void TestR4() { " Demonstrating Requirement #4 ".title('='); WriteLine(); "Before edit of Key=2 and Key=4 values.".title('-'); DBElement <int, ListOfStrings> oldElement = db1.Dictionary[2]; oldElement.showElement(); ItemEditor <int, ListOfStrings> itemEditor = new ItemEditor <int, ListOfStrings>(); // Creates a DateTime for the local time. itemEditor.editByName(ref db1, 2, "edited name for key=2"); itemEditor.editByChild(ref db1, 2, new List <int> { 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210 }); itemEditor.editByDescr(ref db1, 2, "edited descr for key=2"); DBElement <int, ListOfStrings> newElement123d = db1.Dictionary[2]; newElement123d.showElement(); itemEditor.editPayloadByListOfString(ref db1, 2, new List <string> { "CSE681_2_New", "SMA_2_New", "C#.net_2_New", "AI_2_New" }); DateTime newTime = new DateTime(1990, 6, 15, 0, 0, 0); itemEditor.editByTime(ref db1, 4, newTime); DateTime newTime2 = new DateTime(1990, 6, 16, 0, 0, 0); itemEditor.editByTime(ref db1, 2, newTime2); "After edit of Key = 2 and Key = 4 values.".title('-'); WriteLine(); WriteLine("You can see in updated element, Name,description,children,time and payload attributes are changed."); DBElement <int, ListOfStrings> newElement1 = db1.Dictionary[2]; DBElement <int, ListOfStrings> newElement2 = db1.Dictionary[4]; newElement1.showElement(); newElement2.showElement(); WriteLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { "Testing ItemEditor Package".title('='); WriteLine(); DBEngine <int, DBElement <int, string> > db = new DBEngine <int, DBElement <int, string> >(); DBElement <int, string> elem1 = new DBElement <int, string>(); elem1.name = "Usain Bolt"; elem1.descr = "Athelte"; elem1.timeStamp = DateTime.Now; elem1.children.AddRange(new List <int> { 2 }); elem1.payload = "Fastest in the world"; db.insert(1, elem1); DBElement <int, string> elem2 = new DBElement <int, string>(); elem2.name = "Saina Nehwal"; elem2.descr = "Badminton Player"; elem2.timeStamp = DateTime.Now; elem2.children.AddRange(new List <int> { 1 }); elem2.payload = "Famous badminton player"; db.insert(2, elem2); db.showDB(); WriteLine(); ItemEditor <int, DBElement <int, string> > iEditor = new ItemEditor <int, DBElement <int, string> >(db); "\n1) Editing metadata".title(); "\nBefore editing metadata for key 1".title(); db.showDB(); WriteLine(); "\nAfter editing metadata for key 1".title(); iEditor = new ItemEditor <int, DBElement <int, string> >(db); iEditor.editMetaData(1, "Sachin Tendulkar", "Cricket player"); //send the values to be edited to the editMetaData() function db.showDB(); WriteLine(); WriteLine(); "\n2) Adding children".title(); "\nBefore adding relationship(children) for key 1".title(); db.showDB(); WriteLine(); "\nAfter adding relationship(children) for Key 1".title(); iEditor.addrelationships(1, new List <int> { 3 }); //send a new list with children to be added to a key db.showDB(); WriteLine(); WriteLine(); "\n3) Deleting children".title(); "\nBefore deleting relationship(children) for key 1".title(); db.showDB(); WriteLine(); "\nAfter deleting relationship(children) to Key 1".title(); //send a new list with children to be deleted from a key iEditor.deleteRelationships(1, new List <int> { 3 }); db.showDB(); WriteLine(); WriteLine(); "\n4) Replacing value instance".title(); DBElement <int, string> elem = new DBElement <int, string>(); //create a new element for replacing value elem.name = "Messi"; elem.payload = "Plays for Argentina"; elem.descr = "Football player"; elem.children.AddRange(new List <int> { 2 }); elem.timeStamp = DateTime.Now; "\nBefore replacing the value instance for key 2".title(); db.showDB(); WriteLine(); "\nAfter replacing the value instance for key 2".title(); iEditor.replaceValueInstance(2, elem); //send value to be replaced for a key db.showDB(); WriteLine(); }