private void CmdMoveMap_Execute(object obj) { var pos = ResolveLocation.Resolve(false); if (pos != null) { BmpPlanner.SetView(new Location(pos[0], pos[1]), 10); } }
internal static double[] Resolve(bool gpsDataNotFound) { var wdw = new ResolveLocation(); if (!gpsDataNotFound) { wdw.LblTitle.Content = "Look for a location to zoom in".ToUpper(); wdw.LblText.Content = "Type the name of a city or state"; } wdw.ShowDialog(); var result = wdw.ResolvedLocation; wdw.Close(); return(result); }
private void CmdAnalizeNow_Execute(object obj) { var filePath = DialogTools.ShowFolderPickerDialog("Select the images folder"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filePath)) { var wdw = new AnalyzeImages() { FilePath = filePath, Owner = this }; wdw.ShowDialog(); var missingLocations = wdw.DetectedFires.Where((f) => f.Longitude == 0 && f.Latitude == 0); if (missingLocations.Any()) { var imageLocation = ResolveLocation.Resolve(true); if (imageLocation != null) { foreach (var l in missingLocations) { l.Latitude = imageLocation[0]; l.Longitude = imageLocation[1]; } } } var flight = new Flight(wdw.DetectedFires, wdw.CoveredArea, filePath, new MapModel(BmpPlanner)); Flights.Add(flight); NotifyPropertyChanged("Flights"); AreasOfInterest.AddToAnalizedArea(flight); AreasOfInterest.NotifyAllPropertyChanged("AnalizedAreaPercentage"); NotifyPropertyChanged("AreasOfInterest"); wdw.Close(); RenderMap(); } }