private QueryTree ProcessFromClause(string fromClause, QueryTree resultingSQL)
            // form clause 3 alternative (table| sudbquery join subquery | subq union subq)
            string sPattern = @"(\((?<subquery1>(?>\((?<DEPTH>)|\)(?<-DEPTH>)|[^()]+)*(?(DEPTH)(?!)))\) as R1 union \((?<subquery2>(?>\((?<DEPTH>)|\)(?<-DEPTH>)|[^()]+)*(?(DEPTH)(?!)))\) as R2" +
                              @"|\((?<subquery1>(?>\((?<DEPTH>)|\)(?<-DEPTH>)|[^()]+)*(?(DEPTH)(?!)))\) as R1 join \((?<subquery2>(?>\((?<DEPTH>)|\)(?<-DEPTH>)|[^()]+)*(?(DEPTH)(?!)))\) as R2 on (?<joinCondition>.+)" +
            Match match = Regex.Match(fromClause, sPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            if (match.Success)
                var tName         = match.Groups["tableName"].Value;
                var subquery1     = match.Groups["subquery1"].Value;
                var subquery2     = match.Groups["subquery2"].Value;
                var joinCondition = match.Groups["joinCondition"].Value;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tName))
                    resultingSQL.treeNodeType = QueryTree.TreeNodeType.GroundTable;
                    resultingSQL.tableName    = tName;
                else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(joinCondition))
                    resultingSQL.treeNodeType = QueryTree.TreeNodeType.Join;
                    resultingSQL.condition = joinCondition;
                else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(subquery1))
                    resultingSQL.treeNodeType = QueryTree.TreeNodeType.Union;
                    throw new Exception("could not parse from clause, some value is null");
                throw new Exception("query's format does not comply with SELECT QUERY");

        //------------------ Getter/Setter ends -------------------
        public SqlSelectQuery(string sql)
            _sql = sql;
                string sPattern = @"evaluate\s+using";
                Match match = Regex.Match(_sql, sPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                var index = match.Index;
                var newSQL = _sql.Remove(index);

                QueryTree query = ProcessExtensionalQuery(newSQL);
                _queryTree = query;
        //------------------ Getter/Setter ends -------------------

        public SqlSelectQuery(string sql)
            _sql = sql;
            if (_strategy == EvaluationStrategy.Extensional)
                string sPattern = @"evaluate\s+using";
                Match  match    = Regex.Match(_sql, sPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                var    index    = match.Index;
                var    newSQL   = _sql.Remove(index);

                QueryTree query = ProcessExtensionalQuery(newSQL);
                _queryTree = query;
        private QueryTree ProcessFromAndWhere(string fromAndWhere, QueryTree resultingSQL)
            string sPattern = @"where\s*(?<whereClause>.+)\z";
            Match  match    = Regex.Match(fromAndWhere, sPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            if (match.Success)
                // string contain both clause
                String whereClause = match.Groups["whereClause"].Value;
                resultingSQL = ProcessWhereClause(whereClause, resultingSQL);

                var position   = match.Index;
                var fromClause = fromAndWhere.Remove(position);

                if (resultingSQL.treeNodeType == QueryTree.TreeNodeType.Select)
                    var SQLwithoutWhere = string.Format("Select * from {0}", fromClause);
                if (resultingSQL.treeNodeType == QueryTree.TreeNodeType.Difference)
                    //var SQLwithoutWhere = string.Format("Select * from {0}", fromClause);
                    fromClause = fromClause.Trim();
                    var fromClauseWithoutParenthsis = fromClause.TrimStart('(');
                    fromClauseWithoutParenthsis = fromClauseWithoutParenthsis.TrimEnd(')');
                resultingSQL = ProcessFromClause(fromClause, resultingSQL);
                resultingSQL = ProcessFromClause(fromAndWhere, resultingSQL);

