private void updateLvItem(ListViewItem lvItem) { MysqlCreateStruct mStr = (MysqlCreateStruct)lvItem.Tag; if (lvItem.SubItems.Count < 6) { lvItem.SubItems.Clear(); lvItem.SubItems.Add(mStr.dataType); lvItem.SubItems.Add(mStr.length.ToString()); lvItem.SubItems.Add(mStr.defaultValue); lvItem.SubItems.Add(""); lvItem.SubItems.Add(mStr.comments); } else { lvItem.SubItems[1].Text = mStr.dataType; lvItem.SubItems[2].Text = mStr.length.ToString(); lvItem.SubItems[3].Text = mStr.defaultValue; lvItem.SubItems[4].Text = ""; lvItem.SubItems[5].Text = mStr.comments; } lvItem.Text =; if (mStr.isPrimary) { lvItem.BackColor = Color.LightGreen; } else { lvItem.BackColor = Color.Transparent; } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MysqlCreateStruct addStruct = new MysqlCreateStruct(); addStruct.autoIncrement = colAutoInc.Checked; = colName.Text; addStruct.defaultValue = colDefault.Text; addStruct.dataType = colType.Text; addStruct.isPrimary = colPrim.Checked; addStruct.length = (ulong)colLength.Value; addStruct.notNull = colNotNull.Checked; addStruct.comments = ""; ListViewItem addLvItem = new ListViewItem(); addStruct.refObject = addLvItem; addLvItem.Tag = addStruct; if (CreateStructCont.addStruct(addStruct)) { listView1.Items.Add(addLvItem); updateLvItem(addLvItem); updateSql(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Fieldname Allready in use"); } }
/** * add index by the name of keys */ public void addIndex(string name, List <string> keys) { if (null == this.getIndexbyName(name)) { MysqlIndexType newIndex = new MysqlIndexType(name); for (int i = 0; i < keys.Count; i++) { MysqlCreateStruct getStruct = this.getStructByName(keys[i]); if (getStruct != null) { newIndex.addRefererStruct(getStruct); } else { throw new Exception("key " + keys[i] + " not exists"); } this.crIndizies.Add(newIndex); } } else { throw new Exception("Index with name " + name + " allready exists"); } }
public bool addStruct(MysqlCreateStruct mStruct) { if ( > 0 && getStructByName( == null) { this.crList.Add(mStruct); return(true); } return(false); }
private void updateFormByListItem(ListViewItem lvItem) { MysqlCreateStruct mStr = (MysqlCreateStruct)lvItem.Tag; colAutoInc.Checked = mStr.autoIncrement; colName.Text =; colDefault.Text = mStr.defaultValue; colType.Text = mStr.dataType; colPrim.Checked = mStr.isPrimary; colLength.Value = mStr.length; colNotNull.Checked = mStr.notNull; }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (listView1.SelectedItems.Count == 1) { MysqlCreateStruct addStruct = (MysqlCreateStruct)listView1.SelectedItems[0].Tag; addStruct.autoIncrement = colAutoInc.Checked; = colName.Text; addStruct.defaultValue = colDefault.Text; addStruct.dataType = colType.Text; addStruct.isPrimary = colPrim.Checked; addStruct.length = (ulong)colLength.Value; addStruct.notNull = colNotNull.Checked; addStruct.comments = ""; updateLvItem(listView1.SelectedItems[0]); } updateSql(); }
public void addFieldToIndex(string name, string fieldName) { MysqlIndexType editIndex = this.getIndexbyName(name); if (null != editIndex) { MysqlCreateStruct getStruct = this.getStructByName(fieldName); if (getStruct != null) { editIndex.addRefererStruct(getStruct); } else { throw new Exception("key " + fieldName + " not exists"); } } }
public void addRefererStruct(MysqlCreateStruct refStruct) { this.refers.Add(refStruct); }