예제 #1
        internal static void FirstRun(Entity entity)
            CargoTransferDB datablob = entity.GetDataBlob <CargoTransferDB>();


            if (entity.HasDataBlob <OrbitDB>() && datablob.CargoToEntity.HasDataBlob <OrbitDB>())
                dv = CalcDVDifferenceKmPerSecond(entity.GetDataBlob <OrbitDB>(), datablob.CargoToEntity.GetDataBlob <OrbitDB>());
                OrbitDB orbitDB;
                if (entity.HasDataBlob <ColonyInfoDB>())
                    orbitDB = entity.GetDataBlob <ColonyInfoDB>().PlanetEntity.GetDataBlob <OrbitDB>();
                else//if (datablob.CargoToEntity.HasDataBlob<ColonyInfoDB>())
                    orbitDB = datablob.CargoToEntity.GetDataBlob <ColonyInfoDB>().PlanetEntity.GetDataBlob <OrbitDB>();
                dv = Distance.AuToKm(OrbitMath.MeanOrbitalVelocityInAU(orbitDB));
            if (dv != null)
                datablob.TransferRateInKG = CalcTransferRate((double)dv, datablob.CargoFromDB, datablob.CargoToDB);
예제 #2
        internal static void FirstRun(Entity entity)
            CargoTransferDB transferDB = entity.GetDataBlob <CargoTransferDB>();
            double          dv_mps     = CalcDVDifference_m(entity, transferDB.CargoToEntity);
            var             rate       = CalcTransferRate(dv_mps, transferDB.CargoFromDB, transferDB.CargoToDB);

            transferDB.TransferRateInKG = rate;
예제 #3
        public void ProcessEntity(Entity entity, int deltaSeconds)
            CargoTransferDB datablob = entity.GetDataBlob <CargoTransferDB>();
            OrbitDB         orbitDB  = entity.GetDataBlob <OrbitDB>();

            if (datablob.DistanceBetweenEntitys <= 100)//todo: this is going to have to be based of mass or something, ie being further away from a colony on a planet is ok, but two ships should be close.
                for (int i = 0; i < datablob.ItemsLeftToTransfer.Count; i++)
                    var        item         = datablob.ItemsLeftToTransfer[i];
                    ICargoable cargoItem    = item.Item1;
                    long       amountToXfer = item.Item2;

                    Guid cargoTypeID     = cargoItem.CargoTypeID;
                    int  itemMassPerUnit = cargoItem.Mass;

                    if (!datablob.CargoToDB.StoredCargoTypes.ContainsKey(cargoTypeID))
                        datablob.CargoToDB.StoredCargoTypes.Add(cargoTypeID, new CargoTypeStore());

                    var toCargoTypeStore       = datablob.CargoToDB.StoredCargoTypes[cargoTypeID];   //reference to the cargoType store we're pushing to.
                    var toCargoItemAndAmount   = toCargoTypeStore.ItemsAndAmounts;                   //reference to dictionary holding the cargo we want to send too
                    var fromCargoTypeStore     = datablob.CargoFromDB.StoredCargoTypes[cargoTypeID]; //reference to the cargoType store we're pulling from.
                    var fromCargoItemAndAmount = fromCargoTypeStore.ItemsAndAmounts;                 //reference to dictionary we want to pull cargo from.

                    long totalweightToTransfer    = itemMassPerUnit * amountToXfer;
                    long weightToTransferThisTick = Math.Min(totalweightToTransfer, datablob.TransferRateInKG * deltaSeconds); //only the amount that can be transfered in this timeframe.

                    weightToTransferThisTick = Math.Min(weightToTransferThisTick, toCargoTypeStore.FreeCapacityKg);            //check cargo to has enough weight capacity

                    long numberXfered = weightToTransferThisTick / itemMassPerUnit;                                            //get the number of items from the mass transferable
                    numberXfered = Math.Min(numberXfered, fromCargoItemAndAmount[cargoItem.ID]);                               //check from has enough to send.

