예제 #1
        //This is the function that moves all the items in the array to the allocated text files.
        static public void MovingArrayToFile()
            //This is to save the array of shopKeeper items onto a text file called ShopKeeper.txt

            //If the shopKeeper text doesnt exist...
            StreamWriter shopKeeperWriter = new StreamWriter("ShopKeeper.txt");//Create the text file shopKeeper.

            for (int i = 0; i < shopKeeperInventory.InventoryLength; i++)
            {                                                                                     //Going through the length of the array of the shopKeeper inventory.
                if (shopKeeperInventory.inventory[i] != null)
                {                                                                                 //This checks is the inventory is not equal to nothing.
                 //This is a manual way of placing the values of the items onto the text file.
                    string theItemTypeSK = shopKeeperInventory.inventory[i].GetType().ToString(); //The type of string is defined first.
                    string theNameSK     = shopKeeperInventory.inventory[i].Name;                 //This is the name of the item.
                    ulong  theWeightSK   = shopKeeperInventory.inventory[i].Weight;               //This is the Weight of the item.
                    ulong  theCostSK     = shopKeeperInventory.inventory[i].Cost;                 //This is the cost of the item.
                    string a1            = "|";                                                   //This is the attributes of the other variables that are with the class/Item.
                    string a2            = "|";
                    string a3            = "|";

                    switch (theItemTypeSK)//Depending on the type within the inventory.
                    //This is the switch statement for when the item type is changed when its displayed to the text file.
                    case "Project_Assessment.Weapon":                                         //Accessing the weapons class under the project assessment.
                        Weapon redefinedWeaponSK = (Weapon)shopKeeperInventory.inventory[i];  //Defining redefinedWeaponSK is a weapon within the shopKeeperInventory.
                        a1 = redefinedWeaponSK.Range.ToString();                              //Adds the range to the text file and uses it as a string.
                        a2 = redefinedWeaponSK.Damage.ToString();                             //Adds the damage to the text file and uses it as a string.
                        a3 = redefinedWeaponSK.AttackSpeed.ToString();                        //Adds the AttackSpeed to the text file and uses it as a string.
                        break;                                                                //Leaves the array.

                    case "Project_Assessment.Armour":                                         //Accessing the Armour class under the project assessment.
                        Armour redefinedArmourSK = (Armour)shopKeeperInventory.inventory[i];  //Defining redefinedArmourSK is a armour within the shopKeeperInventory.
                        a1 = redefinedArmourSK.ArmourType.ToString();                         //Adds the ArmourType to the text file and uses it as a string.
                        a2 = redefinedArmourSK.ArmourHealth.ToString();                       //Adds the ArmourHealth to the text file and uses it as a string.
                        a3 = redefinedArmourSK.ArmourResistence.ToString();                   //Adds the ArmourResistence to the text file and uses it as a string.
                        break;                                                                //Leaves the array.

                    case "Project_Assessment.Potion":                                         //Accessing the Potions class under the project assessment.
                        Potion redefinedPotionsSK = (Potion)shopKeeperInventory.inventory[i]; //Defining redefinedPotionsSK is a potion within the shopKeeperInventory.
                        a1 = redefinedPotionsSK.TypeOfPotion.ToString();                      //Adds the TypeOfPotion to the text file and uses it as a string.
                        a2 = redefinedPotionsSK.ChangedStatsOfPotion.ToString();              //Adds the ChangeStatsOfPotion to the text file and uses it as a string.
                        a3 = redefinedPotionsSK.PotionDescription.ToString();                 //Adds the PotionDescription to the text file and uses it as a string.
                        break;                                                                //Leaves the array.

                    default:                                                                  //If neither of the case statements are true.
                        break;                                                                //Leaves the array.

                    //This displays on the writeLine, the item type, the name, the cost, the weight, and the additional information from the child classes.
            //Closes the writer so that it stops writing. Also flushes it to the text file before it closes the program.

