protected override void LoadContent() { sbHUD = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); spriteBatchMini = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); spriteBatchMini2 = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); destrucTileList = new List <Vector3>(); entityList = new List <Entity>(); animationList = new List <Animate>(); particlesEngineList = new List <ParticleEngine>(); particleList = new List <Particles>(); explosionReseau = new List <Vector2>(); switch (gameState) { case GameState.initialize: //Load Cursor Texture and Position personalFolder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal) + "TDZ"; cursor = Tools.LoadTexture("Others/cursor", Content); controles.cursorPosition = new Vector2(); Langage.LoadLanguage(); destroyTile = Tools.LoadTexture("SpriteTexture/destroyed", Content); #region Load Textures TexturesGame.LoadAmmo(Content); TexturesGame.LoadPlayers(Content); TexturesGame.LoadArmes(Content); TexturesGame.LoadItem(Content); TexturesGame.LoadImpact(Content); TexturesGame.Loadtest(Content); TexturesGame.LoadBonus(Content); TexturesGame.LoadIAs(Content); TexturesGame.LoadPlatForm(Content); TexturesGame.Loadtest(Content); TexturesGame.LoadSpeedUp(Content); TexturesGame.LoadBackgrounds(Content); #endregion Load Textures menu = new Menu(Content, GraphicsDevice); font = Tools.LoadFont("Fonts/AngryBirds/24", Content); GameOver = Tools.LoadTexture("Menu/GameOver", Content); fondRadar = Tools.LoadTexture("Others/fondRadar", Content); HUDarmes = Tools.LoadTexture("HUD/HUD_armes", Content); gameState =; sound = new Sound(Content); Player player = new Player(new Vector2(0, 0), TexturesGame.PlayerTab[0], 0, GraphicsDevice, LoadWeapons.LoadKnife(Content), true,; menu = new Menu(Content, GraphicsDevice); try { XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Opt)); FileStream fs = new FileStream(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal) + "/TDZ/Options/OptionMenu", FileMode.Open); XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(fs); Opt obj = (Opt)serializer.Deserialize(reader); fullScreenON = obj.Fullscreen; menu.optionsMenu.toFullScreen = obj.Fullscreen; soundON = obj.SoundOn; sound.playEffects = soundON; controles.controleTab = obj.controleTab; Langage.langueactuelle = obj.language; if (obj.masterServerAdress != null) { ConnectMaster.MasterIPAdress = obj.masterServerAdress; } fs.Close(); XmlSerializer serializer2 = new XmlSerializer(typeof(SavPerso)); FileStream fs2 = new FileStream(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal) + "/TDZ/Sauvegardes/" +, FileMode.Open); XmlReader reader2 = XmlReader.Create(fs2); SavPerso obj2 = (SavPerso)serializer2.Deserialize(reader2); player.Deserialise(obj2, Content); fs2.Close(); } catch (Exception) { player = new Player(new Vector2(0, 0), TexturesGame.PlayerTab[0], 0, GraphicsDevice, LoadWeapons.LoadKnife(Content), true,; player.ItemList.Add(LoadWeapons.LoadKnife(Content)); } currentPlayer = player; solo = new Solo(player.currentLevel, player); menu.LaunchMenuSound(sound); break; case GameState.editor: sound.soundPlayer.Stop(); // Prepare the process to run ProcessStartInfo start = new ProcessStartInfo(); // Enter the executable to run, including the complete path start.FileName = "./MapEditor.exe"; // Do you want to show a console window? start.