private void NewImageBrush(bool editExisting) { FileBrowserControl control = new FileBrowserControl(); PosDialogWindow window = new PosDialogWindow(control, "Image Brush File Browser", 650, 440); PosDialogWindow.ShowPosDialogWindow(this, window); if (control.SelectedDirectoryEntry != null) { BitmapImage image = null; try { image = new BitmapImage( new Uri(control.SelectedDirectoryEntry.Fullpath, UriKind.Absolute)); } catch (Exception) { PosDialogWindow.ShowDialog(Window.GetWindow(this), "That is not a valid image file", "Error"); } if (image != null) { UserControl.SelectedBrush = new ImageBrush(image); } } }
public static double?PromptCurrency(string fieldName, double?defaultValue) { NumberEntryControl control = new NumberEntryControl(); PosDialogWindow window = new PosDialogWindow(control, fieldName); control.SetDefaultEnterEventHandler(); control.DisplayAsCurrency = true; control.FloatValue = defaultValue; window.IsClosable = true; window.Width = 210; window.Height = 340; window.ShowDialogForActiveWindow(); double?value = null; if (!window.ClosedByUser) { try { value = Convert.ToDouble(StripCurrencySymbols(control.Text)); } catch { } } return(value); }
void WebBrowserHostControl_Initialized(object sender, EventArgs e) { PosDialogWindow window = (PosDialogWindow)Window.GetWindow(this); window.LocationChanged += new EventHandler(window_LocationChanged); window.Closing += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(window_Closing); }
private void InitializeForGoogleMaps() { PosDialogWindow parent = (PosDialogWindow)Window.GetWindow(this); //webBrowser.Source = new Uri("", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); webBrowser.Navigate(new Uri("file:///D:/")); }
void form_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e) { PosDialogWindow window = (PosDialogWindow)Window.GetWindow(this); RemoveAllHandler(); window.Close(); }
private void NewVisualBrush(bool p) { FileBrowserControl control = new FileBrowserControl(); PosDialogWindow window = new PosDialogWindow(control, "Video Brush File Browser", 650, 440); PosDialogWindow.ShowPosDialogWindow(this, window); if (control.SelectedDirectoryEntry != null) { MediaElement media = null; try { media = new MediaElement(); media.Source = new Uri(control.SelectedDirectoryEntry.Fullpath, UriKind.Absolute); //if (!media.HasVideo) // throw new Exception("Not a video"); } catch (Exception) { media = null; PosDialogWindow.ShowDialog(Window.GetWindow(this), "That is not a valid video file", "Error"); } if (media != null) { UserControl.SelectedBrush = new VisualBrush(media); } } }
private void PromptInteger() { Window parentWindow = Window.GetWindow(this); if (parentWindow is IShadeable) { ((IShadeable)parentWindow).ShowShadingOverlay = true; } int?currentValue = null; try { currentValue = Convert.ToInt32(Text); } catch { } int?newValue = PosDialogWindow.PromptNumber(KeyboardTitleText, currentValue); if ((newValue != null) && newValue.HasValue) { Text = "" + newValue; } if (parentWindow is IShadeable) { ((IShadeable)parentWindow).ShowShadingOverlay = false; } }
private void PromptForDate() { Window window = Window.GetWindow(this); if (window is PosDialogWindow) { PosDialogWindow dialogWindow = (PosDialogWindow)window; dialogWindow.ShowShadingOverlay = true; DateTime?date = PosDialogWindow.PromptForDay("Enter Date", CurrentDateTime); if (date.HasValue) { Year = date.Value.Year; Month = date.Value.Month; Day = date.Value.Day; } dialogWindow.ShowShadingOverlay = false; } else { DateTime?date = PosDialogWindow.PromptForDay("Enter Date", CurrentDateTime); if (date.HasValue) { Year = date.Value.Year; Month = date.Value.Month; Day = date.Value.Day; } } }
public static int?PromptNumber(string fieldName, int?defaultValue) { NumberEntryControl control = new NumberEntryControl(); PosDialogWindow window = new PosDialogWindow(control, fieldName); if (defaultValue.HasValue) { control.Text = "" + defaultValue.Value; } else { control.Text = ""; } control.SetDefaultEnterEventHandler(); window.IsClosable = true; window.Width = 210; window.Height = 340; window.ShowDialogForActiveWindow(); int?value = null; if (!window.ClosedByUser) { try { value = Convert.ToInt32(control.Text); } catch { } } return(value); }
public static bool?ShowPosDialogWindow(PosDialogWindow window) { DependencyObject control = Application.Current.Windows.Cast <Window>().SingleOrDefault(x => x.IsActive) ?? Application.Current.MainWindow; return(control == null ? null : ShowPosDialogWindow(control, window)); }
