public void Menu() { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Product Records! \nWhat would you like to do?"); Console.WriteLine("[1] Add Product \n[2] View Products \n[3] Exit"); string input = Console.ReadLine(); switch (input) { case "1": //Code to add product break; case "2": //code to view product break; case "3": //go to exit ExitMenu exit = new ExitMenu(); exit.Exit(); break; default: //error handling ErrorHandler err = new ErrorHandler(); err.InvalidInputMsg(); Menu(); break; } }
public void CheckOutMenu(Customer c, Location l, Order o) { Console.WriteLine("Thank you for your patronage"); ExitMenu ex = new ExitMenu(); ex.Exit(); }
///<summary>Search customer UI that returns to main customer menu when finished </summary> public void SearchCustomerMenu() { try { _ = SearchCustomer(); string input; do { Console.WriteLine("Where would you like to go? \n [0] Back to main menu? \n [1] Customer Menu?\n [2] Exit?"); input = Console.ReadLine(); } while (ErrorHandler.InvalidIntInput(input)); switch (input) { case "0": AdminMenu am = new AdminMenu(); am.Welcome(); break; case "1": MainMenu(); break; case "2": ExitMenu exit = new ExitMenu(); exit.Exit(); break; default: ErrorHandler err = new ErrorHandler(); err.InvalidInputMsg(); Log.Error("Invalid Input"); ExitMenu ex = new ExitMenu(); ex.Exit(); break; } } catch (CustomerException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Log.Error(ex.Message); TryAgain(SearchCustomerMenu); } catch (NotImplementedException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Log.Error(ex.Message); TryAgain(SearchCustomerMenu); } catch (CustomerNotFoundException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Log.Error(ex.Message); TryAgain(SearchCustomerMenu); } }
///<summary>Main Menu for customer operations</summary> public void MainMenu() { string input; do { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Customer Records! \n What would you like to do?"); Console.WriteLine(" [0] Add Customers \n [1] Search Customers \n [2] Get Customer History \n [3] Go back to Main Menu \n [4] Exit"); input = Console.ReadLine(); } while (ErrorHandler.InvalidIntInput(input)); switch (input) { case "0": //Go to Add Customer UI AddCustomerMenu(); break; case "1": //Go to Search Customer UI SearchCustomerMenu(); break; case "2": //Go to Customer History UI AdminOrder ao = new AdminOrder(); ao.ViewCustomerOrderHistory(); break; case "3": //go back to Main Menu AdminMenu main = new AdminMenu(); main.Welcome(); break; case "4": //go to exit ExitMenu exit = new ExitMenu(); exit.Exit(); break; default: //error handling ErrorHandler err = new ErrorHandler(); err.InvalidInputMsg(); Log.Error("Invalid Input"); MainMenu(); break; } }
///<summary>Main menu for Order Operations</summary> public void Menu() { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Order UI! \n What would you like to do?"); Console.WriteLine(" [0] Place Order \n [1] View Order History of Customer \n [2] View Order History of Location\n [3] Return to Main Menu \n [4] Exit"); string input = Console.ReadLine(); switch (input) { case "0": //code to add order AddOrder(); break; case "1": //code to view order history of customer ViewCustomerOrderHistory(); break; case "2": //code to view order history of location ViewLocationOrderHistory(); break; case "3": //go back to Main Menu AdminMenu main = new AdminMenu(); main.Welcome(); break; case "4": //go to exit ExitMenu exit = new ExitMenu(); exit.Exit(); break; default: //Error Handling ErrorHandler err = new ErrorHandler(); err.InvalidInputMsg(); Menu(); break; } }
public void Welcome() { Console.WriteLine("Tindahan ni Aling Nena"); Console.WriteLine("Welcome BacK! What would you like to view?"); Console.WriteLine(" [0] Location \n [1] Customer \n [2] Orders \n [3] Exit"); string input = Console.ReadLine(); switch (input) { case "0": //go to the Locations UI AdminLocation al = new AdminLocation(); al.Menu(); break; case "1": //go to customer UI AdminCustomer ac = new AdminCustomer(); ac.MainMenu(); break; case "2": //go to order UI AdminOrder ao = new AdminOrder(); ao.Menu(); break; case "3": //go to exit ExitMenu exit = new ExitMenu(); exit.Exit(); break; default: //error handler ErrorHandler err = new ErrorHandler(); err.InvalidInputMsg(); Log.Error("Invalid Input."); Welcome(); break; } }
///<summary>Main menu for location operations</summary> public void Menu() { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Location UI! \n What would you like to do?"); Console.WriteLine(" [0] View Order History of Location \n [1] View Location Inventory \n [2] Go back to Main Menu \n [3] Exit"); string input = Console.ReadLine(); switch (input) { case "0": //code to view orderhistory of location AdminOrder ao = new AdminOrder(); ao.ViewLocationOrderHistory(); break; case "1": //code to view location inventory ViewLocationInventory(); break; case "2": //go back to Main Menu AdminMenu main = new AdminMenu(); main.Welcome(); break; case "3": //go to exit ExitMenu exit = new ExitMenu(); exit.Exit(); break; default: //error handling ErrorHandler err = new ErrorHandler(); err.InvalidInputMsg(); Menu(); break; } }
public void LoginMenu() { Console.WriteLine("Enter your username: "******"Enter your password: "******"Unable to verify account"); Console.WriteLine("Try again? \n Y^(Yes) N^(No)"); string input = Console.ReadLine(); switch (input) { case "Y": LoginMenu(); break; case "N": ex.Exit(); LoginMenu(); break; default: err.InvalidInputMsg(); break; } } }