// checks if there at least one students request that have status R_Allowed or R_denied, if there are new // responces found, rename them to Allowed or Denied private void studentRequestResponsed() { DBconnect db = new DBconnect(); string query = "select COUNT(*) from StudentRequests WHERE StudentUsername = '******' AND StatusOFRequest IN ('R_Allowed','R_Denied')"; using (SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(query, db.getConnection())) { db.OpenConn(); int userCount = (int)sqlCommand.ExecuteScalar(); if (userCount > 0) { MessageBox.Show("You received responce to one or more of your student request\nCheck them in \" Student requests -> My requests\""); removeRequestsPopup(db); } } }
private void login() { db.OpenConn(); Boolean error = false; switch (getAccessGroup()) { case "Admin": if (ManagementButton.Checked) { getID(); using (adminMenu adMenu = new adminMenu(new admin(id))) { this.Hide(); adMenu.ShowDialog(this); } } else if (StudentButton.Checked) { using (Form_adminMenu admin_menu = new Form_adminMenu()) { this.Hide(); admin_menu.ShowDialog(this); } } else { MessageBox.Show("You must choose a button!"); } break; case "Student": if (StudentButton.Checked) { using (Form_studentMenu student_menu = new Form_studentMenu()) { student_menu.setUsername(Username); this.Hide(); student_menu.ShowDialog(this); } } else { MessageBox.Show("You must choose your right type!"); } break; case "Associate": if (StudentButton.Checked) { using (Form_associateMenu associate_menu = new Form_associateMenu()) { this.Hide(); associate_menu.ShowDialog(this); } } else { MessageBox.Show("You must choose your right type!"); } break; case "Secretary": if (ManagementButton.Checked) { getID(); using (secretaryMenu secMenu = new secretaryMenu(new secretary(id))) { this.Hide(); secMenu.ShowDialog(this); } } else if (StudentButton.Checked) { using (Form_secretaryMenu secretary_menu = new Form_secretaryMenu()) { this.Hide(); secretary_menu.ShowDialog(this); } } else { MessageBox.Show("You must choose a button!"); } break; case "instructor": if (ManagementButton.Checked) { getID(); using (teachingStaffMenu instrfMen = new teachingStaffMenu(new professor(id))) { this.Hide(); instrfMen.ShowDialog(this); } } else { MessageBox.Show("You must choose your right type!"); } break; case "Professor": if (ManagementButton.Checked) { getID(); using (teachingStaffMenu porfMen = new teachingStaffMenu(new professor(id))) { this.Hide(); porfMen.ShowDialog(this); } } else { MessageBox.Show("You must choose your right type!"); } break; default: MessageBox.Show(getAccessGroup()); error = true; break; } if (!error) { this.Show(); this.BringToFront(); this.userNameBox.Clear(); this.passwordBox.Clear(); this.ManagementButton.Checked = false; this.StudentButton.Checked = false; } db.CloseConn(db.ConnStatus()); }