                    weightToTransferThisTick = numberXfered * itemMassPerUnit;

                    if (!toCargoItemAndAmount.ContainsKey(cargoItem.ID))
                        toCargoItemAndAmount.Add(cargoItem.ID, numberXfered);
                        toCargoItemAndAmount[cargoItem.ID] += numberXfered;

                    toCargoTypeStore.FreeCapacityKg -= weightToTransferThisTick;

                    fromCargoItemAndAmount[cargoItem.ID] -= numberXfered;
                    fromCargoTypeStore.FreeCapacityKg    += weightToTransferThisTick;
                    datablob.ItemsLeftToTransfer[i]       = new Tuple <ICargoable, long>(cargoItem, amountToXfer -= numberXfered);
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates and actions the command.
        /// may eventualy need to return a responce instead of void.
        /// This creates a CargoTranferDB from the command, which does all the work.
        /// the command is to create and enqueue a CargoTransferDB.
        /// </summary>
        internal override void ActionCommand(Game game)
            CargoTransferDB newTransferDB = new CargoTransferDB();

            newTransferDB.CargoToEntity   = EntityCommanding;
            newTransferDB.CargoToDB       = EntityCommanding.GetDataBlob <CargoStorageDB>();
            newTransferDB.CargoFromEntity = loadFromEntity;
            newTransferDB.CargoFromDB     = loadFromEntity.GetDataBlob <CargoStorageDB>();

            newTransferDB.TotalAmountToTransfer = TotalAmountToTransfer;
            newTransferDB.ItemToTranfer         = (ICargoable)game.StaticData.FindDataObjectUsingID(ItemToTransfer);
            EntityCommanding.Manager.SetDataBlob(EntityCommanding.ID, newTransferDB);
            IsRunning = true;
예제 #5
        public void ProcessEntity(Entity entity, int deltaSeconds)
            CargoTransferDB datablob = entity.GetDataBlob <CargoTransferDB>();

            if (datablob.DistanceBetweenEntitys <= 100)//todo: this is going to have to be based of mass or something, ie being further away from a colony on a planet is ok, but two ships should be close.
                Guid cargoTypeID     = datablob.ItemToTranfer.CargoTypeID;
                int  itemMassPerUnit = datablob.ItemToTranfer.Mass;
                if (!datablob.CargoToDB.StoredCargoTypes.ContainsKey(cargoTypeID))
                    datablob.CargoToDB.StoredCargoTypes.Add(cargoTypeID, new CargoTypeStore());

                var toCargoTypeStore       = datablob.CargoToDB.StoredCargoTypes[cargoTypeID];   //reference to the cargoType store we're pushing to.
                var toCargoItemAndAmount   = toCargoTypeStore.ItemsAndAmounts;                   //reference to dictionary holding the cargo we want to send too
                var fromCargoTypeStore     = datablob.CargoFromDB.StoredCargoTypes[cargoTypeID]; //reference to the cargoType store we're pulling from.
                var fromCargoItemAndAmount = fromCargoTypeStore.ItemsAndAmounts;                 //reference to dictionary we want to pull cargo from.

                datablob.TransferRate = 100;                                                     //todo set transfer rates on cargostorageDB and get either an average or a math.min. probibly an average.

                long totalweightToTransfer    = itemMassPerUnit * (datablob.AmountTransfered - datablob.TotalAmountToTransfer);
                long weightToTransferThisTick = Math.Min(totalweightToTransfer, datablob.TransferRate * deltaSeconds);   //only the amount that can be transfered in this timeframe.
                weightToTransferThisTick = Math.Min(weightToTransferThisTick, toCargoTypeStore.FreeCapacity);            //check cargo to has enough weight capacity

                long numberOfItems = weightToTransferThisTick / itemMassPerUnit;                                         //get the number of items from the mass transferable
                numberOfItems = Math.Min(numberOfItems, fromCargoItemAndAmount[datablob.ItemToTranfer.ID]);              //check from has enough to send.