        public string GetSql(QueryTree queryTree, out List<string> atts)
            List<QueryTree> subquery;
            string sql;
            List<string> AttsSelectedByQuery;
            switch (queryTree.treeNodeType)
                case QueryTree.TreeNodeType.Select:
                    // If node is select condition, then Select * From H(query.Subquey[0]) Where query.condition
                    subquery = queryTree.subquery;
                    if ( subquery != null && subquery.Count==1)
                        var R1 = subquery[0];
                        List<string> attributes;
                        var fromClause = GetSql(R1, out attributes);
                        var condition = queryTree.condition;
                        sql = string.Format("select * from ({0}) as R where {1}", fromClause, condition);
                        atts = attributes;
                        return sql;
                    throw new Exception("number of subquery mismatch");
                case QueryTree.TreeNodeType.Project:
                    // If node is project A, then Select R.A,IndepProject(R.P) as p from R group by R.A
                    subquery = queryTree.subquery;
                    if (subquery != null && subquery.Count == 1)
                        var R1 = subquery[0];
                            queryTree.tableName = R1.tableName;
                            queryTree.subquery = new List<QueryTree>();
                            return GetSql(queryTree,out atts);
                        List<string> attributes;
                        var fromClause = GetSql(R1, out attributes);
                        AttsSelectedByQuery = _queryTree.attributes;
                        sql = string.Format("Select {0},dbo.IndependentProject(R.P) as p from ({1}) as R group by {0}", string.Join(",", AttsSelectedByQuery), fromClause);
                        atts = AttsSelectedByQuery;
                        return sql;
                    throw new Exception("number of subquery mismatch");
                case QueryTree.TreeNodeType.Join:
                    // If node is project A, then Select R.A,IndepProject(R.P) as p from R group by R.A
                    subquery = queryTree.subquery;
                    if (subquery != null && subquery.Count == 2)
                        List<string> a1;
                        List<string> a2;
                        var R1 = GetSql(subquery[0],out a1);
                        var R2 = GetSql(subquery[1],out a2);
                        var joinCondition=queryTree.condition;

                        var r1 = a1.Select(prefixR1);
                        var r2 = a2.Select(prefixR2);
                        var R1Atts = String.Join(",", r1);
                        var R2Atts = String.Join(",", r2);

                        sql = string.Format("Select {0},{1},(R1.p*R2.p/100) as p "+
                                            "from ({2}) as R1 "+
                                            "join ({3}) as R2 on {4}", R1Atts, R2Atts, R1, R2,joinCondition);
                        atts = (r1.Concat(r2)).ToList();
                        return sql;
                    throw new Exception("number of subquery mismatch");
                case QueryTree.TreeNodeType.Union:
                    subquery = queryTree.subquery;
                    if (subquery != null && subquery.Count == 2)
                        List<string> a1;
                        List<string> a2;
                        var R1 = GetSql(subquery[0], out a1);
                        var R2 = GetSql(subquery[1], out a2);
                        var R1Atts = String.Join(",", a1);
                        var R2Atts = String.Join(",", a2);

                        sql = string.Format("select coalesce(R1.{0}, R2.{3}), " +
                                            "(case when R1.p is null then R2.p " +
                                            "when R2.p is null then R1.p "+
                                            "else 100-(100-R1.p)*(100-R2.p)/100 "+
                                            "end) as p from "+
                                            "({1}) as R1 full outer join "+
                                            "({2}) as R2 on R1.{0} = R2.{0}", R1Atts, R1, R2, R2Atts);
                        atts = a2;
                        return sql;
                    throw new Exception("number of subquery mismatch");
                case QueryTree.TreeNodeType.Difference:
                    subquery = queryTree.subquery;
                    if (subquery != null && subquery.Count == 2)
                        List<string> a1;
                        List<string> a2;
                        var R1 = GetSql(subquery[0], out a1);
                        var R2 = GetSql(subquery[1], out a2);

                        var r1 = a1.Select(prefixR1);
                        var r2 = a2.Select(prefixR2);
                        var R1Atts = String.Join(",", r1);
                        var R2Atts = String.Join(",", r2);

                        sql = string.Format("Select {2},(R1.p*R2.p/100) as p " +
                                            "from ({0}) as R1 " +
                                            "join (Select {4}, 100-R.P as P from ({1}) as R) as R2 on {2}={3}", R1, R2, R1Atts, R2Atts, String.Join(",", a2));
                        atts= a1;
                        return sql;
                    throw new Exception("number of subquery mismatch");

                case QueryTree.TreeNodeType.GroundTable:
                    var tName = queryTree.tableName;
                    var stateTable = tName + "_PossibleStates";
                    var allAttsFromTable = PreparePossibleStatesTable(tName);
                    AttsSelectedByQuery = queryTree.attributes;
                    if ( AttsSelectedByQuery==null || (AttsSelectedByQuery.Count==1 && AttsSelectedByQuery[0]=="*"))
                        AttsSelectedByQuery = allAttsFromTable;
                    var attBeforeRenaming = AttsSelectedByQuery.Select(beforeRenaming).ToList();
                    var attAfterRenaming = AttsSelectedByQuery.Select(afterRenaming).ToList();
                    sql = string.Format("select var,{1},Sum(p) as p from {0} Group By var,{2}", stateTable, string.Join(",", AttsSelectedByQuery), string.Join(",", attBeforeRenaming));
                    var finalSql = string.Format("select {1},dbo.IndependentProject(p) as p from ({0}) as R Group By {1}", sql, string.Join(",", attAfterRenaming));
                    atts = attAfterRenaming;
                    return finalSql;

