detect enough of a signal to get a position
             * decide what "enough" is. probibly get this from the signal strength. - should the target SensorSigDB define what enough is?
             * we could require more than one detection (ie two ships in different locations) to get an acurate position, but that could get tricky to code.
             * and how would we display a non acurate position? maybe a line out to a question mark, showing the angle of detection but not range?
             * detect enough of a signal to get intel if it's a ship
             * decide what "enough" for this is. maybe compare the detected waveform and the emited waveform and compare the angles to see if the triangle is simular.
             * it'd be nifty if we could include background noise in there too, ie so ships close to a sun would be hidden.
             * also have resoulution be required to pick out multiple ships close together instead of just one big signal.
             * With range attenuation, we'll never get the full signal uneless we're right ontop of it.
             * maybe if we get half the emited strength and its a simular triange (all same angles) we get "Full" intel?
             * should we add time into the mix as well? multiple detections over a given time period to get position/velocity/orbitDB?
             * how are multiple components on a ship going to work? they are entitys in and of themselfs, so they could have a SensorSigDB all of thier own.
             * that could help with getting intel on individual components of a target.
             * recever resolution should play into how much gets detected.
             * Note that each entity will(may) have multiple waveforms.
             * Data that can be glened from this detection system:
             * detectedStrength (altitide of the intersecting triangle)
             * detectedArea - the area of the detected intersection, could compare this to the target signal as well.
             * compare angles of the detected intersection and the target signal to see if the shape is simular?
             * if range is known acurately, this could affect the intel gathered.
            var        myPosition = recever.OwningEntity.GetDataBlob <ComponentInstanceInfoDB>().ParentEntity.GetDataBlob <PositionDB>();//recever is a componentDB. not a shipDB
            PositionDB targetPosition;

            if (target.OwningEntity.HasDataBlob <PositionDB>())
                targetPosition = target.OwningEntity.GetDataBlob <PositionDB>();
                targetPosition = target.OwningEntity.GetDataBlob <ComponentInstanceInfoDB>().ParentEntity.GetDataBlob <PositionDB>();//target may be a componentDB. not a shipDB
            double distance = PositionDB.GetDistanceBetween(myPosition, targetPosition);

            var detectionResolution = recever.Resolution;

            var signalAtPosition = AttenuatedForDistance(target, distance);

            double       receverSensitivityFreqMin   = recever.RecevingWaveformCapabilty.WavelengthMin_nm;
            double       receverSensitivityFreqAvg   = recever.RecevingWaveformCapabilty.WavelengthAverage_nm;
            double       receverSensitivityFreqMax   = recever.RecevingWaveformCapabilty.WavelengthMax_nm;
            double       receverSensitivityBest      = recever.BestSensitivity_kW;
            double       receverSensitivityAltitiude = recever.BestSensitivity_kW - recever.WorstSensitivity_kW;
            PercentValue quality           = new PercentValue(0.0f);
            double       detectedMagnatude = 0;

            foreach (var waveSpectra in signalAtPosition)
                double signalWaveSpectraFreqMin      = waveSpectra.Key.WavelengthMin_nm;
                double signalWaveSpectraFreqAvg      = waveSpectra.Key.WavelengthAverage_nm;
                double signalWaveSpectraFreqMax      = waveSpectra.Key.WavelengthMax_nm;
                double signalWaveSpectraMagnatude_kW = waveSpectra.Value;

                if (signalWaveSpectraMagnatude_kW > recever.BestSensitivity_kW) //check if the sensitivy is enough to pick anything up at any frequency.
                    if (Math.Max(receverSensitivityFreqMin, signalWaveSpectraFreqMin) < Math.Max(signalWaveSpectraFreqMin, signalWaveSpectraFreqMax))
                        //we've got something we can detect
                        double minDetectableWavelength = Math.Min(receverSensitivityFreqMin, signalWaveSpectraFreqMin);
                        double maxDetectableWavelenght = Math.Min(receverSensitivityFreqMax, signalWaveSpectraFreqMax);

                        double detectedAngleA = Math.Atan(receverSensitivityAltitiude / (receverSensitivityFreqAvg - receverSensitivityFreqMin));
                        double receverBaseLen = maxDetectableWavelenght - minDetectableWavelength;
                        double detectedAngleB = Math.Atan(signalWaveSpectraMagnatude_kW / (signalWaveSpectraFreqAvg - signalWaveSpectraFreqMax));

                        bool   doesIntersect;
                        double intersectPointX;
                        double intersectPointY;
                        double distortion;

                        if (signalWaveSpectraFreqAvg < receverSensitivityFreqAvg)  //RightsideDetection (recever's ideal wavelenght is higher than the signal wavelenght at it's loudest)
                            doesIntersect = Get_line_intersection(
                                signalWaveSpectraFreqAvg, signalWaveSpectraMagnatude_kW,
                                signalWaveSpectraFreqMin, 0,

                                receverSensitivityFreqAvg, recever.BestSensitivity_kW,
                                receverSensitivityFreqMax, recever.WorstSensitivity_kW,

                                out intersectPointX, out intersectPointY);
                            //offsetFromCenter = intersectPointX - signalWaveSpectraFreqAvg; //was going to use this for distortion but decided to simplify.
                            distortion = receverSensitivityFreqAvg - signalWaveSpectraFreqAvg;
                        else                                                        //LeftSideDetection
                            doesIntersect = Get_line_intersection(
                                signalWaveSpectraFreqAvg, signalWaveSpectraMagnatude_kW,
                                signalWaveSpectraFreqMax, 0,

                                receverSensitivityFreqAvg, recever.BestSensitivity_kW,
                                receverSensitivityFreqMin, recever.WorstSensitivity_kW,

                                out intersectPointX, out intersectPointY);
                            //offsetFromCenter = intersectPointX - signalWaveSpectraFreqAvg;
                            distortion = signalWaveSpectraFreqAvg - receverSensitivityFreqAvg;

