private static void QuestInteract(ConnectionType type, int index, byte[] data) { ByteBuffer.ByteBuffer buffer = new ByteBuffer.ByteBuffer(); buffer.WriteBytes(data); ReadHeader(ref buffer); int Character_ID = buffer.ReadInteger(); int NPC_ID = buffer.ReadInteger(); if (MathF.Distance(World.instance.players[Character_ID], World.instance.GetNPCByEntityID(NPC_ID)) <= World.InteractionDistance) { World.instance.UpdateQuestLog(Character_ID); bool Create = false; QuestReturn qr = World.instance.GetQuestContentByNPCEntityID(Character_ID, NPC_ID, out Create); Quest_Log ql = null; ql = World.instance.GetQuestLog(Character_ID, qr.Quest_ID); if (qr.Null != true && ql != null) { switch (qr.Status) { case QuestStatus.None: break; case QuestStatus.InProgress: if (ql.ObjectiveProgress >= qr.Target) { World.instance.GetQuestLog(Character_ID, qr.Quest_ID).Status = QuestStatus.Finished; qr = World.instance.GetQuestContentByNPCEntityID(Character_ID, NPC_ID, out Create); SendData.QuestInteractConfirm(index, true, ql.Status, qr.NPC_ID, ql.Quest_ID); SendData.UpdateQuestLog(ql); } else { SendData.QuestInteractConfirm(index, false); } break; case QuestStatus.Complete: SendData.QuestInteractConfirm(index, false); break; case QuestStatus.Finished: World.instance.GetQuestLog(Character_ID, qr.Quest_ID).Status = QuestStatus.Complete; qr = World.instance.GetQuestContentByNPCEntityID(Character_ID, NPC_ID, out Create); SendData.QuestInteractConfirm(index, true, ql.Status, qr.NPC_ID, ql.Quest_ID); SendData.UpdateQuestLog(ql); if (World.instance.players.ContainsKey(Character_ID)) { World.instance.players[Character_ID].experience += World.instance.quests[ql.Quest_ID].Experience; } // Get the next quest in the series List <Quest> q = World.instance.GetAvailableQuests(Character_ID); if (q != null && q.Count > 0) { foreach (Quest qu in q) { // Create a new quest log for it Quest_Log newql = new Quest_Log(-1, Character_ID, qu.ID, QuestStatus.Available, 0); // Update the synchronization server SendData.CreateQuestLog(newql); // Notify the client that a new quest is available SendData.UpdateQuestLog(index, qu.ID, newql.Quest_Log_ID, World.instance.GetNPCEntityID(qu.NPC_Start_ID), newql.Status, newql.ObjectiveProgress, qu.Objective_Target); } } break; case QuestStatus.Available: if (qr.Target == -1) { World.instance.GetQuestLog(Character_ID, qr.Quest_ID).Status = QuestStatus.Finished; qr = World.instance.GetQuestContentByNPCEntityID(Character_ID, NPC_ID, out Create); World.instance.UpdateQuestLog(Character_ID); } else { World.instance.GetQuestLog(Character_ID, qr.Quest_ID).Status = QuestStatus.InProgress; qr = World.instance.GetQuestContentByNPCEntityID(Character_ID, NPC_ID, out Create); World.instance.UpdateQuestLog(Character_ID); } SendData.QuestInteractConfirm(index, true, ql.Status, qr.NPC_ID, ql.Quest_ID); SendData.UpdateQuestLog(ql); break; default: break; } } else { SendData.QuestInteractConfirm(index, false); } } else { SendData.QuestInteractConfirm(index, false); } World.instance.UpdateQuestLog(Character_ID); }
private static void Update(ConnectionType type, int index, byte[] data) { ByteBuffer.ByteBuffer buffer = new ByteBuffer.ByteBuffer(); if (data.Length == 105) { buffer.WriteBytes(data); ReadHeader(ref buffer); // Connectivity Statistics Client client = Network.instance.Clients[index]; client.TCP_Throughput = buffer.ReadFloat(); client.TCP_SetLatency(buffer.ReadFloat()); client.TCP_PacketsReceived = buffer.ReadInteger(); client.UDP_Throughput = buffer.ReadFloat(); client.UDP_SetLatency(buffer.ReadFloat()); client.UDP_PacketsReceived = buffer.ReadInteger(); // ID int Character_ID = buffer.ReadInteger(); // Position float X = buffer.ReadFloat(); float Y = buffer.ReadFloat(); float Z = buffer.ReadFloat(); float R = buffer.ReadFloat(); // Velocity float vx = buffer.ReadFloat(); float vy = buffer.ReadFloat(); float vz = buffer.ReadFloat(); // Camera Position float cX = buffer.ReadFloat(); float cY = buffer.ReadFloat(); float cZ = buffer.ReadFloat(); float cR = buffer.ReadFloat(); // Animation State float Forward = buffer.ReadFloat(); float Turn = buffer.ReadFloat(); float Jump = buffer.ReadFloat(); float JumpLeg = buffer.ReadFloat(); byte bools = buffer.ReadByte(); bool Crouch = false; bool OnGround = false; bool Attacking = false; bool Dead = false; bool Attacked = false; bool Cast = false; bool b6 = false; // Unused bool b7 = false; // Unused BitwiseRefinement.ByteToBools(bools, out Crouch, out OnGround, out Attacking, out Dead, out Attacked, out Cast, out b6, out b7); // Target EntityType TargetType = (EntityType)buffer.ReadInteger(); int TargetID = buffer.ReadInteger(); if (World.instance.players.ContainsKey(Character_ID)) { Player player = World.instance.players[Character_ID]; // Position player.position.x = X; player.position.y = Y; player.position.z = Z; player.r = R; // Velocity player.vx = vx; player.vy = vy; player.vz = vz; // Camera Position and Rotation player.Camera_Pos_X = cX; player.Camera_Pos_Y = cY; player.Camera_Pos_Z = cZ; player.Camera_Rotation_Y = cR; // Animations player.AnimState.Forward = Forward; player.AnimState.Turn = Turn; player.AnimState.Jump = Jump; player.AnimState.JumpLeg = JumpLeg; player.AnimState.Crouch = Crouch; player.AnimState.OnGround = OnGround; player.AnimState.Attacking = Attacking; player.AnimState.Dead = Dead; player.AnimState.Attacked = Attacked; player.AnimState.Cast = Cast; // Target player.TargetType = TargetType; player.TargetID = TargetID; SendData.UpdatePlayerData(player); } } }