예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up the polyline and points on the graph
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graph">The Graph</param>
        /// <param name="newPoints">The list of points of the polyline on the graph</param>
        private static void SetUpGraph(PolylineGraph graph, ICollection <Point> newPoints)
            //Adding the Polyline
            Polyline polyline = new Polyline
                Points          = new PointCollection(newPoints),
                Stroke          = graph.PolylineColor,
                StrokeThickness = 1

            Canvas.SetLeft(polyline, graph.AxisThickness - graph.min_x + ((!graph.AttachGraphToAxis) ? graph.GraphContentPadding : 0));
            Canvas.SetTop(polyline, graph.AxisThickness - graph.min_y + +((!graph.AttachGraphToAxis) ? graph.GraphContentPadding : 0));

            //Adding the points with tooltip
            if (graph.ShowPoints)
                foreach (Point p in newPoints)
                    Ellipse e = new Ellipse
                        Width   = graph.PointSize,
                        Height  = graph.PointSize,
                        Fill    = graph.PolylineColor,
                        ToolTip = PointToolTip((p.Y / graph.YScaleFactor).ToString())
                    Canvas.SetLeft(e, graph.AxisThickness + p.X - graph.min_x - graph.PointSize / 2 + ((!graph.AttachGraphToAxis) ? graph.GraphContentPadding : 0));
                    Canvas.SetTop(e, graph.AxisThickness + p.Y - graph.min_y - graph.PointSize / 2 + ((!graph.AttachGraphToAxis) ? graph.GraphContentPadding : 0));
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Redraws the view when the Points collection changes
        /// </summary>
        private static void OnItemsSourceChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            PolylineGraph graph = (PolylineGraph)d;

            if (e.NewValue == null)


            graph.max_x = Double.MinValue;
            graph.max_y = Double.MinValue;
            graph.min_x = Double.MaxValue;
            graph.min_y = Double.MaxValue;

            ICollection <Point> scaledPoints = new Collection <Point>();

            foreach (Point p in (ICollection <Point>)e.NewValue)
                scaledPoints.Add(new Point(p.X * graph.XScaleFactor, p.Y * graph.YScaleFactor));

            foreach (Point p in scaledPoints)
                if (p.X > graph.max_x)
                    graph.max_x = p.X;
                if (p.Y > graph.max_y)
                    graph.max_y = p.Y;
                if (p.X < graph.min_x)
                    graph.min_x = p.X;
                if (p.Y < graph.min_y)
                    graph.min_y = p.Y;
            Double height = (graph.max_y - graph.min_y);
            Double width  = (graph.max_x - graph.min_x);

            graph.Graph.Width  = width + graph.AxisThickness + ((!graph.AttachGraphToAxis) ? graph.GraphContentPadding : 0) + graph.AxisOutlineLenght;
            graph.Graph.Height = height + graph.AxisThickness + ((!graph.AttachGraphToAxis) ? graph.GraphContentPadding : 0) + graph.AxisOutlineLenght;

            SetUpYAxis(graph, scaledPoints);
            SetUpXAxis(graph, scaledPoints);
            SetUpGraph(graph, scaledPoints);
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up the Y axis
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graph">The Graph</param>
        /// <param name="newPoints">The list of points on the graph</param>
        private static void SetUpYAxis(PolylineGraph graph, ICollection <Point> newPoints)
            //Adding the vertical axis line
            Polyline verticalLine = new Polyline();
            double   lineH        = graph.max_y - graph.min_y + graph.AxisThickness + ((!graph.AttachGraphToAxis) ? graph.GraphContentPadding : 0);

            verticalLine.Points.Add(new Point(graph.AxisThickness, graph.AxisThickness / 2));
            verticalLine.Points.Add(new Point(graph.AxisThickness, lineH + graph.AxisOutlineLenght));
            verticalLine.Stroke          = graph.AxisColor;
            verticalLine.StrokeThickness = 0.5;

            //Adding the labels and the unit lines
            if (graph.VerticalSteps > 0)
                //Calculatin the steps height
                Double offset     = 0;
                int    n_division = 0;
                if (graph.VerticalSteps <= 0)
                    graph.VerticalSteps = 1;
                graph.stepHeight = (graph.max_y - graph.min_y);
                while (graph.stepHeight > 10)
                    graph.stepHeight = graph.stepHeight / 10;
                if ((graph.stepHeight - Math.Round(graph.stepHeight)) < 0.5)
                    graph.stepHeight += 0.5;
                graph.stepHeight = Math.Round(graph.stepHeight, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                for (int i = 0; i < n_division; i++)
                    graph.stepHeight = graph.stepHeight * 10;
                graph.stepHeight = graph.stepHeight / (graph.VerticalSteps - 1);