                        if (doesIntersect) // then we're not detecting the peak of the signal
                            detectedMagnatude = intersectPointY - recever.BestSensitivity_kW;
                            distortion       *= 2; //pentalty to quality of signal
                            detectedMagnatude = signalWaveSpectraMagnatude_kW - recever.BestSensitivity_kW;

                        quality = new PercentValue((float)(100 - distortion / signalWaveSpectraFreqMax));

            return(new SensorReturnValues()
                SignalStrength_kW = detectedMagnatude,
                SignalQuality = quality
예제 #15
        public static Entity CreateAsteroid2(StarSystem starSys, Entity target, DateTime collisionDate, double asteroidMass = -1.0)
            //todo rand these a bit.
            double radius = Distance.KmToAU(0.5);

            double mass;

            if (asteroidMass == -1.0)
                mass = 1.5e+12; //about 1.5 billion tonne
                mass = asteroidMass;
            Vector3 velocity = new Vector3(8, 7, 0);

            var position     = new PositionDB(0, 0, 0, Guid.Empty);
            var massVolume   = MassVolumeDB.NewFromMassAndRadius(mass, radius);
            var planetInfo   = new SystemBodyInfoDB();
            var balisticTraj = new NewtonBalisticDB(target.Guid, collisionDate);
            var name         = new NameDB("Ellie");
            var AsteroidDmg  = new AsteroidDamageDB();
            var sensorPfil   = new SensorProfileDB();

            planetInfo.SupportsPopulations = false;
            planetInfo.BodyType            = BodyType.Asteroid;

            Vector3  targetPos       = OrbitProcessor.GetAbsolutePosition_AU(target.GetDataBlob <OrbitDB>(), collisionDate);
            TimeSpan timeToCollision = collisionDate - StaticRefLib.CurrentDateTime;

            Vector3 offset = velocity * timeToCollision.TotalSeconds;

            targetPos -= Distance.KmToAU(offset);
            position.AbsolutePosition_AU = targetPos;
            position.SystemGuid          = starSys.Guid;
            balisticTraj.CurrentSpeed    = velocity;

            var parent          = target.GetDataBlob <OrbitDB>().Parent;
            var parentMass      = parent.GetDataBlob <MassVolumeDB>().Mass;
            var myMass          = massVolume.Mass;
            var mySemiMajorAxis = 5.055;
            var myEccentricity  = 0.8;
            var myInclination   = 0;
            var myLoAN          = 0;
            var myAoP           = -10;
            //var EccentricAnomaly = Math.Atan2()
            //var meanAnomaly =;
            double myLoP       = 0;
            double myMeanLongd = 355.5;
            //OrbitDB orbit = OrbitDB.FromAsteroidFormat(parent, parentMass, myMass, mySemiMajorAxis, myEccentricity, myInclination, myLoAN, myAoP, meanAnomaly, starSys.Game.CurrentDateTime);
            OrbitDB orbit = OrbitDB.FromMajorPlanetFormat(parent, parentMass, myMass, mySemiMajorAxis, myEccentricity, myInclination, myLoAN, myLoP, myMeanLongd, StaticRefLib.CurrentDateTime);

            var planetDBs = new List <BaseDataBlob>

            Entity newELE = new Entity(starSys, planetDBs);

예제 #16
 public SensorProfileDB(SensorProfileDB db)
     EmittedEMSpectra    = new Dictionary <EMWaveForm, double>(db.EmittedEMSpectra);
     ReflectedEMSpectra  = new Dictionary <EMWaveForm, double>(db.ReflectedEMSpectra);
     _targetCrossSection = db._targetCrossSection;
예제 #17
        public StarSystem CreateTestSystem(Game game, int x = 0, int y = 0)
            StarSystem sol = new StarSystem(game, "something", -1);

            Entity sun = _starFactory.CreateStar(sol, GameConstants.Units.SolarMassInKG, GameConstants.Units.SolarRadiusInAu, 4.6E9, "G", 5778, 1, SpectralType.G, "something");

            sun.GetDataBlob <PositionDB>().X_AU += x;
            sun.GetDataBlob <PositionDB>().Y_AU += x;

            MassVolumeDB sunMVDB = sun.GetDataBlob <MassVolumeDB>();

            SystemBodyInfoDB mercuryBodyDB = new SystemBodyInfoDB {
                BodyType = BodyType.Terrestrial, SupportsPopulations = true, Albedo = 0.068f
            };                                                                                                                                      //Albedo = 0.068f
            MassVolumeDB mercuryMVDB         = MassVolumeDB.NewFromMassAndRadius_AU(3.3022E23, Distance.KmToAU(2439.7));
            NameDB       mercuryNameDB       = new NameDB("LOLXDWTF");
            double       mercurySemiMajAxis  = 0.387098;
            double       mercuryEccentricity = 0.205630;
            double       mercuryInclination  = 0;
            double       mercuryLoAN         = 48.33167;
            double       mercuryLoP          = 77.45645;
            double       mercuryMeanLongd    = 252.25084;
            OrbitDB      mercuryOrbitDB      = OrbitDB.FromMajorPlanetFormat(sun, sunMVDB.MassDry, mercuryMVDB.MassDry, mercurySemiMajAxis, mercuryEccentricity, mercuryInclination, mercuryLoAN, mercuryLoP, mercuryMeanLongd, GalaxyGen.Settings.J2000);
            PositionDB   mercuryPositionDB   = new PositionDB(OrbitProcessor.GetPosition_AU(mercuryOrbitDB, StaticRefLib.CurrentDateTime), sol.Guid, sun);
            //AtmosphereDB mercuryAtmo = new AtmosphereDB();
            SensorProfileDB sensorProfile = new SensorProfileDB();

            mercuryPositionDB.X_AU += x;
            mercuryPositionDB.Y_AU += x;
            Entity mercury = new Entity(sol, new List <BaseDataBlob> {
                sensorProfile, mercuryPositionDB, mercuryBodyDB, mercuryMVDB, mercuryNameDB, mercuryOrbitDB

            _systemBodyFactory.MineralGeneration(game.StaticData, sol, mercury);
            SensorProcessorTools.PlanetEmmisionSig(sensorProfile, mercuryBodyDB, mercuryMVDB);