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; start.CreateNoWindow = true; // Run the external process & wait for it to finish using (Process proc = Process.Start(start)) { proc.WaitForExit(); } gameState =; menu = new Menu(Content, GraphicsDevice); menu.LaunchMenuSound(sound); break; case GameState.solo: sound.soundPlayer.Stop(); //Load List Tirs and Texture shotsPlayer = new Shot(); //Load Map LoadMap(menu.mapname + ".xml"); LoadMapTextures(); //Load Player Array hostPlayer = 0; LoadPlayer(); players[hostPlayer].position = mapWorld.spawnPoint; players[hostPlayer].image = TexturesGame.PlayerTab[players[hostPlayer].spritePerso]; // LoadEnemy(); LoadSurvivalEnemy(); LoadItem(); //Load HUD LoadHUD(); background = new Background(Content, mapWorld); camera = new Camera(players, hostPlayer, scaleNormValue, GraphicsDevice, mapWorld); break; case GameState.scenario: sound.soundPlayer.Stop(); //Load List Tirs and Texture shotsPlayer = new Shot(); //Load Map LoadMap(solo.currentMap + ".xml"); LoadMapTextures(); //Load Player Array solo.player.position = mapWorld.spawnPoint; hostPlayer = 0; players = new List <Player>(); players.Add(solo.player); entityList.Add(solo.player); Enemys = new List <Enemy>(); for (int i = 0; i < mapWorld.IASpawnList.Count; i++) { Enemys.Add(new Enemy(mapWorld.IASpawnList[i], TexturesGame.IATab[0], 100 + i, Content, LoadWeapons.LoadIAGun(Content), false, 0, GraphicsDevice)); Enemys[i].iaType = IAType.patrouille; entityList.Add(Enemys[i]); Enemys[i].attaque = currentPlayer.niveau * 0.1f; Enemys[i].defense = 2 / currentPlayer.niveau; } LoadItem(); //Load HUD LoadHUD(); background = new Background(Content, mapWorld); camera = new Camera(players, hostPlayer, scaleNormValue, GraphicsDevice, mapWorld); break; case GameState.multi: sound.soundPlayer.Stop(); //Launch Network and Load Map mapWorld = new Map(); client = new Client(ConnectMaster.MasterIPAdress, Convert.ToInt32(menu.multiMenu.tmpserv.port), ref hostPlayer, mapWorld, Content, menu.multiMenu.tmpserv.mode); if (client.mode == ModeMulti.ctf) { flags = new Flag[2]; flags[0] = new Flag(mapWorld.drapeau2, Content,; flags[1] = new Flag(mapWorld.drapeau1, Content,; foreach (Flag item in flags) { mapWorld.itemList.Add(item); } } LoadMapTextures(); //Platforms for (int i = 0; i < mapWorld.platFormList.Count; i++) { entityList.Add(mapWorld.platFormList[i]); } //Load List Tirs and Texture shotsPlayer = new Shot(); //Load Player Array LoadPlayer(); SetCurrentPlayer(); Enemys = new List <Enemy>(); //Load HUD LoadHUD(); background = new Background(Content, mapWorld); camera = new Camera(players, hostPlayer, scaleNormValue, GraphicsDevice, mapWorld); break; default: break; } }
public static void CheckEvents(Player player, Map map, List <Vector3> destructTile, int host, Shot shots, Sound sound, ref String msg, Controles controles, List <Entity> entityList, List <Animate> animationList, List <ParticleEngine> particle, ContentManager Content, List <Vector2> explosereseau) { Collisions collision = new Collisions(player, map, sound, shots, map.itemList, entityList, animationList); KeyEvents(player, map, controles, sound); if (controles.StayDown()) { player.fallMax = player.fallMaxInit; } AllTimeEvents(player); collision.DoMove(ref msg); collision.IsShooted(player, shots, sound, particle); collision.ValideTire(map, shots, destructTile, particle, Content, explosereseau); player.animation.SetCorrectSprite(player); }
// vas a la ligne 298! public static void IACheckEvents(Enemy Glandu, IAType IAType, Map map, List <Player> PlayerTab, Shot shots, List <Vector3> destructTile, int host, Sound sound, List <Entity> entityList, List <Animate> animationList, List <ParticleEngine> particle, ContentManager Content, List <Enemy> Enemys, List <Vector2> exploseReseau) { Collisions collision = new Collisions(Glandu, map, sound, shots, map.itemList, entityList, animationList); if (IAcollideIA(Glandu, Enemys)) { if ( % 4 == 1) { IAMoveRight(Glandu); } if ( % 4 == 2) { IAMoveLeft(Glandu); } if ( % 4 == 3) { IAJump(Glandu); } } Physics.Fall(Glandu); if (IAType == IAType.Survival) { IASurvival(Glandu, (Player)PlayerTab[0], 400, shots, 0, 0, sound, Content, map, Enemys); Glandu.iaType = IAType.patr_Snd; } if (IAType == IAType.SnD) { IA.IAModSnDestroy(Glandu, PlayerTab[PlayerNearest(Glandu, PlayerTab, 100000, 0)], 380, shots, 0, 0, sound); } String msg = ""; collision.DoMove(ref