public List<ModuleCL> SeclectMod() { string query = "SELECT * FROM module"; List<ModuleCL> allMod = new List<ModuleCL>(); //Open connection if (this.OpenConnection() == true) { //Create Command MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, connection); //Create a data reader and Execute the command MySqlDataReader dataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dataReader.Read()) { Int32 ModuleID = dataReader.GetInt32(0); String ModuleName = dataReader.GetString(1); Int32 ModuleHours= dataReader.GetInt32(2); Int32 ReqModHRS = dataReader.GetInt32(3); ModuleCL mod = new ModuleCL(ModuleID, ModuleName, ModuleHours, ReqModHRS); allMod.Add(mod); } //close Data Reader dataReader.Close(); //close Connectionon this.CloseConnection(); } return allMod; }
public void insertMOD(ModuleCL Mod) { string qureyMod = "INSERT INTO module(moduleName, moduleRequiredHours ,moduleTaughtHours ) VALUE('" + Mod.ModuleName + "','" + Mod.ReqModHRS+"','"+ Mod.ModHrs+ "')"; if (this.OpenConnection() == true) { //create command and assign the query and connection from the constructor MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(qureyMod, connection); //NOTE!! throws exaption as to the defluat data //Execute command cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); //close connection this.CloseConnection(); } }