            SystemBodyInfoDB venusBodyDB = new SystemBodyInfoDB {
                BodyType = BodyType.Terrestrial, SupportsPopulations = true, Albedo = 0.77f
            MassVolumeDB venusMVDB         = MassVolumeDB.NewFromMassAndRadius_AU(4.8676E24, Distance.KmToAU(6051.8));
            NameDB       venusNameDB       = new NameDB("AYLMAOROFL");
            double       venusSemiMajAxis  = 0.72333199;
            double       venusEccentricity = 0.00677323;
            double       venusInclination  = 0;
            double       venusLoAN         = 76.68069;
            double       venusLoP          = 131.53298;
            double       venusMeanLongd    = 181.97973;
            OrbitDB      venusOrbitDB      = OrbitDB.FromMajorPlanetFormat(sun, sunMVDB.MassDry, venusMVDB.MassDry, venusSemiMajAxis, venusEccentricity, venusInclination, venusLoAN, venusLoP, venusMeanLongd, GalaxyGen.Settings.J2000);
            PositionDB   venusPositionDB   = new PositionDB(OrbitProcessor.GetPosition_AU(venusOrbitDB, StaticRefLib.CurrentDateTime), sol.Guid, sun);

            sensorProfile = new SensorProfileDB();
            Entity venus = new Entity(sol, new List <BaseDataBlob> {
                sensorProfile, venusPositionDB, venusBodyDB, venusMVDB, venusNameDB, venusOrbitDB

            _systemBodyFactory.MineralGeneration(game.StaticData, sol, venus);
            SensorProcessorTools.PlanetEmmisionSig(sensorProfile, venusBodyDB, venusMVDB);

            SystemBodyInfoDB earthBodyDB = new SystemBodyInfoDB {
                BodyType = BodyType.Terrestrial, SupportsPopulations = true, Albedo = 0.306f
            MassVolumeDB earthMVDB         = MassVolumeDB.NewFromMassAndRadius_AU(5.9726E24, Distance.KmToAU(6378.1));
            NameDB       earthNameDB       = new NameDB("OMG");
            double       earthSemiMajAxis  = 1.00000011;
            double       earthEccentricity = 0.01671022;
            double       earthInclination  = 0;
            double       earthLoAN         = -11.26064;
            double       earthLoP          = 102.94719;
            double       earthMeanLongd    = 100.46435;
            OrbitDB      earthOrbitDB      = OrbitDB.FromMajorPlanetFormat(sun, sunMVDB.MassDry, earthMVDB.MassDry, earthSemiMajAxis, earthEccentricity, earthInclination, earthLoAN, earthLoP, earthMeanLongd, GalaxyGen.Settings.J2000);

            earthBodyDB.Tectonics = TectonicActivity.EarthLike;
            PositionDB earthPositionDB = new PositionDB(OrbitProcessor.GetPosition_AU(earthOrbitDB, StaticRefLib.CurrentDateTime), sol.Guid, sun);
            Dictionary <AtmosphericGasSD, float> atmoGasses = new Dictionary <AtmosphericGasSD, float>();

            atmoGasses.Add(game.StaticData.AtmosphericGases.SelectAt(6), 0.78f);
            atmoGasses.Add(game.StaticData.AtmosphericGases.SelectAt(9), 0.12f);
            atmoGasses.Add(game.StaticData.AtmosphericGases.SelectAt(11), 0.01f);
            AtmosphereDB earthAtmosphereDB = new AtmosphereDB(1f, true, 71, 1f, 1f, 57.2f, atmoGasses); //TODO what's our greenhouse factor an pressure?

            sensorProfile = new SensorProfileDB();
            Entity earth = new Entity(sol, new List <BaseDataBlob> {
                sensorProfile, earthPositionDB, earthBodyDB, earthMVDB, earthNameDB, earthOrbitDB, earthAtmosphereDB

            _systemBodyFactory.HomeworldMineralGeneration(game.StaticData, sol, earth);
            SensorProcessorTools.PlanetEmmisionSig(sensorProfile, earthBodyDB, earthMVDB);

            SystemBodyInfoDB lunaBodyDB = new SystemBodyInfoDB {
                BodyType = BodyType.Moon, SupportsPopulations = true
            MassVolumeDB lunaMVDB         = MassVolumeDB.NewFromMassAndRadius_AU(0.073E24, Distance.KmToAU(1738.14));
            NameDB       lunaNameDB       = new NameDB("NOWAY");
            double       lunaSemiMajAxis  = Distance.KmToAU(0.3844E6);
            double       lunaEccentricity = 0.0549;
            double       lunaInclination  = 0;//5.1;
            // Next three values are unimportant. Luna's LoAN and AoP regress/progress by one revolution every 18.6/8.85 years respectively.
            // Our orbit code it not advanced enough to deal with LoAN/AoP regression/progression.
            double     lunaLoAN        = 125.08;
            double     lunaAoP         = 318.0634;
            double     lunaMeanAnomaly = 115.3654;
            OrbitDB    lunaOrbitDB     = OrbitDB.FromAsteroidFormat(earth, earthMVDB.MassDry, lunaMVDB.MassDry, lunaSemiMajAxis, lunaEccentricity, lunaInclination, lunaLoAN, lunaAoP, lunaMeanAnomaly, GalaxyGen.Settings.J2000);
            PositionDB lunaPositionDB  = new PositionDB(OrbitProcessor.GetPosition_AU(lunaOrbitDB, StaticRefLib.CurrentDateTime) + earthPositionDB.AbsolutePosition_AU, sol.Guid, earth);

            sensorProfile = new SensorProfileDB();
            Entity luna = new Entity(sol, new List <BaseDataBlob> {
                sensorProfile, lunaPositionDB, lunaBodyDB, lunaMVDB, lunaNameDB, lunaOrbitDB

            _systemBodyFactory.MineralGeneration(game.StaticData, sol, luna);
            SensorProcessorTools.PlanetEmmisionSig(sensorProfile, lunaBodyDB, lunaMVDB);

