private void RightRotate(NodeR Y) { NodeR X = Y.left; Y.left = X.right; if (X.right != null) { X.right.parent = Y; } if (X != null) { X.parent = Y.parent; } if (Y.parent == null) { root = X; } if (Y == Y.parent.right) { Y.parent.right = X; } if (Y == Y.parent.left) { Y.parent.left = X; } X.right = Y; if (Y != null) { Y.parent = X; } }
public NodeR update(NodeR node, int key, string val) { if (node == null) { status += " key " + key + " was not found! >_< \n\n"; return(node); } else if (key < { status += " key " + key + " less than current node: " + + ", going left \n\n"; update(node.left, key, val); } else if (key > { status += " key " + key + " larger than current node: " + + ", going right \n\n"; update(node.right, key, val); } else { status += " key has been found! \n\n"; string tempVal = node.value; node.value = val; status += " value of: " + + " has been replaced \n\n"; status += " before: " + tempVal + " || after: " + node.value + "\n\n"; return(node); } return(node); }
// 0 = Red // 1 = Black public NodeR(int data, string value) { = data; this.value = value; left = right = parent = root = null; color = 0; }
private void LeftRotate(NodeR X) { NodeR Y = X.right; X.right = Y.left; if (Y.left != null) { Y.left.parent = X; } if (Y != null) { Y.parent = X.parent; } if (X.parent == null) { root = Y; } if (X == X.parent.left) { X.parent.left = Y; } else { X.parent.right = Y; } Y.left = X; if (X != null) { X.parent = Y; } }
void inOrderRBT(NodeR node) { if (node != null) { inOrderRBT(node.left); rtbDisplay.Text += "key: " + + " ++ value: " + node.value + " || "; inOrderRBT(node.right); } }
private NodeR Minimum(NodeR X) { while (X.left.left != null) { X = X.left; } if (X.left.right != null) { X = X.left.right; } return(X); }
private NodeR TreeSuccessor(NodeR X) { if (X.left != null) { return(Minimum(X)); } else { NodeR Y = X.parent; while (Y != null && X == Y.right) { X = Y; Y = Y.parent; } return(Y); } }
public void Delete(int key) { NodeR item = Find(key); NodeR X = null; NodeR Y = null; if (item == null) { status += " Nothing to delete! " + "\n\n"; return; } else { if (item.left == null && item.right == null) { status += + " tidak memiliki anak \n\n"; if (item.parent.left != null) { if ( == { item.parent.left = null; } } if (item.parent.right != null) { if ( == { item.parent.right = null; } } status += key + " Node deleted \n\n"; } else if (item.left != null) { status += + " memiliki anak kiri \n\n"; status += + " menggantikan posisi " + + "\n\n"; status += + " Node deleted " + " \n\n"; } else if (item.right != null) { status += + " memiliki anak kanan \n\n"; status += + " menggantikan posisi " + + "\n\n"; status += + " Node deleted " + " \n\n"; } } }
public void recolorInsert(NodeR root) { if (root == null) { } else if (root.color == 0) { root.color = 1; } else if (root.color == 1) { root.color = 0; } else if (root.parent == null) { root.color = 1; } }
public void leftRotateInsert(NodeR root) { NodeR temp; if (root == null) { } else if (root.left == null) { } else { temp = root.left; root.left = temp.right; temp.right = root; root = temp; status += " Right Rotate \n\n"; } }
public NodeR Find(int key) { bool isFound = false; NodeR temp = root; NodeR item = null; while (!isFound) { if (temp == null) { break; } else { if (key < { status += key + " lebih kecil dari " + + " turun ke kiri \n\n"; temp = temp.left; } else if (key > { status += key + " lebih besar dari " + + " turun ke kanan \n\n"; temp = temp.right; } else if (key == { isFound = true; item = temp; } } } if (isFound) { status += key + " was found " + "\n\n"; return(item); } else { status += key + " was not found " + "\n\n"; return(item); } }
