public static void Init() { Customer person1 = new Customer("Jhon", "Doe", "123 New String", "11222211112", new DateTime(1980, 10, 05), "xxxx"); Customer person2 = new Customer("Jason", "Smith", "23 East String", "1232111112", new DateTime(1985, 11, 15), "yyyy"); Customer person3 = new Customer("Jack", "Rolls", "12 South String", "1122233212", new DateTime(1970, 10, 6), "zzzz"); Staff staff1 = new Staff("Arnold", "Rolls", "2 South String", "4422233212", new DateTime(1977, 11, 6), "tttt"); //add initialised user to the usergroup UserGroups.AddUser(person1); UserGroups.AddUser(person2); UserGroups.AddUser(person3); UserGroups.AddUser(staff1); Car car1 = new Car("Ford", "Fiesta", "YW34ADC", "Blue", person1, 5); Car car2 = new Car("Alpha Romeo", "Lux", "ED45FGT", "Silver", person2, 5); Car car3 = new Car("Tesla", "Model S", "DD34ADC", "Black", person3, 5); //Console.WriteLine(car1.ToString()); CarUtility.AddCar(car1); CarUtility.AddCar(car2); CarUtility.AddCar(car3); }
//all users option public static void SearchCars() { //PrintAllCars(); Console.WriteLine("Search by Reg - Enter Reg:"); string criteria = Console.ReadLine(); Car result = CarUtility.SearchCar(criteria); if (result != null) { Console.WriteLine(result.ToString()); } else { Console.WriteLine("Not matching cars found!"); } }