            SystemBodyInfoDB halleysBodyDB = new SystemBodyInfoDB {
                BodyType = BodyType.Comet, SupportsPopulations = false, Albedo = 0.04f
            };                                                                                                                                 //Albedo = 0.04f
            MassVolumeDB halleysMVDB         = MassVolumeDB.NewFromMassAndRadius_AU(2.2e14, Distance.KmToAU(11));
            NameDB       halleysNameDB       = new NameDB("ASSHOLE");
            double       halleysSemiMajAxis  = 17.834;                                                                                                     //AU
            double       halleysEccentricity = 0.96714;
            double       halleysInclination  = 180;                                                                                                        //162.26° note retrograde orbit.
            double       halleysLoAN         = 58.42;                                                                                                      //°
            double       halleysAoP          = 111.33;                                                                                                     //°
            double       halleysMeanAnomaly  = 38.38;                                                                                                      //°
            OrbitDB      halleysOrbitDB      = OrbitDB.FromAsteroidFormat(sun, sunMVDB.MassDry, halleysMVDB.MassDry, halleysSemiMajAxis, halleysEccentricity, halleysInclination, halleysLoAN, halleysAoP, halleysMeanAnomaly, new System.DateTime(1994, 2, 17));
            PositionDB   halleysPositionDB   = new PositionDB(OrbitProcessor.GetPosition_AU(halleysOrbitDB, StaticRefLib.CurrentDateTime), sol.Guid, sun); // + earthPositionDB.AbsolutePosition_AU, sol.ID);

            sensorProfile = new SensorProfileDB();
            Entity halleysComet = new Entity(sol, new List <BaseDataBlob> {
                sensorProfile, halleysPositionDB, halleysBodyDB, halleysMVDB, halleysNameDB, halleysOrbitDB

            _systemBodyFactory.MineralGeneration(game.StaticData, sol, halleysComet);
            SensorProcessorTools.PlanetEmmisionSig(sensorProfile, halleysBodyDB, halleysMVDB);


            game.GameMasterFaction.GetDataBlob <FactionInfoDB>().KnownSystems.Add(sol.Guid);
예제 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates our own solar system.
        /// This probibly needs to be Json! (since we're getting atmo stuff)
        /// Adds sol to game.StarSystems.
        /// </summary>
        public StarSystem CreateSol(Game game)
            // WIP Function. Not complete.
            StarSystem sol = new StarSystem(game, "Sol", -1);

            Entity sun = _starFactory.CreateStar(sol, GameConstants.Units.SolarMassInKG, GameConstants.Units.SolarRadiusInAu, 4.6E9, "G", 5778, 1, SpectralType.G, "Sol");

            MassVolumeDB sunMVDB = sun.GetDataBlob <MassVolumeDB>();

            SystemBodyInfoDB mercuryBodyDB = new SystemBodyInfoDB {
                BodyType = BodyType.Terrestrial, SupportsPopulations = true, Albedo = 0.068f
            };                                                                                                                                      //Albedo = 0.068f
            MassVolumeDB mercuryMVDB         = MassVolumeDB.NewFromMassAndRadius_AU(3.3022E23, Distance.KmToAU(2439.7));
            NameDB       mercuryNameDB       = new NameDB("Mercury");
            double       mercurySemiMajAxis  = 0.387098;
            double       mercuryEccentricity = 0.205630;
            double       mercuryInclination  = 0;
            double       mercuryLoAN         = 48.33167;
            double       mercuryLoP          = 77.45645;
            double       mercuryMeanLongd    = 252.25084;
            OrbitDB      mercuryOrbitDB      = OrbitDB.FromMajorPlanetFormat(sun, sunMVDB.MassDry, mercuryMVDB.MassDry, mercurySemiMajAxis, mercuryEccentricity, mercuryInclination, mercuryLoAN, mercuryLoP, mercuryMeanLongd, GalaxyGen.Settings.J2000);

            mercuryBodyDB.BaseTemperature = (float)SystemBodyFactory.CalculateBaseTemperatureOfBody(sun, mercuryOrbitDB);
            PositionDB mercuryPositionDB = new PositionDB(OrbitProcessor.GetPosition_AU(mercuryOrbitDB, StaticRefLib.CurrentDateTime), sol.Guid, sun);
            //AtmosphereDB mercuryAtmo = new AtmosphereDB();
            SensorProfileDB sensorProfile = new SensorProfileDB();
            Entity          mercury       = new Entity(sol, new List <BaseDataBlob> {
                sensorProfile, mercuryPositionDB, mercuryBodyDB, mercuryMVDB, mercuryNameDB, mercuryOrbitDB

            _systemBodyFactory.MineralGeneration(game.StaticData, sol, mercury);
            SensorProcessorTools.PlanetEmmisionSig(sensorProfile, mercuryBodyDB, mercuryMVDB);

            SystemBodyInfoDB venusBodyDB = new SystemBodyInfoDB {
                BodyType = BodyType.Terrestrial, SupportsPopulations = true, Albedo = 0.77f
            MassVolumeDB venusMVDB         = MassVolumeDB.NewFromMassAndRadius_AU(4.8676E24, Distance.KmToAU(6051.8));
            NameDB       venusNameDB       = new NameDB("Venus");
            double       venusSemiMajAxis  = 0.72333199;
            double       venusEccentricity = 0.00677323;
            double       venusInclination  = 0;
            double       venusLoAN         = 76.68069;
            double       venusLoP          = 131.53298;
            double       venusMeanLongd    = 181.97973;

            OrbitDB venusOrbitDB = OrbitDB.FromMajorPlanetFormat(sun, sunMVDB.MassDry, venusMVDB.MassDry, venusSemiMajAxis, venusEccentricity, venusInclination, venusLoAN, venusLoP, venusMeanLongd, GalaxyGen.Settings.J2000);

            venusBodyDB.BaseTemperature = (float)SystemBodyFactory.CalculateBaseTemperatureOfBody(sun, venusOrbitDB);
            PositionDB venusPositionDB = new PositionDB(OrbitProcessor.GetPosition_AU(venusOrbitDB, StaticRefLib.CurrentDateTime), sol.Guid, sun);

            sensorProfile = new SensorProfileDB();
            Entity venus = new Entity(sol, new List <BaseDataBlob> {
                sensorProfile, venusPositionDB, venusBodyDB, venusMVDB, venusNameDB, venusOrbitDB

