public static void DisplayChainWidget(GridScript grid, int chainCount, long score, Color color, Vector3 position) { if (Instance == null) { return; } var prefab = Instance.chainPrefab; if (prefab == null) { Log.Error("Missing Chain widget prefab"); return; } var go = Instantiate(prefab.gameObject, grid.ui.transform, true); go.transform.position = position + RandomEx.GetVector3(-0.5f, 0.5f, -0.25f, 0.25f, 0, 0); go.transform.localScale =; var comboWidget = go.AddOrGetComponent <ComboTextWidget>(); comboWidget.SetMultiplier(chainCount, color); ObjectiveWidget targetWidget = null; var widgets = GetWidgets(grid.player.index); widgets = widgets.Where(w => w != null).ToArray(); // Chains foreach (var w in widgets) { if (w.Objective != null && (w.Objective.GetObjectiveType() == ObjectiveStatType.HighestChain || w.Objective.GetObjectiveType() == ObjectiveStatType.TotalChains)) { AnimateObjectiveUpdate(grid, w, position); targetWidget = w; } } AnimateComboScoreWidget(comboWidget, targetWidget, chainCount); }
private static void AnimateObjectiveUpdate(GridScript grid, ObjectiveWidget obj, Vector3 loc) { if (obj.IsCompleted) { return; } var image = CreateObjectiveIcon(grid, obj, loc); image.transform.localScale =; var seq = DOTween.Sequence(); // Move slightly up seq.Append(image.transform.DOMove( new Vector3(image.transform.position.x + Random.Range(-1f, 1f), image.transform.position.y + Random.Range(-1f, 1f)), 0.35f) .SetEase(Ease.OutQuart)); seq.Join(image.transform.DOScale(, 0.25f).SetEase(Ease.OutBack)); seq.AppendInterval(0.25f); // Create a random path to the icon var destination = obj.Icon.transform.position; List <Vector3> path = new List <Vector3>(); int count = Random.Range(1, 3); for (int i = 1; i < count; i++) { var point = Vector3.Lerp(loc, destination, i / (float)count); point += RandomEx.GetVector3(-0.15f, 0.15f, -0.15f, 0.15f, 0, 0); path.Add(point); } path.Add(destination); seq.Append(image.transform.DOPath(path.ToArray(), 0.85f, PathType.CatmullRom).SetEase(Ease.InCubic)); seq.AppendCallback(obj.Highlight); seq.Append(image.transform.DOScale(, 0.15f)); seq.AppendCallback(() => { Destroy(image.gameObject); }); }
private static IEnumerator AnimateSendSingle(GridScript gridScript, GameObject s) { const float DURATION = 1.35f; float t = 0f; Vector3 start = gridScript.transform.position + new Vector3(gridScript.settings.width, gridScript.settings.height, 0) + RandomEx.GetVector3(0f, 4f, 0f, 4f, 0, 0); Vector3 end = start + new Vector3(-12, -13, 0); while (t < DURATION) { t += Time.deltaTime; float p = Interpolators.EaseOutCurve.Evaluate(t / DURATION); s.transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(start, end, p); yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); } Destroy(s); }
public static void DisplayComboWidget(GridScript grid, int combo, int blocksCount, long score, BlockDefinition def, Vector2 loc, Vector2[] positions) { if (Instance == null) { return; } var go = Instantiate(Instance.scorePrefab.gameObject, grid.ui.transform, true); go.transform.position = loc + RandomEx.GetVector2(-0.5f, 0.5f, -0.25f, 0.25f); go.transform.localScale =; var comboWidget = go.AddOrGetComponent <ComboTextWidget>(); comboWidget.SetScore(score, def.color); ObjectiveWidget targetWidget = null; var widgets = GetWidgets(grid.player.index); widgets = widgets.Where(w => w != null).ToArray(); // Combo foreach (var w in widgets) { if (w.Objective != null && w.Objective.GetObjectiveType() == ObjectiveStatType.TotalCombos) { AnimateObjectiveUpdate(grid, w, loc); } } // Score foreach (var w in widgets) { if (w.Objective != null && w.Objective.GetObjectiveType() == ObjectiveStatType.Score) { targetWidget = w; } } // 4 combo if (blocksCount == 4) { foreach (var w in widgets) { if (w.Objective != null && w.Objective.GetObjectiveType() == ObjectiveStatType.Total4Combos) { AnimateObjectiveUpdate(grid, w, loc); } } } // 5 combo else if (blocksCount == 5) { foreach (var w in widgets) { if (w.Objective != null && w.Objective.GetObjectiveType() == ObjectiveStatType.Total5Combos) { AnimateObjectiveUpdate(grid, w, loc); } } } // L combos else if (blocksCount > 5) { foreach (var w in widgets) { if (w.Objective != null && w.Objective.GetObjectiveType() == ObjectiveStatType.TotalLCombos) { AnimateObjectiveUpdate(grid, w, loc); } } } if (comboWidget != null) { AnimateComboScoreWidget(comboWidget, targetWidget, combo); } }