public static void showGameRequestDialog(FacebookGameRequestContent content) { if (Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.Android) { return; } FacebookAndroid._facebookPlugin.Call("showGameRequestDialog", new object[] { Json.encode(content) }); }
void OnGUI() { beginColumn(); if( GUILayout.Button( "Initialize Facebook" ) ) { FacebookAndroid.init(); } if( GUILayout.Button( "Set Login Behavior to SUPPRESS_SSO" ) ) { FacebookAndroid.setSessionLoginBehavior( FacebookSessionLoginBehavior.SUPPRESS_SSO ); } if( GUILayout.Button( "Login/Reauth with Read Perms" ) ) { FacebookAndroid.loginWithReadPermissions( new string[] { "email", "user_birthday", "user_friends" } ); } if( GUILayout.Button( "Login/Reauth with Publish Perms" ) ) { FacebookAndroid.loginWithPublishPermissions( new string[] { "publish_actions" } ); } if( GUILayout.Button( "Logout" ) ) { FacebookAndroid.logout(); } if( GUILayout.Button( "Is Session Valid?" ) ) { var isSessionValid = FacebookAndroid.isSessionValid(); Debug.Log( "Is session valid?: " + isSessionValid ); } if( GUILayout.Button( "Get Session Token" ) ) { var token = FacebookAndroid.getAccessToken(); Debug.Log( "session token: " + token ); } if( GUILayout.Button( "Get Granted Permissions" ) ) { var permissions = FacebookAndroid.getSessionPermissions(); Debug.Log( "granted permissions: " + permissions.Count ); Prime31.Utils.logObject( permissions ); } endColumn( true ); if( GUILayout.Button( "Post Image" ) ) { var pathToImage = Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + screenshotFilename; var bytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes( pathToImage ); Facebook.instance.postImage( bytes, "im an image posted from Android", completionHandler ); } if( GUILayout.Button( "Graph Request (me)" ) ) { Facebook.instance.graphRequest( "me", completionHandler ); } if( GUILayout.Button( "Post Message" ) ) { Facebook.instance.postMessage( "im posting this from Unity: " + Time.deltaTime, completionHandler ); } if( GUILayout.Button( "Post Message & Extras" ) ) { Facebook.instance.postMessageWithLinkAndLinkToImage( "link post from Unity: " + Time.deltaTime, "", "prime[31]", "", "Prime31 Logo", completionHandler ); } if( GUILayout.Button( "Show Share Dialog" ) ) { var parameters = new Dictionary<string,object> { { "contentURL", "" }, { "title", "title goes here" }, { "imageURL", "" }, { "description", "description of what this share dialog is all about" } }; FacebookAndroid.showFacebookShareDialog( parameters ); } if( GUILayout.Button( "Show App Invite Dialog" ) ) { FacebookAndroid.showAppInviteDialog( "//applinks?" ); } if( GUILayout.Button( "Show Game Request Dialog" ) ) { // prepare our content var content = new FacebookGameRequestContent(); content.title = "The Dialog Title"; content.message = "Play my neat game"; // optional recipients. Make sure they are valid Facebook users unlike Don Johnson! //content.recipients.Add( "Don Johnson" ); FacebookAndroid.showGameRequestDialog( content ); } if( GUILayout.Button( "Get Friends" ) ) { Facebook.instance.getFriends( completionHandler ); } if( GUILayout.Button( "Log App Event" ) ) { var parameters = new Dictionary<string,object> { { "someKey", 55 }, { "anotherKey", "string value" } }; FacebookAndroid.logEvent( "fb_mobile_add_to_cart", parameters ); } endColumn(); if( bottomLeftButton( "Twitter Scene" ) ) { Application.LoadLevel( "TwitterTestScene" ); } }
// Shows the Facebook game request dialog. Note that Facebook has lots of rules about the combination of data sent so be sure to // read up on it: // Results in the gameDialogSucceeded/FailedEvent firing. public static void showGameRequestDialog( FacebookGameRequestContent content ) { FB.showGameRequestDialog( content ); }
// Shows the Facebook game request dialog. Note that Facebook has lots of rules about the combination of data sent so be sure to // read up on it: // Results in the gameDialogSucceeded/FailedEvent firing. public static void showGameRequestDialog( FacebookGameRequestContent content ) { if( Application.platform != RuntimePlatform.Android ) return; _facebookPlugin.Call( "showGameRequestDialog", Json.encode( content ) ); }
private void secondColumnButtonsGUI() { if( _canUserUseFacebookComposer ) { if( GUILayout.Button( "Show Facebook Composer" ) ) { // ensure the image exists before attempting to add it! var pathToImage = Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + FacebookGUIManager.screenshotFilename; if( !System.IO.File.Exists( pathToImage ) ) pathToImage = null; FacebookBinding.showFacebookComposer( "I'm posting this from Unity with a fancy image: " + Time.deltaTime, pathToImage, "" ); } } if( GUILayout.Button( "Show Share Dialog" ) ) { var parameters = new Dictionary<string,object> { { "contentURL", "" }, { "title", "title goes here" }, { "imageURL", "" }, { "description", "description of what this share dialog is all about" } }; FacebookBinding.showFacebookShareDialog( parameters ); } if( GUILayout.Button( "Show App Invite Dialog" ) ) { FacebookBinding.showAppInviteDialog( "fb208082439215773://prime31/test" ); } if( GUILayout.Button( "Show Game Request Dialog" ) ) { // prepare our content var content = new FacebookGameRequestContent(); content.title = "The Dialog Title"; content.message = "Play my neat game"; // optional recipients. Make sure they are valid Facebook users unlike Don Johnson! //content.recipients.Add( "Don Johnson" ); FacebookBinding.showGameRequestDialog( content ); } if( GUILayout.Button( "Get App Friends" ) ) { Facebook.instance.getFriends( completionHandler ); } if( GUILayout.Button( "Graph Request (me)" ) ) { Facebook.instance.getMe( ( error, result ) => { // if we have an error we dont proceed any further if( error != null ) return; if( result == null ) return; // grab the userId and persist it for later use _userId =; Debug.Log( "me Graph Request finished: " ); Debug.Log( result ); }); } if( _userId != null ) { if( GUILayout.Button( "Show Profile Image" ) ) { Facebook.instance.fetchProfileImageForUserId( _userId, ( tex ) => { cube.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material.mainTexture = tex; }); } } else { GUILayout.Label( "Call the me Graph request to show user specific buttons" ); } }
// Shows the Facebook game request dialog. Note that Facebook has lots of rules about the combination of data sent so be sure to // read up on it: // Results in the gameDialogSucceeded/FailedEvent firing. public static void showGameRequestDialog( FacebookGameRequestContent content ) { if( Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer ) _facebookShowGameRequestDialog( Json.encode( content ) ); }