public override void Update(World world) { var speed = this.Speed * (1 - ((world as RedMeansGoWorld).Player as Player).Health + 1); this.Y += (float)speed; this.X += (float)(Math.Cos(this.Y / ((Tileset.TILESET_PIXEL_HEIGHT - RedMeansGoGame.GAME_HEIGHT) / 2) * Math.PI * 2 ) * speed); this.Rotation += 0.05f; if (this.Y > Tileset.TILESET_PIXEL_HEIGHT) world.Entities.Remove(this); this.Color = new Color(255, 255, 255); var w = world as RedMeansGoWorld; if ((w.Player as Entities.Player).Health > 0) { if (w.Player.X - this.X < 60 && w.Player.X - this.X > -60 && w.Player.Y - this.Y < 60 && w.Player.Y - this.Y > -60) { if (Vector2.Distance( new Vector2(this.X, this.Y), new Vector2(w.Player.X, w.Player.Y)) < 8) (world as RedMeansGoWorld).Restart(); } } base.Update(world); }
public Player(World world) : base(world) { this.Images = this.GetTexture("chars.player.player"); this.Width = 16; this.Height = 16; }
public override void Update(World world) { base.Update(world); // Movement handling. this.XSpeed = 0; this.YSpeed = 0; }
public virtual void MoveRight(World world) { this.m_PlayerIsMoving = true; this.ImageFlipX = false; if (this.CollidesWithSolidAt(world, (int)(this.X + this.PlayerMovementSpeed), (int)this.Y - 1)) this.MoveUntilContact(world, 1, 0, this.PlayerMovementSpeed); else this.X += this.PlayerMovementSpeed; }
public override void Update(World rawWorld) { RedMeansGoWorld world = rawWorld as RedMeansGoWorld; if (!this.m_HasSpawned) { world.SpawnPlayer<Player>(this.X, this.Y); this.m_HasSpawned = true; } base.Update(world); }
public override void Update(World rawWorld) { if (this.m_IsPlaying && this.m_Instance.State != SoundState.Playing) { this.m_Instance.Play(); this.RaiseOnPlay(); this.m_IsPlaying = false; } else if (!this.m_IsPlaying && !this.IsLooped && this.m_Instance.State == SoundState.Stopped && this.m_HasPlayed) { if (this.DeleteWhenFinished) this.m_World.Entities.Remove(this); } }
public override void Draw(World world, XnaGraphics graphics) { this.m_World = world as RedMeansGoWorld; base.Draw(world, graphics); graphics.DrawSprite((int)this.X, (int)this.Y, this.Width - 8, this.Height - 8, "player.powerup", this.PowerupColor, false, this.Rotation, new Vector2(54 / 2, 54 / 2)); string msg; if (this.Health <= 0) msg = "You win. They died."; else msg = "Distance to Heart: " + (this.Health * 150).ToString("F2") + "cm"; graphics.DrawStringCentered((int)this.X, (int)this.Y + 40, msg); RedMeansGoGame.SetWindowTitle(msg); }
public override void Update(World world) { this.X += (float)(Math.Cos(this.m_Direction) * this.m_Speed); this.Y += (float)(Math.Sin(this.m_Direction) * this.m_Speed); this.Rotation += this.m_RotationSpeed; if (this.Y < 0) world.Entities.Remove(this); double heartbeat = (world as RedMeansGoWorld).Heartbeats.Current; if (((world as ShmupWorld).Player as Player).Health <= 0) heartbeat = -0.4; // You're dead :( this.Width = (int)(8 * (heartbeat * 0.2 + 1)); this.Height = (int)(8 * (heartbeat * 0.2 + 1)); base.Update(world); }
public override void Update(World rawWorld) { PlayerWorld world = rawWorld as PlayerWorld; // Check to see if player is null and we should center the pan. if (world.Player == null) { this.m_Instance.Pan = 0.0f; return; } // Calculate standard position. float v = Math.Abs(this.X - world.Player.X) / 300f; if (v > 1) v = 1; this.m_Instance.Pan = (this.X > world.Player.X) ? v : -v; this.m_Instance.Volume = (1 - v) * this.VolumeMax; // Calculate wrapped position if needed. if (1 - v == 0) { // Potentially needs to do some wrapping calculations, offset by // the room width. v = Math.Abs(this.X - (world.Player.X - Tileset.TILESET_PIXEL_WIDTH)) / 300f; if (v > 1) { // Other side. v = Math.Abs(this.X - (world.Player.X + Tileset.TILESET_PIXEL_WIDTH)) / 300f; if (v > 1) v = 1; this.m_Instance.Pan = -v; } else this.m_Instance.Pan = v; this.m_Instance.Volume = (1 - v) * this.VolumeMax; } if (this.m_IsPlaying && this.m_Instance.State != SoundState.Playing) { this.m_Instance.Play(); this.RaiseOnPlay(); this.m_IsPlaying = false; } else if (!this.m_IsPlaying && !this.IsLooped && this.m_Instance.State == SoundState.Stopped && this.m_HasPlayed) { if (this.DeleteWhenFinished) this.m_World.Entities.Remove(this); } }
