private void btt_first_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { _ctes.Clear(); _ctes.AddRange(Ctes_Opera.Buscar("", "", ' ')); //obtengo todos los ctes en ctes_opera.buscar y se lo paso a la lista clienteActual = _ctes.ElementAt(0); lb_num_rg.Text = "1/" + Convert.ToString(_ctes.Count) + " Clientes."; Asigna_campos_cte(clienteActual); //asignamos a los campos del form cte. }
private void btt_modificar_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tb_id_cte.Text) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tb_nombre.Text) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cb_t_docu.Text) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tb_documento.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Hay Uno o mas Campos Vacios!", "Campos Vacios!!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } else { Cliente pCliente = new Cliente(); pCliente.Id_Cliente = Convert.ToInt32(tb_id_cte.Text); pCliente.Nombre = tb_nombre.Text.Trim(); pCliente.Tipo_docu = cb_t_docu.Text.Trim(); pCliente.Documento = tb_documento.Text.Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tb_letra.Text)) { tb_letra.Text = " "; } else { tb_letra.Text = tb_letra.Text.Trim(); } pCliente.Letra = Convert.ToChar(tb_letra.Text); pCliente.Direccion = tb_direccion.Text.Trim(); pCliente.Pers_cont = tb_p_cont.Text.Trim(); pCliente.Email = tb_email.Text.Trim(); pCliente.Telf1 = tb_tf1.Text.Trim(); pCliente.Telf2 = tb_tf2.Text.Trim(); pCliente.Cpostal = tb_cp.Text.Trim(); pCliente.Ciudad = tb_ciudad.Text.Trim(); pCliente.Provin = tb_provin.Text.Trim(); if (rb_cte.Checked == true) { pCliente.Tipo_cte = 'C'; } else { pCliente.Tipo_cte = 'T'; } if (Ctes_Opera.Actualizar(pCliente) > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Los datos del cliente se actualizaron.", "Datos Actualizados", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); Limpiar(); Deshabilitar(); btt_borrar.Enabled = false; btt_cancelar.Enabled = false; } else { MessageBox.Show("No se pudo actualizar.", "Error al Actualizar", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } } }
private void btt_guardar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tb_id_cte.Text) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tb_nombre.Text) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cb_t_docu.Text) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tb_documento.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Hay uno o más Campos Vacios, no se puede guardar!", "Campos Vacios!!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } else { Cliente pCliente = new Cliente(); pCliente.Id_Cliente = Convert.ToInt32(tb_id_cte.Text); pCliente.Nombre = tb_nombre.Text.Trim(); pCliente.Tipo_docu = cb_t_docu.Text.Trim(); pCliente.Documento = tb_documento.Text.Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tb_letra.Text)) { tb_letra.Text = " "; } else { tb_letra.Text = tb_letra.Text.Trim(); } pCliente.Letra = Convert.ToChar(tb_letra.Text); pCliente.Direccion = tb_direccion.Text.Trim(); pCliente.Pers_cont = tb_p_cont.Text.Trim(); pCliente.Email = tb_email.Text.Trim(); pCliente.Telf1 = tb_tf1.Text.Trim(); pCliente.Telf2 = tb_tf2.Text.Trim(); pCliente.Cpostal = tb_cp.Text.Trim(); pCliente.Ciudad = tb_ciudad.Text.Trim(); pCliente.Provin = tb_provin.Text.Trim(); if (rb_cte.Checked == true) { pCliente.Tipo_cte = 'C'; } else { pCliente.Tipo_cte = 'T'; } //dtpFechaNacimiento.Value.Year + "/" + dtpFechaNacimiento.Value.Month + "/" + dtpFechaNacimiento.Value.Day; int resultado = Ctes_Opera.Agregar(pCliente); if (resultado > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Cliente Guardado Con Exito!!", "Guardado", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); Limpiar(); Deshabilitar(); } else { MessageBox.Show("No se pudo guardar el cliente", "Fallo!!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } } }
private void btt_b_buscar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { char t_cte = 'C'; if (rb_titular.Checked == true) { t_cte = 'T'; } //MessageBox.Show("Antes: " + Convert.ToString(tb_b_nombre.Text) + " / " + tb_b_docu.Text + " / " + t_cte); dgv_ctes.DataSource = Ctes_Opera.Buscar(Convert.ToString(tb_b_nombre.Text.Trim()), Convert.ToString(tb_b_docu.Text.Trim()), t_cte); }
private void btt_last_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { _ctes.Clear(); _ctes.AddRange(Ctes_Opera.Buscar("", "", ' ')); //obtengo todos los ctes en ctes_opera.buscar y se lo paso a la lista clienteActual = _ctes.ElementAt(_ctes.Count - 1); lb_num_rg.Text = Convert.ToString(_ctes.Count) + "/" + Convert.ToString(_ctes.Count) + " Clientes."; Asigna_campos_cte(clienteActual); //asignamos a los campos del form cte. btt_modificar.Enabled = true; btt_borrar.Enabled = true; Habilitar(); btt_guardar.Enabled = false; }
