public PryanetFetcher(PryanetFetcherInfo info) : base(info) { if (RemoteUrl.ToString ().StartsWith ("ssh+")) RemoteUrl = new Uri ("ssh" + RemoteUrl.ToString ().Substring (RemoteUrl.ToString ().IndexOf ("://"))); Uri uri = RemoteUrl; if (!uri.Scheme.Equals ("ssh") && !uri.Scheme.Equals ("https") && !uri.Scheme.Equals ("http") && !uri.Scheme.Equals ("git")) { uri = new Uri ("ssh://" + uri); } if (uri.Host.Equals ("") && !uri.Scheme.StartsWith ("http")) { if (!uri.AbsolutePath.Equals ("/") && !uri.AbsolutePath.EndsWith (".git")) { uri = new Uri ("ssh://[email protected]" + uri.AbsolutePath + ".git"); } else { uri = new Uri ("ssh://[email protected]" + uri.AbsolutePath); } } else if (uri.Host.Equals ("") && !uri.Scheme.StartsWith ("http")) { uri = new Uri ("ssh://[email protected]" + uri.AbsolutePath); } else if (uri.Host.Equals ("") && !uri.Scheme.StartsWith ("http")) { // Nothing really } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (uri.UserInfo) && !uri.Scheme.StartsWith ("http")) { if (uri.Port == -1) uri = new Uri (uri.Scheme + "://storage@" + uri.Host + uri.AbsolutePath); else uri = new Uri (uri.Scheme + "://storage@" + uri.Host + ":" + uri.Port + uri.AbsolutePath); } this.use_git_bin = false; // TODO } RemoteUrl = uri; }
public void StartFetcher (PryanetFetcherInfo info) { string tmp_path = Config.TmpPath; if (!Directory.Exists (tmp_path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory (tmp_path); File.SetAttributes (tmp_path, File.GetAttributes (tmp_path) | FileAttributes.Hidden); } string canonical_name = Path.GetFileName (info.RemotePath); string backend = info.Backend; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (backend)) backend = PryanetFetcherBase.GetBackend (info.Address); info.TargetDirectory = Path.Combine (tmp_path, canonical_name); try { this.fetcher = (PryanetFetcherBase) Activator.CreateInstance ( Type.GetType ("PryanetLib." + backend + ".PryanetFetcher, PryanetLib." + backend), info); } catch (Exception e) { PryanetLogger.LogInfo ("Controller", "Failed to load '" + backend + "' backend for '" + canonical_name + "' " + e.Message); FolderFetchError (Path.Combine (info.Address, info.RemotePath).Replace (@"\", "/"), new string [] {"Failed to load \"" + backend + "\" backend for \"" + canonical_name + "\""}); return; } this.fetcher.Finished += delegate (bool repo_is_encrypted, bool repo_is_empty, string [] warnings) { if (repo_is_encrypted && repo_is_empty) { ShowSetupWindowEvent (PageType.CryptoSetup); } else if (repo_is_encrypted) { ShowSetupWindowEvent (PageType.CryptoPassword); } else { FinishFetcher (); } }; this.fetcher.Failed += delegate { FolderFetchError (this.fetcher.RemoteUrl.ToString (), this.fetcher.Errors); StopFetcher (); }; this.fetcher.ProgressChanged += delegate (double percentage) { FolderFetching (percentage); }; this.fetcher.Start (); }
public PryanetFetcherBase (PryanetFetcherInfo info) { OriginalFetcherInfo = info; RequiredFingerprint = info.Fingerprint; FetchPriorHistory = info.FetchPriorHistory; string remote_path = info.RemotePath.Trim ("/".ToCharArray ()); string address = info.Address; if (address.EndsWith ("/")) address = address.Substring (0, address.Length - 1); if (!remote_path.StartsWith ("/")) remote_path = "/" + remote_path; if (!address.Contains ("://")) address = "ssh://" + address; TargetFolder = info.TargetDirectory; RemoteUrl = new Uri (address + remote_path); IsActive = false; }
public void InvitePageCompleted () { SyncingFolder = Path.GetFileName (PendingInvite.RemotePath); if (PendingInvite.RemotePath.EndsWith (".git")) SyncingFolder = PendingInvite.RemotePath.Substring (0, PendingInvite.RemotePath.Length - 4); SyncingFolder = SyncingFolder.Replace ("-crypto", ""); SyncingFolder = SyncingFolder.Replace ("_", " "); PreviousAddress = PendingInvite.Address; PreviousPath = PendingInvite.RemotePath; ChangePageEvent (PageType.Syncing, null); new Thread (() => { if (!PendingInvite.Accept (Program.Controller.CurrentUser.PublicKey)) { PreviousUrl = PendingInvite.Address + PendingInvite.RemotePath.TrimStart ("/".ToCharArray ()); ChangePageEvent (PageType.Error, new string [] { "error: Failed to upload the public key" }); return; } Program.Controller.FolderFetched += InvitePageFetchedDelegate; Program.Controller.FolderFetchError += InvitePageFetchErrorDelegate; Program.Controller.FolderFetching += SyncingPageFetchingDelegate; PryanetFetcherInfo info = new PryanetFetcherInfo { Address = PendingInvite.Address, Fingerprint = PendingInvite.Fingerprint, RemotePath = PendingInvite.RemotePath, FetchPriorHistory = false, // TODO: checkbox on invite page AnnouncementsUrl = PendingInvite.AnnouncementsUrl }; Program.Controller.StartFetcher (info); }).Start (); }
public void AddPageCompleted (string address, string remote_path) { SyncingFolder = Path.GetFileName (remote_path); if (remote_path.EndsWith (".git")) SyncingFolder = remote_path.Substring (0, remote_path.Length - 4); SyncingFolder = SyncingFolder.Replace ("-crypto", ""); SyncingFolder = SyncingFolder.Replace ("_", " "); ProgressBarPercentage = 1.0; ChangePageEvent (PageType.Syncing, null); address = Uri.EscapeUriString (address.Trim ()); remote_path = remote_path.Trim (); remote_path = remote_path.TrimEnd ("/".ToCharArray ()); if (SelectedPlugin.PathUsesLowerCase) remote_path = remote_path.ToLower (); PreviousAddress = address; PreviousPath = remote_path; Program.Controller.FolderFetched += AddPageFetchedDelegate; Program.Controller.FolderFetchError += AddPageFetchErrorDelegate; Program.Controller.FolderFetching += SyncingPageFetchingDelegate; PryanetFetcherInfo info = new PryanetFetcherInfo { Address = address, Fingerprint = SelectedPlugin.Fingerprint, RemotePath = remote_path, FetchPriorHistory = this.fetch_prior_history, AnnouncementsUrl = SelectedPlugin.AnnouncementsUrl, Backend = SelectedPlugin.Backend }; new Thread (() => { Program.Controller.StartFetcher (info); }).Start (); }
public PryanetFetcherSSH(PryanetFetcherInfo info) : base(info) { }