public Mapa() { InitializeComponent(); tipoviTree = DodajTip.l; foreach (Ikonica ik in MapaIkonice.mapaIk) { Image Pikonica = Informacije(ik.Sp); canvasMapa.Children.Add(Pikonica); Canvas.SetLeft(Pikonica, ik.X); Canvas.SetTop(Pikonica, ik.Y); } Mi = new MapaIkonice(); InstanceM = this; foreach (Tip t in DodajTip.l) { t.SpomeniciUtipu.Clear(); Tip tipp = new Tip() { Ime = t.Ime }; foreach (Spomenik sp in { if (t.Equals(sp.Tip)) { t.SpomeniciUtipu.Add(sp); foreach (Ikonica mi in MapaIkonice.mapaIk) { if (sp.Equals(mi.Sp)) { t.SpomeniciUtipu.Remove(sp); } } } } } this.DataContext = this; mapaImg.ImageSource = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Images/mapa.jpg")); }
private void LoadMap(Mapa mapa) { // remove all children that are of type Chip int intTotalChildren = MapGrid.Children.Count - 1; for (int intCounter = intTotalChildren; intCounter > 0; intCounter--) { if (MapGrid.Children[intCounter].GetType() == typeof(Chip)) { Chip ucCurrentChild = (Chip)MapGrid.Children[intCounter]; MapGrid.Children.Remove(ucCurrentChild); } } mapa.Pinovi.ToList().ForEach(LoadChipFromPin); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////OTVARANJE/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public MainWindow() { /*string path = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop); * using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(System.IO.Path.Combine(path, "tipovi.txt"))) * { * string json1 = reader.ReadToEnd(); * string json4 = json1.Replace(@"\\\\", @"-"); * string json2 = json4.Replace(@"\", string.Empty); * string json = json2.Replace(@"-", @"\\\\"); * List<Tip> res = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Tip>>(json.Trim().Substring(1, (json.Length - 2))); * foreach (Tip t in res) * { * t.Ikonica = ByteArrayToBitmapImage(t.ByteIkonica); * } * DodajTip.l = res; * } * * * string path1 = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop); * using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(System.IO.Path.Combine(path, "etikete.txt"))) * { * string json1 = reader.ReadToEnd(); * string json4 = json1.Replace(@"\\\\", @"-"); * string json2 = json4.Replace(@"\", string.Empty); * string json = json2.Replace(@"-", @"\\\\"); * List<Etiketa> res1 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Etiketa>>(json.Trim().Substring(1, (json.Length - 2))); * DodajEtiketu.le = res1; * } * * string path3 = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop); * using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(System.IO.Path.Combine(path, "spomenici.txt"))) * { * string json1 = reader.ReadToEnd(); * string json4 = json1.Replace(@"\\\\", @"-"); * string json2 = json4.Replace(@"\", string.Empty); * string json = json2.Replace(@"-", @"\\\\"); * List<Spomenik> res2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Spomenik>>(json.Trim().Substring(1, (json.Length - 2))); * foreach (Spomenik sp in res2) * { * sp.Ikonica = ByteArrayToBitmapImage(sp.ByteIkonica); * //sp.Datum = DateTime.Parse(sp.StrDatum); * foreach (Tip t in DodajTip.l) * { * if (t.Ime.Equals(sp.TipId)) * { * sp.Tip = t; * } * * } * * int broj = sp.EtId.Count(); * * foreach (String oz in sp.EtId) * { * foreach (Etiketa et in DodajEtiketu.le) * { * if (et.Oznaka.Equals(oz)) * { * sp.Etikete.Add(et); * * * } * } * } * * } * = res2; * } * * string path4 = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop); * using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(System.IO.Path.Combine(path, "ikonice.txt"))) * { * string json1 = reader.ReadToEnd(); * string json4 = json1.Replace(@"\\\\", @"-"); * string json2 = json4.Replace(@"\", string.Empty); * string json = json2.Replace(@"-", @"\\\\"); * List<Ikonica> res4 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Ikonica>>(json.Trim().Substring(1, (json.Length - 2))); * MapaIkonice.mapaIk.Clear(); * foreach (Ikonica ic in res4) * { * foreach (Spomenik sp in * { * if (ic.SpId.Equals(sp.Id)) * { * ic.Sp = sp; * MapaIkonice.mapaIk.Add(ic); * } * } * } * * } */ InitializeComponent(); mapa = new Mapa(); Main.Content = new Pocetna(); }