예제 #1
        public bool ConvertToClientTeam(ref ClientTeams saveTeam)
                saveTeam.ProjectID          = Project.ID;
                saveTeam.ClientStaffID      = ContactID;
                saveTeam.ClientTeamRoleCode = RoleCode;
                saveTeam.FromDate           = FromDate;
                saveTeam.ToDate             = ToDate;

            catch (Exception generalException)
                MessageFunctions.Error("Error converting summary to client team record", generalException);
예제 #2
        public bool Validate(ProjectContactProxy savedVersion)
            bool        contactChanged = true;
            bool        roleChanged    = true;
            bool        startChanged   = true;
            bool        amendment      = false;
            ClientTeams predecessor    = Predecessor();

            if (savedVersion == null)
                savedVersion = new ProjectContactProxy();
            }                                                                       // Prevents having to check for null each time
                amendment      = true;
                contactChanged = (savedVersion.ContactID != ContactID);
                roleChanged    = (savedVersion.RoleCode != RoleCode);
                startChanged   = (savedVersion.FromDate != FromDate);
                string errorMessage = "";
                if (Contact == null)
                    errorMessage = "Please choose a contact from the list, or use the 'Search' function.|No Contact Selected";
                else if (TeamRole == null)
                    errorMessage = "Please select a project role for the contact.|No Role Selected";
                else if (FromDate == null)
                    errorMessage = "Please enter a date from which this contact is (or was) part of the team.|No Start Date";
                else if (EffectiveTo < FromDate)
                    errorMessage = "The 'To' date cannot be after the 'From' date.|Invalid Dates";
                else if (amendment && (contactChanged || roleChanged) && savedVersion.IsHistoric)
                    errorMessage = "Past team members cannot be amended, except to change their dates.|Historic Record";
                else if (!Contact.Active && FromDate <= Today && EffectiveTo > Today)
                    errorMessage = Contact.ContactName + " is inactive and cannot be part of the current client team now, but can be added for a future date.|Inactive User";
                else if (IsDuplicate())
                    errorMessage = Contact.ContactName + " already has the same role in the project during this period. Please check the existing record.|Duplicate Record";
                else if (HasKeyRole && predecessor == null && FromDate > Project.StartDate)
                    errorMessage = TeamRole.RoleDescription + " is a key role, and is not covered at the start of the project. Please adjust the 'from' date, then (if appropriate) "
                                   + "add an initial " + TeamRole.RoleDescription + " afterwards; the date of this record will then be adjusted automatically.|Key Role Not Covered";
                else if (HasKeyRole && Successor() == null & ToDate != null)
                    errorMessage = TeamRole.RoleDescription + " is a key role, and must always have a current record. Please leave the 'to' date blank, then (if appropriate) "
                                   + "add a subsequent " + TeamRole.RoleDescription + " afterwards; the date of this record will then be adjusted automatically.|Key Role Not Covered";
                else if (amendment && roleChanged && savedVersion.HasKeyRole)
                    errorMessage = "The existing role (" + savedVersion.TeamRole.RoleDescription + ") is a key role, and must always be filled during the project. Please ensure "
                                   + "continuity in that role (e.g. by selecting an alternative contact for this record) before changing/adding this contact's new project role.|Key Role Not Covered";
                if (errorMessage != "")
            catch (Exception generalException)
                MessageFunctions.Error("Error validating client project team details", generalException);

                if (AlreadyOnProject())
                    MessageFunctions.AddQuery(Contact.ContactName + " is already a client team member in a different capacity, or at a different time.");
                if (amendment && (contactChanged || roleChanged) && Project.StartDate < Today.AddMonths(-1))
                    MessageFunctions.AddQuery("This change is more than a month after the start of the project, which suggests an addition rather than amendment is required.");
                if (startChanged && FromDate < Project.StartDate)
                    MessageFunctions.AddQuery("This role starts before the project's official start date (which may be correct if involved in initialising the project).");
                if (startChanged && FromDate > Today.AddYears(1))
                    MessageFunctions.AddQuery("This role starts more than a year in the future.");
                if (HasKeyRole)
                    if (predecessor != null &&
                        ((FromDate != null && (predecessor.FromDate == null || predecessor.FromDate < FromDate))) &&
                        ((ToDate != null && (predecessor.ToDate == null || predecessor.ToDate > ToDate)))
                        MessageFunctions.AddQuery("Projects can only have one client " + TeamRole.RoleDescription + " at a time, and this project already has another " + TeamRole.RoleDescription
                                                  + " throughout this period. The existing record will automatically be split into 'before' and 'after' sections.");
                    else if (ProjectFunctions.SubsumesContact(this)) // Opposite scenario of above
                        MessageFunctions.AddQuery("Projects can only have one client " + TeamRole.RoleDescription + " at a time, and this period entirely covers an existing " + TeamRole.RoleDescription
                                                  + " record. That record will therefore be automatically deleted, and other existing records' dates adjusted to avoid overlaps.");
                    else if (RoleOverlap()) // Only if not throwing above - i.e. there is at least one overlap, but no complete replacement or split
                        MessageFunctions.AddQuery("Projects can only have one client " + TeamRole.RoleDescription + " at a time, and this project already has another " + TeamRole.RoleDescription
                                                  + " during part of this period. Existing records' dates will be automatically adjusted to avoid overlaps.");
                    if (predecessor != null && predecessor.ToDate != null && EffectiveFrom.AddDays(-1) > predecessor.ToDate)
                        MessageFunctions.AddQuery(TeamRole.RoleDescription + " is a key role, but this leaves a gap after the previous incumbent, so that record will be extended automatically. "
                                                  + "If that is not correct please adjust the 'from' date, or (after saving) add another interim record in between; existing dates will be adjusted to fit.");
                    if (Successor() != null && Successor().FromDate != null && EffectiveTo.AddDays(1) < Successor().FromDate)
                        MessageFunctions.AddQuery(TeamRole.RoleDescription + " is a key role, but this leaves a gap to the next incumbent, so that record will be extended automatically. "
                                                  + "If that is not correct please adjust the 'to' date, or (after saving) add another interim record in between; existing dates will be adjusted to fit.");
            catch (Exception generalException)
                MessageFunctions.Error("Error validating client project team details", generalException);