private void btt_back_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { _ctes.Clear(); _ctes.AddRange(Ctes_Opera.Buscar("", "", ' ')); //obtengo todos los ctes en ctes_opera.buscar y se lo paso a la lista int pos = 0; for (pos = _ctes.Count - 1; pos > 0; pos--) { if (tb_id_cte.Text == Convert.ToString(_ctes.ElementAt(pos).Id_Cliente)) { clienteActual = _ctes.ElementAt(pos - 1); lb_num_rg.Text = Convert.ToString(pos) + "/" + Convert.ToString(_ctes.Count) + " Clientes."; Asigna_campos_cte(clienteActual); //asignamos a los campos del form cte. break; } } }
private void btt_nuevo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Limpiar(); Habilitar(); tb_id_cte.Enabled = false; btt_buscar.Enabled = false; btt_consultar.Enabled = false; btt_borrar.Enabled = false; btt_modificar.Enabled = false; btt_guardar.Enabled = true; btt_nuevo.Enabled = false; Deshabilitar_cursores(); int max_id = Ctes_Opera.Calcular_id_cte(); tb_id_cte.Text = Convert.ToString(max_id); Inicializar(); }
private void btt_borrar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (MessageBox.Show("Esta Seguro que desea eliminar el Cliente Actual", "Estas Seguro??", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { if (Ctes_Opera.Eliminar(clienteActual.Id_Cliente) > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Cliente Eliminado Correctamente!", "Cliente Eliminado", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); Limpiar(); Deshabilitar(); } else { MessageBox.Show("No se pudo eliminar el Cliente", "Cliente No Eliminado", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Se canceló la eliminacion", "Eliminacion Cancelada", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } }
public LClientes() { try { _ctes.Clear(); _ctes.AddRange(Ctes_Opera.Buscar("", "", ' ')); //obtengo todos los ctes en ctes_opera.buscar y se lo paso a la lista //PrintDocument pd = new PrintDocument(); //printDocument1.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = true; printDocument1.PrintPage -= new PrintPageEventHandler(printDocument1_PrintPage); printDocument1.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(printDocument1_PrintPage); // Print the document. //printDocument1.Print(); printPreviewDialog1.Document = printDocument1; printPreviewDialog1.PrintPreviewControl.Zoom = 1.0; printPreviewDialog1.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; //printPreviewDialog1.ShowDialog(); DialogResult respuesta = MessageBox.Show("¿Desea entrar en la vista previa del impreso?", "Atención", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); if (respuesta == DialogResult.Yes) { printPreviewDialog1.ShowDialog(); } else { //PrinterSettings printerSettings1 = new PrinterSettings(); PrintDialog printDialog1 = new PrintDialog(); //printDialog1.PrinterSettings = printerSettings1; printDialog1.Document = printDocument1; //printDialog1.ShowDialog(); //printDocument1.Print(); if (printDialog1.ShowDialog().Equals(DialogResult.OK)) { printDialog1.Document.Print(); } } } catch (Exception e1) { MessageBox.Show("No se seleccionó ningún registro.", e1.Message, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void btt_b_aceptar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (dgv_ctes.SelectedRows.Count == 1) { //Cliente CteSel = new Cliente(); int id = Convert.ToInt32(dgv_ctes.CurrentRow.Cells[0].Value); if (llamada == 'C') //devolucion a Mclientes { ClienteSeleccionado = Ctes_Opera.ObtenerCliente(id); } else { id_cteSeleccionado = id; //devolucion a Mregistros } this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Se debe seleccionar una fila.", "Atención", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } }
// The PrintPage event is raised for each page to be printed. private void printDocument1_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs ev) { printFont = new Font("Arial", 12); leftMargin = 50; //ev.MarginBounds.Left; topMargin = 50; //ev.MarginBounds.Top; StringFormat drawFormat = new StringFormat(); drawFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Far; // Calculate the number of lines per page. linesPerPage = Convert.ToInt32(ev.MarginBounds.Height / printFont.GetHeight(ev.Graphics)); string dg_direc = " "; string dg_pob = " "; string dg_cif = " "; string dg_tel = " "; if (RegAct.delegacion == 'Y') { dg_direc = "PASCUAL AMAT, Nº 7"; dg_pob = "30510 YECLA MURCIA"; dg_cif = "CIF: B7382125"; dg_tel = "Tel.: 968752917"; } else { if (RegAct.delegacion == 'M') { dg_pob = "MURCIA"; } else { dg_pob = "ALBACETE"; } } //Pinta cabecera xPos = Convert.ToInt32(leftMargin); yPos = Convert.ToInt32(topMargin); //+ (count * printFont.GetHeight(ev.Graphics)); if (RegAct.t_cte_fra == 'C') //facturar a cte. { ClienteFacturado = Ctes_Opera.ObtenerCliente(RegAct.id_cte); } else { ClienteFacturado = Ctes_Opera.ObtenerCliente(RegAct.id_titular); } while (count < linesPerPage) { //CABECERA printFont = new Font("Arial", 16, FontStyle.Bold); ev.Graphics.DrawString("ASEGEST