            _systemBodyFactory.MineralGeneration(game.StaticData, sol, venus);
            SensorProcessorTools.PlanetEmmisionSig(sensorProfile, venusBodyDB, venusMVDB);

            SystemBodyInfoDB earthBodyDB = new SystemBodyInfoDB {
                BodyType = BodyType.Terrestrial, SupportsPopulations = true, Albedo = 0.306f
            MassVolumeDB earthMVDB         = MassVolumeDB.NewFromMassAndRadius_AU(5.9726E24, Distance.KmToAU(6378.1));
            NameDB       earthNameDB       = new NameDB("Earth");
            double       earthSemiMajAxis  = 1.00000011;
            double       earthEccentricity = 0.01671022;
            double       earthInclination  = 0;
            double       earthLoAN         = -11.26064;
            double       earthLoP          = 102.94719;
            double       earthMeanLongd    = 100.46435;
            OrbitDB      earthOrbitDB      = OrbitDB.FromMajorPlanetFormat(sun, sunMVDB.MassDry, earthMVDB.MassDry, earthSemiMajAxis, earthEccentricity, earthInclination, earthLoAN, earthLoP, earthMeanLongd, GalaxyGen.Settings.J2000);

            earthBodyDB.BaseTemperature = (float)SystemBodyFactory.CalculateBaseTemperatureOfBody(sun, earthOrbitDB);
            earthBodyDB.Tectonics       = TectonicActivity.EarthLike;
            PositionDB earthPositionDB = new PositionDB(OrbitProcessor.GetPosition_AU(earthOrbitDB, StaticRefLib.CurrentDateTime), sol.Guid, sun);
            Dictionary <AtmosphericGasSD, float> atmoGasses = new Dictionary <AtmosphericGasSD, float>();

            atmoGasses.Add(game.StaticData.AtmosphericGases.SelectAt(6), 0.78f);
            atmoGasses.Add(game.StaticData.AtmosphericGases.SelectAt(9), 0.12f);
            atmoGasses.Add(game.StaticData.AtmosphericGases.SelectAt(11), 0.01f);
            AtmosphereDB earthAtmosphereDB = new AtmosphereDB(1f, true, 71, 1f, 1f, 57.2f, atmoGasses); //TODO what's our greenhouse factor an pressure?

            sensorProfile = new SensorProfileDB();
            Entity earth = new Entity(sol, new List <BaseDataBlob> {
                sensorProfile, earthPositionDB, earthBodyDB, earthMVDB, earthNameDB, earthOrbitDB, earthAtmosphereDB

            _systemBodyFactory.HomeworldMineralGeneration(game.StaticData, sol, earth);
            SensorProcessorTools.PlanetEmmisionSig(sensorProfile, earthBodyDB, earthMVDB);

            SystemBodyInfoDB lunaBodyDB = new SystemBodyInfoDB {
                BodyType = BodyType.Moon, SupportsPopulations = true
            MassVolumeDB lunaMVDB         = MassVolumeDB.NewFromMassAndRadius_AU(0.073E24, Distance.KmToAU(1738.14));
            NameDB       lunaNameDB       = new NameDB("Luna");
            double       lunaSemiMajAxis  = Distance.KmToAU(0.3844E6);
            double       lunaEccentricity = 0.0549;
            double       lunaInclination  = 0;//5.1;
            // Next three values are unimportant. Luna's LoAN and AoP regress/progress by one revolution every 18.6/8.85 years respectively.
            // Our orbit code it not advanced enough to deal with LoAN/AoP regression/progression.
            double  lunaLoAN        = 125.08;
            double  lunaAoP         = 318.0634;
            double  lunaMeanAnomaly = 115.3654;
            OrbitDB lunaOrbitDB     = OrbitDB.FromAsteroidFormat(earth, earthMVDB.MassDry, lunaMVDB.MassDry, lunaSemiMajAxis, lunaEccentricity, lunaInclination, lunaLoAN, lunaAoP, lunaMeanAnomaly, GalaxyGen.Settings.J2000);

            lunaBodyDB.BaseTemperature = (float)SystemBodyFactory.CalculateBaseTemperatureOfBody(sun, earthOrbitDB); //yes, using earth orbit here, since this is the DB it calculates the average distance from.

            PositionDB lunaPositionDB = new PositionDB(OrbitProcessor.GetPosition_AU(lunaOrbitDB, StaticRefLib.CurrentDateTime) + earthPositionDB.AbsolutePosition_AU, sol.Guid, earth);

            sensorProfile = new SensorProfileDB();
            Entity luna = new Entity(sol, new List <BaseDataBlob> {
                sensorProfile, lunaPositionDB, lunaBodyDB, lunaMVDB, lunaNameDB, lunaOrbitDB

            _systemBodyFactory.MineralGeneration(game.StaticData, sol, luna);
            SensorProcessorTools.PlanetEmmisionSig(sensorProfile, lunaBodyDB, lunaMVDB);