                weightToTransferThisTick = numberOfItems * itemMassPerUnit;

                if (!toCargoItemAndAmount.ContainsKey(datablob.ItemToTranfer.ID))
                    toCargoItemAndAmount.Add(datablob.ItemToTranfer.ID, numberOfItems);
                    toCargoItemAndAmount[datablob.ItemToTranfer.ID] += numberOfItems;

                toCargoTypeStore.FreeCapacity -= weightToTransferThisTick;

                fromCargoItemAndAmount[datablob.ItemToTranfer.ID] -= numberOfItems;
                fromCargoTypeStore.FreeCapacity += weightToTransferThisTick;
                datablob.AmountTransfered       += numberOfItems;
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates and actions the command.
        /// may eventualy need to return a responce instead of void.
        /// This creates a CargoTranferDB from the command, which does all the work.
        /// the command is to create and enqueue a CargoTransferDB.
        /// </summary>
        internal override void ActionCommand(Game game)
            if (!IsRunning)
                _cargoTransferDB = new CargoTransferDB();
                _cargoTransferDB.CargoToEntity   = sendToEntity;
                _cargoTransferDB.CargoToDB       = sendToEntity.GetDataBlob <CargoStorageDB>();
                _cargoTransferDB.CargoFromEntity = EntityCommanding;
                _cargoTransferDB.CargoFromDB     = EntityCommanding.GetDataBlob <CargoStorageDB>();

                _cargoTransferDB.ItemsLeftToTransfer = ItemICargoablesToTransfer;
                _cargoTransferDB.OrderedToTransfer   = ItemICargoablesToTransfer;

                EntityCommanding.Manager.SetDataBlob(EntityCommanding.ID, _cargoTransferDB);
                IsRunning = true;
예제 #7
        public void ProcessEntity(Entity entity, int deltaSeconds)
            CargoTransferDB transferDB = entity.GetDataBlob <CargoTransferDB>();

            for (int i = 0; i < transferDB.ItemsLeftToTransfer.Count; i++)
                (ICargoable item, long amount)itemsToXfer = transferDB.ItemsLeftToTransfer[i];
                ICargoable cargoItem    = itemsToXfer.item;
                long       amountToXfer = itemsToXfer.amount;

                Guid   cargoTypeID     = cargoItem.CargoTypeID;
                double itemMassPerUnit = cargoItem.MassPerUnit;

                if (!transferDB.CargoToDB.TypeStores.ContainsKey(cargoTypeID))
                    string errmsg = "This entity cannot store this type of cargo";
                    StaticRefLib.EventLog.AddGameEntityErrorEvent(entity, errmsg);

                var toCargoTypeStore       = transferDB.CargoToDB.TypeStores[cargoTypeID];   //reference to the cargoType store we're pushing to.
                var toCargoItemAndAmount   = toCargoTypeStore.CurrentStoreInUnits;           //reference to dictionary holding the cargo we want to send too
                var fromCargoTypeStore     = transferDB.CargoFromDB.TypeStores[cargoTypeID]; //reference to the cargoType store we're pulling from.
                var fromCargoItemAndAmount = fromCargoTypeStore.CurrentStoreInUnits;         //reference to dictionary we want to pull cargo from.

                //the transfer speed is mass based, not unit based.
                double totalMassToTransfer    = itemMassPerUnit * amountToXfer;
                double massToTransferThisTick = Math.Min(totalMassToTransfer, transferDB.TransferRateInKG * deltaSeconds); //only the amount that can be transfered in this timeframe.

                //TODO: this wont handle objects that have a larger unit mass than the availible transferRate,
                //but maybe that makes for a game mechanic
                int countToTransferThisTick = (int)(massToTransferThisTick / itemMassPerUnit);

                var amountFrom = transferDB.CargoFromDB.RemoveCargoByUnit(cargoItem, countToTransferThisTick);
                var amountTo   = transferDB.CargoToDB.AddCargoByUnit(cargoItem, countToTransferThisTick);

                if (amountTo != amountFrom)
                    throw new Exception("something went wrong here");
                var newAmount = transferDB.ItemsLeftToTransfer[i].amount - amountTo;
                transferDB.ItemsLeftToTransfer[i] = (cargoItem, newAmount);