YECMUR, SLP.", printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos, yPos + 20); printFont = new Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Regular); ev.Graphics.DrawString(dg_direc, printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos, yPos + 50); ev.Graphics.DrawString(dg_pob, printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos, yPos + 70); ev.Graphics.DrawString(dg_cif, printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos, yPos + 90); ev.Graphics.DrawString(dg_tel, printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos, yPos + 110); count = count + 5; printFont = new Font("Arial", 16, FontStyle.Bold | FontStyle.Italic); ev.Graphics.DrawString("F A C T U R A", printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 60, yPos + 150); printFont = new Font("Arial", 8, FontStyle.Regular); ev.Graphics.DrawString("Datos Cliente", printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 380, yPos + 140); count = count + 2; //Atencion line: coord. ini y coord. final // rectangle: coord. ini y width y height. printFont = new Font("Arial", 12, FontStyle.Regular); ev.Graphics.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Black, 1), xPos + 380, yPos + 160, 350, 160); ev.Graphics.DrawString(Convert.ToString(ClienteFacturado.Id_Cliente).Trim(), printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 400, yPos + 165); printFont = new Font("Arial", 13, FontStyle.Bold); ev.Graphics.DrawString(ClienteFacturado.Nombre, printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 400, yPos + 190); printFont = new Font("Arial", 12, FontStyle.Regular); ev.Graphics.DrawString(ClienteFacturado.Direccion, printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 400, yPos + 215); ev.Graphics.DrawString(ClienteFacturado.Cpostal, printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 400, yPos + 235); ev.Graphics.DrawString(ClienteFacturado.Ciudad, printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 460, yPos + 235); ev.Graphics.DrawString(ClienteFacturado.Provin, printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 400, yPos + 255); ev.Graphics.DrawString(ClienteFacturado.Telf1, printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 400, yPos + 275); ev.Graphics.DrawString(ClienteFacturado.Telf2, printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 530, yPos + 275); string docu = ClienteFacturado.Tipo_docu.Trim() + ": " + ClienteFacturado.Documento.Trim() + ClienteFacturado.Letra; ev.Graphics.DrawString(docu, printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 400, yPos + 295); ev.Graphics.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Black, 1), xPos + 30, yPos + 210, 120, 60); ev.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black, 1), xPos + 30, yPos + 240, xPos + 150, yPos + 240); ev.Graphics.DrawString("Nº de Factura", printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 35, yPos + 220); ev.Graphics.DrawString(string.Format("{0:#######0}", RegAct.factura), printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 125, yPos + 250, drawFormat); ev.Graphics.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Black, 1), xPos + 180, yPos + 210, 120, 60); ev.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black, 1), xPos + 180, yPos + 240, xPos + 300, yPos + 240); ev.Graphics.DrawString("Fecha", printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 215, yPos + 220); ev.Graphics.DrawString(RegAct.fec_fra.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 195, yPos + 250); count = count + 6; //LINEAS ev.Graphics.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Black, 1), xPos + 30, yPos + 340, 700, 550); ev.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black, 1), xPos + 30, yPos + 380, xPos + 730, yPos + 380); ev.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black, 1), xPos + 480, yPos + 340, xPos + 480, yPos + 890); ev.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black, 1), xPos + 600, yPos + 340, xPos + 600, yPos + 890); printFont = new Font("Arial", 14, FontStyle.Bold); ev.Graphics.DrawString("CONCEPTO", printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 150, yPos + 350); ev.Graphics.DrawString("IMPORTE", printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 495, yPos + 350); ev.Graphics.DrawString("TOTAL", printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 630, yPos + 350); printFont = new Font("Arial", 12, FontStyle.Regular); ev.Graphics.DrawString(RegAct.observacion.Substring(0, 45).ToUpper(), printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 40, yPos + 400); ev.Graphics.DrawString(string.Format("{0:###,##0.00}", "0,00"), printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 590, yPos + 400, drawFormat); ev.Graphics.DrawString(string.Format("{0:###,##0.00}", "0,00"), printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 