public override void Update(World world) { var speed = this.Speed * (1 - ((world as RedMeansGoWorld).Player as Player).Health + 1); if (((world as RedMeansGoWorld).Player as Entities.Player).Health <= 0) speed = 0.1f; this.Y += (float)speed; this.X += (float)(Math.Cos(this.Y / ((Tileset.TILESET_PIXEL_HEIGHT - RedMeansGoGame.GAME_HEIGHT) / 2) * Math.PI * 2) * speed); if (this.Y > Tileset.TILESET_PIXEL_HEIGHT) world.Entities.Remove(this); this.Color = new Color(127, 0, 0); base.Update(world); }
public TitleWorld() { // TODO: Make buttons centered during update or w/e... int CX = 800; int OY = 300; this.m_Buttons.Add(new Button("Generate World", new Rectangle(CX - 100, OY, 200, 30), () => { this.m_TargetWorld = new RPGWorld(); })); this.m_Buttons.Add(new Button("Randomize Seed", new Rectangle(CX - 100, OY + 40, 200, 30), () => { m_StaticSeed = m_Random.Next(); })); this.m_Buttons.Add(new Button("Exit", new Rectangle(CX - 100, OY + 80, 200, 30), () => { (this.Game as RuntimeGame).Exit(); })); }
public override void Update(World rawWorld) { RTSWorld world = rawWorld as RTSWorld; if (!this.m_HasSpawned) { // Set to neutral. Team teamInstance = world.Teams.DefaultIfEmpty(null).First(v => (v.Name == "Neutral")); if (teamInstance == null) throw new ProtogameException("Unable to find neutral team instance."); // Find unit factory. foreach (Type t in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().SelectMany(a => a.GetTypes())) { if (typeof(IUnitFactory).IsAssignableFrom(t) && !t.IsInterface) { IUnitFactory factory = t.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes).Invoke(null) as IUnitFactory; if (factory.CanCreate(this.m_UnitName)) { this.m_Unit = factory.Create(world, this.Level, teamInstance, this.m_UnitName, this.m_Attributes); this.m_Unit.X = this.X; this.m_Unit.Y = this.Y; this.Level.Entities.Add(this.m_Unit); this.m_HasSpawned = true; if (this.m_SynchronisationName != null) { this.m_Unit.SetSynchronisationName(this.m_SynchronisationName); this.m_Unit.ForceSynchronisation(); } return; } } } throw new ProtogameException("Unable to find unit factory that handles unit name '" + this.m_UnitName + "'."); } base.Update(world); }
public override void MoveDown(World world) { this.Health += 0.0002; base.MoveDown(world); }
public virtual void MoveUp(World world) { this.Y -= this.PlayerMovementSpeed; }
public virtual void MoveRight(World world) { this.X += this.PlayerMovementSpeed; }
public virtual void MoveLeft(World world) { this.X -= this.PlayerMovementSpeed; }
public override void Update(World world) { base.Update(world); // Movement handling. this.XSpeed = 0; // Gravity. if (this.YSpeed > 12) this.YSpeed = 12; // Death. if (this.Y > Tileset.TILESET_PIXEL_HEIGHT) world.LoadLevel(world.CurrentLevel); if (!this.m_PlayerIsMoving) this.PerformAlignment(8, 4, () => { this.MoveLeft(world); }, () => { this.MoveRight(world); }); }
public PannedAudioEntity(World world, string name) : base(world, name) { }
public void Fire(World world, Player player) { if ((world as RedMeansGoWorld).Heartbeats.Current > 0.3) world.Entities.Add(new StandardBullet { X = player.X, Y = player.Y }); }
public BackgroundAudioEntity(World world, string name) : base(world, name) { }
/// <summary> /// Returns whether the default sprite should be rendered for this unit. /// </summary> /// <param name="world">The world that owns this entity.</param> /// <returns>Whether the default sprite should be rendered for this unit.</returns> public bool ShouldRender(World world) { return (world as MultiLevelWorld).ActiveLevel == this.Level; }
public override void Draw(World world, XnaGraphics graphics) { base.Draw(world, graphics); if (this.Width == 16 && this.CurrentHealth > 0 && this.MaxHealth > 0) graphics.DrawSprite((int)this.X, (int)this.Y, this.Width, this.Height, "" + ((int)(16 - (this.CurrentHealth / this.MaxHealth * 15))).ToString(), Color.White, false); // You can override to show more meters in subclasses. }