            SystemBodyInfoDB marsBodyDB = new SystemBodyInfoDB {
                BodyType = BodyType.Terrestrial, SupportsPopulations = true, Albedo = 0.25f
            MassVolumeDB marsMVDB         = MassVolumeDB.NewFromMassAndRadius_AU(0.64174E24, Distance.KmToAU(3396.2));
            NameDB       marsNameDB       = new NameDB("Mars");
            double       marsSemiMajAxis  = Distance.KmToAU(227.92E6);
            double       marsEccentricity = 0.0934; //wiki says .0934
            double       marsInclination  = 0;      //1.85;
            double       marsLoAN         = 49.57854;
            double       marsAoP          = 336.04084;
            double       marsMeanLong     = 355.45332;
            OrbitDB      marsOrbitDB      = OrbitDB.FromMajorPlanetFormat(sun, sunMVDB.MassDry, marsMVDB.MassDry, marsSemiMajAxis, marsEccentricity, marsInclination, marsLoAN, marsAoP, marsMeanLong, GalaxyGen.Settings.J2000);

            marsBodyDB.BaseTemperature = (float)SystemBodyFactory.CalculateBaseTemperatureOfBody(sun, marsOrbitDB);
            Dictionary <AtmosphericGasSD, float> marsAtmoGasses = new Dictionary <AtmosphericGasSD, float>();

            marsAtmoGasses.Add(game.StaticData.AtmosphericGases.SelectAt(12), 0.95f * 0.01f);   // C02% * Mars Atms
            marsAtmoGasses.Add(game.StaticData.AtmosphericGases.SelectAt(6), 0.027f * 0.01f);   // N% * Mars Atms
            marsAtmoGasses.Add(game.StaticData.AtmosphericGases.SelectAt(9), 0.007f * 0.01f);   // O% * Mars Atms
            marsAtmoGasses.Add(game.StaticData.AtmosphericGases.SelectAt(11), 0.016f * 0.01f);  // Ar% * Mars Atms
            AtmosphereDB marsAtmo       = new AtmosphereDB(0.087f, false, 0, 0, 0, -55, marsAtmoGasses);
            PositionDB   marsPositionDB = new PositionDB(OrbitProcessor.GetPosition_AU(marsOrbitDB, StaticRefLib.CurrentDateTime), sol.Guid, sun);

            sensorProfile = new SensorProfileDB();
            Entity mars = new Entity(sol, new List <BaseDataBlob> {
                sensorProfile, marsPositionDB, marsBodyDB, marsMVDB, marsNameDB, marsOrbitDB, marsAtmo

            _systemBodyFactory.MineralGeneration(game.StaticData, sol, mars);
            SensorProcessorTools.PlanetEmmisionSig(sensorProfile, marsBodyDB, marsMVDB);

            SystemBodyInfoDB halleysBodyDB = new SystemBodyInfoDB {
                BodyType = BodyType.Comet, SupportsPopulations = false, Albedo = 0.04f
            };                                                                                                                                 //Albedo = 0.04f
            MassVolumeDB halleysMVDB         = MassVolumeDB.NewFromMassAndRadius_AU(2.2e14, Distance.KmToAU(11));
            NameDB       halleysNameDB       = new NameDB("Halleys Comet");
            double       halleysSemiMajAxis  = 17.834; //AU
            double       halleysEccentricity = 0.96714;
            double       halleysInclination  = 180;    //162.26° note retrograde orbit.
            double       halleysLoAN         = 58.42;  //°
            double       halleysAoP          = 111.33; //°
            double       halleysMeanAnomaly  = 38.38;  //°
            OrbitDB      halleysOrbitDB      = OrbitDB.FromAsteroidFormat(sun, sunMVDB.MassDry, halleysMVDB.MassDry, halleysSemiMajAxis, halleysEccentricity, halleysInclination, halleysLoAN, halleysAoP, halleysMeanAnomaly, new System.DateTime(1994, 2, 17));

            halleysBodyDB.BaseTemperature = (float)SystemBodyFactory.CalculateBaseTemperatureOfBody(sun, halleysOrbitDB);
            PositionDB halleysPositionDB = new PositionDB(OrbitProcessor.GetPosition_AU(halleysOrbitDB, StaticRefLib.CurrentDateTime), sol.Guid, sun); // + earthPositionDB.AbsolutePosition_AU, sol.ID);

            sensorProfile = new SensorProfileDB();
            Entity halleysComet = new Entity(sol, new List <BaseDataBlob> {
                sensorProfile, halleysPositionDB, halleysBodyDB, halleysMVDB, halleysNameDB, halleysOrbitDB

            _systemBodyFactory.MineralGeneration(game.StaticData, sol, halleysComet);
            SensorProcessorTools.PlanetEmmisionSig(sensorProfile, halleysBodyDB, halleysMVDB);

             * SystemBody Jupiter = new SystemBody(sun, SystemBody.PlanetType.GasGiant);
             * Jupiter.Name = "Jupiter";
             * Jupiter.Orbit = Orbit.FromMajorPlanetFormat(1898.3E24, sun.Orbit.Mass, 5.20336301, 0.04839266, 1.30530, 100.55615, 14.75385, 34.40438, GalaxyGen.J2000);
             * Jupiter.Radius = Distance.ToAU(71492);
             * Jupiter.Orbit.GetPosition(GameState.Instance.CurrentDate, out x, out y);
             * Jupiter.Position.System = Sol;
             * Jupiter.Position.X = x;
             * Jupiter.Position.Y = y;
             * sun.Planets.Add(Jupiter);
             * SystemBody Saturn = new SystemBody(sun, SystemBody.PlanetType.GasGiant);
             * Saturn.Name = "Saturn";
             * Saturn.Orbit = Orbit.FromMajorPlanetFormat(568.36E24, sun.Orbit.Mass, 9.53707032, 0.05415060, 2.48446, 113.71504, 92.43194, 49.94432, GalaxyGen.J2000);
             * Saturn.Radius = Distance.ToAU(60268);
             * Saturn.Orbit.GetPosition(GameState.Instance.CurrentDate, out x, out y);
             * Saturn.Position.System = Sol;
             * Saturn.Position.X = x;
             * Saturn.Position.Y = y;
             * sun.Planets.Add(Saturn);
             * SystemBody Uranus = new SystemBody(sun, SystemBody.PlanetType.IceGiant);
             * Uranus.Name = "Uranus";
             * Uranus.Orbit = Orbit.FromMajorPlanetFormat(86.816E24, sun.Orbit.Mass, 19.19126393, 0.04716771, 0.76986, 74.22988, 170.96424, 313.23218, GalaxyGen.J2000);
             * Uranus.Radius = Distance.ToAU(25559);
             * Uranus.Orbit.GetPosition(GameState.Instance.CurrentDate, out x, out y);
             * Uranus.Position.System = Sol;
             * Uranus.Position.X = x;
             * Uranus.Position.Y = y;
             * sun.Planets.Add(Uranus);
             * SystemBody Neptune = new SystemBody(sun, SystemBody.PlanetType.IceGiant);
             * Neptune.Name = "Neptune";
             * Neptune.Orbit = Orbit.FromMajorPlanetFormat(102E24, sun.Orbit.Mass, Distance.ToAU(4495.1E6), 0.011, 1.8, 131.72169, 44.97135, 304.88003, GalaxyGen.J2000);
             * Neptune.Radius = Distance.ToAU(24764);
             * Neptune.Orbit.GetPosition(GameState.Instance.CurrentDate, out x, out y);
             * Neptune.Position.System = Sol;
             * Neptune.Position.X = x;
             * Neptune.Position.Y = y;
             * sun.Planets.Add(Neptune);
             * SystemBody Pluto = new SystemBody(sun, SystemBody.PlanetType.DwarfPlanet);
             * Pluto.Name = "Pluto";
             * Pluto.Orbit = Orbit.FromMajorPlanetFormat(0.0131E24, sun.Orbit.Mass, Distance.ToAU(5906.38E6), 0.24880766, 17.14175, 110.30347, 224.06676, 238.92881, GalaxyGen.J2000);
             * Pluto.Radius = Distance.ToAU(1195);
             * Pluto.Orbit.GetPosition(GameState.Instance.CurrentDate, out x, out y);
             * Pluto.Position.System = Sol;
             * Pluto.Position.X = x;
             * Pluto.Position.Y = y;
             * sun.Planets.Add(Pluto);
             * GenerateJumpPoints(Sol);
             * // Clean up cached RNG:
             * m_RNG = null;
             * GameState.Instance.StarSystems.Add(Sol);
             * GameState.Instance.StarSystemCurrentIndex++;