720, yPos + 400, drawFormat); if (RegAct.observacion.Trim().Length > 46) { ev.Graphics.DrawString(RegAct.observacion.Substring(46).ToUpper(), printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 40, yPos + 420); yPos = yPos + 20; } ev.Graphics.DrawString("TASA TRAFICO", printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 40, yPos + 420); ev.Graphics.DrawString(string.Format("{0:###,##0.00}", RegAct.tasa), printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 590, yPos + 420, drawFormat); ev.Graphics.DrawString(string.Format("{0:###,##0.00}", RegAct.tasa), printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 720, yPos + 420, drawFormat); ev.Graphics.DrawString("DERECHOS DE COLEGIO", printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 40, yPos + 440); ev.Graphics.DrawString(string.Format("{0:###,##0.00}", RegAct.dcho_col), printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 590, yPos + 440, drawFormat); ev.Graphics.DrawString(string.Format("{0:###,##0.00}", RegAct.dcho_col), printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 720, yPos + 440, drawFormat); ev.Graphics.DrawString("HONORARIOS", printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 40, yPos + 460); ev.Graphics.DrawString(string.Format("{0:###,##0.00}", RegAct.base_imp), printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 590, yPos + 460, drawFormat); ev.Graphics.DrawString(string.Format("{0:###,##0.00}", RegAct.base_imp), printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 720, yPos + 460, drawFormat); count = count + 20; //PIE ev.Graphics.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Black, 1), xPos + 30, yPos + 920, 400, 80); ev.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black, 1), xPos + 30, yPos + 950, xPos + 430, yPos + 950); ev.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black, 1), xPos + 130, yPos + 920, xPos + 130, yPos + 1000); ev.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black, 1), xPos + 230, yPos + 920, xPos + 230, yPos + 1000); ev.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black, 1), xPos + 330, yPos + 920, xPos + 330, yPos + 1000); printFont = new Font("Arial", 12, FontStyle.Bold); ev.Graphics.DrawString("Total Bruto", printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 33, yPos + 930); ev.Graphics.DrawString("Base Imp.", printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 140, yPos + 930); ev.Graphics.DrawString("% I.V.A.", printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 250, yPos + 930); ev.Graphics.DrawString("Cuota", printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 350, yPos + 930); printFont = new Font("Arial", 12, FontStyle.Regular); decimal tot_b = RegAct.dcho_col + RegAct.base_imp + RegAct.tasa; decimal base_imp = RegAct.dcho_col + RegAct.base_imp; ev.Graphics.DrawString(string.Format("{0:###,##0.00}", tot_b), printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 120, yPos + 960, drawFormat); ev.Graphics.DrawString(string.Format("{0:###,##0.00}", base_imp), printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 220, yPos + 960, drawFormat); ev.Graphics.DrawString(string.Format("{0:##0}", RegAct.p_iva), printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 300, yPos + 960, drawFormat); decimal imp_iva = ((base_imp * RegAct.p_iva) / 100); ev.Graphics.DrawString(string.Format("{0:###,##0.00}", imp_iva.ToString("N2")), printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 420, yPos + 960, drawFormat); ev.Graphics.DrawString(string.Format("{0:###,##0.00}", RegAct.tasa), printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 220, yPos + 980, drawFormat); ev.Graphics.DrawString(string.Format("{0:##0}", "0"), printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 300, yPos + 980, drawFormat); ev.Graphics.DrawString(string.Format("{0:###,##0.00}", "0,00"), printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 420, yPos + 980, drawFormat); printFont = new Font("Arial", 14, FontStyle.Bold); ev.Graphics.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Black, 2), xPos + 530, yPos + 940, 200, 60); ev.Graphics.DrawString("TOTAL FACTURA", printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 540, yPos + 945); decimal tot_fra = tot_b + imp_iva; ev.Graphics.DrawString(string.Format("{0:###,##0.00}", tot_fra.ToString("N2")) + " €", printFont, Brushes.Black, xPos + 710, yPos + 970, drawFormat); count = count + 10; //salir del while y no imprimir + pgs. count = 100; line = null; } // If more lines exist, print another page. if (line != null) { ev.HasMorePages = true; } else { ev.HasMorePages = false; count = 0; //reinicio para la impresion en papel } // If there are no more pages, reset the string to be printed. //if (!ev.HasMorePages) // streamToPrint = new StreamReader (filePath); }