                    throw new Exception("tree node type is invalid");
            return "";
 public ExtensionalTreeWalker(QueryTree queryTree, IStandardDatabase underlineDatabase)
     this.underlineDatabase = underlineDatabase;
     _queryTree = queryTree;
        private QueryTree ProcessWhereClause(string whereClause, QueryTree resultingSQL)
            // where clause could be (condition | not exists subquery1)
            string sPattern = @"\A(not exists\s+(?<subquery>.*)|(?<condition>.*))";
            Match match = Regex.Match(whereClause, sPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            if (match.Success)
                var subquery = match.Groups["subquery"].Value;
                var condition = match.Groups["condition"].Value;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subquery))
                    resultingSQL.treeNodeType = QueryTree.TreeNodeType.Difference;
                    subquery = subquery.Trim();
                    var subWithoutParenthesis1 = subquery.TrimStart('(');
                    var subWithoutParenthesis2 = subWithoutParenthesis1.TrimEnd(')');
                    resultingSQL.treeNodeType = QueryTree.TreeNodeType.Select;
                    resultingSQL.condition = condition;
                throw new Exception("query's format does not comply with SELECT QUERY");

            return resultingSQL;
        private QueryTree ProcessFromClause(string fromClause, QueryTree resultingSQL)
            // form clause 3 alternative (table| sudbquery join subquery | subq union subq)
            string sPattern = @"(\((?<subquery1>(?>\((?<DEPTH>)|\)(?<-DEPTH>)|[^()]+)*(?(DEPTH)(?!)))\) as R1 union \((?<subquery2>(?>\((?<DEPTH>)|\)(?<-DEPTH>)|[^()]+)*(?(DEPTH)(?!)))\) as R2" +
            @"|\((?<subquery1>(?>\((?<DEPTH>)|\)(?<-DEPTH>)|[^()]+)*(?(DEPTH)(?!)))\) as R1 join \((?<subquery2>(?>\((?<DEPTH>)|\)(?<-DEPTH>)|[^()]+)*(?(DEPTH)(?!)))\) as R2 on (?<joinCondition>.+)"+
            Match match = Regex.Match(fromClause, sPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            if (match.Success)
                var tName = match.Groups["tableName"].Value;
                var subquery1 = match.Groups["subquery1"].Value;
                var subquery2 = match.Groups["subquery2"].Value;
                var joinCondition = match.Groups["joinCondition"].Value;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tName))
                    resultingSQL.tableName = tName;

                }else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(joinCondition))
                    resultingSQL.condition = joinCondition;
                else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(subquery1))
                    throw new Exception("could not parse from clause, some value is null");
                throw new Exception("query's format does not comply with SELECT QUERY");

            return resultingSQL;
        private QueryTree ProcessFromAndWhere(string fromAndWhere, QueryTree resultingSQL)
            string sPattern = @"where\s*(?<whereClause>.+)\z";
            Match match = Regex.Match(fromAndWhere, sPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            if (match.Success)
                // string contain both clause
                String whereClause = match.Groups["whereClause"].Value;
                resultingSQL = ProcessWhereClause(whereClause, resultingSQL);

                var position = match.Index;
                var fromClause = fromAndWhere.Remove(position);

                if (resultingSQL.treeNodeType == QueryTree.TreeNodeType.Select)
                    var SQLwithoutWhere = string.Format("Select * from {0}", fromClause);
                    return resultingSQL;
                if (resultingSQL.treeNodeType==QueryTree.TreeNodeType.Difference)
                    //var SQLwithoutWhere = string.Format("Select * from {0}", fromClause);
                    fromClause = fromClause.Trim();
                    var fromClauseWithoutParenthsis = fromClause.TrimStart('(');
                    fromClauseWithoutParenthsis = fromClauseWithoutParenthsis.TrimEnd(')');
                    return resultingSQL;
                resultingSQL = ProcessFromClause(fromClause, resultingSQL);
                resultingSQL = ProcessFromClause(fromAndWhere, resultingSQL);

            return resultingSQL;
        private QueryTree ProcessExtensionalQuery(string sql)
            QueryTree resultingSQL = new QueryTree();

            string sPattern = @"\A\s*select\s+(?<attributes>.+?)\s+from\s+(?<fromAndWhere>.+)";
            Match match = Regex.Match(sql, sPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            if (match.Success)
                var csv = match.Groups["attributes"].Value;
                String fromAndWhere = match.Groups["fromAndWhere"].Value;
                if (csv != "*")
                    resultingSQL.attributes = csv.Split(',').ToList();
                    resultingSQL.treeNodeType = QueryTree.TreeNodeType.Project;
                    var SQLwithoutAtt = string.Format("Select * from {0}", fromAndWhere);
                    return resultingSQL;
                resultingSQL = ProcessFromAndWhere(fromAndWhere,resultingSQL);

                throw new Exception("query's format does not comply with SELECT QUERY");
            return resultingSQL;