             * double planetSemiMajAxis = 0.387098;
             * double planetEccentricity = 0.205630;
             * double planetInclination = 0;
             * double planetLoAN = 0;//48.33167;
             * double planetLoP = 0;//77.45645;
             * double planetMeanLongd = 252.25084;
             * EMWaveForm waveform;
             * for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
             * {
             *  NameDB planetNameDB = new NameDB("planetE" + i);
             *  SystemBodyInfoDB planetBodyDB = new SystemBodyInfoDB { BodyType = BodyType.Terrestrial, SupportsPopulations = true };
             *  MassVolumeDB planetMVDB = MassVolumeDB.NewFromMassAndRadius_AU(3.3022E23, Distance.KmToAU(2439.7));
             *  PositionDB planetPositionDB = new PositionDB(sol.ID);
             *  planetEccentricity = i * 2 / 16.0;
             *  OrbitDB planetOrbitDB = OrbitDB.FromMajorPlanetFormat(sun, sunMVDB.Mass, planetMVDB.Mass, planetSemiMajAxis, planetEccentricity, planetInclination, planetLoAN, planetLoP, planetMeanLongd, GalaxyGen.Settings.J2000);
             *  planetPositionDB.AbsolutePosition = OrbitProcessor.GetPosition(planetOrbitDB, game.CurrentDateTime);
             *  waveform = new EMWaveForm()
             *  {
             *      WavelengthAverage_nm = 600,
             *      WavelengthMin_nm = 600 - 400, //4k angstrom, semi arbitrary number pulled outa my ass from 0min of internet research.
             *      WavelengthMax_nm = 600 + 600
             *  };
             *  sensorProfile = new SensorProfileDB();
             *  sensorProfile.EmittedEMSpectra.Add(waveform, 3.827e23);
             *  Entity planet = new Entity(sol, new List<BaseDataBlob> { sensorProfile, planetPositionDB, planetBodyDB, planetMVDB, planetNameDB, planetOrbitDB });
             * }
             * planetEccentricity = 0.9;
             * for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
             * {
             *  NameDB planetNameDB = new NameDB("planetL" + i);
             *  SystemBodyInfoDB planetBodyDB = new SystemBodyInfoDB { BodyType = BodyType.Terrestrial, SupportsPopulations = true };
             *  MassVolumeDB planetMVDB = MassVolumeDB.NewFromMassAndRadius_AU(3.3022E23, Distance.KmToAU(2439.7));
             *  PositionDB planetPositionDB = new PositionDB(sol.ID);
             *  planetLoP = i * 15;
             *  OrbitDB planetOrbitDB = OrbitDB.FromMajorPlanetFormat(sun, sunMVDB.Mass, planetMVDB.Mass, planetSemiMajAxis, planetEccentricity, planetInclination, planetLoAN, planetLoP, planetMeanLongd, GalaxyGen.Settings.J2000);
             *  planetPositionDB.AbsolutePosition = OrbitProcessor.GetPosition(planetOrbitDB, game.CurrentDateTime);
             *  waveform = new EMWaveForm()
             *  {
             *      WavelengthAverage_nm = 600,
             *      WavelengthMin_nm = 600 - 400, //4k angstrom, semi arbitrary number pulled outa my ass from 0min of internet research.
             *      WavelengthMax_nm = 600 + 600
             *  };
             *  sensorProfile = new SensorProfileDB();
             *  sensorProfile.EmittedEMSpectra.Add(waveform, 3.827e23);
             *  Entity planet = new Entity(sol, new List<BaseDataBlob> {sensorProfile, planetPositionDB, planetBodyDB, planetMVDB, planetNameDB, planetOrbitDB });
             * }


            game.GameMasterFaction.GetDataBlob <FactionInfoDB>().KnownSystems.Add(sol.Guid);
예제 #19
        public static Entity CreateAsteroid4(Vector3 position, OrbitDB origOrbit, DateTime atDateTime, double asteroidMass = -1.0)
            //todo rand these a bit.
            double radius = Distance.KmToAU(0.5);

            double mass;

            if (asteroidMass == -1.0)
                mass = 1.5e+12; //about 1.5 billion tonne
                mass = asteroidMass;

            var     speed    = Distance.KmToAU(40);
            Vector3 velocity = new Vector3(speed, 0, 0);

            var massVolume  = MassVolumeDB.NewFromMassAndRadius_AU(mass, radius);
            var planetInfo  = new SystemBodyInfoDB();
            var name        = new NameDB("Ellie");
            var AsteroidDmg = new AsteroidDamageDB();