            //This is to save the array of player items onto a text file called player.txt
            //If the player text doesnt exist...
            //Create a new file called player.txt
            StreamWriter playerWriter = new StreamWriter("Player.txt");

            for (int j = 0; j < playerInventory.InventoryLength; j++)
            {                                                                                //THis is a loop of the players inventory length and the items within that array.
                if (playerInventory.inventory[j] != null)
                {                                                                            //If it isnt equal to null.
                    string theItemTypeP = playerInventory.inventory[j].GetType().ToString(); //The type of string is defined first.
                    string theNameP     = playerInventory.inventory[j].Name;                 //This is the name of the item.
                    ulong  theWeightP   = playerInventory.inventory[j].Weight;               //This is the Weight of the item.
                    ulong  theCostP     = playerInventory.inventory[j].Cost;                 //This is the cost of the item.
                    string a1           = "|";                                               //This is the attributes of the other variables that are with the class/Item.
                    string a2           = "|";
                    string a3           = "|";

                    //This is the switch statement for when the item type is changed when its displayed to the text file.
                    switch (theItemTypeP)                                               //Depending on the type within the inventory.
                    case "Project_Assessment.Weapon":                                   //Accessing the weapons class under the project assessment.
                        Weapon redefinedWeaponP = (Weapon)playerInventory.inventory[j]; //Defining redefinedWeaponP is a weapon within the playerInventory.
                        a1 = redefinedWeaponP.Range.ToString();                         //Adds the range to the text file and uses it as a string.
                        a2 = redefinedWeaponP.Damage.ToString();                        //Adds the Damage to the text file and uses it as a string.
                        a3 = redefinedWeaponP.AttackSpeed.ToString();                   //Adds the AttackSpeed to the text file and uses it as a string.
                        break;                                                          //Leaves the array.

                    case "Project_Assessment.Armour":
                        Armour redefinedArmourP = (Armour)playerInventory.inventory[j]; //Defining redefinedArmourP is a weapon within the playerInventory.
                        a1 = redefinedArmourP.ArmourType.ToString();                    //Adds the ArmourType to the text file and uses it as a string.
                        a2 = redefinedArmourP.ArmourHealth.ToString();                  //Adds the ArmourHealth to the text file and uses it as a string.
                        a3 = redefinedArmourP.ArmourResistence.ToString();              //Adds the ArmourResistence to the text file and uses it as a string.
                        break;                                                          //Leaves the array.

                    case "Project_Assessment.Potion":
                        Potion redefinedPotionsP = (Potion)playerInventory.inventory[j]; //Defining redefinedPotionsP is a weapon within the playerInventory.
                        a1 = redefinedPotionsP.TypeOfPotion.ToString();                  //Adds the TypeOfPoions to the text file and uses it as a string.
                        a2 = redefinedPotionsP.ChangedStatsOfPotion.ToString();          //Adds the ChangedStatsOfPotion to the text file and uses it as a string.
                        a3 = redefinedPotionsP.PotionDescription.ToString();             //Adds the PotionDescription to the text file and uses it as a string.
                        break;                                                           //Leaves the array.

                    default:                                                             //If neither of the case statements are true.
                        break;                                                           //Leaves the array.
                    //This displays on the writeLine, the item type, the name, the cost, the weight, and the additional information from the child classes.
            //Closes the writer so that it stops writing. Also flushes it to the text file before it closes the program.

            StreamWriter secretShopKeeperWriter = new StreamWriter("SecretShopKeeper.txt");//Create the text file shopKeeper.

            for (int k = 0; k < shopKeeperSecretInventory.InventoryLength; k++)
            {                                                                                            //Going through the length of the array of the shopKeeper inventory.
                if (shopKeeperSecretInventory.inventory[k] != null)
                {                                                                                        //This checks is the inventory is not equal to nothing.
                 //This is a manual way of placing the values of the items onto the text file.
                    string theItemTypeSSK = shopKeeperSecretInventory.inventory[k].GetType().ToString(); //The type of string is defined first.
                    string theNameSSK     = shopKeeperSecretInventory.inventory[k].Name;                 //This is the name of the item.
                    ulong  theWeightSSK   = shopKeeperSecretInventory.inventory[k].Weight;               //This is the Weight of the item.
                    ulong  theCostSSK     = shopKeeperSecretInventory.inventory[k].Cost;                 //This is the cost of the item.
                    string a1             = "|";                                                         //This is the attributes of the other variables that are with the class/Item.
                    string a2             = "|";
                    string a3             = "|";

                    switch (theItemTypeSSK)//Depending on the type within the inventory.
                    //This is the switch statement for when the item type is changed when its displayed to the text file.
                    case "Project_Assessment.Weapon":                                                //Accessing the weapons class under the project assessment.
                        Weapon redefinedWeaponSSK = (Weapon)shopKeeperSecretInventory.inventory[k];  //Defining redefinedWeaponSK is a weapon within the shopKeeperInventory.
                        a1 = redefinedWeaponSSK.Range.ToString();                                    //Adds the range to the text file and uses it as a string.
                        a2 = redefinedWeaponSSK.Damage.ToString();                                   //Adds the damage to the text file and uses it as a string.
                        a3 = redefinedWeaponSSK.AttackSpeed.ToString();                              //Adds the AttackSpeed to the text file and uses it as a string.
                        break;                                                                       //Leaves the array.

