//Search trial according to intervention or experimental classification
 public ActionResult SearchTrialsAccordingToClassification(string searchWord)
     searchWord = searchWord.ToLower();
     //Search for the search word in name and description of the trial
     var trials = _db.Trials.Where(t => t.Name.ToLower().Contains(searchWord) || t.Description.ToLower().Contains(searchWord)).OrderBy(t => t.Name);
     var m = new Professional_Experience.Models.AdminViewTrialsViewModel();
     m.Randomised = new PagedList<PX_Model.Trial>(trials.Where(t => t.HasBeenRandomised == true), 1, trials.Count() + 1);
     m.NonRandomised = new PagedList<PX_Model.Trial>(trials.Where(t => t.HasBeenRandomised == false), 1, trials.Count() + 1);
     return View("ViewTrials", m);
 //Show the list of all the trials
 public ActionResult ViewTrials(int pageRandomised = 1, int pageNonRandomised = 1)
     var m = new Professional_Experience.Models.AdminViewTrialsViewModel();
     m.Randomised = new PagedList<PX_Model.Trial>(_db.Trials.Where(t => t.HasBeenRandomised == true).OrderBy(t => t.Name), pageRandomised, 7);
     m.NonRandomised = new PagedList<PX_Model.Trial>(_db.Trials.Where(t => t.HasBeenRandomised == false).OrderBy(t => t.Name), pageNonRandomised, 7);
     return View(m);