예제 #1
        private void DetectMotion()
            List <double> devStandardAccSensor1 = UtilityFunctions.DevStandardCalculator(UtilityFunctions.RetrieveModule(this.packets, Sensor.Sensor1, DataInfo.Acc), 60, 9.81D);

            double current   = Double.NaN;
            bool   previous  = false;
            bool   fermo     = false;
            int    startTime = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < devStandardAccSensor1.Count; i++)
                current = devStandardAccSensor1[i];
                if (current > 0.8D)
                    fermo = false;      //non fermo
                    fermo = true;       //fermo

                if (i != 0)
                    if (previous != fermo)
                        CheckActionMoveStop(startTime, i, previous);
                        startTime = i;
                if (lastPacketsFlag && i == devStandardAccSensor1.Count - 1)
                    CheckActionMoveStop(startTime, i, previous);
                previous = fermo;
예제 #2
        private double RetrieveTheta(Packet packet, Sensor s, DataInfo d)
            List <double> data          = SpecificSensorData(packet, s, d);
            double        resultRadians = UtilityFunctions.FunzioneOrientamento(data, UtilityFunctions.DegreeToRadian(GetSpecificPreviousAngle(s)));

예제 #3
        private double RetrieveModule(Packet packet, Sensor s, DataInfo d)
            List <double> data = SpecificSensorData(packet, s, d);

예제 #4
        private void DetectStandLaySit()
            List <Packet> tmp          = new List <Packet>();
            List <double> accXSensor1  = new List <double>();
            List <Packet> correctRange = new List <Packet>();

            if (prevWindowLastPackets.Count > 0)
                correctRange = this.prevWindowLastPackets.GetRange(30, 30);

            accXSensor1 = UtilityFunctions.RetrieveComponent(tmp, Sensor.Sensor1, DataInfo.Acc, Axis.X);

            //Smoothing per evitare rilevazioni errate a causa di dati singoli al di sotto di un certo valore
            List <double> smoothingAcc = UtilityFunctions.SmoothingCalculator(accXSensor1, 30, this.pktOffset == 0);

            if (this.pktOffset != 0) //Always except the very first window
                smoothingAcc.RemoveRange(0, 30);

            double current       = Double.NaN;
            int    previous      = -1;
            int    layStandOrSit = -1;
            int    startTime     = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < smoothingAcc.Count; i++)
                current = smoothingAcc[i];
                if (current <= LAY_THRESHOLD)
                    layStandOrSit = 1; //Lay
                else if (current <= LAY_SIT_THRESHOLD)
                    layStandOrSit = 2; //LaySit
                else if (current <= SIT_THRESHOLD)
                    layStandOrSit = 3; //Sit
                    layStandOrSit = 4; //Stand

                if (this.pktOffset == 0) //If it is the very first window
                    this.sitLayStandActions.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, double>(i + this.pktOffset, current));
                else if (i >= 250) //Do not reconsider the previous 250 values
                    this.sitLayStandActions.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, double>(i + this.pktOffset, current));

                if (i != 0)
                    if (previous != layStandOrSit)
                        CheckActionLayStandSit(startTime, i, previous);
                        startTime = i;

                if ((lastPacketsFlag) && (i == smoothingAcc.Count - 1))
                    CheckActionLayStandSit(startTime, i, previous);
                previous = layStandOrSit;

            vThread.AddPointsForSitLayStand(new List <KeyValuePair <int, double> >(sitLayStandActions));
예제 #5
        private void DetectRotation()
            List <Packet> tmp = new List <Packet>();

            if (this.pktOffset != 0) //Always except the very first window
                tmp.AddRange(this.prevWindowLastPackets.GetRange(0, 60));

            List <double> thetas = UtilityFunctions.RetrieveTheta(this.packets, Sensor.Sensor1, DataInfo.Magn, prevThetaForWindow);
            List <double> girX   = UtilityFunctions.RetrieveComponent(tmp, Sensor.Sensor1, DataInfo.Gir, Axis.X);

            girX = UtilityFunctions.SmoothingCalculator(girX, 60, this.pktOffset == 0);

            if (this.pktOffset != 0) //Always except the very first window
                girX.RemoveRange(0, 60);

            bool   started = false;
            int    startTime = -1, endTime = -1;
            double startAngle = 0D, endAngle = 0D;

            for (int i = 0; i < thetas.Count; i++)
                double currentGirX  = girX[i];
                double currentTheta = thetas[i];
                if (i == 249) //Middle of the window, before the start of the next window
                    prevThetaForWindow = thetas[i];

                if (currentGirX > ROTATION_THRESHOLD && !started)
                    startTime  = i;
                    startAngle = currentTheta;
                    started    = true;
                else if (currentGirX < ROTATION_THRESHOLD && started)
                    endTime  = i;
                    endAngle = currentTheta;
                    started  = false;

                    double result = UtilityFunctions.RadianToDegree(Math.Abs(endAngle - startAngle));

                    if (result >= MIN_ROTATION_ANGLE)
                        if (endAngle > startAngle)
                            AddAction(startTime, endTime, "Girata sx di " + result + " gradi", ActionClass.Rotation);
                            //Console.WriteLine("Girata sx " + currentGirX + " " + result + " " + (startTime + pktOffset) + " " + (endTime + pktOffset) + " | " + UtilityFunctions.RadianToDegree(startAngle) + " " + UtilityFunctions.RadianToDegree(endAngle) + " || " + startAngle + " " + endAngle);
                            AddAction(startTime, endTime, "Girata dx di " + result + " gradi", ActionClass.Rotation);
                            //Console.WriteLine("Girata dx " + currentGirX + " " + result + " " + (startTime + pktOffset) + " " + (endTime + pktOffset) + " | " + UtilityFunctions.RadianToDegree(startAngle) + " " + UtilityFunctions.RadianToDegree(endAngle) + " || " + startAngle + " " + endAngle);