                //Adding the lines
                for (int i = 0; i < graph.VerticalSteps; i++)
                    if (graph.AttachGraphToAxis && offset == 0)
                        offset += graph.stepHeight;
                    Polyline line = new Polyline();
                    line.Points.Add(new Point(graph.AxisThickness / 2, graph.AxisThickness + offset + ((!graph.AttachGraphToAxis) ? graph.GraphContentPadding : 0)));
                    line.Points.Add(new Point(graph.AxisThickness, graph.AxisThickness + offset + ((!graph.AttachGraphToAxis)?graph.GraphContentPadding:0)));
                    line.Stroke          = graph.AxisColor;
                    line.StrokeThickness = 0.5;

                    //Adding the labels
                    if (graph.ShowAxisLabels)
                        TextBlock label = new TextBlock();
                        label.Text       = Math.Round(((offset + graph.min_y) / graph.YScaleFactor)).ToString();
                        label.FontSize   = 8;
                        label.Foreground = graph.LabelsColor;
                        Canvas.SetBottom(label, graph.AxisThickness + offset + ((!graph.AttachGraphToAxis) ? graph.GraphContentPadding : 0) - label.FontSize / 2);
                        Canvas.SetLeft(label, -((label.Text.Length * label.FontSize) / 2));
                    offset += graph.stepHeight;
                    //Avoiding lines over the vertical axis arrow
                    if (graph.AxisThickness + offset + ((!graph.AttachGraphToAxis) ? graph.GraphContentPadding : 0) > lineH)

            //Adding the Y axis name label
            if (graph.ShowAxisLabels)
                Double    YPosition = graph.AxisThickness + (graph.max_y - graph.min_y) + ((!graph.AttachGraphToAxis) ? graph.GraphContentPadding : 0) + graph.AxisOutlineLenght + 5;
                Double    XPosition = -graph.AxisThickness;
                Decorator label     = Label(graph.YAxisName, XPosition, YPosition, graph.LabelsColor, 10);
                label.Width  = 50;
                label.Height = 15;
                graph.Graph.Height += label.Height + 8;
            //Adding the arrow on top of the axis line
            Polyline arrow = VerticalArrow(new Point(graph.AxisThickness, graph.max_y - graph.min_y + graph.AxisThickness + ((!graph.AttachGraphToAxis) ? graph.GraphContentPadding : 0) + graph.AxisOutlineLenght), graph.AxisThickness / 2);

            arrow.Stroke          = graph.AxisColor;
            arrow.StrokeThickness = 1;
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up the X axis
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graph">The Graph</param>
        /// <param name="newPoints">The list of Points on the graph</param>
        private static void SetUpXAxis(PolylineGraph graph, ICollection <Point> newPoints)
            //Adding the horizontal axis line
            Polyline horizontalLine = new Polyline();

            horizontalLine.Points.Add(new Point(graph.AxisThickness / 2, graph.AxisThickness));
            horizontalLine.Points.Add(new Point(graph.max_x + graph.AxisThickness - graph.min_x + ((!graph.AttachGraphToAxis) ? graph.GraphContentPadding : 0) + graph.AxisOutlineLenght, graph.AxisThickness));
            horizontalLine.Stroke          = graph.AxisColor;
            horizontalLine.StrokeThickness = 0.5;

            //Setting the horizontal offset for the axis units and lines
            Double offset = graph.AxisThickness;

            if (graph.AttachGraphToAxis is false)
                offset += graph.GraphContentPadding;

            //Adding the axis unit lines and labels
            foreach (Point p in newPoints)
                if (graph.AttachGraphToAxis && p.X == 0)

                //Adding the lines
                Polyline line = new Polyline();
                line.Points.Add(new Point(offset + p.X - graph.min_x, graph.AxisThickness / 2));
                line.Points.Add(new Point(offset + p.X - graph.min_x, graph.AxisThickness));
                line.Stroke          = graph.AxisColor;
                line.StrokeThickness = 0.5;

                //Adding the labels
                if (graph.ShowAxisLabels)
                    TextBlock label = new TextBlock
                        Text       = ((p.X) / graph.XScaleFactor).ToString(),
                        FontSize   = 8,
                        Foreground = graph.LabelsColor
                    Canvas.SetBottom(label, -label.FontSize);
                    Canvas.SetLeft(label, offset + p.X - graph.min_x - ((label.Text.Length * label.FontSize) / 4));

            //Adding the X axis name label
            if (graph.ShowAxisLabels)
                Double    XPosition = graph.AxisThickness + (graph.max_x - graph.min_x) + ((!graph.AttachGraphToAxis) ? graph.GraphContentPadding : 0) + graph.AxisOutlineLenght + 5;
                Double    YPosition = graph.AxisThickness / 2;
                Decorator label     = Label(graph.XAxisName, XPosition, YPosition, graph.LabelsColor, 10);
                label.Width  = 50;
                label.Height = 15;
                graph.Graph.Width += label.Width + 8;

            //Adding the arrow to the end of the axis line
            Polyline arrow = HorizontalArrow(new Point(graph.max_x - graph.min_x + graph.AxisThickness + ((!graph.AttachGraphToAxis) ? graph.GraphContentPadding : 0) + graph.AxisOutlineLenght, graph.AxisThickness), graph.AxisThickness / 2);

            arrow.Stroke          = graph.AxisColor;
            arrow.StrokeThickness = 1;