public static void Start() { string choice = ""; string userchoice = ""; try { do { MainMenu(); choice = UserChoice(); switch (choice) { case "1": InputMenu(); userchoice = UserChoice(); switch (userchoice) { case "1": string x = ""; while (x != "e") { AddToAList(ListDatabase.AllCourses, CreateCourse()); Console.Write("Type anything to input another course or 'e'/'E' to exit: "); x = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); } break; case "2": x = ""; while (x != "e") { AddToAList(ListDatabase.AllTrainers, CreateTrainer()); Console.Write("Type anything to input another trainer or 'e'/'E' to exit: "); x = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); } break; case "3": x = ""; while (x != "e") { AddToAList(ListDatabase.AllStudents, CreateStudent()); Console.Write("Type anything to input another student or 'e'/'E' to exit: "); x = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); } break; case "4": x = ""; while (x != "e") { AddToAList(ListDatabase.AllAssignments, CreateAssignment()); Console.Write("Type anything to input another assignment or 'e'/'E' to exit: "); x = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); } break; case "5": x = ""; while (x != "e") { AddToAList(ListDatabase.AllStudentPerCourse, CreateStudentPerCourse(ListDatabase.AllCourses)); Console.Write("Type anything to input another course with students or 'e'/'E' to exit: "); x = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); } break; case "6": x = ""; while (x != "e") { AddToAList(ListDatabase.AllTrainersPerCourse, CreateTrainerPerCourse(ListDatabase.AllCourses)); Console.Write("Type anything to input another course with trainers or 'e'/'E' to exit: "); x = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); } break; case "7": x = ""; while (x != "e") { AddToAList(ListDatabase.AllAssignmentsPerCourse, CreateAssignmentPerCourse(ListDatabase.AllCourses)); Console.Write("Type anything to input another course with assignments or 'e'/'E' to exit: "); x = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); } break; case "8": int loops; Console.Write("How many students enrolled in courses with assignments you want to enter?: "); while (!Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out loops) && loops < 0) { Console.Write("Enter a positive number: "); } for (int i = 0; i < loops; i++) { CreateStudentAssignments(); } break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid Option."); break; } break; case "2": Synthetic_Data.ShowALLSeeds(); FindStudentsWithMulCourses(Synthetic_Data.StudentAssignments); PrintResultsofFindDates(); break; case "3": ShowEverything(); break; case "4": break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid option"); break; } } while (choice != "4"); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Something went wrong.Try again."); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Synthetic_Data.SeedDb(); CommonTools.Start(); }