private void DeleteFixUp(NodeR X) { while (X != null && X != root && X.color == 1) { if (X == X.parent.left) { NodeR W = X.parent.right; if (W.color == 0) { W.color = 1; X.parent.color = 0; LeftRotate(X.parent); W = X.parent.right; } if (W.left.color == 1 && W.right.color == 1) { W.color = 0; X = X.parent; } else if (W.right.color == 1) { W.left.color = 1; W.color = 0; RightRotate(W); W = X.parent.right; } W.color = X.parent.color; X.parent.color = 1; W.right.color = 1; LeftRotate(X.parent); X = root; } else { NodeR W = X.parent.left; if (W.color == 0) { W.color = 1; X.parent.color = 0; RightRotate(X.parent); W = X.parent.left; } if (W.right.color == 1 && W.left.color == 1) { W.color = 1; X = X.parent; } else if (W.left.color == 1) { W.right.color = 1; W.color = 0; LeftRotate(W); W = X.parent.left; } W.color = X.parent.color; X.parent.color = 1; W.left.color = 1; RightRotate(X.parent); X = root; } } if (X != null) { X.color = 1; } }
public NodeR insert(NodeR root, int key, string val, string direction = "", int parentKey = 0) { if (root == null) { status += " key " + key + " has been inserted! \n\n"; status += " key " + key + " is a " + direction + " child of: >>" + parentKey + "<<\n\n"; root = new NodeR(key, val); return(root); } else if (key < { if (key == 243068) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(key.ToString() + " < " + + " " +; } status += " key " + key + " less than current node: " + + ", going left \n\n"; root.left = insert(root.left, key, val, "Left",; root.left.parent = root; if (root.left.color == root.color) { if (root.parent == null) { recolorInsert(root); status += "Root of the tree, thus recolor, new color: " + root.color + "\n\n"; } else if (root.parent.left != root) { if (root.parent.left == null) { leftRotateInsert(root.parent); status += "Left Rotate \n\n"; } else if (root.parent.left.color == root.color) { // Re-Color status += "Recolor \n\n"; recolorInsert(root.parent); recolorInsert(root.parent.left); recolorInsert(root.parent.right); recolorInsert(root.left); } else { // Triangle Rotate doubleLeftRotateInsert(root.parent); recolorInsert(root); recolorInsert(root.left); status += " Double Left Rotate \n\n"; } } else { if (root.parent.right == null) { rightRotateInsert(root.parent); status += " Right Rotate \n\n"; } else if (root.parent.right.color == root.color) { status += "Recolor \n\n"; recolorInsert(root.parent); recolorInsert(root.parent.left); recolorInsert(root.parent.right); recolorInsert(root.left); } else { // Line Rotate rightRotateInsert(root.parent); recolorInsert(root); recolorInsert(root.right); status += "Right Rotate \n\n"; } } } } else if (key > { // Lebih Besar status += " key " + key + " larger than current node: " + + ", going right \n\n"; root.right = insert(root.right, key, val, "Right",; root.right.parent = root; if (root.right.color == root.color) { if (root.parent == null) { recolorInsert(root); status += "Root of the tree, thus recolor, new color: " + root.color + "\n\n"; } else if (root.parent.right != root) { if (root.parent.right == null) { rightRotateInsert(root.parent); status += "Right Rotate \n\n"; } else if (root.parent.right.color == root.color) { // Re-Color recolorInsert(root.parent); recolorInsert(root.parent.left); recolorInsert(root.parent.right); recolorInsert(root.right); status += "Recolor \n\n"; } else { // Triangle Rotate doubleRightRotateInsert(root.parent); recolorInsert(root); recolorInsert(root.right); status += "Double Right Rotate \n\n"; } } else { if (root.parent.left == null) { leftRotateInsert(root.parent); status += "Left Rotate \n\n"; } else if (root.parent.left.color == root.color) { recolorInsert(root.parent); recolorInsert(root.parent.left); recolorInsert(root.parent.right); recolorInsert(root.right); status += "Recolor \n\n"; } else { // Line Rotate leftRotateInsert(root.parent); recolorInsert(root); recolorInsert(root.left); status += "Left Rotate \n\n"; } } } } return(root); }
public void doubleRightRotateInsert(NodeR root) { leftRotateInsert(root.left); rightRotateInsert(root); status += " Double Right Rotate \n\n"; }
public void doubleLeftRotateInsert(NodeR root) { rightRotateInsert(root.right); leftRotateInsert(root); status += " Double Left Rotate \n\n"; }