                    case "Project_Assessment.Armour":                                                //Accessing the Armour class under the project assessment.
                        Armour redefinedArmourSSK = (Armour)shopKeeperSecretInventory.inventory[k];  //Defining redefinedArmourSK is a armour within the shopKeeperInventory.
                        a1 = redefinedArmourSSK.ArmourType.ToString();                               //Adds the ArmourType to the text file and uses it as a string.
                        a2 = redefinedArmourSSK.ArmourHealth.ToString();                             //Adds the ArmourHealth to the text file and uses it as a string.
                        a3 = redefinedArmourSSK.ArmourResistence.ToString();                         //Adds the ArmourResistence to the text file and uses it as a string.
                        break;                                                                       //Leaves the array.

                    case "Project_Assessment.Potion":                                                //Accessing the Potions class under the project assessment.
                        Potion redefinedPotionsSSK = (Potion)shopKeeperSecretInventory.inventory[k]; //Defining redefinedPotionsSK is a potion within the shopKeeperInventory.
                        a1 = redefinedPotionsSSK.TypeOfPotion.ToString();                            //Adds the TypeOfPotion to the text file and uses it as a string.
                        a2 = redefinedPotionsSSK.ChangedStatsOfPotion.ToString();                    //Adds the ChangeStatsOfPotion to the text file and uses it as a string.
                        a3 = redefinedPotionsSSK.PotionDescription.ToString();                       //Adds the PotionDescription to the text file and uses it as a string.
                        break;                                                                       //Leaves the array.

                    default:                                                                         //If neither of the case statements are true.
                        break;                                                                       //Leaves the array.

                    //This displays on the writeLine, the item type, the name, the cost, the weight, and the additional information from the child classes.
            //Closes the writer so that it stops writing. Also flushes it to the text file before it closes the program.
예제 #2
        public void SuperUserCreating()
            //This is a statement that allows the superusers to be able to add items to the store.
            Console.WriteLine("Name of the Item:");
            _playerInteraction = Console.ReadLine(); //The player is said to input new item name.
            string newName = _playerInteraction;     //Stores the new name of the item thats inputted.

            Console.WriteLine("Weight of the Item [write it in just numbers and no letters and other characters]:");
            ulong playerValueW = 0;                           //The player value is default at 0.

            TryandCatch(ref playerValueW, playerInteraction); //This is a function in case the player accidentally puts in a value that isnt a number.
            ulong newWeight = playerValueW;                   //Stores the new weight of the item thats inputted.

            Console.WriteLine("Cost of the Item [write it in just numbers and no letters and other characters]: ");
            ulong playerValueC = 0;                           //The playerValue is default at 0.

            TryandCatch(ref playerValueC, playerInteraction); //This is a function in case the player accidentally puts in a value that isnt a number.
            ulong newCost = playerValueC;                     //Stores the new cost of the item thats inputted.

            //This asks for what type of item that the player would like to classify it as.
            bool playerInteractionIsCorrect = false;

            while (playerInteractionIsCorrect == false)
                Console.WriteLine("What type of Item is it? Is it a Weapon or Armour or Potion? [Write the word of the type of item.]");
                _playerInteraction = Console.ReadLine();           //The player is said to input what type of item they are making.
                playerInteraction  = _playerInteraction.ToUpper(); //Stores the weapon class into the playerInteraction string.
                if (playerInteraction == "WEAPON" || playerInteraction == "ARMOUR" || playerInteraction == "POTION")
                    playerInteractionIsCorrect = true;
            while (playerInteractionIsCorrect == true)
                switch (playerInteraction)//Depending on what the person says.
                case "WEAPON":
                    //If the user says they want to make a weapon.
                    //This is divised into - range damage attackspeed looking downwards.
                    Console.WriteLine("Okay, awesome. What is the range in metres? [write it in just NUMBERS and no letters and other characters]");
                    ulong playerValueR = 0;;                          //The playerValue of the range is 0;
                    TryandCatch(ref playerValueR, playerInteraction); //This is a function in case the player accidentally puts in a value that isnt a number.
                    ulong newRange = playerValueR;                    //Stores the new range of the weapon thats inputted.