private void RemoveAllHandler() { PosDialogWindow window = (PosDialogWindow)Window.GetWindow(this); //form.FormClosing -= form_FormClosing; form.FormClosed -= form_FormClosed; window.Closing -= window_Closing; this.Initialized -= WebBrowserHostControl_Initialized; this.SizeChanged -= WebBrowserHostControl_SizeChanged; this.IsVisibleChanged -= WebBrowserHostControl_IsVisibleChanged; }
private void buttonResetDefault_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ThisContextMenu.IsOpen = false; if (PosDialogWindow.ShowDialog( "Are you sure you want to reset this brush to its default?", "Confirm Reset", DialogButtons.YesNo) == DialogButton.Yes) { UserControl.SelectedBrush = ConfigurationObjectManager.CreateBrush(UserControl.SelectedBrushName, true); } }
public Point GetControlPoint(Grid control) { PosDialogWindow window = (PosDialogWindow)Window.GetWindow(this); if (window != null) { Point pt = GetPhysicalTopLeftPoint(window); GeneralTransform transform = control.TransformToAncestor(window); Point offset = transform.Transform(new Point(0, 0)); return(new Point(pt.X + offset.X, pt.Y + offset.Y)); } return(new Point()); }
private void buttonSelectRange_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (StartDate > EndDate) { PosDialogWindow.ShowDialog( "Your start date is later than your end date", "Invalid Range", DialogButtons.Ok); } else { Window.GetWindow(this).Close(); } }
private void buttonSave_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // Verify that gradient stops are not empty if (listBoxGradientStopCollection.Items.Count < 2) { PosDialogWindow.ShowDialog( "You must enter at least two gradient stops.", "Error"); return; } // Close Window Window.GetWindow(this).Close(); }
public static DateTime?PromptForDay(string fieldName, DateTime?day = null) { DateEntryControl control = new DateEntryControl(); PosDialogWindow window = new PosDialogWindow(control, fieldName); control.SelectedDay = day.HasValue ? day.Value : DateTime.Now; window.IsClosable = false; window.Width = 410; window.Height = 430; window.ShowDialogForActiveWindow(); return(control.SelectedDay); }
public static DialogButton ShowDialog(Window owner, string text, string title, DialogButtons buttons, bool shadeParent) { var window = new PosDialogWindow(owner, shadeParent); var control = (DialogBoxControl)window.DockedControl; control.InitilizeButtonChoices(buttons); double width, height; MeasureText(control.textBox1, text, out width, out height); control.textBox1.Text = text; window.IsClosable = false; window.Width = width; window.Height = height; window.labelTitle.Content = title; if (owner.Topmost) { window.Topmost = true; owner.Topmost = false; } var shadeable = owner as IShadeable; if (shadeable != null) { shadeable.ShowShadingOverlay = true; } window.ShowDialog(); if (shadeable != null) { ((IShadeable)owner).ShowShadingOverlay = false; } if (window.Topmost) { owner.Topmost = true; } if (control.IsOK) { return(DialogButton.Ok); } if (control.IsYes) { return(DialogButton.Yes); } if (buttons == DialogButtons.OkCancel) { return(DialogButton.Cancel); } return(DialogButton.No); }
private void buttonAdd_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { GradientStopEditorControl control = new GradientStopEditorControl(); PosDialogWindow window = new PosDialogWindow(control, "Gradient Stop Editor", 450, 500); if ((PosDialogWindow.ShowPosDialogWindow(this, window) != null) && (control.GradientStop != null)) { gradientStopCollection.Add(control.GradientStop); listBoxGradientStopCollection.Items.Add( new FormattedListBoxItem(control.GradientStop, true)); SetPreviewSwatch(); buttonSave.IsEnabled = true; } }
private void NewGradientBrush(bool editExisting) { GradientBrushEditorControl control = new GradientBrushEditorControl(); PosDialogWindow window = new PosDialogWindow(control, "Gradient Brush Editor", 780, 465); if (editExisting) { control.SelectedBrush = UserControl.SelectedBrush as GradientBrush; } if (PosDialogWindow.ShowPosDialogWindow(this, window) != null) { UserControl.SelectedBrush = control.SelectedBrush; } }
private void NewSolidColorBrush(bool editExisting) { SolidColorBrushEditorControl control = new SolidColorBrushEditorControl(); PosDialogWindow window = new PosDialogWindow(control, "Solid Color Brush Editor", 500, 260); if (editExisting) { control.SelectedBrush = UserControl.SelectedBrush as SolidColorBrush; } if (PosDialogWindow.ShowPosDialogWindow(this, window) != null) { UserControl.SelectedBrush = control.SelectedBrush; } }