msg); IAHole(Glandu, map); msg = ""; collision.IsShooted(Glandu, shots, sound, particle); collision.ValideTire(map, shots, destructTile, particle, Content, exploseReseau); if ((collision.haut))// || collision.haut || collision.uR))// && Math.Abs(Glandu.pos.X - PlayerTab[0].pos.X) < 300 && Math.Abs(Glandu.pos.Y - PlayerTab[0].pos.Y) < 300)//(Glandu.direction == Direction.Gauche || Glandu.direction == Direction.Droite)) { IAShoot(Glandu, shots, 0, 0, (int)Glandu.position.X, (int)Glandu.position.Y - 100, sound); } if (collision.droite || collision.gauche) { IAJump(Glandu); } if (IAType == IAType.patr_SndHigh) { if (Math.Abs(PlayerTab[0].position.X - Glandu.position.X) < 1000) { IA.IAModSnDestroy(Glandu, PlayerTab[0], 700, shots, 0, 0, sound); } else { IAModPatrouille(Glandu, (int)map.IASpawnList[ - 100].X - 450, (int)map.IASpawnList[ - 100].X + 450); } } if (IAType == IAType.patr_SndHigh) { if (Math.Abs(PlayerTab[0].position.X - Glandu.position.X) < 1000) { IA.IAModSnDestroy(Glandu, PlayerTab[0], 700, shots, 0, 0, sound); } else { IAModPatrouille(Glandu, (int)map.IASpawnList[ - 100].X - 200, (int)map.IASpawnList[ - 100].X + 200); } } if (IAType == IAType.patr_Snd) { if (Math.Abs(PlayerTab[0].position.X - Glandu.position.X) < 1000) { IA.IAModSnDestroy(Glandu, PlayerTab[0], 700, shots, 0, 0, sound); } else { IAModPatrouille(Glandu, (int)map.IASpawnList[ - 100].X - 300, (int)map.IASpawnList[ - 100].X + 300); } } if (IAType == IAType.random) { IARandomMove(Glandu); } Glandu.animation.SetCorrectSprite(Glandu); if (Glandu.direction == Direction.left) { Glandu.currentWeapon.Update(Glandu, Math.PI, null); } else { Glandu.currentWeapon.Update(Glandu, 0, null); } }
public void GetPacket(List <Player> players, int hostPlayer, Map map, Shot shots, ContentManager Content, GraphicsDevice graphics, List <Explosion> explosionList, List <ParticleEngine> particles, Sound sound, List <Vector2> explosions, List <Entity> entityList) { NetIncomingMessage incMsg; incMsg = client.ReadMessage(); if (incMsg != null) { switch (incMsg.MessageType) { case NetIncomingMessageType.Data: int count; //Nplayers int nbPlayers = incMsg.ReadInt32(); if (nbPlayers > players.Count) { Player player; if (nbPlayers % 2 == 0) { player = new Player(map.spawnPoint2, TexturesGame.PlayerTab[0], players.Count, graphics, LoadWeapons.LoadKnife(Content), true,; } else { player = new Player(map.spawnPoint, TexturesGame.PlayerTab[1], players.Count, graphics, LoadWeapons.LoadKnife(Content), true,; } players.Add(player); entityList.Add(player); } for (int i = 0; i < nbPlayers; i++) { //Perso if (i != hostPlayer) { players[i].position.X = incMsg.ReadInt32(); players[i].position.Y = incMsg.ReadInt32(); players[i].activeSprite = (AnimDir)incMsg.ReadInt32(); players[i].direction = (Direction)incMsg.ReadInt32(); players[i].currentWeapon.numArme = incMsg.ReadInt32(); players[i].currentWeapon.position.X = incMsg.ReadInt32(); players[i].currentWeapon.position.Y = incMsg.ReadInt32(); players[i].currentWeapon.angle = incMsg.ReadDouble(); players[i].currentWeapon.numBalle = incMsg.ReadInt32(); players[i].arm.position.X = incMsg.ReadInt32(); players[i].arm.position.Y = incMsg.ReadInt32(); players[i].arm.rectangle = new Rectangle((int)players[i].arm.position.X, (int)players[i].arm.position.Y, incMsg.ReadInt32(), incMsg.ReadInt32()); players[i].arm.angle = incMsg.ReadDouble(); //Map count = incMsg.ReadInt32(); for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) { int x = incMsg.ReadInt32(); int y = incMsg.ReadInt32(); int hit = incMsg.ReadInt32();[y, x].Hit(hit, ref explosionList, particles, sound, map, Content, explosions); } //Tirs Others Pos count = incMsg.ReadInt32(); for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) { Vector2 position = new Vector2((float)incMsg.ReadInt32(), (float)incMsg.ReadInt32()); double angle = incMsg.ReadDouble(); int damage = incMsg.ReadInt32(); shots.otherTirList.Add(new Tirs(TexturesGame.ammoTab[players[i].currentWeapon.numBalle], damage, position, Vector2.Zero, 0, i, angle, 0, tirTypes.bullet)); // TODO: Implémenter tirTypes !!! } } else { incMsg.ReadInt32(); incMsg.ReadInt32(); incMsg.ReadInt32(); incMsg.ReadInt32(); incMsg.ReadInt32(); incMsg.ReadInt32(); incMsg.ReadInt32(); incMsg.ReadDouble(); incMsg.ReadInt32(); incMsg.ReadInt32(); incMsg.ReadInt32(); incMsg.ReadInt32(); incMsg.ReadInt32(); incMsg.ReadDouble(); count = incMsg.ReadInt32(); for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) { incMsg.ReadInt32(); incMsg.ReadInt32(); incMsg.ReadInt32(); } count = incMsg.ReadInt32(); for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) { incMsg.ReadInt32(); incMsg.ReadInt32(); incMsg.ReadDouble(); incMsg.ReadInt32(); } } } //Scores redScore = incMsg.ReadInt32(); blueScore = incMsg.ReadInt32(); //Platforms count = incMsg.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { map.platFormList[i].position = new Vector2((float)incMsg.ReadInt32(), (float)incMsg.ReadInt32()); map.platFormList[i].speed = new Vector2((float)incMsg.ReadInt32(), (float)incMsg.ReadInt32()); map.platFormList[i].oldspeed = new Vector2((float)incMsg.ReadInt32(), (float)incMsg.ReadInt32()); } break; default: break; } } }
public void SendPacket(List <Player> players, int hostPlayer, List <Vector3> destroyTiles, Shot shots, bool isFlagCaptured) { NetOutgoingMessage outMsg = client.CreateMessage(); //Identifier outMsg.Write(hostPlayer); //Score if (mode == ModeMulti.ctf) { if (isFlagCaptured) { outMsg.Write(1); } else { outMsg.Write(0); } } else { if (players[hostPlayer].isDie) { outMsg.Write(1); players[hostPlayer].isDie = false; } else { outMsg.Write(0); } } //This HostPlayer Position outMsg.Write((Int32)players[hostPlayer].position.X); outMsg.Write((Int32)players[hostPlayer].position.Y); outMsg.Write((Int32)players[hostPlayer].activeSprite); outMsg.Write((Int32)players[hostPlayer].direction); //Weapon outMsg.Write((Int32)players[hostPlayer].currentWeapon.numArme); outMsg.Write((Int32)players[hostPlayer].currentWeapon.position.X); outMsg.Write((Int32)players[hostPlayer].currentWeapon.position.Y); outMsg.Write(players[hostPlayer].currentWeapon.angle); outMsg.Write((Int32)players[hostPlayer].currentWeapon.numBalle); //Arm outMsg.Write((Int32)players[hostPlayer].arm.position.X); outMsg.Write((Int32)players[hostPlayer].arm.position.Y); outMsg.Write((Int32)players[hostPlayer].arm.rectangle.Width); outMsg.Write((Int32)players[hostPlayer].arm.rectangle.Height); outMsg.Write(players[hostPlayer].arm.angle); //Destruct Tile outMsg.Write(destroyTiles.Count); for (int i = 0; i < destroyTiles.Count; i++) { outMsg.Write((Int32)destroyTiles[i].X); outMsg.Write((Int32)destroyTiles[i].Y); outMsg.Write((Int32)destroyTiles[i].Z); } //Send Tirs Positions outMsg.Write(shots.tirList.Count); for (int i = 0; i < shots.tirList.Count; i++) { outMsg.Write((Int32)shots.tirList[i].position.X); outMsg.Write((Int32)shots.tirList[i].position.Y); outMsg.Write(shots.tirList[i].angle); outMsg.Write(shots.tirList[i].damage); } client.SendMessage(outMsg, NetDeliveryMethod.ReliableOrdered); }
public void Shoot(Controles controles, Camera camera, Shot shots, Sound sound, List <Animate> animationList, List <ParticleEngine> particle) { Random rnd = new Random(); currentWeapon.animationn(); Vector2 dir = Vector2.Normalize(new Vector2(controles.cursorPosition.X - currentWeapon.position.X + camera.Xcurrent + camera.Xspecial, controles.cursorPosition.Y - currentWeapon.position.Y + camera.Ycurrent + camera.Yspecial)); Vector2 oriTir = currentWeapon.position + (dir * currentWeapon.image[0].Width); if (direction == Direction.left) { oriTir.X += 15; } else { oriTir.X -= 15; } double angle = Math.Atan2(controles.cursorPosition.Y + camera.Ycurrent + camera.Yspecial - (currentWeapon.position + (dir * currentWeapon.image[0].Width / 2)).Y, controles.cursorPosition.X + camera.Xcurrent + camera.Xspecial - (currentWeapon.position + (dir * currentWeapon.image[0].Width / 2)).X); currentWeapon.Update(this, angle, controles); Vector2 destiArm = currentWeapon.position + (dir * currentWeapon.image[0].Width / 2); double armangle = Math.Atan2(destiArm.Y - arm.position.Y, destiArm.X - arm.position.X); arm.Update(this, armangle, dir); if (currentWeapon.weaponType == cadenceType.none && controles.Click()) { shots.tirList.Add(new Tirs(currentWeapon.ammoTexture, (int)(currentWeapon.damage * attaque), oriTir, dir * 40, currentWeapon.range, id, angle, currentWeapon.nTexture, currentWeapon.tirtype)); sound.Play(currentWeapon.shotSound); if (currentWeapon.count2 < 7 && direction == Direction.right) { currentWeapon.count2 = 2; } if (currentWeapon.count2 < 7 && direction == Direction.left) { currentWeapon.count2 = 3; } } if (currentWeapon.weaponType == cadenceType.semiAuto) { currentWeapon.autoTirs += currentWeapon.cadence; if (currentWeapon.autoTirs > 1 && controles.Click() && currentWeapon.currentAmo > 0) { int numX = rnd.Next(-currentWeapon.accuracy - accuracy, currentWeapon.accuracy + accuracy); int numY = rnd.Next(-currentWeapon.accuracy - accuracy, currentWeapon.accuracy + accuracy); dir = Vector2.Normalize(new Vector2(controles.cursorPosition.X - currentWeapon.position.X + camera.Xcurrent + camera.Xspecial + numX, controles.cursorPosition.Y - currentWeapon.position.Y + camera.Ycurrent + camera.Yspecial + numY)); shots.tirList.Add(new Tirs(currentWeapon.ammoTexture, (int)(currentWeapon.damage * attaque), oriTir, dir * 40, currentWeapon.range, id, angle, currentWeapon.nTexture, currentWeapon.tirtype)); sound.Play(currentWeapon.shotSound); currentWeapon.currentAmo--; currentWeapon.autoTirs = 0; } } else if (currentWeapon.weaponType == && controles.StayClick() && currentWeapon.currentAmo > 0) { currentWeapon.autoTirs += currentWeapon.cadence; if (currentWeapon.autoTirs > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < currentWeapon.autoTirs - 1; i++) { int numX = rnd.Next(-currentWeapon.accuracy - accuracy, currentWeapon.accuracy + accuracy); int numY = rnd.Next(-currentWeapon.accuracy - accuracy, currentWeapon.accuracy + accuracy); dir = Vector2.Normalize(new Vector2(controles.cursorPosition.X - currentWeapon.position.X + camera.Xcurrent + camera.Xspecial + numX, controles.cursorPosition.Y - currentWeapon.position.Y + camera.Ycurrent + camera.Yspecial + numY)); shots.tirList.Add(new Tirs(currentWeapon.ammoTexture, (int)(currentWeapon.damage * attaque), oriTir, dir * 40, currentWeapon.range, id, angle, currentWeapon.nTexture, currentWeapon.tirtype)); currentWeapon.currentAmo--; } sound.Play(currentWeapon.shotSound); currentWeapon.autoTirs = 0; } } else if (currentWeapon.weaponType == cadenceType.rafales && controles.StayClick() && currentWeapon.currentAmo > 0) { if (currentWeapon.rafalstirs < 3) { currentWeapon.autoTirs += currentWeapon.cadence; if (currentWeapon.autoTirs > 1) { currentWeapon.rafalstirs++; for (int i = 0; i < currentWeapon.autoTirs - 1; i++) { int numX = rnd.Next(-currentWeapon.accuracy - accuracy, currentWeapon.accuracy + accuracy); int numY = rnd.Next(-currentWeapon.accuracy - accuracy, currentWeapon.accuracy + accuracy); dir = Vector2.Normalize(new Vector2(controles.cursorPosition.X - currentWeapon.position.X + camera.Xcurrent + camera.Xspecial + numX, controles.cursorPosition.Y - currentWeapon.position.Y + camera.Ycurrent + camera.Yspecial + numY)); shots.tirList.Add(new Tirs(currentWeapon.ammoTexture, (int)(currentWeapon.damage * attaque), oriTir, dir * 40, currentWeapon.range, id, angle, currentWeapon.nTexture, currentWeapon.tirtype)); sound.Play(currentWeapon.shotSound); currentWeapon.currentAmo--; } currentWeapon.autoTirs = 0; } } } else { currentWeapon.rafalstirs = 0; } }