                    Console.WriteLine("What is the damage of the Weapon? [write it in just NUMBERS and no letters and other characters]");
                    ulong playerValueD = 0;                           //Converts the interaction to an integer.
                    TryandCatch(ref playerValueD, playerInteraction); //This is a function in case the player accidentally puts in a value that isnt a number.
                    ulong newDamage = playerValueD;                   //Stores the new damage of the weapon thats inputted.

                    Console.WriteLine("What is the Attack Speed of the Weapon? [write it in just NUMBERS and no letters and other characters]");
                    ulong playerValueAS = 0;                                                                         //Converts the interaction to an integer.
                    TryandCatch(ref playerValueAS, playerInteraction);                                               //This is a function in case the player accidentally puts in a value that isnt a number.
                    ulong newAttackSpeed = playerValueAS;                                                            //Stores the new attack speed of the weapon thats inputted.

                    Weapon newWeapon = new Weapon(newName, newWeight, newCost, newRange, newDamage, newAttackSpeed); //Converts the name, weight, cost, range, damage and as into an array
                    shopKeeperSecretInventory.AddInventory(newWeapon);                                               //Keeps the new weapon in the secret inventory.
                    playerInteractionIsCorrect = false;

                case "ARMOUR":
                    //If the user says they want to make a peice of armour.
                    //This is divised into - Type of Gear, Health, What it resists.
                    Console.WriteLine("Okay, awesome. What is the gear type?");
                    _playerInteraction = Console.ReadLine();     //This would be asking what type of gear the new armour is.
                    string newTypeOfArmour = _playerInteraction; //Stores the type of armour in a string.

                    Console.WriteLine("What is the Health of the armour? [write it in just NUMBERS and no letters and other characters]");
                    ulong playerValueH = 0;                           //Converts the interaction to an integer.
                    TryandCatch(ref playerValueH, playerInteraction); //This is a function in case the player accidentally puts in a value that isnt a number.
                    ulong newHealth = playerValueH;                   //Saves the armous health in newHealth.

                    Console.WriteLine("What weapon does it resist?");
                    _playerInteraction = Console.ReadLine();                                                               //Asks what weapon this armour resists.
                    string newResistence = _playerInteraction;                                                             //This resistence is then saved in newResistence.

                    Armour newArmour = new Armour(newName, newWeight, newCost, newTypeOfArmour, newHealth, newResistence); //Converts the name, weight, cost, armourtype, health and resistence into an array.
                    shopKeeperSecretInventory.AddInventory(newArmour);                                                     //Keeps the new armour in the secret inventory.
                    playerInteractionIsCorrect = false;

                case "POTION":
                    //If the user says they want to make a potion.
                    //This is divised into - Type of Potion, Stat changes, Description.
                    Console.WriteLine("Okay, awesome. What is the Potion type? [does it heal or does it do damage?]");
                    _playerInteraction = Console.ReadLine();     //Asking the player what the potion varient is "what the benefits or do damage".
                    string newTypeOfPotion = _playerInteraction; //This stores the potion type into a string called newTypeOfPotion.

                    Console.WriteLine("What are the stat changes by default? [write it in just NUMBERS and no letters and other characters]");
                    ulong playerValuePSC = 0;                           //Converts the interaction to an integer.
                    TryandCatch(ref playerValuePSC, playerInteraction); //This is a function in case the player accidentally puts in a value that isnt a number.
                    ulong newPStatChange = playerValuePSC;              //Saves the the stat changes newPStatChange.

                    Console.WriteLine("What is the description of the item? [What does it do?]");
                    _playerInteraction = Console.ReadLine();                                                                     //Asking the player what the description is of the item.
                    string newDescription = _playerInteraction;                                                                  //Saves the description under the string newDescription.