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { DateTimeComboControl editor = new DateTimeComboControl(); PosDialogWindow window = new PosDialogWindow(editor, "Modify Date and Time"); editor.SelectedDateTime = SelectedDateTime; ParentWindow.ShowShadingOverlay = true; window.Width = 560; window.Height = 475; window.ShowDialog((Window)ParentWindow); ParentWindow.ShowShadingOverlay = false; if (!window.ClosedByUser) { SelectedDateTime = editor.SelectedDateTime; } }
public static bool PromptDateRange(string fieldName, ref DateTime startDate, ref DateTime endDate) { StartDateEndDateControl control = new StartDateEndDateControl(); PosDialogWindow window = new PosDialogWindow(control, fieldName, 670, 500) { IsClosable = true }; window.ShowDialogForActiveWindow(); if (window.ClosedByUser) { return(false); } startDate = control.StartDate; endDate = control.EndDate; return(true); }
private void PromptPercentage() { double?currentValue = null; try { currentValue = Convert.ToDouble(Text.Replace("%", "")); } catch { } double?prompt = PosDialogWindow.PromptPercentage(this, KeyboardTitleText, (double?)null); if (prompt != null && prompt.HasValue) { Text = "" + (prompt.Value * 100).ToString("F1") + "%"; } }
private TimeSpan?PromptForTime() { TimeSpan?time = null; Window window = Window.GetWindow(this); if (window is IShadeable) { IShadeable dialogWindow = (IShadeable)window; dialogWindow.ShowShadingOverlay = true; time = PosDialogWindow.PromptForTime("Enter Time", CurrentDateTime.TimeOfDay); dialogWindow.ShowShadingOverlay = false; } else { time = PosDialogWindow.PromptForTime("Enter Time", CurrentDateTime.TimeOfDay); } return(time); }
private void PromptCurrency() { Window parentWindow = Window.GetWindow(this); if (parentWindow is IShadeable) { ((IShadeable)parentWindow).ShowShadingOverlay = true; } double?prompt = PosDialogWindow.PromptCurrency(KeyboardTitleText, (double?)null); if ((prompt != null) && prompt.HasValue) { Text = prompt.Value.ToString("C2"); } if (parentWindow is IShadeable) { ((IShadeable)parentWindow).ShowShadingOverlay = false; } }
private void PromptKeyboard(bool isPassword) { Window parentWindow = Window.GetWindow(this); if (parentWindow is IShadeable) { ((IShadeable)parentWindow).ShowShadingOverlay = true; } string prompt = PosDialogWindow.PromptKeyboard(KeyboardTitleText, Text, isPassword, KeyboardShiftMode); if (prompt != null) { Text = prompt; } if (parentWindow is IShadeable) { ((IShadeable)parentWindow).ShowShadingOverlay = false; } }
private void SetWindowLocation() { PosDialogWindow window = (PosDialogWindow)Window.GetWindow(this); if ((window != null) && !form.IsDisposed) { try { Point topLeftPoint = GetControlPoint(gridControl); form.Location = new System.Drawing.Point((int)topLeftPoint.X, (int)topLeftPoint.Y); webBrowser.Width = form.Width = (int)gridControl.ActualWidth; webBrowser.Height = form.Height = (int)gridControl.ActualHeight; } catch { } } }
/// <summary> /// ToDo: Unfinished /// </summary> #warning This ShowDialog method is unfinished public static int ShowDialog(Window owner, string text, string title, string[] buttonChoices) { PosDialogWindow window = new PosDialogWindow(owner); DialogBoxControl control = (DialogBoxControl)window.DockedControl; double width, height; MeasureText(control.textBox1, text, out width, out height); control.textBox1.Text = text; window.IsClosable = false; window.Width = width; window.Height = height; window.labelTitle.Content = title; window.ShowDialog(); // Return the selected button index, not -1 return(-1); }
/* * public static PhoneNumber PromptPhoneNumber(string fieldName, PhoneNumber phoneNumber) * { * // Todo: PromptPhoneNumber * throw new NotImplementedException(); * } */ public static TimeSpan?PromptForTime(string fieldName, TimeSpan?timeOfDay) { TimeEntryControl control = new TimeEntryControl(); PosDialogWindow window = new PosDialogWindow(control, fieldName); if (timeOfDay.HasValue) { control.TimeOfDay = timeOfDay.Value; } //control.UseMilitaryFormat = true; window.IsClosable = false; window.Width = 250; window.Height = 390; window.ShowDialogForActiveWindow(); if (!control.IsOK) { return(null); } return(control.TimeOfDay); }
public static bool?ShowPosDialogWindow(DependencyObject control, PosDialogWindow window) { Window parentWindow = (control is Window ? (Window)control : GetWindow(control)); var shadeable = parentWindow as IShadeable; if (shadeable != null) { shadeable.ShowShadingOverlay = true; } bool?result = window.ShowDialog(parentWindow); if (shadeable != null) { shadeable.ShowShadingOverlay = false; } return(window.ClosedByUser ? null : result); }