public override void Update(World world) { // Enter the movement clause if needed. if (this.m_CurrentPath != null && this.MoveSpeed > 0 && !this.Killed) { // Check to see if we can move to the desired location. //Unit u = this.CollidesAt<Unit>(world, this.m_CurrentPath.Peek().X * Tileset.TILESET_CELL_WIDTH, this.m_CurrentPath.Peek().Y * Tileset.TILESET_CELL_HEIGHT); if (true /*u == null || u == this*/) // FIXME: Units should path around obstacles. { // Calculate relative vector to the target. Vector2 max = new Vector2( this.m_CurrentPath.Peek().X * Tileset.TILESET_CELL_WIDTH - this.X, this.m_CurrentPath.Peek().Y * Tileset.TILESET_CELL_HEIGHT - this.Y ); // Debugging information. (world as RTSWorld).UiManager.Log("unit is moving to " + this.m_CurrentPath.Peek() + "."); // If we are closer to the target than our move speed, jump directly to // it and pop the target location. if (max.Length() < this.MoveSpeed) { // Move direct. this.X += max.X; this.Y += max.Y; this.m_CurrentPath.Pop(); } else { // Normalize the vector and multiply by the movement speed. max.Normalize(); max *= this.MoveSpeed; this.X += max.X; this.Y += max.Y; } } // Reset list if needed. if (this.m_CurrentPath.Count == 0) this.m_CurrentPath = null; } base.Update(world); }
public override void Update(World world) { this.m_World = world as RedMeansGoWorld; base.Update(world); // Game pace is set by player health... reduce it very very slowly. this.Health -= 0.0001; //this.PowerupColor = new Color((float)m_Random.NextDouble(), (float)m_Random.NextDouble(), (float)m_Random.NextDouble()); if (this.Health <= 0) this.PowerupColor = new Color(127, 127, 127); else this.Rotation += 0.1 * ((1 - this.Health) * 0.3 + 1); double heartbeat = (world as RedMeansGoWorld).Heartbeats.Current; if (this.Health <= 0) heartbeat = -0.4; // You're dead :( this.Width = (int)(WIDTH * (heartbeat * 0.15 + 1)); this.Height = (int)(HEIGHT * (heartbeat * 0.15 + 1)); //this.Origin = new Vector2(this.Width / 2, this.Height / 2); if (this.X < RedMeansGoGame.GAME_WIDTH / 2) { foreach (var e in world.Entities) e.X += Tileset.TILESET_PIXEL_WIDTH - RedMeansGoGame.GAME_WIDTH; } if (this.X > Tileset.TILESET_PIXEL_WIDTH - RedMeansGoGame.GAME_WIDTH / 2) { foreach (var e in world.Entities) e.X -= Tileset.TILESET_PIXEL_WIDTH - RedMeansGoGame.GAME_WIDTH; } if (this.Y > Tileset.TILESET_PIXEL_HEIGHT - RedMeansGoGame.GAME_HEIGHT / 2) this.Y = Tileset.TILESET_PIXEL_HEIGHT - RedMeansGoGame.GAME_HEIGHT / 2; if (this.Y < RedMeansGoGame.GAME_HEIGHT / 2) { foreach (var e in world.Entities) e.Y += Tileset.TILESET_PIXEL_HEIGHT - RedMeansGoGame.GAME_HEIGHT; } }
public override void Update(World world) { // Check to see if we're attacking anything, if (this.AttackTarget != null && this.AttackTarget.Team != this.Team && !this.Killed) { // Check to see if we need to move closer. if ((new Vector2(this.AttackTarget.X, this.AttackTarget.Y) - new Vector2(this.X, this.Y)).Length() > this.AttackRange) { // Need to move closer, find a spot near the unit that // is currently free. if (this is MovableUnit) { // Check to make sure we're not already moving. if (!(this as MovableUnit).MoveIsPathing) { (this.Level.World as RTSWorld).UiManager.Log("unit started pathing toward attack target."); (this as MovableUnit).MoveTo(new Vector2(this.AttackTarget.X, this.AttackTarget.Y)); } else (this.Level.World as RTSWorld).UiManager.Log("unit attacking, out-of-range and pathing."); } else { (this.Level.World as RTSWorld).UiManager.Log("immovable unit attempting to attack unit outside range; cancelling."); this.AttackTarget = null; } } else { // Otherwise, we are in range of the attack target, so we // can kill it. // TODO: Use a timer with attack speed here. (this.Level.World as RTSWorld).UiManager.Log("unit damaging it's attack target."); if (this is MovableUnit) (this as MovableUnit).MoveCancel(); this.AttackTarget.Damage(this, this.AttackPower); } } base.Update(world); }
public bool CollidesWithSolidAt(World world, int x, int y) { return Helpers.CollidesWithSolidAt(this, world, x, y); }
public virtual void MoveDown(World world) { this.Y += this.PlayerMovementSpeed; }
public virtual void Jump(World world) { if (this.TouchingGroundLastStep && !this.CollidesWithSolidAt(world, (int)this.X, (int)this.Y - 16)) this.YSpeed = -this.PlayerJumpSpeed; }
public void Fire(World world, Player player) { world.Entities.Add(new StrangeBullet { X = player.X, Y = player.Y }); }
public virtual void Action(World world) { }