                    Potion newPotion = new Potion(newName, newWeight, newCost, newTypeOfPotion, newPStatChange, newDescription); //COnverts the name, weight, cost, typeofpotion, statchanges and description into an array.
                    shopKeeperSecretInventory.AddInventory(newPotion);                                                           //Keeps the new armour in the secret inventory.
                    playerInteractionIsCorrect = false;
                    break;                                                                                                       //Gets out of the loop.

                default:                                                                                                         //In case the player did not write the correct item type.
                    Console.WriteLine("Sorry I don't think you understand the purpose of making a new item. Test error{}{}");    //In case the player does not write the correct item type.
            Console.WriteLine("Congratulations, you have created a new item.");
            Program EndStatement = new Program();

            EndStatement.EndStatement();//Once the player hase completed the item, they are returned to the endstatement function.
예제 #3
        //This function is for the loading of the array items back onto the array.
        //This will act as a save file.
        static public void LoadingInventoryFromFile(string newFileName, ref Inventory inv)
            //This is the function for loading the text file onto a array and rewriting the default one every time you open the program.
            if (File.Exists(newFileName))
                //Withing this feature, the called variable newFileName is defined as the streamReader called reader.
                StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(newFileName);
                while (reader.EndOfStream == false)
                {                                          //Whilst the reader of the streamReader newFileName is not at the end of the text file.
                    string   reading = reader.ReadLine();  //This saves the line called reading.
                    string[] args    = reading.Split('|'); //Splits the variables using the commers.

                    string projectDefiner = args[0];       //Grabs the file location of the different items so that it can be defined within a case statement.

                    switch (projectDefiner)
                    case "Project_Assessment.Weapon":                           //If the projectDefiner is named Project_Assessment.Weapon...
                                                                                //Converting a string to a int.
                        ulong convertToIntWeightW      = UInt32.Parse(args[2]); //Converting the weapon weight to a int from string.
                        ulong convertToIntCostW        = UInt32.Parse(args[3]); //Converting the weapon Cost to a int from string.
                        ulong convertToIntRangeW       = UInt32.Parse(args[4]); //Converting the weapon Range to a int from string.
                        ulong convertToIntDamageW      = UInt32.Parse(args[5]); //Converting the weapon Damage to a int from string.
                        ulong convertToIntAttackSpeedW = UInt32.Parse(args[6]); //Converting the weapon AttackSpeed to a int from string.

                        //For weapons, the categories are displayed as Name, Weight, Cost, Range, Damage, AttackSpeed.
                        Item tempWeap = new Weapon(args[1], convertToIntWeightW, convertToIntCostW, convertToIntRangeW, convertToIntDamageW, convertToIntAttackSpeedW);

                        break;                                             //Leaves the array.

                    case "Project_Assessment.Armour":                      //If the projectDefiner is named Project_Assessment.Armour...
                        ulong convertToIntWeightA = UInt32.Parse(args[2]); //Converting the Armour weight to a int from string.
                        ulong convertToIntCostA   = UInt32.Parse(args[3]); //Converting the Armour Cost to a int from string.
                        ulong convertToIntHealthA = UInt32.Parse(args[5]); //Converting the Armour Health to a int from string.

                        //For Armour, the categories are displayed as Name, Weight, Cost, Type of Gear, Health, What it resists.
                        Item tempArmour = new Armour(args[1], convertToIntWeightA, convertToIntCostA, args[4], convertToIntHealthA, args[6]);
                        break;                                             //Leaves the array.

                    case "Project_Assessment.Potion":                      //If the projectDefiner is named Project_Assessment.Potion...
                                                                           //For Potions, the categories are displayed as Name, Weight, Cost, Type of Potion, Stat changes, Description.
                        ulong convertToIntWeightP = UInt32.Parse(args[2]); //Converting the Potion weight to a int from string.
                        ulong convertToIntCostP   = UInt32.Parse(args[3]); //Converting the Potion Cost to a int from string.
                        ulong convertToIntIBOP    = UInt32.Parse(args[5]); //Converting the Potion increased bonuses to a int from string.

                        //For Armour, the categories are displayed as Name, Weight, Cost, Type of Gear, Health, What it resists.
                        Item tempPotion = new Potion(args[1], convertToIntWeightP, convertToIntCostP, args[4], convertToIntIBOP, args[6]);
                        break;  //Leaves the array.

                    default:    //If neither of the case statements are true.
                        break;  //Leaves the array.