//whoid= fk for primary lead/contact
 //whocount= multiple contacts if enabled
 //whatID=fk associated with account/oppur/camp/cases/ or custom obj
 //whatcount= for mult activities if enabled
 //type = use to check for 'meeting'
 //subject = subject line of meeting...also use for check?
 //startdatetime = what it seems, unless activitydate/datetime is present
 //activitydatetime = may also be needed
 //activitydate = exists if isalldayevent is set to true
 //location = location of event
 //enddatetime / durationinminutes= one or the other used to calc end
 //description = event description
 //accountid= id of related account
     public static IEnumerable<EventIndexViewModel> GetEventIndexViewModel(IEnumerable<Event> events)
         List<EventIndexViewModel> eventIndexViewModels = new List<EventIndexViewModel>();
         foreach (Event e in events)
             if (e.Subject.ToLower().Contains("meeting"))
                 EventIndexViewModel eivm = new EventIndexViewModel();
                 eivm.Id = e.Id;
                 eivm.Location = e.Location;
                 eivm.WhoId = e.WhoId;
                 eivm.OwnerId = e.OwnerId;
                 eivm.Description = e.Description;
                 eivm.Subject = e.Subject;
                 MapDatesEventIndexViewModel(eivm, e);
         return eventIndexViewModels;
 private static void MapDatesEventIndexViewModel(EventIndexViewModel eivm, Event e)
     if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.StartDateTime.ToString()))
         if (e.IsAllDayEvent)
             eivm.StartDateTime = e.ActivityDate;
             eivm.StartDateTime = e.ActivityDateTime;
         eivm.StartDateTime = e.StartDateTime;
     //may need to be made more comprehensive, durationInMinutes
     eivm.EndDateTime = e.EndDateTime;
     eivm.CreatedDate = e.CreatedDate;
 public EventSelectListViewModel(EventIndexViewModel eivm)
     Id = eivm.Id;
     StartDateTime = eivm.StartDateTime;
예제 #4
 public EventSelectListViewModel(EventIndexViewModel eivm)
     Id            = eivm.Id;
     StartDateTime = eivm.StartDateTime;