/// <summary> /// Deprecated Method for adding a new object to the MsCustomer EntitySet. Consider using the .Add method of the associated ObjectSet<T> property instead. /// </summary> public void AddToMsCustomer(MsCustomer msCustomer) { base.AddObject("MsCustomer", msCustomer); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new MsCustomer object. /// </summary> /// <param name="customerID">Initial value of the CustomerID property.</param> /// <param name="customerName">Initial value of the CustomerName property.</param> /// <param name="customerTitle">Initial value of the CustomerTitle property.</param> /// <param name="customerContactNumber">Initial value of the CustomerContactNumber property.</param> /// <param name="customerEmail">Initial value of the CustomerEmail property.</param> /// <param name="customerCountry">Initial value of the CustomerCountry property.</param> /// <param name="customerCity">Initial value of the CustomerCity property.</param> /// <param name="customerZip">Initial value of the CustomerZip property.</param> /// <param name="customerAddress">Initial value of the CustomerAddress property.</param> public static MsCustomer CreateMsCustomer(global::System.String customerID, global::System.String customerName, global::System.Int32 customerTitle, global::System.String customerContactNumber, global::System.String customerEmail, global::System.String customerCountry, global::System.String customerCity, global::System.String customerZip, global::System.String customerAddress) { MsCustomer msCustomer = new MsCustomer(); msCustomer.CustomerID = customerID; msCustomer.CustomerName = customerName; msCustomer.CustomerTitle = customerTitle; msCustomer.CustomerContactNumber = customerContactNumber; msCustomer.CustomerEmail = customerEmail; msCustomer.CustomerCountry = customerCountry; msCustomer.CustomerCity = customerCity; msCustomer.CustomerZip = customerZip; msCustomer.CustomerAddress = customerAddress; return msCustomer; }
private void btnRecordc_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //when button record for customer is clicked, validate all the fields according to the project case if (txtNamec.Text.Equals("")) lblError.Text = "CustomerName must not be empty"; else if (!checkNameCust()) lblError.Text = "CustomerName can only accept alphabet"; else if (txtNamec.Text.Length > 50) lblError.Text = "Max CustomerName length is 50 characters"; else if (cmbTitlec.SelectedIndex < 0) lblError.Text = "Select customer title"; else if (txtContactc.Text.Equals("")) lblError.Text = "CustomerContact must not be empty"; else if (!checkContactCust()) lblError.Text = "CustomerContact must only number or '+' as first character"; else if (txtContactc.Text.Length > 20) lblError.Text = "Max CustomerContact length is 20 characters"; else if (txtEmail.Text.Equals("")) lblError.Text = "Email must not be empty"; else if (!checkEmail()) lblError.Text = "Wrong email format"; else if (txtEmail.Text.Length > 50) lblError.Text = "Max email length is 50 characters"; else if (txtCountryc.Text.Equals("")) lblError.Text = "CustomerCountry must not be empty"; else if (txtCountryc.Text.Length > 50) lblError.Text = "Max CustomerCountry length is 50 characters"; else if (txtCityc.Text.Equals("")) lblError.Text = "CustomerCity must not be empty"; else if (txtCityc.Text.Length > 50) lblError.Text = "Max CustomerCity length is 50 characters"; else if (txtZipc.Text.Equals("")) lblError.Text = "CustomerZip code must not be empty"; else if (txtZipc.Text.Length > 15) lblError.Text = "Max CustomerZip length is 15 digits"; else if (!checkZipCust()) lblError.Text = "CustomerZip can only accept numeric"; else if (!txtAddrc.Text.StartsWith("Street")) lblError.Text = "CustomerAddress must be started with 'Street'"; else { MessageBox.Show("Customer Data is successfully recorded"); newCustomer = new MsCustomer(); newCustomer.CustomerID = newcid; newCustomer.CustomerName = txtNamec.Text; newCustomer.CustomerAddress = txtAddrc.Text; newCustomer.CustomerCity = txtCityc.Text; newCustomer.CustomerContactNumber = txtContactc.Text; newCustomer.CustomerCountry = txtCountryc.Text; newCustomer.CustomerEmail = txtEmail.Text; newCustomer.CustomerTitle = cmbTitlec.SelectedIndex + 1; newCustomer.CustomerZip = txtZipc.Text; } }