            AsteroidDmg.FractureChance = new PercentValue(0.75f);
            var dmgPfl     = EntityDamageProfileDB.AsteroidDamageProfile(massVolume.Volume_km3, massVolume.Density, massVolume.RadiusInM, 50);
            var sensorPfil = new SensorProfileDB();

            planetInfo.SupportsPopulations = false;
            planetInfo.BodyType            = BodyType.Asteroid;

            var parent     = origOrbit.Parent;
            var parentMass = parent.GetDataBlob <MassVolumeDB>().Mass;
            var myMass     = massVolume.Mass;

            double sgp = GameConstants.Science.GravitationalConstant * (parentMass + myMass) / 3.347928976e33;
            //OrbitDB orbit = OrbitDB.FromVector(parent, myMass, parentMass, sgp, position, velocity, atDateTime);
            //OrbitDB orbit = (OrbitDB)origOrbit.Clone();
            OrbitDB orbit = new OrbitDB(origOrbit.Parent, parentMass, myMass, origOrbit.SemiMajorAxis_AU,
                                        origOrbit.Eccentricity, origOrbit.Inclination_Degrees, origOrbit.LongitudeOfAscendingNode_Degrees,
                                        origOrbit.ArgumentOfPeriapsis_Degrees, origOrbit.MeanMotion_DegreesSec, origOrbit.Epoch);

            var posDB = new PositionDB(position.X, position.Y, position.Z, parent.Manager.ManagerGuid, parent);

            var planetDBs = new List <BaseDataBlob>

            Entity newELE = new Entity(origOrbit.OwningEntity.Manager, planetDBs);

예제 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// creates an asteroid that will collide with the given entity on the given date.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="starSys"></param>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <param name="collisionDate"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Entity CreateAsteroid(StarSystem starSys, Entity target, DateTime collisionDate, double asteroidMass = -1.0)
            //todo rand these a bit.
            double radius = Distance.KmToAU(0.5);

            double mass;

            if (asteroidMass < 0)
                mass = 1.5e+12; //about 1.5 billion tonne
                mass = asteroidMass;

            var     speed    = 40000;
            Vector3 velocity = new Vector3(speed, 0, 0);

            var massVolume  = MassVolumeDB.NewFromMassAndRadius_AU(mass, radius);
            var planetInfo  = new SystemBodyInfoDB();
            var name        = new NameDB("Ellie");
            var AsteroidDmg = new AsteroidDamageDB();

            AsteroidDmg.FractureChance = new PercentValue(0.75f);
            var dmgPfl     = EntityDamageProfileDB.AsteroidDamageProfile(massVolume.Volume_km3, massVolume.Density, massVolume.RadiusInM, 50);
            var sensorPfil = new SensorProfileDB();

            planetInfo.SupportsPopulations = false;
            planetInfo.BodyType            = BodyType.Asteroid;

            Vector3  targetPos       = OrbitProcessor.GetAbsolutePosition_m(target.GetDataBlob <OrbitDB>(), collisionDate);
            TimeSpan timeToCollision = collisionDate - StaticRefLib.CurrentDateTime;

            var parent     = target.GetDataBlob <OrbitDB>().Parent;
            var parentMass = parent.GetDataBlob <MassVolumeDB>().Mass;
            var myMass     = massVolume.Mass;

            double  sgp   = OrbitMath.CalculateStandardGravityParameterInM3S2(myMass, parentMass);
            OrbitDB orbit = OrbitDB.FromVector(parent, myMass, parentMass, sgp, targetPos, velocity, collisionDate);

            var currentpos = OrbitProcessor.GetAbsolutePosition_AU(orbit, StaticRefLib.CurrentDateTime);
            var posDB      = new PositionDB(currentpos.X, currentpos.Y, currentpos.Z, parent.Manager.ManagerGuid, parent);

            var planetDBs = new List <BaseDataBlob>

            Entity newELE = new Entity(starSys, planetDBs);

예제 #21
        public static Entity CreateNewShipClass(Game game, Entity faction, string className = null)
            //check className before any to use it in NameDB constructor
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(className))
                ///< @todo source the class name from faction theme.
                className = "New Class"; // <- Hack for now.

            // lets start by creating all the Datablobs that make up a ship class: TODO only need to add datablobs for compoents it has abilites for.
            var shipInfo      = new ShipInfoDB();
            var armor         = new ArmorDB();
            var buildCost     = new BuildCostDB();
            var cargotype     = new CargoAbleTypeDB();
            var crew          = new CrewDB();
            var damage        = new DamageDB();
            var maintenance   = new MaintenanceDB();
            var sensorProfile = new SensorProfileDB();
            var name          = new NameDB(className);

            name.SetName(faction.Guid, className);
            var componentInstancesDB = new ComponentInstancesDB();
            var massVolumeDB         = new MassVolumeDB();

            // now lets create a list of all these datablobs so we can create our new entity:
            List <BaseDataBlob> shipDBList = new List <BaseDataBlob>()

            // now lets create the ship class:
            Entity         shipClassEntity = new Entity(game.GlobalManager, faction.Guid, shipDBList);
            FactionOwnerDB factionOwner    = faction.GetDataBlob <FactionOwnerDB>();

            // also gets factionDB:
            FactionInfoDB factionDB = faction.GetDataBlob <FactionInfoDB>();

            // and add it to the faction:

            // now lets set some ship info:
            shipInfo.ShipClassDefinition = Guid.Empty; // just make sure it is marked as a class and not a ship.

            // now lets add some components:
            ///< @todo Add ship components
            // -- basic armour of current faction tech level
            // -- minimum crew quaters defaulting to 3 months deployment time.
            // -- a bridge
            // -- an engineering space
            // -- a fuel tank

            // now update the ship system DBs to reflect the components:
            ///< @todo update ship to reflect added components
